Reiko felt a little embarrassed after saying this, why did she say these things?

Well, there is no reason, just a random topic.

And when he heard the news, Fujimiya's eyes became clear from the original confusion.

'Alchemy Star'

He still remembers that he joined this organization with the dream of changing the world, which was his original intention.

That's right, five years, the companions of Alchemy Star are still working hard, after surviving the terrible disaster, everyone is working hard.

'This life should not be wasted in confusion. '

Fujimiya got up abruptly, since he survived, no matter what the reason for surviving, he shouldn't waste his life.

If you have time to feel sorry for yourself here, it is better to do something practical. If these hands hurt 100 people, then you need to use practical actions to make up for it, and benefit 100 people, 1000 people, 1 people.

"Thank you."


Reiko had no idea what Fujimiya was talking about, she could only look at the back of Fujimiya running away in confusion.

'Did I say anything just now? '

Reiko, who doesn't have the ability to read minds, of course doesn't know how many things flashed through Fujimiya's mind just now. She blinked and remembered this very confusing thing in her heart.

At this time, she didn't know that she would meet him again in the task of interviewing the alchemy star in the near future.

Fujimiya does not have the ability to predict the future, and of course it is impossible to know what the future will be. He just found what he should do again.

But to do this, the first thing to do is to contact the Alchemy Star. Since you are going to the Alchemy Star, of course you must have 'that guy'


With a bang, the anxious Fujimiya bumped into the girl walking out of the corner.

The moment he realized that he had done something bad, he immediately pulled up and fixed the girl who was about to fall.

The quick movement made the girl stunned. Just now she was experiencing the impact and weightlessness, but now she suddenly stood up.

"Are you OK?"

The girl who heard this question raised her head, and what she saw was a face that was a little blurry at first, but now she completely recalled it.

"Fuji, Fujimiya?"


Fujimiya opened his eyes wide, what he saw was the little girl he cared about in the past.

In five years, the girl turned into a young girl, and the young girl was looking at him with mixed eyes of shock and joy.

"Well, it's still here."

Yabuki on the other side of the street nodded, she has been paying attention to the situation of Fujimiya, and those who like to dig into the horns will go to the bottom of their hearts no matter what day.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


Five years have passed, yes, five years is enough time for many things to happen.

And among these many things, my dream has never experienced it at all. Now he has to experience the consequences of the lost five years, for example...

"It's gone too."

The original quantum research facility at Seongnam University is now closed due to insufficient number of people. It is said that it was still in operation two years ago, but the gate was closed when the last senior graduated.

At first, I worked hard with my friends, and then my friends graduated, and he was here alone.

'In other words, does this count as repeating the grade for five years? '

Wo Meng, who was comforting himself with witty words in his heart, still felt a little depressed. He actually went to propose to the school, but it was a pity, what is quantum mechanics?

Everyone has no interest in quantum mechanics. The impression of ordinary people on quantum mechanics is probably only the stalk of "indecision, quantum mechanics", so there is no way.

'It would be nice to have someone new. '

It's a pity that I only piled up leaflets in my dream, and I can't distribute them at all.

Unexpectedly, the first problem after the Ultra Warriors returned to peace was that the society was closed.

Then again, the Ultra fighters still have to go to college now?What a joke!

Principal, hurry up and call out your graduation certificate, or I will transform into a flattened place!

The above is all nonsense, my dream is just a momentary memory of my childhood, every morning in winter, he would think like most students, 'Can we blow up the school?'

It's really cold, cold and sleepy, and I want to live in bed in winter.


I sighed in Mengmeng and walked back to the classroom. He just passed by here to sigh with emotion on the way to the next elective course.

Generally, according to the plot in the novel, don't people with special skills go to the campus to get the wind and the rain?

Why does it say 'No, there are not enough club members' when I come here?

I can't even protect the society I love, what kind of Ultra warrior am I!

'Even if you think so in your heart, you can't say it out. '

I can't say the stupid words that flashed in my dream. My friends in the past naturally went to work after graduation. He is now a 'transfer student' on campus alone.

Now that the interpersonal relationship has been formed, he is really a bit redundant.

'It's okay, let's think of something good. '

For example, it's time to go to the Alchemy Star after jumping a grade and getting a diploma. Now this earth doesn't need Gaia, what it needs is people's wisdom.

I Meng found a random place to sit down and put the book on the table. He looked at the time, and there were still 3 minutes before class.

At this time, a discussion was heard:

"Have you heard? This elective course seems to have invited a foreign teacher."

"Foreign teacher? Male or female?"

"Whether it's a man or a woman, they must be old."

Seongnam University is a rigorous university. Most of the teachers are middle-aged people who have achieved certain achievements in their fields, which are the so-called excellent teachers.

Although this makes many people want to complain, it does have real benefits, for example, there will be no gossip about teacher-student romance.

Unconsciously, time passed, and before the class bell rang, a person walked in from the door of the classroom.

"Cough cough cough!"

Just wanting to drink water, I Meng sprayed myself, and the female student sitting next to me hurriedly moved away.

"Sorry, sorry!"

He quickly apologized, then took out a tissue from his pocket to wipe his hands and the table clean, and there were many strange sights around him.

But compared to those people, he wanted to cast his gaze on the blonde beauty who walked in from the door.

In the past five years, the woman named 'Catherine' has become more mature.

The question is, why are you here?

"Hi! I dream!"

The moment I heard that voice, I dreamed of spreading out the tissue to cover my face.

What a joke, psychological activities belong to psychological activities, he has absolutely no desire to become a 'man of the hour'.

'Can you let me go? '

"I haven't seen you for a while, why are you suddenly so cold?"

The tissue in her hand was taken away, and Catherine, who was leaning over, looked at him with a happy expression.

Just then, the class bell rang, so Catherine stood up straight again.

"I dream, come to my office later, I want to have a good time with you."

The new young foreign teacher walked to the podium, and I dreamed that I had already heard a lot of discussions at this time.

'What's his relationship with her' is the most discussed.

I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles in my dream. If there was a hole in the ground, he must have burrowed right into it.

'Did you come here to make me miserable? '

I Meng, who had already put on a painful expression, opened the book, he had no intention of listening to what Catherine said on the podium.

As for why Catherine came here... In fact, it was Daniel's instigation to push the boat along the way. During this period, it is really too wasteful to hide in school with the talent I dreamed of.

In short - you don't play tricks in school, get your diploma quickly, or don't get your diploma at all, hurry up and develop it with us!

Of course Daniel thinks so, but Catherine may not.

What she was thinking only she knew.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Speaking of which, I was thinking."


"I dream of joining our XIG or going to Alchemy Star after graduation?"

On the air base, Weiwei and Atsuko chatted while having lunch during lunch time.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers · Seventeen

Sitting on the grass, holding a brochure in his hand.

The Shiba Inu lay on his lap and yawned. The weather today cannot be said to be very good. It is so gloomy that it is not surprising that it rains anytime.

The park is a place where Nangong often comes. Perhaps it is because he comes so often that some people shake their heads and sigh when they see him.

Young people don't go to work on weekdays and walk around with their dogs every day. No matter how you look at it, they are unemployed. Who knows what they will look like in the future.

Unaware that his image had become negative, Nangong was still staring at the words in the brochure, thinking about a trip.

For him who has a good memory, he still remembers that five years ago he promised to go on a trip to relax after everything was over, but it turned out that everything was over now five years later.

Where is the best place to travel?

Considering the holidays, it really is winter. When it comes to winter, it means snow. When it comes to snow, Nangong has never skied. Of course, you have to say that you have traveled all the way down the snow.

"Geddie, you shouldn't be afraid of the cold."

Faced with this question, Gedi yawned again without even answering. He stretched his lower body vigorously, and his tail stood straight.


A drop of water fell on the manual and slid down, and the rain was also on the face when he raised his head.

"It's raining."

Nangong stood up and put away the handbook, he ran outside, naturally there was a gazebo in the park.

Don't hide under the tree when it rains, or you may be struck by lightning together with the big tree. This kind of thing is known to elementary school students, although it is also the kind of thing that is not remembered unless it is mentioned.

Because it is a working day, there are not many people here to hide from the rain, and there are not many people in the whole park.

Water drops fell along the edge of the gazebo, and the lake was full of ripples.

Rainy days make autumn cooler. Nangong is not afraid of the cold and rain, but is acting 'more like a human'.

There is a picture of a person walking in the rain who is not wet at all, and the rain will avoid it, which is too weird. It is better not to do such high-profile things.

"It's still raining."

Nangong said while watching the water drops that had become slow due to concentration, as if they were photographed, all the water drops seemed to be suspended at this moment.

The city is blurry in the distance, but if it is changed to night, it will become a more special scene because of the lights.

The rain and the city dotted each other, at least it was better than seeing nothing but sand in the desert.

Of course, being able to see sand is still a good thing. There are more planets that don't even have sand, just bare land.

Maybe it's icy cold, maybe it's scorching hot, the universe is so big, there are all kinds of wonders.

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