Nangong covered her mouth with her right hand, looking as if she couldn't speak.

"Who was the one who said just now that he didn't feel this way?"

Shen Yu complained in dissatisfaction.

"What others say and what I say are two different things. What others say is [-]% false and [-]% true. What I say is [-]% true. It feels strange."

Nangong felt that he didn't have so many scruples about talking to his friends, but if it was about talking to Shen Yu...

Doesn't it mean that all fathers want to maintain a glorious image in front of their children?That's it.

"I don't care, I don't care, I don't care."

Somehow, Fukaha learned to act like a spoiled child with a strange tone.

"I know I know..."

Nangong has a headache, but since the other party wants to hear it, let's talk about it. Although it is not something worth talking about, most of the time it is fighting with something somewhere.

For example, what kind of monsters are in mythology, what kind of monsters are in seals, what kind of new monsters... huh?Why are they all monsters?

'Did I hit too many monsters? '

Perhaps it was because she was so relaxed that Nangong began to feel a strange feeling.

'How many monsters have I fought? '

Before he could think any further, he heard footsteps behind him.

"Didn't I tell you not to help her?"

Xi Li said helplessly, an assigned task is an assigned task, and it will be more efficient to solve it by one person.

"Since you have already started, let's finish it by the way."

Nangong grabbed a handful of weeds without even using any tools. His favoritism was so obvious that Xi Li showed a helpless expression.

At this time, Shen Yu raised her eyebrows at Xi Li in protest.



What does that look mean?What do you mean by that action?

Xi Li felt the urge to fight with Shen Yu for a long time.

"Get to work quickly, the sun is going to go down if this continues."

Although he didn't know what happened, Nangong could clearly feel the change in the atmosphere, so he hurriedly broke the silence.

"Don't forget to wash your hands afterwards."

Xi Li shook her head and walked back into the living room.


Shen Yu smiled in satisfaction, she turned her head again, and found that Nan Gong was staring at Xi Li's back.

"...the eyes are going to pop out."

One sentence brought Nangong back to his senses, he looked at Shen Yu again, and said this sentence:

"I've always said that before."

Exhort exhortation and exhort exhortation, and now it is directly reversed?

"You're actually struggling with this..."

Shen Yu didn't know how to evaluate it, but she was sure of one thing, that is, if they were here like this, the three of them seemed to be of the same age group.

The clouds in the sky were flowing, blocking the direct sunlight.

The wind blowing made the wind chimes sway again.

Different people inside and outside the house are busy with different things. Even family members don't do everything together, but everyone knows where and what each other does.

The world is still running as before. One more person makes no difference to the world, but it is different to people. Everything will return to normal.

final chapter love

It was night, and the night wind was blowing the window, and the little sound made the girl who had not slept very well frown.

There was a terrifying feeling of falling, and the strong feeling made the heart beat faster, so I woke up instantly.


Keep your eyes open, the human eye is adaptable, so I saw the ceiling and the dark electric lights.

where is thisSince he was lying peacefully in his pajamas, it was naturally his own home.

Why is it so uncomfortable to sleep?

Rather, how could it be possible to sleep so uncomfortably, hasn't he already returned?How can I still sleep like this...

No, wait, is he really back?

It is true that they had dinner together, watched TV together, and even played Mario together, but who can be sure that it was not a dream just now?


The quilt was thrown off at once, and the girl put on her slippers and walked to the door step by step, grabbed the handle and twisted it open.


The sound was louder than expected, and at a glance, the door to the front right had just been closed.

Only half a second later, the door was opened again, and Xi Li was standing at the door, looking to this side.

In front of Shen Yu's eyes was Xi Li who turned her head to look at the living room, and then Xi Li pointed there with her finger, and then closed the door again.

After a short stay for a second, Shen Yu left her room and walked towards the living room as Xi Li pointed out.

On the couch in the living room, the man in pajamas who looked like he was only in the 'youth' age group was lying on the sofa motionless.

He was indeed still here, and just fell asleep here.

'Is she restless too? '

Shen Yu thought this way in his heart, people have concerns about lost and regained things, and are afraid of losing them again.

It was this uneasiness that disturbed sleep, and that's why he suddenly ran out like this to confirm its existence.

Get closer, and then squat down. It's not very easy to see the other person's face in the dark, but this is enough, just know that he is here.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, and after a few seconds, there was the sound of the door closing again.

Two seconds later, the man who was lying in the living room with his eyes closed just now suddenly opened his eyes.

Nangong turned over and lay flat on the sofa, staring at the ceiling above.

Of course he knew everything about the two of them suddenly coming out to see him before. Could it be that everything was just a dream?

'I have to change, I must change. '

This kind of thing happened before, Xi Li was only 14 years old at that time, and at that time he was already constantly fighting outside due to the proliferation of alien beasts.

That day he sent a message and told Xili not to wait for him, but to sleep first.

In the end, things didn't go as he thought. When he got home late at night, it was 3:21 in the evening. After tidying up for a while, he lay down and suddenly heard the door open. That's when he realized that Xi Li hadn't slept at all.

The girl quietly went to his side to make sure that he was back before she ran back to her room and fell asleep peacefully.

'Leave those around you behind for the right thing'

Such an evaluation is too spicy and too correct, so...

'Just let me be selfish for myself for once. '

No matter what it is, I want to live here forever.

Nangong made up his mind, he picked up the badly worn silver harmonica that Xi Li gave back to him.

'I'm such a selfish person. '

Maybe he is selfless in the eyes of others, but he thinks he is a very selfish person.

To put it bluntly, he always takes it for granted that the people around him will wait for him, so he does his own thing without fear.

He's just an idiot who doesn't understand that it hurts those around him.

Until the end, everyone around him was accommodating him.

I still remember her, Kyoko said a word:

"You don't need to come to worship after I pass away, because I, my sister and I don't plan to buy a tombstone. When a person dies, he dies. The dead can't respond to your thoughts, so you are worse than entangled in the past. Think about the future."

People are always like this, only later will they think 'how good it would have been if I had done that at that time'

There will always be countless regrets in life, so I want to start over again.

The heartbeat faintly felt in his consciousness is an invitation to another path. If one day he really regrets it to the point of being unable to add more, and one day he really wants to reunite with the dead in the past no matter what, then he has another choice.

"Is it all up to me?"

Why did Lucifer only choose one person?

Because one person can act easily, it becomes easy to remove the seal without anyone being on guard.

Nangong closed his eyes, he put the harmonica on his chest, and no one opened the door this time, he slept until the sun shone into the living room, and slept until someone touched his arm and shook him awake.

"what happened?"

When I open and close my eyes, it suddenly dawns. I always feel that I am really tired recently.

Could it be that the fatigue from all the previous experiences exploded at this moment?

"Didn't you say you're going to report to your friends from the past today? It's already nine o'clock, and it's too late for breakfast."

After Xi Li said this, she found that the other party's brown eyes were staring at her.




Xi Li spoke uncomfortably. She didn't know why Nangong kept staring at her like this. In fact, the reason was very simple:

"I used to be the one who said similar things."

Nangong remembered, didn't this happen before?

Urging Xi Li, who was sleeping late, to get up, and then there was a ready breakfast over there.

'Ah, it's really done. '

It is obvious that there are bowls and chopsticks on the table.

"It's better to get up quickly than to worry about this kind of thing."

After Xi Li said this, she tugged Nangong's wrist, and Nangong also stood up, and he walked to the toilet and began to wash.

After finishing, he was naturally ready to go out. During this process, his eyes were fixed on Xi Li.

Finally, he was almost kicked out of the house directly.


What, what a sense of déjà vu, busy in the kitchen, helping him prepare, only to drive him out.

Ah, speaking of cars...

'Sure enough, it's gone. '

When the retirement age is reached, the next step is to walk on foot.

Thinking of this, Nangong walked out of the house directly.

The bird flies freely, draws an arc and then turns to another direction.

Nangong returned the same way again, he knocked on the door again, and then saw Shen Yu who came out to open the door.

"Did you forget to bring something?"

The other party tilted his head and asked.

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