My dream is to think so sincerely, all because of this 'new foreign teacher' who has many more friends who he claims to be.

So what do you people come to the university to do, not to study?Are you in love?Give me to study!

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers · Part [-]

What should I do now?

He also said what to do, who knows what to do, there is no way to do it at all, who knows how this pile of things works and what is the principle?


Although the sound of the key being inserted into the lock was faint, it was not completely inaudible. At this moment, Qihai realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late to stop, when the door was opened and the man walked in, he stepped on the 'ice'


The man turned around in the air with a strange expression, landed on his back, and then slid along the slippery ground all the way to the living room.

He is now like a flat boat, the things he was carrying before fell on him, and for some reason there is a Shiba Inu sitting on his belly, not worried about the owner at all and wheezing with its tongue out.

"This, this is..."

Qihai wanted to explain something. The right hand she raised was a black mechanical hand with metallic light, and this slender arm, which was only different in appearance compared to her original arm, was moving with her thoughts, which was consistent with her female identity. slender fingers.

"Needless to say, I know it's my fault, and I trust that person too much."

Nangong can probably guess what's going on. The floor of the living room is now covered with cold ice, and many glass products have fallen on the ground and shattered. The same mess that swept through.

He knew that it was impossible for Qihai alone to achieve this level, so it was that, that prosthetic hand.

If there is something extra on the other party, it must be the prosthetic hand obtained from Diana.

This is technology from other civilizations in other universes. Is it really good to give it to a person on Earth?

In fact, Nangong never thought about the above questions at all, after all, he is also a selfish person.

The key now is what exactly Diana did to the prosthetic arm. Sure enough, she should have asked a few more questions.

"In the end what happened?"

Nangong was lying on the ground, it was really strange to see Qihai from this angle, after all, the backlight was really dark.

"Uh... don't you want to get up before then?"

Qihai asked uncertainly, while Nangong gently closed his eyes and replied:

"I can't get up for a while."

That's right, it's not that he doesn't want to get up, but that he is really struggling with how he should get up.

The pile of things below looked like ice, but it was not just that. The moment he slipped and fell, the moment his back touched, he was glued to it.

Of course, there are many ways for him to avoid falling down but he still fell down. There is no other reason, just a simple childish thought of "I want to see what happens after I fall down".

'I seem to be a little too relaxed lately. '

Nangong didn't know why he thought so at the time, but he really thought so and did so, so he lay on the ground with his clothes tightly stuck to the ice.

And now Nanami answered the question with an annoyed expression.

How did it all come to be like this?

She herself didn't understand it very well, she only knew that this prosthetic hand should not be called a prosthetic hand, but a righteous weapon.

First of all, Qihai is very happy that she has her hands again. The new hands are not strange at all, and they can even simulate the appearance of normal arms.

What black technology?Alien black technology.

Since it was brought by Nangong, there is no need to worry at all, Qihai thinks so.

Then what happened today, when she was cleaning, she saw a 'worm'

That's right, it's a bug. It doesn't matter what kind of bug it is. In short, Qi Hai really wants to get rid of that bug.

So at that moment, the shape of the right hand suddenly changed, and the knuckles split into blades, which were directly extended and killed.

Qihai, who was stunned for a moment, restored the prosthetic hand because of the movement of closing his hand, but the worm was about to escape.

At that moment again, the blue light emanating from the palm froze the ground so that the bug could not escape.

The resulting chill made Qihai's body tremble subconsciously, and the prosthetic hand started to move again. The hot wind blew through the whole house, dispelling the chill and knocking over a lot of things.

What is this hand?

Just when Qihai couldn't understand this, Nangong arrived, and now he is lying here.

"I see, just a moment."

Nangong took out a mobile phone, and he made a call, as if he was going to find after-sales service.

'Eh?wait, what? '

Qihai began to think about who the other party was calling, the person who made the prosthetic arm?

Isn't that in aliens or even other universes?Why can I get through?

However, I did get through, and then I heard speeches such as 'what's the matter with your prosthetic hand' and 'what are you doing'.

Then there are speeches like 'what do you mean by that', 'is it my fault you said that', 'well, just treat it as my fault'.

The communication seems to be really fast. At the beginning, Nangong, who had an expression of pleading guilty, gave people the feeling of a fried cat, and then his expression gradually became weaker and weaker. Now he is completely speechless. expression.

How to put it... It's like a situation where you have an argument with your friends and half realize it's your fault.

"Sorry, it seems to be my problem."

Nangong realized one thing, and that was Qihai's particularity.

With his narration, today's puzzles have been answered.

Many years ago, Qihai was attacked by a strange beast, and she was seriously injured. In order to save her, Nangong once injected his own light into her body, which slightly changed her physique.

The light did not disappear, but merged with her, so she gained the superb adaptability of Ultra armor.

It's the same now, Nanami and the prosthetic hand's synchronization rate is a bit too high, so that when she was thinking about the 'attack' part, the prosthetic hand accurately captured her thoughts and started to act.

For ordinary people, the prosthetic hand is just an ordinary prosthetic hand, but for soldiers, the prosthetic hand is not just a prop for holding something.

"No, thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be my fault."

Nangong suddenly realized one thing, after all, this prosthetic hand was given by Diana, why did she give such a prosthetic hand?

Before, because the other party was too imposing, this matter was exposed.

Qihai, who understood everything, had only one sentence to say at this time:

"Can you get up first?"

She admitted that her captain was a handsome guy in every way, but now this handsome guy was lying on the ground when he told things with a serious expression.

An analogy is that a person is lying in a sand pool and talking, no matter what he says, you will think that this person may be crazy.

And this feeling is really strange. She has never looked down on anyone so strongly, nor has she been seen from this angle by others. It is really strange.

About 10 minutes later, the house was wet with water, as if the toilet was leaking and flooded.

Gaddy, who was lying on the coffee table, moved around comfortably, and his belly was teasing his fingers.

"Ah, so sensitive."

As Qihai said that, she just thought "I really want to touch it" in her mind, and the hand started to move naturally.

How should I put it, even though it looks like this, it can still convey the feeling, the alien technology is so scary.

"Anyway, let's get the water out first."

As soon as the thought power moved, the water turned into a ball, and the incomparably convenient ability made the ground normal again, but it was still so messy.

"Let's make lunch first."

Nangong said so, and Qihai also stood up.

"I'll help you learn by the way."

Unlike in the past, she does have clear hands now.

The moment they walked to the kitchen together, the TV was turned on, and Qihai opened her eyes wide, because she clearly saw Geddy pressing the remote control to change channels.

'Is it really a dog that I just touched? '

Such an idea came up unconsciously.

"bring it on."


Qihai nodded, she held the metal prosthesis with her right hand that could hardly feel the weight with her left hand.

'Don't you go crazy at a time like this. '

She urged her right arm in her heart, and then walked towards Nangong over there.

As I said before, Nangong often brings a variety of ingredients to her home recently. This is a very happy thing, and she no longer has to eat mass-produced meals in the supermarket.


"You don't have to think about juggling at first."

Nangong stood beside Qihai and said, he stared at the kitchen knife in Qihai's hand, which was slowly cutting the radish into uneven pieces.

Whether it is fast cutting of the knife or tipping the spoon, it is actually a show of skill, and there is no need for it. After all, the most important thing in cooking is to eat.

"That's right, just cut slowly and pay attention to the position of the left hand."

Nangong observed carefully while talking, because all his attention was focused on the cutting board, so he didn't notice the distance getting closer.

Compared with before, the metal prosthetic hand seemed to have swelled a bit, so that the arms of the two were close together.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"I am back."

Chunhe who walked into the dormitory and closed the door was greeted immediately.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Fukaha, who was sitting on the bed, said so while browsing posts about 'weight control' on her mobile phone.

"Just in time for a shower."

Xi Li, who was wiping her hair, tilted her head, her body smelled of a mixture of shower gel and shampoo.

There were two people who welcomed her, so what about the other one?

"You go to pick up the box, you go to pick up the box, our only hope of winning is that there is something good in the box! As long as you can get it from the [-] in [-] chance, I will kill you indiscriminately!"

Dongyang is also fighting in the dormitory tonight, and has been fighting all the time.

"Huh? Has she made a new comrade-in-arms again?"

Chunhe was quite curious about this, what surprised her was that Dongyang wasn't cursing today.

Most of the time, the other party is cursing at "you octopus", which is extremely rare nowadays.

"That's right..."

Xi Li didn't know how to evaluate the situation.

"What the hell?!"

Dongyang screamed.

"You really got that thing from the box?! One in [-] chance?!"

The fierce scene in the screen still exists, only a character moves crazily and attacks crazily.

"No, why do you look shocked instead..."

Xili complained, and it seemed that the person on the earphone side also said the same thing, so Dongyang immediately replied:

"Because I didn't think you could open it. It seems that you can open some good things every time. What's the matter? Nangong! You bastard!"

Don't forget to issue targeted language after answering.


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