---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The falling shovel is so primitive, this shovel loosens the soil, improves the geology, and then bury the roots of the plants.

The weather is fine today, the sun is setting on the body and it is extremely warm, and the clouds that come with the wind cover the figure of the laborer. He raised his head and rested with a shovel.

Black and white body, and yellow light-emitting organs, its name is Jeter.

For Jeter, this is the first time he has tried anything other than fighting, but it will only make people feel boring after repeating one thing thousands of times.

"The location and depth of the burial are not good, so start over."

One sentence called Jeter back from his sigh, and it was none other than Chris who was with him at this time.

The Baxter star from another universe raised his head, his eyes were like water, reflecting a gradual light.

"Can't you invent some machine to do this for me?"

Jeter's tone was full of complaints. Hearing what he said, Chris also sighed and shook his head and replied:

"If I could do it, I would have done it a long time ago. How do you want me to make a machine when I don't have anything in my hand? Is it conjured up by imagination?"

This planet is really very primitive, and it is this primitive environment that allows the monsters to live comfortably.

There are monsters flying in the sky, and there are monsters cleaning themselves by the waterfall. This is such a world.

"Then how about I dig some mines for you?"

Jeter feels that this is a rocky planet after all, and there must be mineral veins underground.

"Even if you can dig out the mine, there is no factory here to smelt it. Besides, do you think I have that kind of knowledge and technology?"

Chris's words made Jeter's expectations disappoint. The fact is that a person's energy is limited after all.

If there is really an all-rounder who is proficient in everything in this world, he must have lived a very, very long time, and at the same time be very, very free, so free that he can study every day.


Jeter sighed again, he had just pulled up the shovel when he saw the 11451st sapling he had just planted and fell to the ground, just as Chris said, the angle was wrong.

After taking out the sapling again, Jeter picked up the shovel and stabbed it into the ground again. It was at this moment that a wave of fluctuation attracted his attention.

Looking at the sky, a blue-black ball of light fell from there. The ball of light arrived at a high speed and landed at a slow speed. After the dark particles that weakened the surrounding light dispersed, the man walked out from there.

The other party's calm expression became a little strange at this moment.

"What are you doing?"

Nangong asked suspiciously, Jeter's appearance was not kind anyway, and then this guy with an unfriendly face was shoveling the soil with a shovel.

"Plant a tree, can't you see it?"

Jeter replied angrily.


Chris' cry made Jeter continue to shovel the soil, and then she looked at Nangong again.

'I have to say that I didn't see this kind of character at all before...or I couldn't see the character at all. '

At this time, Nangong was comparing the robot Jayden and Jeter in his mind, both in appearance and performance were completely different.

"Looks like I've come at a bad time?"

Nangong withdrew his thoughts and asked.

"It's really not the time."

Chris replied with a calm voice, the planet is called Juran, and it is the planet where Chaos and Gauss live.

Justis would come occasionally, but after breaking away from the seal, Justis ran out again before taking a break, and it was said that Dración asked for assistance again.

"We're busy planting trees."

Chris said so.

"Correct, I'm the only one doing physical work."

The muttering Jeter suddenly spoke loudly.

Not long ago, this planet was washed by Jeter with fireballs. Although they were their own masters at the time, what was done was done.

Chris didn't know exactly what she was supposed to do, so she decided to start with what she could.

Then Goss said 'a lot of plants and trees were burned, it would be great if you could help'

So the two planted trees here, so how many trees are there on this verdant planet?

How many trees would be burned if such a dense vegetation was blasted by a fireball?

So Jeter felt that he was tired of planting and planting and planting, but it turned out to be another wasteland here.

This monster weapon is good at fighting, but now it's not fighting, it might be easier for him to plow the ground.

"Plant a tree..."

Nangong thought for a while and finally came to a conclusion.

"I've never planted a tree before."

He is not the kind of person who is very interested in plants. When he sees a tree, he can only talk about trees, and when he sees flowers, he can only talk about flowers. , know nothing about it.

"I see, let me help, just as I am here."

Nangong rolled up his sleeves and was about to make a move, but this time he got a completely different reaction:

"No, this is too much trouble for you."

Here's Chris' response.

"Are you going to do it? What, I thought you could use some kind of superpower to create a bunch of trees."

This is Jeter's disappointment.



Chris suddenly had a headache. She felt that Jeter might be rebellious recently.

'Not necessarily? '

It may be that I was too tired to install props in Lucifer before, but now it has become like this after being liberated.

Is it the result of the pressure rebound?

"Although I don't have superpowers, I can do this."


The conversation between the two brought Chris' attention back, and what she saw was an incredible scene.

Although there was construction in my hometown in the past, it was the work of machines.

Now the earth's soil was turned up and floated into the air, and a large number of saplings kept floating and falling down at a distance.

Compared with Jeter's one-by-one movements, Nangong, who relied on his thoughts, turned up the soil and buried the saplings and then filled the soil.

The wasteland that was still bare just now was full of green. I saw the man pointing his finger to the side, and a huge water polo was taken out from the distant water source.

The clear water ball refracts the light under the sun, and suddenly breaks apart in a balanced manner, turning into raindrops falling from the sun.

The rainbow crossed, and the seedlings of new life were planted.

"It's so convenient, so convenient that I feel like my previous physical labor is as stupid as a clown."

Jeter was sighing, while Chris nodded silently in his heart although he didn't speak.

In other words, power can still be used like this.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers · Sixteenth

It's a universe without so much clutter, and there haven't been any fights recently, which is fine.

While good, it does have a strange sense of disorientation.


The sea water was surging in sight, and the man named Hiroya Fujimiya silently watched the sea that gave him strength.

It's not because of Aguru's influence. In fact, he used to like to rest at the beach when he was in a bad mood, to feel the wind and listen to the sea, so that he would gradually calm down.

The reason why Fujimiya came here was because his heart was not peaceful. In fact, he was ready to be accused and scolded.

But in that trial, in that courtroom, the victims somehow 'forgiven' him beyond what he expected.

The moment I saw my dream appear there, and the moment I got the result, Fujimiya probably guessed what happened before.

It seems that people knew that what he killed was indeed a so-called alien beast, and after thinking about it, people chose the current result after weighing it.

After the show, no one came to communicate with him, Fujimiya is now thinking, is it a forgiveness or a compromise?

Maybe it's just people compromising after considering the pros and cons.

In fact, Fujimiya, who is quite sentimental, came to the beach to think. Although he seemed a bit too petty, he was really entangled in these things.

At this time, Fujimiya heard the voice of the voice, turned his head, and saw a familiar woman speaking with a microphone in front of the camera.

Over the past five years, Reiko has gradually changed from a person who just took advantage of the wind to a powerful host.

I am here today not for anything else, but to introduce today's marine protection.

Compared with the past, all countries in the world and human beings now pay more attention to the protection of the sea. Why?

In fact, it is embarrassing to say this, but human beings are such creatures that they will reflect on themselves after knowing the consequences.

After knowing that the earth has life, and knowing that there are monsters in the world, human beings began to think about the meaning of nature.

In order to coexist harmoniously, the protection of the environment, which was just talked about in the past, has been truly implemented, because no one wants to make nature and the earth angry.

Unlike ordinary people's Lotte, the above people have considered the possibility that "the giants of the earth will judge human beings as a danger one day", so they did this.

Be kind to nature and the earth. After all, human beings have not yet evolved to the point where they can survive without the earth. It is normal to wake up before a crisis.

Regardless of the motivation, the world is indeed moving in a good direction.

"Look, everyone, this way——"

Reiko in front of the camera froze for a moment, and a certain figure was reflected in her sight, perhaps because the scene she saw at that time was so exciting that she still remembered the man who fell into the sea and disappeared in front of her.

However, before this, she was a host first, so she quickly suppressed her thoughts and continued to focus on the show.

Just as she noticed Fujimiya, Fujimiya noticed Reiko.

In Fujimiya's memory, the other party was just a woman who seemed a little clever, but after five years, she seemed to have become independent.

Five years, five years have passed without knowing it, how many things have changed?

Thinking of this, he fell into memory for a while.

I don't know how long it has passed, I don't know how many birds have passed in the sky, but one sentence brings him back to his thoughts:

"Excuse me?"

Reiko, who was still far away before, came here for some reason, and although Fujimiya didn't know what the other party wanted to do, she still nodded politely.

Then he saw the relieved expression on the other's face.

'What's wrong? '

Fujimiya was a little puzzled, but Reiko was different. In fact, she came here with a verification mentality of 'I don't think I saw a ghost'.

Think about it, you are walking on the seashore and suddenly a man falls into the sea, and you just shouted 'help' and found that the man disappeared without even thumping twice.

What the hell is this, suicide?

At that time, Reiko could be said to be so frightened that she had several nightmares, dreaming that a swollen water ghost crawled out of the well.

As for why it is in the well, it is probably because a certain horror movie has too much influence.

After a few seconds, Fujimiya was not a talkative person, and Reiko was a little embarrassed, and she was not the kind of person who would initiate a conversation.

'Speaking of which...you are really young. '

Reiko didn't know if her memory made a mistake. Why did it look like a person in his early 20s would still be in his early 20s five years later?This is completely unreasonable.

"Recently...recently, economies around the world have been recovering in an orderly manner. The Middle East, which was destroyed like that before, has gradually become lively. I remember that the natural auxiliary machines of Alchemy Star have achieved results and improved Geology, just in January this year, a complete agricultural system was established in the Middle East."

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