"Although I am not trustworthy, I still have to say that I am not hostile to you and life."

Enemies who have fought in the past say so, what to do?

"I believe."

That's what Tiga said. At this moment, Dyna and Mansheheit cast their eyes on him at the same time.

"After all, that... that negative energy monster next to you also looks very calm."

The other party's sudden change of address made Manshel Haight want to laugh for a while, from 'that' to 'that'

"It's okay to use 'one' to describe it. After all, it is different from me and has no real self."

Mansheheit still has a little confusion in his heart when he said this. Why is he the only one who has a clear self?

"I don't intend to hurt anyone anyway, and I'd appreciate it if you would trust me."

"Of course I believe it, but if what you said is true, you shouldn't mind if I go with you?"


Dyna was stunned. At first, he thought there would be a fierce battle, but how did it turn out like this?

And Dijia's thoughts are also very simple. In the past, he and Empat had disputes. What should you do in the face of strange existence?

Direct attacks rule out the possibility of peaceful exchanges, and direct exchanges may bring aggression and destruction.

At that time, Dagu communicated with director Sawai, and he came to a conclusion at that time, that is, he would choose to give trust, and at the same time, he would also take responsibility himself, such as now.

He would believe what Mansheheit said, but in order to prevent Mansheheit from deceiving him, he would follow the other party, and he would stop him if the other party made any changes.

After a short silence, Manshheit laughed:

"Hahaha! Well, I'm already traveling alone and lonely, so it's a good thing that you are willing to go with me."

After getting the exact answer, Dijia turned to look at Dyna:

"Sorry, but please go back and report."

"oh oh......"

Although Dyna was a little confused, he still nodded. This is probably what it is, going to be an undercover eyeliner or something.


Until those two people disappeared into the stars, Dyna had a feeling in his heart that he couldn't respond, what kind of thing is this.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The stars are still the same, life appears and disappears, love exists, love disappears, and the cycle repeats itself.

"Tiga, what do you mean the meaning of life?"

Manshheit, suspicious of his own existence, questioned his fellow travellers.

"Existence itself is meaning."

Di Jia's answer was firm.

"It is because we have life that we think about these questions and seek answers. No matter who we are, there will be times when we are confused. At this time, our life gives us the ability to think and seek."

To live, to live itself is the most important thing.

"To be alive is to feel love, to feel hate, to feel everything."

Di Jia's words were clearly heard, and Mansheheit looked around, and the negative energy monsters followed him, and they were a little different recently.

Perhaps because the emotions in the negative energy penetrated into their bodies together, recently they began to react to some things.

Living is meaning, and it is precisely because they are alive that they will change today.


Mansheheit felt that he should have regained his life the moment he was cut by the light.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part Fourteen

The brilliance overflowed, coming from the ground and from the tower, and at the same time dyed the sky a strange light green because of the refraction of the atmosphere.

There are no clouds in the Kingdom of Light, but only brilliance, and the emerald green light flows slightly.

There is no rain in the Kingdom of Light, but only brilliance, the emerald green fine particles sprinkled down.

The darkness has been ruled out. Some of the plasma spark towers that were damaged in the Kingdom of Light’s battle with Lucifer need to be rebuilt, while others can be repaired and used again. In order to relieve the energy crisis, those that can barely be repaired continues to be enabled.

Of course, it will be replaced one after another after this, the peace of the universe is really good.


Sai Luo shaved his cheeks, and now he was standing on the top of one of the sub-towers of the Spark Tower, looking down at the entire Kingdom of Light that was waiting to be built.

To put it bluntly, at that time Lucifer almost washed the entire planet, leaving only ruins, so it needed to be rebuilt.

As for why he stood on such a high place, it was because he would be in the way below.

Well, he actually got yelled at by the big brother of the construction crew while he was wandering around, yelling 'You don't get in the way here! '

At that time, Sai Luo shrank his neck and ran away quickly. Although the other party's language was a little rough, he was right. He was like a passerby walking around the construction site, getting in the way.

Facts have proved that many things cannot be learned by just looking at them, but need to be learned systematically.

So now he just stands here, not so much to express his poetic spirit, but rather because he has no place to stay below.

As for why you didn't leave the Kingdom of Light, it was because you were worried about what might happen. After all, the Kingdom of Light is almost at its weakest in history, probably only comparable to the period of the "Ottoman War" written in history.

'In other words, the word comparable should not be used in this way, right? '

Sero raised his chin to think. In fact, the recent period has been relatively stable. Various civilizations in the universe have sent messages asking if they need help, and have sent a lot of supplies.

How can you pursue chaos after enjoying peace? The brain circuits of most people are normal.

"Oh, are you leaving?"

At this time, in Sai Luo's field of vision, there are several ships that do not belong to the Kingdom of Light. They actually come from other universes and belong to the Absolut civilization.

They are now heading to that 'kingdom'

Although Sai Luo is interested, he is not a scientist, so let's not add to the chaos.

At the end of his line of sight, inside the flagship of the kingdom ship, was Tartaros who left the waiting room after politely expressing his thanks.

There is no need for red tape and the like, and the Kingdom of Light itself does not value these appearances.

It wasn't until after walking a long distance all the way that the teleporter moved to different layers that Tartarus' adjutant spoke excitedly:


Solving the problem of Lucifer itself is a matter of celebration, and now it seems that even the hidden dangers of the hometown should be solved together?


Tartarus nodded, not all that excited because he knew it was just a possibility to solve the problem.

As he observed and concluded, Kingdom of Light has a high moral level, and after he told all about the situation and crisis in the Kingdom, things became logical.

The Kingdom of Light agreed to assist, and even Hikari, the director of the Science and Technology Bureau, was on this ship.

In fact, judging from the Kingdom of Light's reaction, they seem to have a wonderful affection for the Kingdom. Tartarus knows why, because the two civilizations are so similar.

They all developed a new energy source when they encountered a crisis of extinction, and evolved into giants under the irradiation of this energy source.

The only difference is that the Plasma Spark Tower of the Kingdom of Light is stable, and their subsequent crisis comes from external aggression, while the Kingdom's greatest crisis has always come from itself.

"It's too early to be happy."

Tartarus' tone was very calm, and it would be best to describe him as indifferent.

"The situation in the Kingdom of Light has been investigated almost, but..."

Another purpose of his coming here is to investigate, why should he investigate?

Because Tartarus had considered that the Kingdom of Light would not be able to solve the kingdom's problems. At that time, at the worst stage of development, the Kingdom of Light might have to be taken away.

'Hopefully it doesn't get to that point. '

Tartarus doesn't like to do it, so why use human life to pile it up if it can be resolved peacefully?Waste of money.

With the interdimensional fluctuation, the ship broke away from this universe.

Fleets are going up and people are going down without anyone noticing.

He fell into the atmosphere and swayed in the turbulence, adjusting his balance.

When one comes and the other goes, there is an inevitable mutual influence.


Standing on the top of the Spark Tower, Sai Luo could only look up at the sky and noticed the fiery red caused by the friction of the atmosphere. After the heat dissipated, the silver-gray figure began to glide along the atmosphere.

"Oh? Oh? Oh!"

Sai Rome jumped up immediately, he was bored long ago, and he fell asleep and someone gave him a pillow.

A few seconds later, Empat, who was falling in the air, began to slow down. He turned around and saw the red and blue giant rushing from there.


How should I put it, do rabbits have this habit?

Gaddy would rush to greet him, the only pet he ever had, and I don't know if the rabbit would.

Why is it called a rabbit?Probably because of the two head darts.

"Yo! Long time no see!"


The attitudes of the two, one hot and the other cold, formed a stark contrast.

"Is the matter over there resolved?"

"For now."

Sai Luo's question was exchanged for Empat's uncertain response, Sai Luo was a little confused, since he didn't solve it, what is this guy doing?

About 10 minutes later, the two are now sitting on the glowing earth in a 'human' posture.

"Oh oh oh!"

Sai Luo, or Zhu Xing hurriedly withdrew his hands and stretched out his head, took a deep breath with his open mouth, and sucked a lot of air and falling pastries into his mouth.

In fact, it's not that special, it's just mung bean cake.

But it's different for Zhuxing, who has hardly been out of the Kingdom of Light, and even if he goes out, he is fighting non-stop.

"Is this the so-called earth dessert? It tastes really different from the drink from the Kingdom of Light!"

Light Energy's mouthfeel is close to fluid, while this pastry feels 'dry'

In other words, this is eaten with a drink!

"Is this all for me?"

Just after eating a little bit, Zhu Xing immediately focused his attention on the many snacks brought by Nangong.

That performance makes people want to say "eating from the bowl and looking at the pot"

Nangong nodded and replied:

"Well, I have been taken care of by you, although this is not a thank you gift."

This refers to the incident when Sai Luo cut Lucifer in Chempat's body with the heart sword, and it was precisely because of that that Empat was freed from the bondage.

"You're being too polite...huh?"

In the middle of the conversation, Zhu Xing suddenly had a brand new idea.

"That's right! How can these be enough!"

He grabbed a cup of jelly and said with a dissatisfied face, as long as there is not enough talk, wouldn't there be more things to get?

Zhu Hoshi, who was thinking with such simple thoughts, opened the package and stuffed the jelly that was moist with liquid and had a solid texture into his mouth and began to chew.

There are still a lot of snacks here, and the idea of ​​"come to practice" that Sai Luo was thinking just now has been thrown aside by him, and it is more important to eat.

Nangong smiled. He actually thought about thanking the gift a lot, but in the end he found that he couldn't give anything.

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