The long battle is coming to an end, so the soldiers can naturally rest.

'Five years have passed, why does it seem that the person who has the most idle time and the most leisure time has become me instead? '

Nangong changed from holding his hands behind his back to clasping his shoulders. He stared at the lake, thinking about everything. A young man, at least he looked young, looked at the lake like this.

'Of course it's a good thing that everyone has something to do, and it doesn't mean I feel lonely. '

That's right, it's better to say that it's a good thing to be idle here like this.


Nangong put his hands down, he raised his head and stared at the clear sky.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The student union is a team leader composed of students who focuses on building the campus. It generally coordinates students and focuses on communication between students and the school.

Members need to have good coordination and communication skills, as well as corresponding patience. This campus job can exercise themselves, and finally become a writeable experience on the future resume.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Xi Li. She didn't have much interest in this kind of thing. It doesn't matter what the student union does. Anyway, she is just one of the people who pretends to participate in the crowd.

With finger movements, the ordinary water-based pen dances and changes between the slender fingers.

"It's been hard work, Haruhe."

The good friend Dongyang next to him lay on the table and sighed, leaflets were being distributed in this classroom, and the person doing this was Chun He.

Compared with those of them who have no ambitions, Chunhe has been preparing for his future since a long time ago, which is due to family reasons.

After getting along for so many years, we always know something about each other.

Dongyang's family can be considered well-off. Although his father is very verbose, he is also an important person in the company. It is naturally because of this that his mother can be a full-time housewife at home. She can almost be said to grow up without worrying about food and clothing.

Although Xi Li and Shen Yu had a heavy past, didn't that uncle come back anyway?

Chunhe is a single-parent family, and her mother is very busy, so Chunhe will work hard. After entering college, she becomes even busier, which reduces the time everyone spends together, but Dongyang doesn't care much about it.

Not knowing what to do, she could only watch silently.

"Speaking of which..."

Dongyang turned his head, first looked at Xi Li with a smirk expression, then suddenly changed to a uncomfortable expression, and finally buried his face in his arms with exhaustion.

"What did you say......"

Xi Li, who watched the expression changes all the way, felt a little speechless. What kind of psychological struggle did her friend go through just now to have so many expressions?

"No, I thought about it and finally decided not to ask those questions that you must be upset about."

What Dongyang actually wanted to ask was 'how will uncle be when he comes back' and 'it seems that you are not related by blood' and 'it is said that family members who have been separated for many years will have a strange attraction when they meet again' and so on.

This kind of thing should not be talked about in reality, just look at the work and laugh, and you can't confuse reality with the work.

"So I decided to ask a separate question, which is..."

Dongyang paused, and then asked:

"What should you call uncle now?"

This question is indeed a good one. Xi Li has been thinking about it but has not decided yet. Anyway, it is impossible to call her 'father'.

No matter what, I can't call someone who looks like my age 'Dad'.

It would only be troublesome for such an extremely weird thing to happen to me.

"Ah, speaking of which, uncle is now considered to be a super single, right?"


"Just kidding, don't look at me like that."

In the end, Dongyang, who still couldn't hold back his arrogance, smiled and revealed the matter, please, although he is not his own, how can he have any thoughts about his friend's father.

Besides, it is impossible to have an idea, the age gap is so big, don't even think about it.

After laughing, Dongyang looked away. Chunhe, who was handing out leaflets in the classroom just now, was gone, and she didn't know where she was going to be busy.

Now Harukawa was walking quickly in the aisle, passing other students.

'Although I thought it would be like this, I really didn't expect it to be so busy. '

When she first entered school, she felt that the 'student union' must be very powerful like everyone who was influenced by literary works.

However, this is actually not the case. As a well-known and excellent school, Seongnam University naturally attaches great importance to its reputation, so it is impossible to have a "student union monopoly".

No power, no interests, running up and down, busy to death, the combination of these elements has led to the perennial lack of students in the student union.

What's more, it is now a new century and a new era, which has led to the fact that most of the children of Chunhe's generation have "family background".

That is to say, most people have their parents backing them up, so they don't have too much self-motivation at all. You said that if there are any benefits to the student union, it's just for future resumes?

Whoever gets on is an idiot, okay?


Of course Chunhe thought about how great it would be if he was born into a good family, but thinking about it would not change the reality, so it would be more practical to work hard in reality.

Go down the stairs, go down the stairs, walk around the school, and see a guy.

September is not the time for new students to enroll. No matter how long it takes Lu Chi for a few months, it is enough for students to remember how to get to the places they often go to.

That young man standing in front of the school map over there... a man?

Chunhe felt a little weird, the full-frame glasses the other party was wearing looked very rustic, and the leather shoes looked kind of formal...

'Is it the inspectors outside the school or something? '

Thinking of this, Chunhe hurried up, she had to do something as a member of the student union.

"Are you lost?"

This question made the other party turn his head, and a strange feeling rose in Chunhe's heart.

'Wait, this looks like I'm...'

Wearing very formal clothes, the old-fashioned full-frame glasses that almost no one would wear. I always feel that I have seen this kind of match before, and where is it?

"Spring River?"

As far as Nangong is concerned, it is impossible for him to forget his daughter's friend. Compared with the past, there is only one change in this girl, that is, there is no requirement for school uniforms in college.

Hearing her name, Chunhe was puzzled, she was sure she didn't know the man whose upper half of his face was almost covered by glasses.

"Huh? Could it be that you——"

The upper half of his face is completely covered, he is dressed in an old-fashioned way, and there is an old-fashioned watch on his wrist that is not even a digital watch.

This is completely a dress in the direction of 'old-fashioned'——

"It's me. I'm called Nangong Lan now. I haven't seen you for a long time. Because of some special reasons, my face is different."

"I know what I know."

Chunhe nodded immediately. In fact, Xi Li had said almost everything. When people are in an unstable situation, it is easiest to say all the things that make her stressful. That's the thing.

Although it sounds very surreal, isn't monsters, which only existed in movies before, also surreal?This is already a surreal world.


Even this kind of thing has been said.

"Thank you."

Nangong thanked Chunhe, he was very grateful that the girl in front of him was willing to stay by Xili's side.

"No, no, I just want to say thank you."

She disappeared without even being able to properly thank the other party for the incident with the alien beast five years ago.

"By the way, did you come to school to see them?"

Chunhe didn't mind showing the way. Speaking of this, she suddenly discovered one thing, that is, how did the other party get in?

"It's not, it's not, it's not, I'm just, well, sort of."

A series of contradictory words came out of Nangong's mouth. He didn't know what he was doing here. Anyway, thinking about it, his body started to move, and even passed through the wall by itself, which is incredible.

Sure enough, at this time, it is better to admit it honestly.

"I'm just a little worried, but this matter must be kept secret from Xi Li and the others."

No need to imagine, Nangong can be sure that if Xili knows that he ran over, she will be very unhappy. Children hate their parents pointing and pointing, that's all.

As for Shen Yu's words, although he didn't quite understand what the other party would think, it must not be a good thing, and he had this intuition.

"There's always a weird feeling coming out of your mouth like that."

Haruhe has to admit that appearance is very important, if it is said by an elderly person, there will be a sense of joy, but the person in front of him who looks like he is in his early twenties is really...

Suddenly, a series of cell phone ringtones rang.

"Feel sorry."

After Chunhe apologized, he took out his mobile phone, and the president's anxious urging voice came from there, it was indeed very busy there.

After hanging up the phone, Chun He immediately apologized a second time:

"I'm sorry, I have some urgent things to do now. Ah, Xili, if you wait a minute, she should be in classroom 1-C of teaching building 5 here. Shen Yu should still sleep in the dormitory. After all, she has no class today."

After saying this, Haruhe lowered his head slightly, showing his courtesy to his elders, then turned his head and left.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Nangong realized that the other party was more impetuous than five years ago.

"If only she wasn't pushing herself..."

If stretched too tightly, it will break easily.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

Some students walk around the campus during class time. After all, the university will assign different courses according to different majors, and then there are electives that are decided by themselves.

So now Nangong is walking and looking around, looking at the state of the university.

'It turns out that the university is like this. '

In fact, he never went to college, and the most important thing for an orphan with no father, no mother and no family is to find a job and work hard to survive.

He doesn't think too much about his parents, even if he once had it, he doesn't have it now.

What matters to Nangong is not how his parents were, but how he should be a good father.

'Although I think generally speaking fathers don't go to their daughter's school like this. '

Nangong has such a self-awareness that he is doing strange things.

But ah, don't you think you want to know?

I didn't understand in a short period of time. After being separated from my daughter for five years, wouldn't you want to know what your daughter looks like now?Must really want it!

Thinking of this, Nangong pushed his glasses and continued walking towards the teaching building.

'And then again...'

What you see on campus is not only people who are chatting and walking together, but also people who are staring at their phones with their heads down.

'Is this some kind of necessary way? '

After the technology of mobile phones has developed to a certain level, it has captured people's hearts, so many people's eyes have become as if they grow on mobile phones, and they stare at them even when walking.

Of course, that’s fine. Those who ride or drive on the road are still staring at their mobile phones, which is too irresponsible for their lives.

'In short, I just can't understand it. '

Nangong approached the stairs of the teaching building while thinking, at this moment, he heard a sentence:

"What a coincidence that I can meet you here."

Turning around, Fukaha was standing there with a 'I got you' expression, she seemed to be very interested in it.


As feared, a situation is achieved that one knows one does not know.

"No, there are reasons for that."

Nangong waved his hand to defend himself.

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