
At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Nangong's sight.

'Isn't that Chunhe? '

The daughter's friend was running in the rain, and she didn't seem to find a place to shelter from the rain outside the park.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'What a pity. '

People always think this way when encountering bad things, and Chun He is the same.

In particular, it is obviously not your own problem, but you will naturally think so when you encounter failure.

The ancients said that when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff their teeth. For example, now, the dripping rainwater has already wetted the shoulders and hair tips, and if they can't find a place to take shelter from the rain, they will become completely soaked.

Although I did see public toilets, I don't want to take shelter from the rain at the door of the toilet...

'Just go to the park...huh? '

Has the rain stopped?Why all of a sudden...

However, you can still see the rainwater falling into the stagnant water and disperse in front of your eyes. What's going on?

"Is there a gazebo inside for shelter from the rain?"

Hearing such a voice, I don't know when there was another person beside me.

"Mr. Nangong...?"

What should I call this person?Chun He's expression became uncomfortable in an instant, no matter whether he was called Uncle or Mr. Shi, it was very strange, and he couldn't call out.

Although you know that this person is an Ultra warrior, you can't connect the tens of meters tall giant with the tall person next to him who is still in the human range, which means you have no sense of reality.

It's like no matter how much you mention the vastness of the universe, you don't have any sense of reality.

In order to get rid of the strange feeling in his heart, Haruhe said again:

"Does the bower mean you?"

As soon as the words came out, I was stunned, what the hell was this talking about?

"It can't be said that there is a mistake."

Nangong nodded. After all, the rain around him was pushed away by Nianli, which is really very convenient.

"Anyway, let's take shelter from the rain. Why are you outside the school at this time?"

"I don't see your intention to take shelter from the rain first..."

Chun He complained that the two people's movements were not in a hurry, and they went to the pavilion together.

After arriving at the open resting point, Haruhe began to take deep breaths to ease his breathing. The previous run to find shelter from the rain took a lot of energy.

Nangong picked up the mineral water that had not been opened before, and about 2 minutes later, Chunhe, who was sitting on the stone chair, drank the water slowly.

"much better."

The girl who relaxed all of a sudden leaned against the chessboard table that matched the stone chair. She took out a tissue and wiped the rainwater off her face.

After calming down, start thinking, for example:

"What is Mr. Nangong doing here?"

Turning his head while asking, he saw the picture of the other party stepping his face into the Shiba Inu's back.

This Shiba Inu has such an incredible furry texture that it looks like a doll.

However, the other party turned around and grinned, making a smiling expression.

Nangong raised his head again and replied:

"Walking the dog."


In fact, this matter has been shown very clearly just now, but there should be no need to say this sentence.

"how about you?"

A rhetorical question came, what was the reason for leaving school during the non-holiday period?

"I'm doing market research."

What Haruhe said was a somewhat surprising answer.

"In order to be able to take on more positions in the future, I have taken many elective courses, and marketing is one of them."

She shook her head as she spoke.

"This semester has an assignment that has been assigned since the beginning of the semester, and I will investigate it in my spare time in order to complete that paper."

Hearing such an answer, Nangong blinked. The girl in front of her eyes slightly overlapped with the person in her memory, but the performance of knowing what to do and what she wanted and working hard was very similar.

"Although I want to help you, I really can't help you."

market research?

Even when he was still a human being, he was just an ordinary businessman, and research, which was closer to planning, had nothing to do with him.

In fact, he is more of an implementer than a planner until now.

But Haruhe was surprised when he listened to his words.

"what happened?"

Nangong noticed the other party's expression, and the question made Chunhe hesitate for a while, and finally decided to answer honestly:

"I thought you knew everything."

After all, it is Ultraman, after all, it is the kind of creature that humans can't understand, and they don't even know where it came from.

People are affected by the surrounding environment. In the past five years, people can always hear people discussing how Ultraman is, so unconsciously, Chunhe has also been affected accordingly.

It was that influence that made her react that way.

"I'm not omnipotent Doraemon, even Doraemon will take the wrong props when he is in a hurry."

Nangong said another very wonderful words.

'This person actually watches Doraemon. '

The above is the reaction that flashed in Chunhe's mind for a moment, and what he said seems to make sense, as if unconsciously, he used a strange filter to see this person.

"Speaking of this."

Nangong's words brought Chunhe back to his thoughts.

"Are you okay? I don't think it's too hard for you to be in a hurry all the time?"

He had asked Shen Yu and Xi Li before, and learned that Chun He seemed to be in a hurry at school, and it would be bad if he pushed himself too hard and broke.

However, this worry is meaningless.

"I'm used to it, and it's actually not very hard. When I was a child, my mother often taught me that I would use the time for playing to study so that I wouldn't feel like I didn't have time. I think that sentence is actually quite right."

Everyone has everyone's life. For example, Dongyang likes to play games in his free time, but Chunhe spends this time doing things that other people think are a bit boring.

"Study hard when it's time to study, and rest well when the time is up. I still have a good grasp of my state."

Chunhe knows that she is not a genius, even if she works hard, she may not be able to win against those so-called 'geniuses'

But there are not only geniuses in this world, her goal is to be more than what is lacking, and that is enough.


At this moment, Nangong was pondering, he looked at Chunhe with both eyes, it could almost be said that he was staring at him, the dark circles under his eyes he saw on his face were only of normal size.

As for perspective, Nangong, who has no knowledge of pathology, can only see whether a person is injured or not.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that."

He nodded, and the girl in front of him was indeed as serious as before.

Ordinary earnestness, ordinary effort, just a person without ordinary effort.

It's just that it was a bit strange to say this, Haruhe said with a strange expression and an uncertain tone:


She didn't know how she should react, the other party just cared about her, that's all.

However, pure concern makes people wonder what to do.

"If you have any problems that are difficult to solve, you can contact me. After all, I am also...you know."

Nangong didn't say a few things.

"You are still very young now, and there may be many things that you cannot understand immediately in the future, so you can ask me at that time."

And it doesn't matter even if you don't understand here, anyway, you know a lot of people, and you can definitely get the answer by brainstorming.

"I see, thanks."

Chunhe agreed, if there is a problem, of course he should try to solve it first, and then again:

"It's really strange that you say this in this way. It's rude to ask, but how old are you?"

The girl's curiosity is on the attack, Chunhe hasn't lived to the point where she doesn't even have any fun, she's just a normal person.

"It's a secret."

Nangong didn't answer directly with a straight face.

"It's rude to ask someone's age casually."

His words made Harukawa laugh.

"What a classic answer."

Although he doesn't have much interest in himself, there is an otaku who is quite familiar with subculture by his side.

Dongyang will always talk about all the strange things and explain them in a steady stream. I remember that when I went to her room at home, I saw a lot of toys that I didn't know what to use.

For example, I don’t know why the belt that sings is too bulky to wear.

Another example is that some robots with wings are said to be weapons for the universe. Why do the weapons for the universe have wings?

In short, it's amazing, but it's actually quite interesting to hear her say it. She deserves to be a girl from the Chaos Department who has serialized BL novels on the Internet.

Well, this is what Dongyang claimed.

Unknowingly, the rain outside the gazebo gradually stopped, and the stagnant water no longer rippled.

"I will send you back."

Nangong stood up and said, the weather is unpredictable, maybe it's raining on this street, and it's just cloudy on the other street.

"After all, you don't have an umbrella, so just treat me as an umbrella."

Nianli is really convenient, as long as he wants, he can even sit on the sofa and cook with a drink, which is amazing.

"Then trouble you."

After politely thanking Haruhe, he also got up, and the two walked out of the gazebo, maintaining a polite distance that was neither too close nor too distant.

Ordinary encounters followed by ordinary chats, and nothing special happened along the way, but there were many people who wanted to take advantage of the rain to get to the destination as they thought, making the road a bit crowded.

After a while, he arrived at the gate of Chengnan University. After another polite thank-you and goodbye, Chun He walked into the campus.

Nangong was about to leave at the door when a figure caught his attention.


Gedi also felt the existence of the 'light'. On the playground, I Meng walked cautiously, as if avoiding something.

Just when Nangong was thinking about whether to go up and say hello, he saw the blonde woman behind me patting him on the shoulder.

'I won't go up and bother. '

Don't get involved in things between men and women.

'Come on, my dream. '

Nangong turned around and left, so he didn't see my dream's expression at this time.

'I beg my sister to let me go. '

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