The earth is an extremely rare planet in the entire universe, because civilization exists here.

Life is not uncommon in the universe, but civilizations are rare, and it is even rarer to see civilizations that have left their home planet.

Infighting, natural disasters, meteorites, gamma storms, and various disasters make the development of civilization difficult.

In fact, the earth can be said to be full of disasters. Although it is very peaceful now, there was a period of monster disasters and invaders a few decades ago.

During that period, an existence named Ultraman guarded the planet.

Now that they have left this planet, human beings are also developing step by step relying on their own strength.

First Mars, then Venus, the earth civilization has successfully mastered the technology of planetary transformation, and at the same time mastered the technology of interstellar travel, and has the initial ability to explore extraterrestrials.

The early days of space development have passed, and the government is now preparing for the first extraterrestrial exploration.

The earth is not alone in this universe, someone has already been waiting ahead, maybe one day in the future, people on earth will fly with others in the starry sky, and will meet again those warriors who once guarded the earth.


Although there are no great achievements in life, but to witness the changes of the times, is this enough?

The elderly gravekeeper in the cemetery is not dissatisfied with his life. How will the world change?

In fact, many people in this world do not believe that the world will become better, but there are very few people in this world who not only believe, they are working hard to make the world better.

Someone saw the efforts of these people, was infected by these people, and unknowingly walked on the same path.

'Nobody believes the world is going to be a better place'

But it is precisely because someone is really working hard to transform the world that the world will change.

Technology brings progress, and the human spirit develops in the process.

What will happen in the future?

Only the future will know this.

The gravekeeper is also looking up at the sky today. With the transformation of Venus and Mars, the earth has become a little deserted. The pioneers live on those two planets, and they rarely have time to return to the Earth.

And just today, there was a little more breath of the living in the cemetery.

In front of a tombstone, the young man squatted down and presented a bouquet of silent mourning.

He stared at the name on the tombstone, recalled the past, and remembered the words of 'don't linger on the past, focus on the present and the future'.

'But, even if you say that, I still want something that exists, and even if it doesn't make sense, I still want something that reminds me of you. '

So even if something like a tombstone has no meaning, I will still erect a tombstone.

Then think of those past times in front of this tombstone, and it is those times that have built me ​​now.

The young man stared at the tombstone, he just squatted here quietly, and the Shiba Inu who accompanied him also lost his usual smile.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part Thirteen

"Let's go."

Interdimensional fluctuations refer to the special wavelengths produced when a universe breaks away, just like an object falling into water will inevitably produce ripples.

This is the wavelength detected after Nangong left Baltan Star, and that guy finally left.

Just like what he complained before, Masaki is actually chasing people away.

After Nangong left, he could finally focus on his own affairs. At the beginning, he did say that Dagu and Asuka were participating in the banquet, but it was not the same thing.

The two of them just rushed there to solve the monster disaster incident after capturing the breath of the negative energy monster through the instrument.

As for why he didn't tell Nangong, because he had already fought enough.

Just because you don't feel it doesn't mean that others don't feel it. Is there really a year of rest in nearly a hundred years?

When he went to the Gaia universe that day, Masaki felt a certain resonance when he learned about Xili and Fukaha.

There really are such men in this world.

And there are always many such people in this world. They will stand up and fight in the face of disasters. It is such people who keep working hard that the world can be maintained.

But who is waiting behind that figure?

Zheng Mu still remembered Nangong's dazed expression 20 years ago when there was no one he knew on earth.

Instead of repeating such things, it is better to kick that guy back directly.

Don't think that you are special, don't think that if there is one less person in the world, you won't develop. It's good to have one more you, and it's okay to have one less you. You might as well go back to your own home and retire.

Of course, there is no need to say what is in your heart, as long as you know some things yourself.

"Fifty years of life..."

Masaki suddenly remembered the poems of a famous person in Japanese history. Since people live in this world, it is impossible not to be connected with anything.

It doesn't feel good to watch familiar people pass away slowly, and it won't make you unable to live because of it, but there will definitely be sadness, and human life is really short.

’ So the evolution alone doesn’t make a lot of sense. '

The huge differences between individuals will lead to contradictions, and in order to avoid such things, it is necessary to complete the entire evolution.

Therefore, Zheng Mu's only subject that will not change is still firm today.

Now that there is one person missing in this universe, there is no big difference if there is one person missing in this universe.

Those who stay will still work hard to solve the problem. Today, Dagu and Asuka have changed their forms, and their combination is not just for a few years.

"Dijia, you seem a little disturbed, what's wrong?"

Dyna finally couldn't help asking. He had discovered before that the other party actually moved his gaze as if he felt something before the instrument issued a warning.

Facing this question, Di Jia had no intention of being a riddler, and he replied directly:

"Actually, I vaguely felt some kind of familiar fluctuation. I also felt that fluctuation decades ago."

It was a battle that decided the fate of the earth, and it was also the battle that completely awakened the ruler of darkness.

What exactly is a negative energy monster?

It is the product of the materialization of the negative emotions of creatures. They instinctively pursue negative energy, so they will carry out the fastest destructive action of the source of negative energy.

"Have we seen any of the negative energy monsters we have fought in these years, so I suspect that the one born from the negative energy this time is a more advanced existence, don't be careless, Dyna, if I don't feel wrong ..."

That volatility is...

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the distant past, the entire universe was full of death and oppression because of a twisted existence.

The negative energy generated in the endless pain gradually turned into real creatures, and they followed their instincts to destroy after birth.

Negative energy keeps accumulating, and even the accumulated speed exceeds the speed at which negative energy monsters are born.

Perhaps it is some kind of mechanism or some kind of rule, some of the excessive negative energy possessed by people who are full of hatred, and they continue to gather and produce a "king".

Born in pain, resentment, despair, and sorrow, these emotions are also in the body after birth.

His name is Mansheheit, and he claims to be the ultimate evolution emperor.

I saw all kinds of pain in my eyes, and heard all kinds of mourning in my ears.

So he chose to follow these emotions, to follow these instincts to destroy, but is this correct?

On a small blue planet, what was it that cut through his body?

As a product of negative energy, Mansheheit knows what it is better than anyone else. Even so, he still wants someone to affirm the answer, so at that time he asked the giant waving light:

"what is this?"

At that time, the giant with blue eyes replied:

"The Light of Humanity."

Human beings are the term given to their own species by the people on earth.

It was the light that cut him, but there is not only light in the human heart, he also felt countless darkness at that time.

In the face of the crisis of extinction, some people attack each other hysterically. At that moment, the madness of the perpetrator and the pain of the victim are all generated and absorbed as negative energy.

light, dark.

Believing in the dark, Mansheheit fought, and he was defeated by the light.

It turns out that there is both light and darkness in people's hearts. If you only look at the light, you will lose your judgment, and if you only look at the darkness, you will fall into hatred. The two are one.

Even if the world is full of darkness, there is still a tiny light.

What is the emotion inside the negative energy?It should be more than hatred, what else?

Manshin Height can feel it, feel it, and there is also 'regret'

There is not only light in the heart of a person. In the fragments of memory, we can see that the fighting soldiers are covered with wounds, and the blood is almost drained. No matter how much you want to move your body, you will no longer have a corresponding response.

What was the soldier's last thought?

The light in his heart rejoices in the successful evacuation of the people.

The darkness in his heart is sad because he is about to die, and he will never be able to see the person he wants to see again.

Regret turns into negative energy. This negative energy contains both light and darkness. If you want to describe it in one word, it should be called 'love'


"Go back."

Mansheheit raised his right hand, and his will was transmitted along with the words. As a superior existence, he only needs to give orders and the negative energy monsters will obey.

The negative energy monster that originally tried to go to the planet not far away to wreak havoc is now like a docile kitten, just moving its body from time to time.

' is different from the memory I acquired. '

A large amount, even an excessive amount of negative energy revived Mansheheit. He didn't know whether he is the one he was in the past or simply inherited the memory, as if he could extract the negative energy from the emotion Like memory fragments.

But he can be sure that this universe is different from the pain he found in his memory, those 'monsters that devour everything' seem to no longer exist.

The negative energy that brought him back to life came from the ravages of alien beasts. These monsters eat not only people, but also animals, plants, monsters and even planets.

Just as the recent research has concluded, the planet is also a special kind of life form. How deep is the despair when the planet is eroded by alien beasts?

It was the rampant rampage of the alien beasts that gave Mansheheit negative energy, and these negative energies revived him again.

"Has it been resolved?"

The reason why Mansheyt was able to draw this conclusion is that he has been awake for a while, during which time he has been wandering in the universe and seeing many things.

For example, rebuilt cities, developed civilizations, and even strange organizations that guide the migration of monsters.

This is completely different from the universe in his memory. How much time has passed?

At the beginning, he thought that this universe was hopeless, and it was the darkness of the human heart that called him, asking him to bring about absolute destruction.

But now he sees the universe that developed after his death. The negative energy still exists but does not spread. After seeing various pictures, he begins to think... No, it should be said that he has been thinking since the moment he woke up. Already thinking about it.

Had he been before, he would have thought 'the universe seeks silence' and thrown himself into sabotage.

But now he is different, he immediately began to think about the significance of this recovery after waking up.

It will evolve into this situation, and it is all to blame that green-eyed warrior. What he cuts down is not a real attack, but positive energy corresponding to negative energy, and light corresponding to darkness.

The overflowing emotions at that time disintegrated Mansheheit. This was not killing, but purification.

Perhaps it is because of this that Menshel Height can wake up again after a long time and seek the meaning of his own existence.

"...Long time no see, Tiga."

Just as the other side can vaguely feel this side, this side can also vaguely feel the other side, because they are opponents who have killed each other relentlessly.

"Mansheheit, it really is you."

The negative energy fluctuations that overflowed before were captured, so Di Jia rushed over.

For Di Jia, this meeting was not unexpected. After fighting some familiar negative energy monsters, he had a premonition that this would happen.


Maybe it's because of the warrior's intuition, maybe it's because he once gathered people's hearts in one body, or maybe it's because the man named 'Yuan Dagu' is such a person. Dijia didn't do it directly, he chose to communicate.

What kind of changes will this exchange bring about?

At least Mansheheit, who turned around and looked exactly the same as before, looked very calm, and he said bluntly:

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