Seeing her trusted deacon disappear before her eyes, Artoria turned her attention to the table again.

The letter on the table was still opened, and from this angle, she could clearly see every word written in the letter.

Arturia put away the scattered letters and looked out the window.

The clear wind blows slowly, slightly rolling up the green leaves outside the house, and the season of recovery of all things is full of gentle Lin Tao.

This is really......

"Suitable for war."

Yes, that's right.

It is war!

The letter was actually a plea for help from the King of Scotland.

The lines are full of intentions to send troops to King Arthur's rescue, hoping that Britain can help them defeat the invading Ireland.

In the letter, the King of Scotland spoke sincerely and stated that Scotland was an eternal ally of Britain.

But just like this, there is no way to persuade Artoria.

What really moved her was the promise in the letter that as long as Britain was willing to help, Scotland would provide enough benefits to Britain afterwards.

This benefit is very spiritual.....

The letter only briefly mentions a few examples.

For example, a large amount of gratitude, and subsequent concessions in state talks.

There is a lot of room for manipulation, and Artoria feels that there is a lot to do in this matter.

Although she actually knows in her heart that the benefits that may be obtained in the end may not be as good as imagined.

But it doesn't matter, because after all the most important thing is...

It is also time to let the army under him see blood!


Artoria sat on the throne majesticly, looking down at the ministers below.

Ever since she announced that she was sending troops to Scotland, they had been irritatingly clamoring like ten thousand ducks.

The knights are fine, they have already sworn their loyalty to King Arthur, and now that the king has decided to send troops to support them, what else can they object to.

What's more, as knights, they hope that they can gallop on the battlefield and become famous.

They were more excited than opposed.

However, looking at the nobles on the other side, most of them opposed King Arthur's decision.

"Respected king, Britain has just recovered some anger, but if it rashly sends troops to reignite the war at this time, I am afraid that it will hurt the foundation of the country. Please take back your order." A nobleman in the duke seat pretended to be sad.

The duke had just finished speaking, and the other immediately took over and continued.

"My lord duke's words just now are justified. In addition, Ireland and our Britain have always been at peace. If we send troops to help Scotland this time, won't we have a grudge against Ireland?"

"Yes, yes, it is of no use to have a grudge against Ireland. Please think twice."

However, the knights who supported sending troops held the opposite opinion.

Lancelot, known as the Knight on the Lake, frowned and stepped forward and said:

"Scotland is our ally of Britain, and the relationship between the two countries has always been close and friendly. If we reject this request for help this time, we will lose Scotland, an important partner."

"That's right!"

Gao Wen on the side reconsidered: "Britain is now full of vitality, but those alien races are still eyeing us.

I think in order to reassure the citizens and deter those alien races, at this moment, Britain needs a victory to prove its strength, and Scotland's request for help this time is a very good opportunity! "

"My king, please send troops, we will surely bring honor and victory to Britain."

Looking at the people below who disagreed and were arguing with great joy.

Artoria only felt a buzzing pain in her forehead.


She scolded loudly.

"What's the noise like?"

She was sitting on the throne, with a pair of emerald green eyes that were not angry and pretentious.

Bright eyes were as deep as valleys, Arturia's thin lips were tightly pursed, and her brows were furrowed.

But just this frowning appearance made people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

The ministers who were swept by King Arthur's eyes closed their mouths obediently and did not make any sound.

That's right.

Artoria nodded in her heart with satisfaction.

"As Sir Lancelot and Gao Wenqing said, this time is the time to show Britain's strength. If Scotland's request for help is ignored at this time, not only will we lose a solid ally, but it will also encourage those who are dissatisfied with Britain. The arrogance of a well-meaning person."

Seeing that someone among the nobles below wanted to open their mouths to refute something, she glared at him.

The two knife-like gazes made the noble below dare not speak back.

With a sneer in her heart, she continued: "Ireland rejected the olive branch we offered before, which shows that it has great ambitions. If Scotland is reduced to their territory, it is estimated that Ireland's next target will be us Britain. The ideal of cold lips and teeth must not be used. If I say more, you should be clear about it.”

Looking at the nobles who were still somewhat dissatisfied, Artoria threw the last heavy blow.

"What's more, in the previous letter, the King of Scotland promised many benefits to our country. I think we can discuss these treaties carefully with the King of Scotland after this."

Hearing that it was profitable, those nobles immediately changed their attitude 180 degrees.

"Respected my king, you are really righteous. Sending troops to support can indeed deter those alien races and give the people confidence."

"That's right, we just thought about it. Ireland is indeed as ambitious as His Majesty said, and its heart should be punished!"

Ha ha.......

Watching the aristocrats who performed Sichuan opera with a face-changing scene, Arturia sneered in her heart.

A group of mercenary moths, it seems that it is time to punish them again.

Just let you jump around for a while and wait until this war is over.

Just let you bleed well.

It's pointless to have a meeting here.

She stood up and made the final decision on this matter.

"Everyone, please prepare actively for the next battle. Please don't worry. Under my leadership, Britain will defeat all enemies and rebuild its glory again!"

Arturia never thought about the scene of defeat in the war, after all, she was King Arthur holding the sword of victory.

This body is victory!

So at this point, Britain, which had been quiet for more than ten years, finally became turbulent again.

Chapter 11 departure

What is the meaning of war?

If it is necessary to define it, it can only be said that this kind of behavior is an act of mutual violence between groups.

Or to put it in more detail, war is the highest form of struggle between political groups, nations (tribes), countries (alliances) and even families.

It always comes with blood and death.

Like a midwife gestating a new order, it always breaks down the old.

The word war is simple to say, but the meaning behind it is extremely heavy.

Following King Arthur's order, the whole of Britain slowly woke up like a sleeping dragon.

Army, food, weapons.

The whole country began to spin like a clockwork top.

However, Artoria has never had any contact with war.

Because in her previous life, she had always lived in the era of peace forged by the blood of the martyrs, and although she had experienced countless battles in this life, it was not a war.

Although she was a bit overwhelmed at first, Artoria got started quickly.

Fortunately, this time, troops were only sent in the name of support.

It has to be said that as the supported party, Scotland has reduced a large part of the pressure for her.

This is a great opportunity, and Arturia is eagerly absorbing experience.

For the slightly immature King Arthur, she can learn a lot in this war.

Orders were issued one by one, and documents were sent out one by one.

In less than three weeks, the British army was ready to go.

Originally speaking, as the king of a country, she should sit in the rear.

However, this is after all her first large-scale war since King Arthur came to the throne, and she needs a victory to consolidate her position among the surrounding countries.

So you have to build momentum for yourself.

If the king personally conquers, it will not only appease the hearts of the people, improve the morale of the army, but more importantly, it can also promote the national prestige of Britain.

not to mention.......

She herself does not plan to accompany the army all the way, after all, domestic government affairs are too busy.

It has only been a year since Artoria came to power in Britain with all her plans. Although she has power in her hands, the foundation is really shallow.

She plans to hand over the command of the army to Kai in the later stage, and then return to the country secretly by herself.

Perhaps with the news that he left the imperial capital of Britain to fight abroad, some clowns with ulterior motives in the country would jump out impatiently.

At that time, I can come to a fishing law enforcement, Weng Zhong catches the turtle.

In addition, Arturia really wanted to meet the King of Scotland in person, because after all, there were some things that would be more appropriate for her to discuss in person.

Standing by the window, Arturia's eyes fell on the people outside the window who were busy preparing for the war, their eyes were far-sighted and thoughtful.

"King, it's time to go."

Bedivere, who was behind him, looked at the time, and then stepped forward to remind him.

Withdrawing her gaze from the window, Artoria nodded slightly, indicating that she already knew.

Today is the day when the army departs. According to the plan, she will lead the army to leave the imperial capital under the witness of the entire imperial capital.

This is part of a campaign aimed at boosting national confidence.

When she came to the barracks, she stood on the high platform and looked at her army.

Seeing them lined up in well-trained armor, they are quietly waiting for their orders.

This situation made Artoria's heart surge.

Expansion of territory, conquering the battlefield, and ruling the world, this is the dream that every boy once had.

Although this body was no longer him, this still couldn't stop the excitement in Artoria's heart.

In order for her voice to be heard clearly by every soldier, she used her own magic power to perform a sound amplification magic.

"The whole army goes out!"

With her order, the future famous British army ushered in its first appearance.


Half a month later, in the Royal Palace of Scotland.

A middle-aged man in knight armor knelt on one knee in front of the King of Scotland and reported.

"Your Majesty, the British army has come to our country and is now settled in a small town on the frontier."

"Already here? The action is really fast."

After hearing the news, the king of Scotland, who had passed his forty years, finally showed a smile on his face, which had been somewhat melancholy due to the defeat in the war.

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