'It's normal. '

Different from the house in Kingdom of Light when they lived temporarily, this house is a very normal size. For the Baltans, they still prefer to maintain the original posture rather than the evolved one.

Because of this, the house they live in is just like the one in front of them, which is a normal size, and it is a size that people on earth can adapt to.

Nangong stretched out his hand, and pressed his palm on the identity verification device. In less than a second, the door that had been tightly closed opened just like that.

The Baltans are famous for their technology, so the small sweeper cleaning the ground is moving quickly, and above it is still spraying out a colorless and fragrant gas to purify the air.

Technology penetrates into every aspect of life, and not only weapons and the like can be called technology.

Nangong continued to walk into it, and he could already hear the sound coming from the TV just here.

One step, two steps, and finally stopped outside the living room. The Shiba Inu sitting on the floor turned his back to this side, making it hard to see its expression.

"Geddy, I'm back."

Nangong said something tentatively, but unlike what he had imagined, Gedi's reaction was very weak, he didn't even turn his head, he just whimpered.


Nangong blinked, Gedi in his line of sight looked too lazy to pay attention to him, but it seemed that the tail and the main body were not the same creature.

Compared with that lazy posture, the tail is wagging non-stop.

This is how the same thing?

Well, there's no question Geddy is expressing displeasure in his own way.

This time is actually very simple, just turn around and leave, Gedi will definitely rush over directly, but that's not good, really bad.

So Nangong took out a bag from his hand while walking towards the other party, he opened the bag and shook it.

"Come on Geddy, this is a snack I brought back from another universe, don't you want to try it?"

Hearing this sentence, Gedi turned his head, as if he didn't bother to talk to you.

In the next second, Gedi suddenly heard such a voice:

'Click it. '

It's like something broke, no, it should be said that the snack was bitten by someone and then snapped off, yes, that's the sound.


As if his hair had exploded, Gedi turned around and screamed with his four claws tightly. The meaning he wanted to express was very simple.

'How can you eat my food! '

It was probably such a feeling, but what it saw in its eyes was that the man had marinated the left and right pieces with both hands. As soon as he smelled the smell, he knew that the super delicious snacks were arranged in half.




wobble wobble.

Nangong was not surprised by this, it was really normal, as expected, he wanted to use snacks to seduce the other party.

To put it bluntly, he and Geddy are in a sense 'big buckets'

As long as there is enough food, any amount can be stuffed into the stomach, so eating is really a pleasure.


The moment such a smile appeared, Nangong was knocked to the ground with a bang, Gedi, who was still sitting on the ground just now, was clawed at his face like an octopus.

Hearing another bang, the small cleaning machine bumped Nangong's head and changed its route.

Obviously he couldn't see anything, but Nangong still raised his hands, and Gedi, who raised his head, opened his mouth and put the pork jerky in his mouth, chewing and chewing.

Soon the hands were touching and touching, running along Geddy's back.

After a while, Gedi jumped up and landed on Nangong's abdomen. Just like him, Gedi's chubby body was not really heavy.

"sorry to keep you waiting."


Nangong rubbed the opponent's head again, and the head was rubbing against his palm.

Actually Geddy is here simply because Geddy 'can't keep up'

Even if there is a certain similarity with the Ultra family, it is only similar, and it is impossible to keep up with the battle by relying on physical ability alone.

And to put it in a bad way, compared to fighting, Gedi prefers to lie on the ground and roll around to show off his cuteness and get some food. That kind of life is not bad.

At that time, when Nangong chased Zaki, there was basically no chance to inform other people, so he disappeared for such a long time in this universe.

"Hey, I'm here to pick you up today. There are new friends there. They are very friendly. They are my daughters...Why do you have such an expression?"

It was strange to say so, but Gedi's expression was full of surprise.

"You are the first to be so surprised."

Actually because the others had finished being surprised in his absence.

"Come on, let's go for a walk."


Just pretend that what happened just now never happened. Compared with that kind of trivial matter, it is better to go out and wander around.

Although Gedi has not bad intelligence, it seems to be closer to the nature of a child, and unhappy things are quickly forgotten.

Without the need for a rope or a collar, Geddy wagged his tail and circled Nangong from time to time.

The stars in this solar system are more turbulent than those on Earth, so Geddy bounces comfortably.

Different from it, Nangong is not so uncomfortable now, nor does he feel as comfortable as before. The change in nature still has a certain impact on him.

"You don't seem to care at all, it's the same before."

Nangong knew that Gedi must be able to feel his difference, but even so Gedi didn't have any intention of minding.

Just like when they first met, the memory of that time is no longer blurred, he ran away and severely injured Gedi, but it was Gedi who took care of him after he vented his strength and fell down.

"We will always be together from now on."

Nangong knelt down and touched Geddy's head.


Gedi responded with a cry, and the two continued walking the streets of Baltan.

I haven't been back for a while, and there are still many changes here. For example, the original beverage store now sells snacks.

It’s a strange feeling to look at it like this, and the Baltan civilization also became like this unconsciously. The first survivors have indeed achieved results after mobilizing the energy of this planet and stars. .

Various entertainment facilities have also been established, speaking of entertainment facilities...

"Diana used to say that she didn't know the meaning of the entertainment facilities on Earth, but it turned out that they were built here too."

At first I remembered that it was to relieve the pain of the rest of my life before I built a venting facility, and now...

In the air casino, those young Baltans were already unconsciously adapting to their abilities at this time. They raced in the air and played ball games, which helped them understand their abilities.

"Looking at it this way, it's true that the Baltan family's emphasis on efficiency can be reflected."

Play, but not exactly play.

Thinking of this, Nangong suddenly felt that his arm was heavy, and Gedi, who was still walking on the ground just now, ran along his hand all the way to his shoulder.

A pair of black eyes stared firmly at this side, expressing an obvious meaning.

"I get it, I won't be looking anywhere else."

Nangong accurately understood Gedi's dissatisfaction, and he changed from slow to running.

Pay attention to the speed limit, and ran all the way out of the city, he suddenly had a strange idea in the wind:

'By the way, who is walking whom now? '

After glancing at Gedi on his shoulder, Nangong continued to move forward. Unlike the ubiquitous noise in the city, the sound of insects spreading their wings and the sound of running water were heard most in the wild.

The towering trees gather to form a forest, the soil under the feet grows green grass, and the planet with a natural environment similar to the earth has the same blue sky.

What can be done in such a forest?

Without the Internet, without video games, there is only one thing to do.

Nangong jumped up, which was both sport and fun. His outstretched right hand precisely grasped the spreading vines on the branches.

Acceleration and inertia cooperated, drawing an arc, he let go of his hand and threw himself out, and grabbed new vines as he fell.

Throwing himself to a higher point like this, stretching out his hands to grab the thick branches, the roughness did not hurt his palms at all, Nangong's body drew a circle, and after turning several times quickly, he threw himself out.

The speed increased again, so that the fur on Geddy's face dangled and fluffed as if it had been pushed away.

Rising, falling, jumping quickly on the branches, and holding on to the vines to float.

The green roof composed of woods was passed through from time to time, and the leaves fell and became entangled. Nangong hugged Gedi with both hands, and he threw the cute Shiba Inu into the distance.

Gedi, who was moving freely in the air, dangled his limbs, and Nangong, who was moving fast in the forest, rose and fell.

A few seconds later, when Gedi began to fall at an accelerated rate, Nangong jumped up and hugged Gedi. His angle showed an inclination. Some of the fallen leaves from his body stuck to the top of the tree again, and some fell into the water with the wind.

Water vapor filled the air, and the sound of water was heard. Nangong's legs were in contact with the rock wall. He ran quickly on the wall at 45° for several meters, and then jumped out again, colliding with the rapid waterfall not far away.

Among the countless pure white water splashes, the dark energy overflowing from his palm formed a surfboard-like structure, he slid and crossed along the waterfall, and finally jumped out in the middle.

Like a flying fish entering the water, a person and a dog sink into the stream under the splash of white flowers.

Cooperate with the current, change direction in the water, dodge the underwater rocks and then rise up.


Breaking through the water, stepping on rocks and jumping out, both Nangong and Gedi were wet, why did they do this?

Because Gedi prefers physical exercise, Nangong often accompanies him to run around in the forest.

"The next goal point is there, and whoever reaches the top first wins."

Nangong pointed to the towering mountain. At this moment, Gedi, who jumped from his arms, shook his body quickly, and a lot of water stains were thrown out.

Running is also a sports game.

"It starts when this little rock hits the ground."

Nangong threw up the small stone that he picked up randomly on the ground, and rushed forward when it landed.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"I think it's better for us to go back."

"What, are you afraid? Please, as long as you use what you teach in the physical education class at school, no matter what beast appears, we can turn it into a meal!"

In the forest were two people chatting, one of them looked a little uneasy, and the other made a pair of pliers with his hands, opening and closing them up and down.

"It has been rumored for a long time that there is a savage in this area, and today we are going to solve this mystery!"

One person was in high spirits, but the other person's uneasiness remained unchanged. Of course, she knew how much power they had in their bodies, and what they were afraid of was not beasts or the like.

"But think about it, if there is really a savage who can come and go here freely without being discovered by adults, doesn't that mean that savage is a difficult problem that even adults cannot solve?"

Absolutely bad.

It's a pity that this worry was not passed on successfully.

"That is to say, if we can find the truth, we will become famous directly!"

The person who was very interested in this turned around and pointed upwards with his right hand.

"It's up to me to find the answer to this riddle!"

The restless person raised her head subconsciously following that movement, and then a figure appeared in her eyes.

His clothes swayed in the wind, and his right hand grabbed the vine and pulled it forward to accelerate again, and while falling, he used the branch as a pedal to catapult forward.


Mouth slightly opened, what was that just now?

"What are you looking at?"

The shaking palm in front of her eyes brought her back to consciousness, so she blinked and said in a strange tone:

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