Xili was silent.


Chun He gasped, what on earth was this man talking about?

Why are you so rude to Ultraman who protects the earth and saves the earth?

Play together and call it a dog thing? !

What kind of bullying is this? !

"Come on! Another cut!"

Dongyang said excitedly, and it was no problem to describe her with joy.

At this moment, Chunhe deeply realized the huge gap between people.

Recently, she was still thinking about things like 'So Ultraman is also a human being', while Dongyang was already playing and scolding at the same time.

Considering Dongyang's dual personality when playing games, Chunhe felt that Nangong must have been stinked by Dongyang.

How should we evaluate this situation better?

No, I don't know how to evaluate it at all.

In order to ease his mood, Chunhe decided that it would be better to take a bath first.

About 20 minutes later, the moment he came out of the small toilet, Haruhe heard an incomparably clear voice:

"Nangong! You pig nose! Come on! Why don't you go on!"


Chunhe gasped again, as she had guessed, this guy really bullied Nangong a lot in his voice.

This incident was deeply remembered by Chunhe, and one day later, when the two were chatting, Chunhe actually mentioned this incident.

"Can't you have a better attitude towards Nangong? No matter what, he...isn't he?"

This sentence was exchanged for a horizontal eyebrow.

"If you think you can get special treatment, you are wrong! Compared with being stinky by me, being crouched and shaken by an unqualified enemy is the ultimate insult! So you must win, otherwise you will lose your dignity!"

Why does playing a game involve dignity?

Haruhe didn't quite understand this point, but...maybe this kind of PVP game has this kind of magic power.

"Besides, I don't think Nangong cares about this. It's better to say that he is more comfortable if I do this."

After Dongyang said this, she drank the water in the bottle. She naturally remembered the man who took her home five years ago because it was late, and also remembered the scene of being taken care of by him after fainting in the park.

Although it is said to be Ultraman or something, but Nangong...

Lack of real sense should also be a good thing. It is precisely because of the lack of real sense that I feel that I cannot connect the two existences together, so I can get along with Nangong like this.

'Speaking of which, I should have dragged him to play MMO. '

Entrusting him with all the tasks of touching the box means making a fortune today?

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

The snow scene is all over the land, and the warm sun hanging high does not bring much warmth even if it shines on the body.

The most important thing to do to warm up your body is exercise. If you want to talk about exercise, this is the only thing you need to do now.


The snowball exploded on his body, and the man who built the snowman with both hands turned his head and looked over.


Shen Yu squeezed another small snowball, and when she raised her head, she saw a very, very large snowball.

"That's a foul!"

The girl hurriedly dodged, only to see Nangong directly took off the snowman's head with both hands, as if about to throw it.

"just kidding."

Nangong, who showed a smile, twirled the snowball in his hand. The big snowball, which was somewhat oval and uneven, turned into a true circle, and then he pressed the snowball back on his body.

This snowman has neither hands nor feet.

"Not even a face."

Xi Li, who was on the side, came up, her hands tightly hugged Gedi who was sticking out his tongue even at this temperature.

For Geddy, this temperature is nothing more than that, it still exudes the faint warmth of light energy, holding it like this does not need to fear the cold of winter.

Time flies by, and if you want to say what happened during these times, nothing actually happened.

It is because nothing happened, and the ordinary passing of day after day makes people feel that time flies by.

It's because I'm doing the same thing every day that I feel like I haven't done anything during this period of time.

But this is enough, for Nangong, this period of time is very happy, walking around with Gedi during the day, chatting with Qihai to cook, and wandering somewhere with Tachibana and Aikawa from time to time.

Finally, the happy holiday came, and Christmas just happened to be on the weekend. Although Nangong himself had no interest in such things, Shen Yu and Xi Li seemed to be quite interested in going to the streets.

What are you going to do on a day like this?

It just snowed, so let's make a snowman.

Although Nangong has never done this kind of thing, he still has an impression in his mind. There is a big ball at the bottom and a smaller ball at the top, which constitutes the snowman's body and head.

And just like what Xi Li said, this snowman looks very simple, without hands or feet, not only that, it doesn't even have a face.


Nangong stretched out his hand ponderingly, his fingers pierced the snowman's head, and with the sliding of his fingertips, a pair of crescent eyes and a smiling mouth appeared, a smiling face that could not be seen without looking carefully.

"That's it..."

Shen Yu walked over and looked around at the same time. Although at first she cared that almost all the people playing in the snow here were children, but now she cared about other people's snowmen and the snowman here.

No bucket hat, no branch hands, no bottle caps or fluffy noses, and even less scarves. Others seem to think this is a half-finished snowman.

"Decorations and the like will turn into garbage after the snowman melts, so some people will find it troublesome, so it's fine as it is."

Nangong took two steps back and looked at his work and nodded in satisfaction. Others might not be able to see it, but he saw the snowman's smile very clearly, just like his current mood.

"That's really a gentle snowman."

Xi Li didn't know how to evaluate it. Do you still care about others at a time like this?

Morning entertainment is just building a snowman here?

In fact, this is indeed the case. Is it possible to ski in this small park?how is this possible.

At this moment, Shen Yu's cell phone rang and gave a reminder. After she took it out, she glanced at it and said:

"It's time."

"Well, then go and have fun."

Nangong nodded. In fact, he knew that Xili and Shenyu were going out today, but he didn't expect that they were still here to accompany him, an old man who was nervous. After all, his age is not right for being a snowman here. wrong?

However, his performance made Shen Yu's expression a little dissatisfied.

"Today is a holiday, can't you be more reluctant?"

There was a little complaint in the girl's tone, as for the festival she said...

"It doesn't make any difference to me whether it's a holiday or not. If I really want to say it, as long as I'm with you, no matter what date it is, it's a holiday."

Nangong seldom has such free time. This kind of way of completely leaving things alone is really... It hasn't happened in nearly a hundred years.



The person spoke so bluntly that he didn't know how to react for a while.

"This, this is fine, probably."

Xi Li tidied her hair while talking, and she approached and returned Gedi to Nangong.

"Then let's go out first, don't forget to go home at night."

"I know."

Nangong waved, and Gedi waved in his arms, and the two left the park side by side.

The current time is 9:32 in the morning. It seems that there is still a lot of time before the evening gathering. What should I do better?


Nangong leaned his body while thinking, he leaned on the snowman he made, and was buried in the snow with a snap.


I did something stupid if I didn't pay attention, but I have to say that I did have something to do now.

In this way, Nangong put the snow on the ground again with his hands under the snow all over his body, preparing to make a new snowman.

Following his movements, Gedi also pushed the snow with his small palms, and one person and one dog built a new snowman here.

'Speaking of which, it seems that everyone has something to do today. '

Should it be Christmas?

Although this festival has nothing to do with this country, it doesn’t matter. The merchants will make this festival relevant to everyone. For example, the people who go shopping now are the results.

Anyway, since someone feels happy, there is nothing wrong with it.

"By the way, what do you think they all went to do? No matter how I think about it, I think the scene where everyone went out together couldn't be more coincidental. It would be hurtful to say that I was left alone. I believe it won't be the case One thing."

Nangong said while rubbing the snowball.


Geddy's answer was very monotonous, and it felt that if it was a real creature, it would probably have started to sweat.

It's not a good thing that the master is too smart, it still remembers that Xi Li told it not to let Nangong come home during the day while rubbing its face.

"This is just my guess. Could it be that they have prepared some big surprise for me so they deliberately distracted me? This idea of ​​excess self-awareness should not come true? Will it not come true? Will it come true? "

Nangong rubbed the snowball big, and it was obvious that one of his three consecutive questions was not quite right.

As the saying goes, 'If you don't expect, you won't get hurt'

But not many can do this, and it can even be said that almost no one can do it.

People always know a lot of great truths, but unfortunately there are very few people who can thoroughly practice them.

So now Nangong had to admit that he began to have expectations in his heart. In order not to let this vague expectation deteriorate, he didn't look at Gedi's current expression, but just focused on the snowball in front of him.


More snow fell on the clothes that were already covered with snow.

"Hit hit hit!"

Nangong heard this cheerful voice, but the joy was that the person who threw the snowball was not the one who was thrown by the snowball.

He turned his head and saw the children running away. They seemed to be just elementary school students. Such a young age is the age where it is easy to do stupid things, so...

Nangong suddenly got up and threw the snowball to the upper corner. He quickly grabbed the snow on the ground and kneaded it into a new snowball.

'If you don't recognize your mistakes now, you will make them again in the future. It is precisely because you are a child that you must take it seriously. '

Or straight, or arc, the snowball was thrown out directly.

'Really, what's wrong with the children nowadays, my Xili was much better before. '

The straight hit shattered and fell into the opponent's clothes, and fell in an arc and hit the top of the opponent's head. The cold snow passed through the protection of the clothes and directly touched the skin.

Accompanied by the shortest straight line between two points and the simple parabola calculation, the children who were still fussing just now jumped up and down because they were stimulated by the cold.

"Ha ha!"

Nangong laughed twice.


The children scattered like birds and beasts and fled out of the park. Tricking people is fun, but being tricked is not fun.

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