Kai's actions set an example for all the knights present at the time. After the news spread, more and more people with lofty ideals came to the imperial capital. They wanted to offer their loyalty to King Arthur who was in charge of Britain.

This was Kai and Artoria's overt conspiracy, and it was seen by all. Those nobles who didn't want King Arthur to grow up could only smash their teeth and swallow it in their mouths.

Put on a gratified smile to express their congratulations to King Arthur.

After the memories were over, Artoria sighed silently.

Thanks to Tokai, his power has grown a lot in the past month, and nearly half of the Knights of the Round Table who are famous in King Arthur's epic have already gathered.

Kai, Gao Wen, Bowes, Gareth, Tristan, Percival, and Bedwell et al.

Coupled with those knights who are limited in ability but still experienced many battles, although their number is only just over a hundred, it is enough for her to establish a dedicated elite knight group.

These are the powers that belong exclusively to Arturia herself.

She believes that this knight order will play a vital role in the next battle.

"It's time for them to come back..."

Arturia tapped the armrest of her throne with her fingers, silently counting the time in her heart.

Since her accession to the throne, she has given a secret mission to the future Knights of the Round Table.

That is to replace her to lobby the king of the city-states near Britain, in the name of King Arthur, hoping to gain the friendship of those countries.

After all, at this time, Britain is facing external and internal troubles, and he has only just become king not long ago, so it is really inappropriate to start a war.

If you can know the attitude of the nearby city-states and know whether they are enemies or friends to Britain.

Then you will be able to formulate a more detailed strategic policy for the revitalization of Britain.

At this moment, an attendant came to the hall and interrupted Artoria's meditation.

"King, Knight Gawain, Knight Tristan, Knight Bowes and Knight Kay are here to see you."

They are back!

Hearing the news reported by the attendant, she couldn't help but cheer up, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, it is really time for them to come.

"Let them in." Artoria ordered.


The attendants retreated respectfully, and after a while, the four people came to the main hall.

They bowed their heads and knelt on one knee, expressing the highest respect to the monarch they are loyal to.

Sure enough, I'm still not used to it.

Artoria looked at the scene in front of her and sighed slightly.

Looking at the four people kneeling below, she said softly:

"Everyone has worked hard all the way, you all get up."

The four knights stood up slowly after hearing the words, and looked at King Arthur in front of them respectfully.

"The task that the king entrusted to you, how are you doing?"

Arturia asked impatiently.

Hearing the king's question, Kai was the first to step forward and replied: "My king, fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. The kings of Cornwall and Orkney are very willing to establish a long-term friendship with Britain."

After Kai, both Tristan and Gao Wen brought exciting news.

However, Boss, who was the last to report, lowered his head in frustration.

He apologized to Artoria sitting on the throne:

"My lord, I'm sorry. In the country I'm in charge of, the king of Scotland is willing to make friends with us, but the king of Ireland..."

Having said that, he knelt down on one knee and asked Arturia for punishment in remorse.

"The king of Ireland is so headstrong that he refuses our olive branch."


Although she had expected this kind of thing, it still made people feel unhappy.

Ireland?It seems that I have to adjust the course of action I set before.

Now is not the time to think about these things, Arturia suppressed her thoughts, and looked at Boss who was kneeling under the throne.

"Look up, Boss. What are you guilty of? I am not a foolish king. This matter is obviously caused by the king of Ireland, and has nothing to do with you at all."

Having said that, Arturia stood up and stepped down from the throne.

Coming to Boss who was looking up at her excitedly, he bent down to help him up.

The delicate and handsome King Arthur showed a tolerant smile. She looked at the standing knight and said:

"Instead, I want to thank you, thank you for bringing me such important information."

After she finished speaking, she paused and made a final decision on this matter.

"Every knight here, be proud, you have made important contributions to Britain!"

Seeing the knights moved back, Arturia also devoted herself to the tedious government affairs again.

All in all, no matter how besieged the environment we are in, there will be thorns and thorns on the way.

Arturia is slowly and methodically preparing for a new future at her own pace.

She will use her talents and talents correctly to become the king who deserves to save Britain.

Chapter 10 Waves

The days are turned page by page, and it turns from winter to spring in a blink of an eye, clothes change from complicated to simple, and shoes change from warm to cool.

Arturia put down the pen that was handling government affairs, and gently closed the document in her hand.

In this way, the whole year was gently closed by her in one afternoon, and it ended.

Time is passing and never stops.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a year since Arturia became the monarch of Britain.

During this year, Artoria went from being in a hurry at the beginning to now being practice makes perfect.

What happened in the middle, in retrospect, makes those who hear it sad and those who hear it cry.

If it wasn't for Artoria's blood of the red dragon and the blessing of the holy sword scabbard, she would have died suddenly at work.

If it was in her previous life, she would have predicted the headlines of those gossip news.

Shock!The monarch of a country died suddenly in front of the workbench in the middle of the night. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

-------It's so miserable.

She always thought that the future she faced after becoming a king was death, but she never thought that it would be endless overtime.

Obviously they have already passed through!

Obviously already became the king!

In a colorful new life in another world, why do you let yourself live like a bitter social animal squeezed by a black enterprise?

Sure enough, no matter where you go, you can't escape the fate of being squeezed.


Arturia sighed softly, raised her head and moved her stiff neck because she kept lowering her head.

Hearing the clicking sound in her ears, her thoughts could not help but diverge.

Although this year has been very hard, I get up earlier than chickens every day, sleep later than dogs, and work more than donkeys.

But her year of hard work has not been in vain.

During this time, Artoria gradually took back the rights that should belong to her but were scattered.

Coupled with the implementation of a series of policies aimed at the current state of the country, Britain is now very different from a year ago.

The stagnant Britain finally revived in her hands.

This is really not easy.

As for those greedy nobles, relying on her powerful force, she should suppress what should be suppressed, what should be repaired, and what should be repaired, after all, she will tidy them up and obey them.

At least on the surface, the aristocrats showed that they looked forward to her, but it's hard to say what kind of demeanor they are behind the scenes.

After all, they are a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves......

Arturia stretched, then opened her mouth and yawned.

With this year's hard work, the piles of official duties on her desk have been reduced from hills to hills.

It seems that it won't be long before I can sleep an extra hour every day.

This is really exciting.

As expected of me --- the ultimate hit worker!

I can get off work early today, Artoria thought happily.

She stood up from her chair with a relaxed smile on her lips.

'Ah~, do you want to take a walk in the garden later?The roses are in full bloom this season. '

Thinking of those delicate roses in her mind, she kept putting on a cloak with her hands.

Just when I was about to leave the office.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came from far to near outside the door.

Arturia paused with a relaxed expression, she frowned and looked at the door here.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the office.

".........come in."

Following her promise, a handsome young man with long beige hair pushed the door open and entered.

It was his trusted court deacon, Bedivere who was known as the Violet Silver Knight, who came in.

"Secretary Bedivere, what do you need to report here?"

Listening to King Arthur's slightly majestic inquiry, Bedivere respectfully performed a knight's salute, and then presented a secret letter with both hands.

"My lord, this is a letter I just received from the King of Scotland, please have a look."

"Scotland?" Arturia was taken aback when she heard the words.

"Yes, my king." The knight named Bedivere said respectfully again.

"There is absolutely no mistake. This is sent by the first knight under the king of Scotland at a fast speed."

This is really a rush.....

Artoria sighed resignedly, then untied her cloak and sat back at the desk.

After doing all this, she said to Bedivere who was waiting respectfully:

"Bring it up."

After receiving the letter handed over, Artoria frowned and quickly read it from beginning to end.

I see.......

This is really troublesome.

Taking a deep breath and putting down the letter paper in her hand, her mind wandered, not knowing what she was thinking about.

Time passed minute by minute.

After a long time, Arturia finally ended her contemplation and made a decision in her heart.


She gave a soft call to the court deacon who was quietly waiting beside her.

"Go and inform our knights. By the way, call those idle nobles and ask them to wait for me in the main hall. I have something important to announce."

"Yes, my king."

Bedivere saluted respectfully, then turned and left after accepting the order.

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