A new message was sent, and Fukaha opened it.

"you're back."


Shen Yu raised her head, a hand was exposed by the window of the dormitory, holding a mobile phone, and the curtain completely covered the rest of the other party's figure.

'Super scary. '

she thought.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

The cartoon in the hand has a cute style, after all, this is something for children.

When it comes to things like 'translation', most people's first reaction is mostly the impression of 'diplomat', but this is not the case.

Translation penetrates into all aspects of life, not only various classics from all over the world, but also the simplest ones, such as refrigerators and air conditioners from foreign manufacturers, where there are also language barriers.

Of course, these are a bit too far-fetched.

Now Nangong put down the cute fable cartoon in front of him first, and he quietly aimed at the girl who was staring at the phone over there.

Objectively speaking, the keyboard is more convenient than the mobile phone, but that is in the case of both hands.

For Qihai, it is more convenient to use the five fingers of one hand to input text or the virtual screen of the mobile phone.

'It's really different from a vagrant like me. '

This is Nangong's truest feeling now. In fact, he has been here an hour ago. Although Qihai said 'it's okay' when he talked on the phone before, it doesn't seem to be the case now.

Speaking of mobile phones, people without mobile phones are equivalent to primitive people, so Nangong also has a new mobile phone, but unfortunately the number of contacts in it is pitifully less than before.

He completely put down the picture book he had finished reading, and there were more copies piled up on the table besides the one he had just read.

These are examples, and they are all books that Qihai has translated. After leaving the night raid team, she also has her own life and has things to work hard on.

After seeing this, Nangong felt relieved and at the same time felt a little guilty.

At the beginning, he obviously wanted to accompany the other party through the difficult time, but it turned out that the separation lasted five years. He didn't have the ability to reverse the time of five years.

There's one more thing besides that, and that's...

'Why is it so clean here? '

Nangong, who was always thinking about doing something, found that not only he couldn't take care of these things at home, but now there was nothing he could do at Qihai's house, everything was well organized.

Isn't it said that people who live alone are sloppy?

To be more precise, he learned from a certain swordsman that people who live alone are sloppy.

'It seems that everyone is different, but it is still a bit messy. '

For example, the books on the desktop are actually piled together in an ordinary way, and for example, there are newspapers and leaflets on the small coffee table over there.

Scanning like this, Nangong reached out and picked up one of the newspapers. It was a good choice for him to learn about the current world newspapers.

'Let me see......'

So-and-so sea territorial dispute settlement.

The autonomous region of a certain country returned to peace.

A certain country enters into an agreement with a certain country.

The current world situation is a bit similar to Nangong's past universe. The reason why TPC can be established is because the earth has discovered the existence of alien civilizations and has indeed been attacked by alien civilizations.

What will happen next?

Although it is always said that the great enemies must unite at present, the "unbreakable alliances" in history have basically broken down in the end, and it should not develop into that.

In other words, now that we know that the earth has life, and that there are all kinds of large creatures hidden in the ground, do the people on earth still attack each other?

Of course, the truth is the truth. Anyone can say the truth, but how many people can practice it?

No one knows what the world will look like in the future, but at least it's a good start.

And there is...

"The artificial organ technology has been successful, and 12 cases of stubborn diseases have been cured so far. The cloning technology is developing in a newer direction."

Nangong read the news in a low voice, there was no problem with his memory, he naturally remembered the girl from five years ago.

The girl named Mina was the first batch of artificial organ transplants. The operation was very successful. I don't know how she is now.

You should be living happily with your family——

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell, and Qi Hai, who was concentrating on translating, also blinked and recovered from her concentration.


She spoke out at this moment because she forgot a very important thing.

Qihai got up quickly, and she quickly walked past Nangong to leave the living room. After the door opened, Nangong heard a voice he had never heard before:

"Huh? Are there any guests at home, Miss Qihai?"

"Actually, it can't be regarded as a guest... Anyway, come in first."

Qihai in front of the door greeted the girl with shoulder-length hair that was almost the same as hers. She forgot what happened today, and of course this kind of thing can't be said casually.

Within a few seconds, Nangong on the sofa stood up, and what he saw in his eyes was a familiar girl.

Different from the thin and thin look in the past, she is now close to 170 tall, and it is completely impossible to tell from her appearance that she was once bedridden.

'Is this child Mina? '

Because he was still thinking about this before, Nangong immediately compared the girl in front of him with the girl in his memory.

The growth of age leads to certain differences in appearance, but many places can still match.


Mina lowered her head slightly, her polite appearance actually made Nangong blink.

The girl who pretended to be lively in the past always had a cheerful look, but now this girl who is a little reserved when facing strangers is really...

How should I put it, people do change.

"My name is Nangong Lan, hello."

Introducing himself in his current capacity, Nangong showed a very gentle smile.

"My name is Mina Yukino, hello."

Mina also introduced herself, so that the two of them knew each other.

However, no matter how you look at it, it seems that you are going to be a bit cold, Nangong immediately glanced at Qihai, only to see that the other party showed an embarrassed expression.

Qihai did make an appointment to meet Mina today, but in fact Nangong was the one who came later.

It’s not accurate to say that it’s forgotten, it’s a very typical kind of person talking to me when I’m doing something, no matter what the other party says, I’ll just say ‘OK, OK, OK’

The result has become what it is today.

How do we get to know each other again?

"Xue Ye, in fact, Qi Hai and I talked about you, saying that you are a very strong child."



As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere at the scene became even more silent.

'Ok?Am I saying the wrong thing? '

Although Nangong didn't know what he did, he was sure what he did.

The reason is actually very simple, that sentence sounds really, very old.

This kind of relative's sentence pattern of saying "I heard your elders said about you" is too strange to match that appearance.

'Could it be a cousin or something? '

Mina was a little puzzled by this, she had never heard of this before, so it couldn't be a lover or something.

"It's almost lunch time, I'll cook, you guys talk first."

In short, escape from this embarrassing situation first and then make a long-term plan. Thinking so, Nangong walked to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, and there were actually not many things in it. Most of them were refrigerated foods that could be eaten immediately.

This is also a matter of course, cooking is a troublesome thing after all, it is too harsh for one hand.

'The mutilation of the body. '

Nangong remembered what he had just read in the newspaper. After the successful transplantation of cloned organs, it seemed that the earth was about to continue to develop.

Maybe one day even hands and feet can be cloned.

Some people are born disabled, some people are disabled, so they may be able to become healthy again in the future.

People know their fragility so they want to overcome it, but what if it wasn't that frail from the very beginning?


Nangong's sight became a little far-reaching, and the movements of his hands stopped. Knowing that something is common doesn't mean that there will be no disturbances about it. This is proof that the relationship still exists.

But Lucifer proposed such a perfect world, a world that people yearn for.

The fight is over...maybe the fight isn't over, the fight is just over.

'I'm still fighting inside myself. '

Nangong has been vaguely aware of this recently.

His thoughts are not known to others, Mina who is in the living room at this time has changed her previous restraint, she is still a slim girl anyway, it is impossible to rush up to anyone she sees casually.

"Sister Qihai, who is Brother Nangong? I've never heard you mention this person before. Could it be that he finally made a boyfriend?"

"Speaking of it, don't laugh so hard."

Qihai felt a little helpless, when you pretend to be a person, no one will know the real you.

For Mina, Nangong is a new acquaintance, not the silly Uncle Kazama in the past.

"And didn't I say that I'm not interested in love?"

Qihai accepted this reality due to her physical disability, and she also accepted the fact that there would always be someone looking at her every time she went out.

Few people would accept her like this, so what if someone could?Where are his friends?Where are his parents?

"Love is never something that happens naturally after two people see each other. Now you probably don't understand this truth."

There are also various factors that come from outside the two, such as money, status, background, distance, and so on.

"If it's not a boyfriend, who is it?"

Mina was very curious, she knew exactly how small this sister's social circle was, and she had met Big Brother Tachibana and Uncle Aikawa when she came here before.

Why Uncle Aikawa?Because it's fun to make the other person look shocked.

After so many years, I have never heard of another 'Nangong Lan'

"Is it... aliens, visitors from another planet or something?"


A momentary stupefaction.

"No, no, this is too..."

This person is saying something romantic and radio waves in a completely unromantic tone.

"That's it."

Qihai laughed at this time, sometimes others would not believe the truth, even though the truth was a bit too nonsense, even people with normal minds would not believe it.


Mina rolled her eyes, the only thing she understood was that she probably couldn't get anything out of it.

But I really care, what I really care about is the kind of unavoidable concern that your sister has a strange man next to her one day.

Who is this guy, where did he come from?

"I didn't say that, it's too little."

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