The time flow rate of each universe may or may not be different.

It may be faster, it may be slower, or it may be thousands of years in a second. This kind of thing can only be understood after it is actually confirmed.

It is possible to record data in the universes that have been visited. What is certain is the M78 universe, the power of the planet is extremely strong, the universe code-named Gaia and the universe here have a deviation of no more than 1 hour in time flow.

To put it simply, it has been almost two weeks, that is, 10 days, since the battle with Lucifer ended and someone returned to the Gaia universe, and I am too lazy to mention the specific figures.

Since they came back here, everyone has been very, very busy, very busy.

For example, now, Diana has finally completed another report.

In fact, the main purpose of going out to the multidimensional universe this time is indeed to find the trace of Empat and solve the situation of Lucifer, but there are many secondary purposes.

For example, the situation of the multidimensional universe, the differences between different universes, the possible differences between organisms, undiscovered life forms, whether there are differences in physical rules and chemical reactions, and so on.

These things are recorded by instruments, but it is up to researchers to turn these records into serious and intuitive reports.

"Ah, I'm so tired. I'm not interested in this kind of thing. Should I retire early?"

Diana picked up the water glass and drank the specially prepared energy drink in one gulp. A glass of water is equivalent to a meal, which is perfect for people who are too lazy to eat.

"All your complaining time adds up to enough time to settle a new report."

Masaki used to have fantasies about Diana, but of course they were not fantasies between men and women, they were purely scientific fantasies.

In the past he was just a pretentious researcher on Earth, and then he came into contact with Baltan's technology, was amazed by it, and continued to study.

Afterwards, he was exiled to the Baltan civilization for various reasons and was considered to be settled here.

The result is what it is now, what does a higher level of civilization look like?

Facts have proved that people are people and will not become anything else. They have emotions, chatter when they are upset, and talk eloquently when they are happy.

Diana, who seems to be full of rationality, is not an efficient person. Just look at the little toy she invented. She is 14 years old today and 28 years old tomorrow.

The Baltans did a strange evolution when the power facility was out of control, and that evolution made it different.

For example, the most basic life span, they are like snakes or insects that can shed their skin, that general suddenly became 30 years younger recently, what the hell?

Of course, Masaki didn't envy these, and he didn't want to repeat the same thing on the earth at all.

Evolution is cruel, and the Baltans who survived have indeed become different, so what about the ones who didn't survive?

At the very center of this planet is the tombstone, the tombstone of the Baltan people who died in the past mistakes, and it is also a warning, warning future generations not to repeat the same mistakes.

What Masaki wanted was a safe evolution rather than such a dangerous thing.

So in fact, he really wants to study the plasma spark tower in the M78 nebula now. Let's wait for the two universes to formally establish diplomatic relations.

Thinking a lot, but passing a lot of time, the advantage of the Otto family is that they have the illusion of bullet time when concentrating.

The reason why it is called an illusion is because it is purely because of their strength in basic physical fitness.

"Finish one report and move on to a new one? Please let me go."

Diana's complaint brought Masaki back to his senses, he shook his head, anyway, Diana would continue to write after complaining.

"It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison."

Diana leaned back in her seat.

"The old boy Nangong must be enjoying the family happiness, Zam Xia's love brain went to see Mephilas, and he didn't know what to do. Those two guys are so happy to do their own private affairs. I'm the only one who writes here Report, is this fair? It's not fair."

Thinking about it made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Besides, we didn't even fully understand our own universe and started to enter the multiverse. Isn't this the purest ambition?"

She turned the chair below, which is a bit cute for a 16-year-old now.

"If you have time to do multiverses, why don't you bring me more research funds? The research on the power of the planet obviously has the potential to go deeper. Since the planet is also life, it is obvious that the secret of the origin of life is hidden here... ... people?"

Diana, who only came to her senses at this time, found that Masaki, who was still there just now, had completely disappeared.

"Tsk, that's why you're still single at such a young age."

He ran away directly, anyway, he must be thinking about 'inefficiency' or something, if it was Nangong, he would definitely sit there and listen.

No wonder your daughter is so old and you are still single.


Well, why does the old boy have a daughter? No matter how many times he thinks about it, he still feels——

At this moment, Diana sat up straight from her seat, and scanned the radar on the side of the work table for a reaction she hadn't seen for many years.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Zheng Mu was walking in the aisle with the documents he needed to get back in his hand, as for Diana who kept complaining over there?

Let her complain if she wants to, it's a waste of time to stop there.

For Masaki, what he needs to do now is to summarize for such a long time, that is, to summarize the actions in the past few decades.

Decades are really too long for the life of a "human on earth", but now it is different, he can now use hundreds of thousands of years or even ten thousand years as the implementation time of a policy.

Walking into the meeting room, there are already people waiting here.

The people of the Baltan family, as well as Dagu and Asuka, can be said to have no difference in appearance, because the posture of the Baltan family before evolution is exactly the same as that of the people on Earth.

Zheng Mu walked to the computer, and he carefully organized and summarized the information he had collected over the years.

Among them is a piece of data, an icon, which is the result of observing the scope of the universe.

"Here, that's it."

It's too boring as an opening speech, but this is not a company, and there is no product conference, and everyone doesn't care about it.

"Look here first. Here is the data from the first 80 years to the first 5 years. We can clearly see that the frequency of monster disasters is decreasing. It is not obvious from the first 80 years to the first 65 years, but from the first 65 years to the first 25 years. Years began to fall off a cliff."

That's right, this data is the statistical survey of monster disaster incidents.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, but in this universe, an organization called the "Cosmic Guard" has also been established through the Star Alliance.

70.00% of the people in this organization are fighters of the Baltan family. As a family that has made big mistakes in the past, in order to be accepted again in the scope of 'universe', the Space Guard has become a good practice.

In addition, the existence of 'Empat' has attracted many fighters from other civilizations and made guarantees, so the Baltan civilization began to re-contact various civilizations from here.

The Space Guard began to deal with all kinds of monster disasters in the universe, and this approach has achieved results.

As Masaki said, disasters gradually decreased in the first 15 years, and after another 40 years, the frequency of disasters decreased significantly.

"From the first 25 years to the first 5 years, the incidence of monster disasters continued to decrease at a slow rate. As we speculate, people will attract monsters."

Although it is not very good to say so, Masaki feels that the earth is simply a monster attractor.

Just a small earth has been attacked by various kinds of monsters.

The most prominent of these are the 'Negative Energy Monster' and the 'Dark Monster'

The former is represented by the 'Ultimate Evolutionary King Manshul Heite', and the latter is represented by the 'Dark Ruler Gatanjae'.

Both are hostile to normal life, and both were conceived from 'darkness'.

"Our emotions, joy, excitement, pain, sadness, hatred and love are an untransformed energy that can be good or bad and give birth to different things."

Emotions are energy. This is because Mansheheit had already seen the first clues when he fought Gatanjae, but he was unable to study it for a long time afterwards.

At this time, a new character appeared on the screen. It was not a monster, but a person—an unknown star from the Empire.

"The empire has carried out a lot of oppression and massacres in the past, and the huge negative emotions generated in it have bred a large number of negative energy monsters. These monsters attack different civilizations and thus generate more negative emotions, so monsters are constantly born. "

This is the history of frequent monster disasters.

"Since the birth of the Space Guard, we have been trying our best to solve monster disasters in every corner of the universe. The 15 years of fighting have made people recognize us and trust us. The benefit is that people's fear is gradually increasing. to be excluded."

Fear lessens when you have someone you can rely on.

"When the Space Guard was fully accepted and trusted, it was in the next 40 years that peace reduced people's negative emotions. Although this emotion is still impossible to completely erase, the birth of negative energy monsters has decreased. The monsters also slowly disappeared."

Everything went very smoothly, and the Space Guard's approach has achieved results, but...

"Until the alien beast appeared, everything began to change. What broke out was not the monster disaster, but the alien beast disaster. Fortunately, we also completely crossed it, but the real battle will start now."

After saying this, Masaki vaguely heard someone below muttering 'this is my line'

But don't worry too much about such small things. The space guards solve monster disasters, and monster disasters are not only "negative energy monsters" and "dark monsters".

There is another one of them, and that is the monster of nature.

"We were trying our best to solve the migration of monsters before. Now this universe will face a new challenge. As you know, living things are so weak in the face of natural disasters. A volcanic eruption may even completely wipe out all creatures. life."

Looking at the entire universe, only star civilizations are capable of overcoming natural disasters, but there are not many such civilizations.

There is only one thing the monsters can do in the face of these—migrate.

There are monsters that can leave their planet for a new home, and they do so to escape destruction.

But they can't use 'morality' to demand, so they will carry out 'raids'

The earth has encountered such a situation before. The Kerubim population attacked the earth for their own continuation, even if they want to wipe out the earth people, they must survive.

This approach was solved by Empat and Dyna, but this is not a perfect approach.

Empat, who had no other choice at the time, put forward a proposal when he encountered a similar situation at the subsequent Space Guard meeting-can he guide this kind of monsters that had to migrate to live on a habitable planet?

After going through a lot of wrangling, the Star Alliance transformed a lot of man-made habitable planets, and of course the task of guiding the monsters to the past was given to the Space Guard.

"The appearance of alien beasts has disrupted the order of the entire universe. Now the reappearance of monster disasters is a big challenge. Among them are the darkness caused by the negative emotions that spread again due to alien beasts, and there are also cases where the homeland is destroyed by alien beasts." Ordinary monsters that break and have to flee, that's a big challenge, but we can overcome it."

Masaki straightened his body.

"The results so far have told us that our approach is correct and that peace really has meaning."

It is true that peace has reduced monster disasters. What the Space Guard will do will not change in the future, but it will be busy again.

In the audience, Dagu nodded, he knew what he should do next.

The fight may be endless, but as long as it makes sense, he will keep going.


A unique induction came, and Dagu raised his head subconsciously.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The tail was wagging, and the face was reflected by the light leaking from the screen.

The Shiba Inu is a creature of the earth, why is such a creature on a different planet?

Thanks to its natural orientation, this Shiba Inu is always smiling even when it's not doing anything.

It just sat in front of the screen without moving, its body was slightly tilted, the corners of its mouth seemed to be smiling, and its slightly narrowed eyes seemed very unhappy.

This kind of expression mixed with joy and bitterness combined with the lack of motivation has a strange cuteness.

At this moment, its keen hearing heard the voices of people who suddenly became lively for some reason, and something seemed to happen in the street outside.

'so what'

The motionless Shiba Inu seems to be expressing its thoughts through movements.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers · Part [-]

"Thank you, thank you, I'm back, I'm back."

Nodding, thanking, and saying hello, what Nangong is doing now is repeating similar things non-stop.

As soon as I returned to this universe, this planet was immediately detected for some reason, and then I met many, many people.

Most of them are members of the guard, in fact, many of them are fighters trained by Nangong.

The Baltan family hoped to be able to control the energy gushing out of the body after evolution, and what could manipulate energy better than energy life forms?

So Nangong, or Empat, as a coach, trained the newcomers to a certain extent.

In addition, he has made good friends with the Baltans, and he knows more and more people without knowing it.

Even after so many years, I can still see many familiar faces after returning here.

Looking at this situation, who would have imagined that the two sides had been hostile in the past?

As long as it is not a huge conflict involving life and death, there is nothing that cannot be communicated with peace of mind. In the final analysis, it depends on whether the two parties are willing to sit down and talk.

There are many reasons for not wanting to talk, such as different ideology, political system, and related interests. Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with the present.

Nangong walked all the way, and finally saw a house in a corner of the residential area that he rarely returned to.

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