"Oh? What's the reason?"

Shen Yu half-covered her mouth in surprise, no matter how she looked at it, it was a deliberate move.

"I was worried that the food in the cafeteria was not good, so I came here to apply for a chef."

"That's really surprising, do you have a certificate of existence for this?"


How could I have that kind of thing.

'Speaking of which, I don't seem to have even faked my identity. '

Nangong suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, there are still many things he hasn't done when he comes back this time, such as identity issues, mobile phone issues, and bank issues.

He who mastered these things in the past is now just a black household, or the kind of black household with no money on him.

"Hey, I guess you came here because you were lonely?"

Shen Yu smiled and said, she was teasing like this, but unexpectedly, the man in front of him shook his head helplessly and nodded.

"That's true. In fact, I used to listen to the birds in the park in the morning, watch people play chess in the park in the morning, and watch the lake and fish in the park around noon."


What should be said at this time is better, in fact, Shen Yu never thought that Nangong would admit it so straightforwardly, why would you admit it?

Aren't people generally in denial out of shyness?Then at that time, you can chase down the person who denies and watch the interesting reaction of the other party.

So how did you admit it?

So you feel lonely because I'm not around?


Shen Yu's expression, which was still at ease before, became a little weird, and she immediately changed the subject:

"Why are you all these aged hobbies?"

All that was left was a wobble on the recliner.

"From the common sense of the earth, I am indeed an elderly person."

Nangong admitted this matter, and more importantly, he couldn't find what he should do for a while, and if he couldn't find what he should do, he had to find something to do, and he could do anything.

Unexpectedly, relaxing is more difficult than imagined.

"What stupid things are you talking about? If there is nothing to do, I will find something for you to do."

Shen Yu reached out and grabbed Nangong's wrist, pulling him towards the opposite direction of the teaching building.

"Let me ask first, how did you get here?"

"Uh... teleported?"

Nangong thought for a while and could only describe it this way, it was really convenient for him to integrate into the city's network system and then move quickly from there and jump out from the school's camera with a swish.

"Although I can't understand it, it must be something I can't do."

Shen Yu shook her head, she didn't really care about this.

"Anyway, I don't have class today, let's go on a date."


Nangong felt that this description was a bit wrong, and he didn't seem to come here for this matter.

"Five years have passed without knowing it, and I always feel that everything is like a dream."

One sentence interrupted his thoughts, Nangong couldn't see Shen Yu's expression.

When he thought about the things not long ago and the things now, he really had such a feeling, as if everything was a dream.

But this is reality, the reality he chose.

It's not about destroying everything and taking back the past, it's about restoring everything and moving into the future.

"Slowly you will get used to it, and after you get used to it, you won't think it's a dream anymore."

Nangong, who was led away before, walked quickly to Shen Yu's side, and he had the experience of feeling that the things in front of him were very dreamy due to the huge impact.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

Nangong showed a smile, and Shen Yu nodded and smiled back. At this time, she turned her head and glanced at the teaching building where the class was taking place.

Get out of school, mingle with the crowd, and just... go and go and go and go.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes.

"The whole planet is translucent, it is a strange crystal, the energy source buried deep in the ground emits light, making the whole planet into day, and the light comes from the ground, so the whole planet has neither day nor night .”

What Nangong was talking about was his experience in other universes. It was the first time he had seen a world like the Kingdom of Light, and it was the first time he understood what technology could do.

"Because the entire planet has been transformed, and because of the heat of the plasma spark tower, there is no change in the weather in the Kingdom of Light. As you know, the sun's gravity constitutes the revolution system of the solar system, which is a star system .”

This is where it gets interesting.

"The Kingdom of Light has replaced the extinguished stars and become the gravitational source that maintains the M78 galaxy. You can even regard the Kingdom of Light as a star in the star system. It is precisely because of its existence that the life of the entire galaxy is maintained. ...Say something about Fukaba."

Pausing at this point, Nangong noticed something.

"Where are we going?"

He has been walking like this for 18 minutes, and he himself doesn't feel much, but Fukaba's physical strength must be considered.

"I do not know either."

Fukaha replied very naturally.

"I don't like shopping, and I haven't dated anyone."

So in fact, there are no interesting places in Tokyo.

"It's a shame you pulled me out like this..."

Helpless, really helpless.

"Then do you want me to take you to some karaoke or bar or dance hall?"

Fukaha looked over with curious eyes.

"do not wish."

Nangong immediately denied that he was actually a rather old-fashioned person in this respect, not to say that those places are bad, but the danger cannot be denied.

"That's right, isn't it good to walk like this?"

Shen Yu is not interested in wine, and Shen Yu is not interested in physical exercise, so he will not go to the above places, and it is most comfortable to stay still.

"It's okay to take a walk..."

Nangong reluctantly nodded and looked at her once with Shen Yu's strange eyes.

The two continued to move forward, and after another 12 minutes, after exactly 30 minutes of the journey, Fukaha chose to give up.

"I'm so tired. I can't walk anymore. Is there a place to rest? Why don't you carry me on your back."

"That's why I just said that."

Nangong felt a little helpless about this.

"Although I don't ask you to be an athlete, at least you must have the physical strength to walk around at will."

"Can you stop speaking in the tone of an elder?"

Shen Yu complained unhappily, she chose to casually enter the air-conditioned McDonald's next to her, and Nangong naturally had no choice but to follow.

It's very simple inside, just order and wait, but at this moment, Shen Yu discovered something, that is, Nangong looked at her again with sharp eyes just now.


It wasn't that she was scared or disgusted, but Shen Yu still shuddered, she felt that the other party's eyes were a bit wrong.

"No, let's forget about it for now."

Nangong spread his hands, and he got up to pick up the meal when he was called.

About 2 minutes later, Shen Yu realized that Nangong was looking at her with very sharp eyes again, looking at her who had just taken a sip of cold drink.

Fukaha put down the ice-cold Coke and raised her eyebrows in a forceful gesture.

Facing the silent oppression, Nangong pushed forward with both hands, and said:

"Even I know that some things cannot be said casually, so let me bury this matter in my heart for the time being."

"Didn't you make people pay more attention to what you said?"

"I see, I won't say any more for now."

"For now..."

The next moment, Nangong withdrew the sharp eyes that were about to be revealed. What he cared about now was a very important thing.

First of all, Fukaba's physical strength is not good.

Secondly, this is McDonald's, the fried chicken is delicious, and the Coke is also delicious.

In the end, Fukaha is a human being, a human being with a physical body.

She doesn't like to exercise and her physical strength is poor. On this basis, she eats high-calorie food and drinks high-calorie drinks in this McDonald's, and she will definitely not go to exercise when she goes back.

People's physical functions will decline with age. Maybe there is no problem now, but if this continues...

Nangong seemed to have a picture of the future in his eyes. When he lowered his head, he raised his hands slightly, as if he was about to cover his face.

'No, no, it's still early to say these things, there's no need to be so pessimistic. '

There is also a chance for correction.

'What is this man doing? '

Fukaha was very puzzled, and at the same time picked up the French fries with his right hand wearing a disposable glove, dipped them in ketchup and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Hey! Are you the reincarnation of a starved ghost!"

What unfolded in front of Shen Yu was Nangong who was eating very, very fast, so fast that no one could do anything here, what's the matter with you?Engage in this kind of bullying as soon as you come back?

"Sorry, I haven't had a good meal in more than ten years."

This is true in various senses. Hearing what Nangong said, Shen Yu's expression softened. She blinked and called the waiter again.

'That was not what I meant. '

Looking at the tabletop which had become full again, Nangong really wanted to punch it down.

As a person who loves to worry, he is now worrying about an important issue that threatens human health-obesity.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The sunset glow and the stars are mixed together, making Ye Feiye's scenery extremely special.

What did you do when you went out today?

Actually nothing is done.

What did you talk about today?

Actually didn't talk about anything.

They are all doing some irrelevant and meaningless things, but they are in a good mood.

At this time, Shen Yu took out the mobile phone that he hadn't picked up much, and found a lot of unread messages.

"Going out today must be very fun. Although it is true that I have a lot of classes to attend today, I still have a lot of things to work on compared to you who are so free, but you should let me know anyway. , I couldn't find you in the dormitory, which made me a little anxious."


"Although it may be just my misreading, but I seem to see someone walking out of the school with you, although it may be just my misreading, but I seem to see that man wearing familiar clothes, although it may be just my misreading, but could it be Nangong, right?"


"Is there any important thing he needs to do when he comes to the school to find you? Of course, I don't really care about it."


"Speaking of which, you have sent so many messages, are you busy if you don't reply a word? I think replying to other people's messages should be an important part of etiquette. Only polite people can gain a better foothold in society."


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