"I... don't know how to go."

It's embarrassing to say, I don't know what's going on in the urban area right now, and I don't even know how to get home if the uncle patrolman wasn't there yesterday.

"......wait for me."

Shen Yu ran back after saying this, and about 5 minutes later, she trotted out neatly dressed.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Xili had sent a message before, saying that the captain had returned.

To put it bluntly, there was a very, very unreal feeling, and such a light sentence said something that people could not ignore.

when?How did you come back?How is he?Everything like that can be discussed later.

Now the most important thing is...


This is the sound of garbage bags falling into the garbage can. Qihai took a few steps back and let out a sigh of relief. She barely cleaned the house.

People change, especially when they are alone.

Things don't need to be neatly arranged, as long as they can be found.

The ground doesn't need to be cleaned up, as long as you can walk on it.

There is no need to clean up everywhere, just look comfortable.

Finally put it all together, oh shit, you live in this kind of dump?

The moment Qihai realized this, Qihai began to use his strength. Although it was true that he only had one hand, it would not be a problem to sort it out after five years. It all depended on whether he wanted to do it or not.

"Hope they can--"

He stopped talking halfway, because he heard Fukaha's voice:

"here is......"

She was talking about the surrounding situation.

"Is that so..."

He heard a voice that was actually not that familiar, because the voice that Qihai heard most was the voice of 'Kazuma Kazama' rather than 'Nangong Lan'.

"And then there's..."

The two people who walked out from the corner were talking, but the content of the conversation was a bit...

Did something happen to the captain?

Qihai stared at the two people over there, one was pointing and leading the way, and the other nodded in understanding.

'The captain has dementia? '

Qihai had such an idea in an instant, she never thought that the first thing she saw was the scene where someone was being drawn all the way.

No, you, huh?

Why does that capable man who is a little stupid now and then seem to be nothing but stupid?

"Ah, Nanami."


Qihai heard the voice of greeting, she raised her head, and the man smiled at him.

'No, it feels even more stupid when combined with the impression just now. '

It's just a smirk, this man.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Free time."

"Isn't it just because you are free that you can come out like this?"

In the park, one of the two people sat on a bench in a big shape, and the other spilled bird food to feed the pigeons.

"Indeed, when I'm free, I start to think about what to do in the future. The problem of alien beasts should be completely solved. Then we should celebrate our youth... No, let's celebrate our lives."

Aikawa remembered that he was no longer at the age of 'youth', and now he should sing about his life in the second half of his twenties.

"How exactly?"

After feeding the pigeons, Ju stood up. In fact, he didn't really take what the other person said seriously. This person would say a few violent words from time to time, and he would forget it after he finished speaking.

"Look, the captain is back, and we will be the retired Three Musketeers to have fun, have fun, and have fun!"

Aikawa, who put up two thumbs up, said with a smile, while Tachibana immediately began to sigh:

"Well, you're talking about a man with two daughters."

Considering the character of the other party, it is good to just listen to these words now, anyway, it is definitely useless.

"It's not my own daughter!"

Aikawa retorted disapprovingly.

"Besides, there is no law that stipulates that single-parent families cannot be reorganized!"

His words are true.

"The law in the heart of the child stipulates that single-parent families cannot be reorganized."

Ju is very serious about his psychology. Single-parent families, especially those like Nangong, where one person raises their children, are almost impossible to reorganize.

"Because the child does not allow it, it is a strong xenophobic psychology. I don't want another stranger in the private field of the family, just like the sense of animal territory. What's more, there is still a hidden desire for exclusivity in the child's heart."

After hearing this, Aikawa sat up straight and stroked his chin, looking Tachibana up and down.

"You are so clear."

"Because I was born in a single-parent family."

Tachibana stated this fact without hesitation.

"It's the first time I've heard of this."

"Because I'm only talking about it now for the first time."

There was a subtle embarrassment in the conversation between the two, and it was at this moment that Tachibana saw the two people coming from a distance.



When Aikawa turned his head, it was people he was familiar with, but there seemed to be a small problem here, that is:

"I'm starting to believe what you're saying."

"what do you mean?"

"There is a hidden desire for exclusiveness in the child's heart."

You see, the captain over there is really tired of being with his family that he hasn't seen for a long time. Please, do you want your daughter to come to this kind of friend gathering?

"It's not easy to tell dirty jokes."

No matter how you say it, you have to respect yourself as an elder.

"You shouldn't have said that at all."

Tangerine complained.

At the same time, Nangong, who was still looking around and lamenting that everything had changed, suddenly frowned.

"I always feel like someone is talking about me behind my back."

Had this weird intuition.

"It must be Xili who found out that I left cleaning the toilet and came out with you."

Fukaba said something incredible without any burden in his heart.

"Wait, what?"

Nangong realized that he seemed to be basically on a thief ship, and he should have been looking for Xi Li instead of Shen Yu.

"How can the toilet be more important than you?"

"I feel like I've lost since I was compared to toilets."

Shen Yu's words seemed to be very affectionate, but Nangong didn't feel happy at all, and the comparison object was too...


Hearing the call, the big man over there waved his hand.

'He doesn't seem to have changed at all in the past five years. '

Nangong smiled, it was really a happy thing to see friends from the past one after another like this.

Even with the lessons learned from Lucifer, he doesn't intend to cut off the connection with people.

Nangong kept smiling, and would gain again after losing it, even if the result was doomed, he would never let it go easily.

Because I want to pursue the relationship between people, more precisely, I want to love and be loved.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

The air is fresh, the sleep is safe, and at the end of the day, what are you going to do when you walk on the street like this?

The man who has been busy with some things is now standing in the middle of the crowd, he glanced around, because it is a working day, so there are not many people here.


Someone stomped their feet and waved their hands like this, looking very unhappy.

As for why, it is because the chessboard in front of everyone still has chess pieces on it.

Nangong's understanding of chess is only limited to the extent of his understanding, so in fact he doesn't really understand what the "hey" is saying a total of 7 times from just now to now.

Unlike him, most of the people around here are middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 55, probably because they are retired and have nothing to do. The chess game in the park seems to be their daily entertainment.

Along with the falling of the chess piece, Nangong saw an old man whose hair was half gray on the opposite side and sighed.

The chess game is still going on, and he is still watching here.

The morning sun hanging high in the sky is slowly rising. Although it has not yet reached the top, a lot of time has passed.

The chess players changed slowly three times, and everyone was going to find something to eat after the last move.

So at this time, Nangong walked in the park and finally came to the lake. He put his hands behind his back and stared at this piece of lake which was very clean due to artificial maintenance.

The sun shines on the lake, making it flooded, and from time to time you can see faint shadows of fish, and you can see splashes from their wagging tails.


Watching, just watching here, watching all the time.

Today's time is September 9th, which is the time when summer is coming to an end and autumn is coming, and what does this time point represent?

This point in time means that the students have not had a holiday yet, which means they need to spend time in school.

That's right, students, 15 years old have been 5 years old in the past 20 years, and they have only changed from a freshman in high school to a sophomore. There are many things to learn in college, and there are many things to do.

It just happened to be a weekend holiday before, and once the time is up, Xi Li and Shen Yu will go back to the university to study.

So here is a very important question, that is... Nangong found that he had nothing to do.

Of course, he didn't say it was 'boring'. He had nothing to do at home in the morning, so he just sat on the sofa and thought for 5 minutes, and then walked back and forth at home for 5 minutes.

So clean, so clean, how come the girls from the past who always said 'I don't think it's dirty' keep the house in order.

Namgong, who casually walked to the park with the thought of "my job seems to be taken away", is now standing in front of the lake without moving.

'Study is indeed a very important thing. It's really good for the two of them to be admitted to the Seongnam University. Anyway, there will be a lot of time in the future after they come back, right? '

Nangong comforted herself like this in her heart.

Of course, his social circle will not be so small. The problem is that other people also have things to do.

For example, Qihai, she is currently doing translation work, not only some independent games, but also some interesting books. Naturally, it is not her turn to famous books, but there is no problem with children's fairy tale picture books.

For example, Tachibana and Aikawa, the two of them seem to be busy with retirement matters recently. Now that the alien beasts have completely disappeared from this world, then the night raid team can actually disappear from this world as well.

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