I usually use this reason to convince myself, but now I think about it, what if I really get fat?

"Ah, what an angry man. How can anyone say such a thing so bluntly? Isn't his EQ too low?"

don't say 'fat' or 'fat'

To say 'beautiful' and 'cute'

"Because I'm close enough to speak so unscrupulously."

Xili can understand this feeling, she usually said similar things to Shen Yu who was lying on the bed.

It's just that she would only get a response like "hehe" when she said this, but what Nangong said was different.


Xi Li swallowed her words again. She had been vaguely aware of some things before, but perhaps these things should not be said directly. Once said, it is likely that things will change.

'People are afraid of change. '

She knew it all too well.

"What? You don't want to say something about whether you are fat or not, do you?"

Shen Yu looked at Xi Li with vigilance, but Xi Li just straightened up, and she said this:

"No, I was just wondering if your fat would be a good thing if it was deposited in the right places?"


Shen Yu narrowed her eyes, she knew exactly what the other party was talking about.

Not long after, there was a little exclamation in the bathroom, and a series of warblers and swallows came through the sound-proof door, but no matter what they did, they couldn't reach someone's ears.

Because his ears were already occupied by another voice:

"That's right, push your joystick to move forward."

Nangong remained silent, he could clearly understand how contrived the voice in the earphone was.

Press L2 to sneak and crouch, followed by the excited cry of the voice:

"You are our chosen one!"

Nangong still kept silent, but his silence was gradually reaching its limit.

Press X to jump, and the voice is ecstatic:

"My God! You can still dance!"

"Can you stop this?"

"Pfft, hahahahaha!"

Nangong had to say that Dongyang's smile as a girl was a little too unrestrained. On the other end of the earphones, Dongyang, who was sitting in her room, stopped laughing because she had to gasp for oxygen to continue laughing .


She wiped her tears, she didn't know whether the voice was panting or continued to laugh.

"Okay, okay, I won't make trouble anymore, in fact, I have always wanted to try to reproduce those exaggerated game tutorials."

Some games in the early days could always make the cumbersome novice tutorial look very solemn and solemn, and the most laughable thing is really that.

From the mouth of the game character, the tutorials such as "push your joystick to move forward" and "press the ↑ key to move forward" are really very entertaining and mentally retarded.

"In short, you should finish your novice tutorial, well, then we can fight together."

Dongyang has a sense of trust in the man on the other end, which is due to past experiences, but now her thoughts are 'curiosity'

This strange feeling of playing games with 'Ultraman' makes me want to laugh and feel very interesting.

"Isn't your level very high? We are technically..."

When the voice came from over there, Dongyang grinned.

"It's okay, I often use a trumpet to go to the fish pond to fry fish to relieve stress."

She interrupted Nangong's words, but the words she said were as bad as they sounded.

"Actually, there is a reason why the environment of this game is so bad. Newcomers can meet veterans to fry fish in one of every three games. If I take you with me, you won't be beaten to the pit by them."

Old games will always experience this kind of thing, which is really a way to catch fish.

"I know, I'll try to see."

Nangong on the other side of the earphones nodded seriously. In this way, he can't have the mentality of playing casually. It's okay to lose alone, but it's bad to lose with others.

Hold the controller, stare at the screen, add friends and start fighting.

The digital clock on the coffee table was changing numbers, and the door of the bathroom was already open.

Putting on their pajamas and walking into the living room, Fukaba and Xili heard this voice:

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Nangong's ten fingers performed their respective duties, manipulating the walking and sight, pulling the muzzle of the gun to chase the enemy figure, pulling the trigger to make the weapon fire, no matter how much the enemy in the sight jumped, he couldn't completely shake off the pursuit, and finally his body softened fall down.

'This man can make such a high-pitched voice. '

This is the idea of ​​deep feather.

'Why did it start again. '

This is Xili's idea.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing to push this person into the abyss of video games?

"Don't go, don't go! Go back, go back! Look at the radar!"

Dongyang's urging sound came from the earphones, within a few seconds, the gun in Nangong's hand fell to the ground, and his character also died. The man who left the team unknowingly would naturally be defeated by the team.


Nangong took a deep breath.

"Why won't my teammates follow me?"

He asked a question that maybe every competitive game player would ask.

"good question!"

Dongyang is all too familiar with this situation.

"Your teammates are also wondering why you rushed forward so bravely and retreated bravely, my friend!"

The situation where people cannot understand each other is perfectly presented in the game.

You want to rush forward to destroy the enemy in a wave, and your teammates want to shrink the wave to maintain the advantage and oppress the opponent.

So the two ideas collide, each thinks the other is an idiot, and then blood pressure starts to rise.

For example, now, Dongyang feels that her blood pressure has risen, we are ahead of you and we have a geographical advantage, don't rush, we will fight in the back and defend and wait for the opponent to rush and show our flaws, isn't it good?

"I'm going to die! I'm going to lose!"

The most important thing in a team game is the advantage of numbers, if one player is missing, it's over.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

The same voice came from the earphones as before, and the man who finished the countdown appeared on the ground, like a hero.

In less than two seconds, he went back to read the article again, as if charging to the death.

"Lesson [-], pay attention to the blood volume of your teammates at all times. When everyone is dead, you will only find that your teammates die in an instant, and then you continue to die."

Dongyang's voice came from over there.


It's very profound, Nangong has to admit that the game is very profound, he really should use his brain, and don't be dazzled by the fun of the game.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

Today's weather is not too bad, it is cloudy without rain, and the wind that blows up even gives people a cool feeling.

"Walking down the street with you like this reminds me of the past."

Because it was Saturday, there was not much traffic. Xi Li didn't really like to go out on weekends, but today was another matter.

"Then think about the future? There will be many opportunities like this in the future."

Nangong is by Xi Li's side, of course he will be by her side, and it will be the same from now on.

"That's true, but once things become commonplace you probably get used to them, and once you get used to them you don't remember their importance."

Xi Li responded while thinking, if it weren't for this, there wouldn't be such a familiar truth as "you only know how to cherish after you lose it", everyone knows it and everyone doesn't care too much about it.

The two of them didn't hold anything for the time being, and they went to a department store that had everything.

After entering the venue, the first floor is already full of beautiful things, men and women, parents and children, come to shop together.

Although the purpose is not here, when looking around and looking at the eyes, it will attract the attention of others.

"Are you two lovers? Would you like to come to the store to buy something new?"

Xi Li raised her eyebrows when the clerk who recruited customers asked this question. She would not correct others angrily because of this.

"no need."

The words of refusal were firm, and we continued to move forward.

Nangong lowered his head slightly to express his politeness when passing by. After walking a short distance, he heard the girl beside him complaining:

"I don't know how to look at it, do we look like lovers in any way?"

Don't force people who look similar in age and walk together to be lovers, okay?

"Even if you are brothers and sisters, I will treat you as if you have worked hard."

Xi Li's complaint made Nangong touch his cheek, brother and sister?Probably not.

"It is said that the relationship between brother and sister was close when they were young, and they started fighting when they were young, and then they were no longer close when they grew up. It should be rare for brothers and sisters to go shopping together. Generally speaking, shop assistants are more correct than lovers. "

"Why are you talking to her?"

Xi Li raised her eyebrows.

"After all, it's not the first time we've met."

Nangong still remembered the female shop assistant.


His response was exchanged for a monosyllabic word that he didn't know what he wanted to express.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression?"

Nangong could feel Xi Li looking up and down at him, what was going on with that 'you're promising' attitude?

"Just thinking about when and where did you meet someone, did you meet on the beach before?"

I remember it really clearly, you.

"Wait, how do you know I've been to the beach before?"

"Now I'm asking the question."

Nangong's little rhetorical question was immediately pushed back, and his intuition told him that it would be better to answer right now.

"Because we came here five years ago, didn't we? At that time, we were shopping for clothes. Although you have just entered junior high school, your body is indeed growing, and the clothes you used to wear are a bit small."


"At that time, I met the clerk just now in the store, but she didn't seem to be such a salesman soliciting customers at that time. She was just arranging the newly purchased clothes in a relatively corner place. In fact, I didn't really talk to her."

It is the kind of person who can be seen at a glance at random, and there is no actual contact.

The originally somewhat youthful appearance is now a salesperson with a full smile, and time changes people.

"Thank you for remembering what happened five years ago..."

Xi Li blinked her eyes, it turned out that this was the case, but after hearing it this way, she felt even more incredible.

Can you remember just by looking at it five years ago?This person... might as well be said to be a mysterious creature from the perspective of 'earthlings', and it is indeed a mysterious creature.

"The memory is really good."

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