Xi Li, who sighed, made Nangong smile slightly, and said with a slightly smug expression:

"I even remember clearly the time when you were 14 years old in middle school and started questioning everything in order to express yourself."

"There is no need to mention this again!"

Xi Li's tone was very hasty, is a person's memory good or bad?

At least many of those things that she wanted to forget remained. Although at that time she didn't reach the level of the second-level illness of "my right hand seals the dragon, and my left eye can ignite fire", but it was true. I really like to go backwards.

To put it simply, I just question everything, question the news, question the government, question history, feel that everything is a lie, and believe that those stupid adults are really stupid, I am right.

Obviously even the verification can’t be verified, just relying on “I think” to question, questioning for the sake of questioning, no wonder Nangong said with a soft expression at that time, “You don’t understand these things now, but you will know later”

That is indeed known later, it is the ultimate black history.

"Don't remind me of that."

Xi Li felt a little hot all over her body, and Nangong also stared at Xi Li with a smile.

"Don't look at me either!"

"I see."

The girl blushing and ashamed was engraved in Nangong's mind.

"Forget about these things!"

Xili felt that she was throwing a tantrum, but she had to divert her attention.

"That's a bit of a challenge."

Nangong is quite at ease. Comparing the past Xili and the present Xili like this really has a strong sense of 'growth'.

'Although there are still some places that have not changed. '

While thinking, he raised his left hand and looked at the time.

The quaint watch matched the whole body, and the old full-frame glasses covered a lot of faces.

Not only that, but it looks like a classic office worker suit in the 30s who run business.

When going out today, Nangong also thought about what to wear, and Xi Li's reaction was very simple, as usual.

The clothes he bought five years ago have never actually been worn out, and Xi Li still won't let him wear them now five years later.

"Would you like to buy some new clothes by the way?"

Nangong, who was in a bad mood, said such a sentence, and Xi Li, who was still stroking her bangs to tidy herself, immediately squinted her eyes and looked over.

"Please consider your age and identity carefully. What are you going to do in the street wearing ostentatious clothes?"

"No, it may not be just ostentatious..."

"I said yes."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Nangong could only choose to obey, since Xi Li said so, it must be the case.

Anyway, the feeling of wearing this outfit is not too bad, just like this, it is easy to move... In fact, the convenience of movement has nothing to do with what clothes to wear, it only depends on whether he can change his body Connected.

As long as you change the form, it will be more convenient to act immediately, and you can walk around the Internet through walls, um, the Internet in the true sense.

"Speaking of which, where are we going?"

After getting out of the elevator on the first floor and continuing to the elevator on the higher floor, Nangong could see the sign above saying 'Furniture City'.

"Buy you a new pillow, sheet, mattress, and quilt."

Xili said seriously.


Some unexpected circumstances made Nangong's eyes widen, although it happened that the reflection of the glasses made it impossible to see.

"No, I..."

Don't need to be interrupted before the word is spoken.

"Let me ask you, have you never slept in bed before?"

Recall events from the past and put the pieces back together.


Nangong's silence can be regarded as tacit consent.

"Looks like I'm right."

Xili used to feel that 'father's room is too tidy and tidy, and it will not move if it is kept in a freshly paved state'

To put it simply, it is the sense of emptiness where no one lives, and after knowing all kinds of things, the puzzle is completely completed.

The wrong person in the wrong place turned out to be the wrong thing.

"I don't think there's anything you can do about it. You don't have to feel guilty about it...Although I say this, you probably won't let it go easily, so I think you can move to my room and sleep."

Before Nangong could say anything, Xi Li immediately continued:

"You may think it's nothing, but I will be uncomfortable, so it's decided."

Use your own feelings to increase your persuasiveness, so what else can Nangong say?

He hesitated for a while before speaking:

"Actually, wash the house and then—"

"I will be uncomfortable."

Xi Li said the same thing again, and it is true that it will be the same after washing, but she will feel uncomfortable.

Nangong continues to use the things I used... I don't know why, but it just feels wrong.

Just take it as a meaning of 'new beginning', and the new bedding doesn't cost much, since she doesn't know the brand anyway.

At the same time, Nangong also nodded.

"I see."

He probably knew what it was like, right?

I saw it in a book about 'how to be a good father' before, and when the daughter grows up, she will express rejection like 'don't wash my clothes together'.

In short, this is the feeling, suddenly feel a little hurt.

"By the way, Shen Yu said that we can take care of this matter, so she didn't bother to move, so she didn't come."

Xi Li added another sentence, so as not to cause any strange misunderstandings in Nangong, such as fickleness.

However, Nangong, who didn't care about such details before, really cared now.

"Is she like this at home on weekends?"

"more or less."

Xi Li nodded, and cycled while lying down, sitting, lying down, and sitting, and the mobile phone was held in her hands for the longest time.

"...It's not okay to continue like this."

Lazy, really lazy, I am so lazy at a young age, I am afraid that in five years, I will only be lazy.

The "nurture" in Nangong's heart is not the kind that turns people into "balls".

"Before you say this, you'd better reflect on yourself. Last night when you played games should be the time when your mood fluctuated the most after you came back, tenor... No, no."

Halfway through, Xi Li thought for a while before continuing to complain:

"It should be called Alt Soprano."

What qualifications does a man who himself is addicted to electronic products say that others are addicted to mobile phones, you should look in the mirror first, it is three-dimensional.

"...you are right, I am speechless."

Nangong is still conscious of his addiction, why is he so addicted to it, it doesn't make sense.

It shouldn't be like this, what's so fun about the game?Isn't it just a stack of data?

'It's just fun! '

There was a voice in his heart retorting so forcefully that Nangong knocked on his forehead.

"I see, I will try to pay attention in the future."

He made his promise in this way, in exchange for Xi Li's eyes.

The guy in the dormitory who sits in front of the computer after class always makes all kinds of promises that he can't keep.

The two walked to a shop where all kinds of bedding were displayed.

Mattresses, pillows, cups, some bunk beds, and double beds.

Walking over there, he was noticed by the clerk, so the clerk naturally greeted him.

"The two are—"

"Not lovers."

Should it be subconscious or what, Xi Li's rebuttal suddenly made the scene a little silent.

'Are you going to buy some bedding...'

The clerk read the following words in his heart, how should it end at this time, it shouldn't be her who continues to talk...

'what. '

Xi Li realized that she seemed to have done a strange stupid thing, should she continue to speak?No, how should I speak at this time?

"I'm going to buy sheets, pillows, blankets, and quilt covers, both in summer and winter. Could you please show me the way?"

The man who has always been accustomed to the poker face once again showed the benefits of the poker face, and he ignored the embarrassment just now like a normal person.

The clerk also took over the topic with relief:

"In that case, this way please, I recommend—"

After that, it was ordinary shopping, but Xi Li followed Nangong closely as if she was afraid of getting lost, without saying a word.

What is the relationship between the two?

It wasn't clear until the clerk sent the two away, but one thing is certain, that is:

"That handsome guy just now must have worked hard."

Even with that pair of glasses, you can see a lot of things when you get close.

In the end, it is not the man who pays but the woman. Although the clerk wanted to say something like 'near a rich woman', to be honest, it didn't look like a strange customer at all.

"I really want a phone number to exchange friends."

Maybe the type to give a wallet to a girlfriend?

It would be great if it was really this type, although no matter how you look at it, this kind of behavior is very...

'never mind. '

Anyway, maybe there will be no next meeting, no matter.

The clerk continued to wait for new customers to arrive, while the two who left had completed today's tasks and were ready to go home.

"What's wrong? Are you still concerned about what happened just now?"

"What happened just now?"

Nangong's question was exchanged for Xili's expressionless answer.

"No, nothing happened."

A topic ends like this, and a new topic is opened:

"Don't want to try BBQ?"

"It's just what you want to eat..."

Xi Li found that Nangong's sight was completely attracted by the signage on the sixth floor, and there were always various restaurants on the upper floors of the department store.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

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