
I don't know how long it took, as the flame gradually extinguished.

Wei Tu knew that this prescription was considered a success, what he needed... no, the pill that Lu Qingyan might use was almost ready.

So he lowered his head, looked at Su Mi who was sleeping comfortably on his lap, with her hair slightly covering her cheeks, and stretched out her hand with a smile.

Gently brushing the strands of hair from her cheeks.

Showing the cheeks with the skin color like a freshly peeled egg.

Slightly closed eyes, eyelashes trembling with her symmetrical unconscious breathing.

Everything is so beautiful, as if it is deeply engraved in my soul, every time I will be inspired and gentle because of her unadorned appearance.

It's just that the palm of his hand gently stroked her delicate cheek unconsciously, but Wei Tu couldn't bear to wake her up.

I don't know if it's unconscious, but it seems to feel the palm of my hand.

The girl groaned.

"Hate... senior brother..."

Then he stretched out his palm and grabbed the boy's hand indiscriminately.

Feeling a little cold outside again, he took the boy's palm and stretched it under the blanket.

The process of all this was not very fast, and Wei Tu just watched Su Mi's unconscious movements calmly like an observer.

It's just that when the palm of his hand was brought into the blanket by her catkin, Wei Tu immediately felt the softness on the back of his hand.

He thought for a while, then broke free from the girl's palm a little bit, then turned his hand over, grabbed one side with his big hand, and pressed gently.

It's like making ceramics, you want to turn the mud into the shape of a vessel, but Wei Tu's movements are more like turning this soft meat into something that can be grasped with one hand.

In fact, Wei Tu didn't have too many lewd, evil thoughts, just smiled and watched the fair cheeks of the girl on her lap gradually turn pink.

Breathing slightly rough.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and opened his eyes to look at Wei Tu with shyness and a little bit of embarrassment.

"Senior brother... you have to toss when people sleep..."

Then he couldn't help but reached out and pressed Wei Tu's palm that was making trouble on his chest.

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi with a smile.

"I have to charge you for sleeping on my lap, right? Junior sister has no money, so I can only pay with flesh."

"Bah... Brother, you are really a villain, you can say such things..."

Although she has a lot of intimacy with Wei Tu, she is still a big girl after all. Of course, the girl will have a greater reaction to such suggestive words.

Wei Tu lowered his head, bit Su Mi's crystal clear earlobe, and exhaled a fiery breath in her ear.

"Don't you think it feels better to say it? Susu, can you feel it? What are my hands doing?"

Su Mi's cheeks were about to bleed, and the tip of her nose seemed to be moaning unconsciously, and she could feel the palms on her chest getting more and more wild.

Not only did he break free from his control, but he even penetrated into his clothes.

You can't see anything under this thin blanket, but no one knows the real touch better than yourself.

The feeling of getting hotter and hotter seems to melt my heart.

The girl's eyes were like water mist, and Wei Tu could hardly control his mind with the blurred and tactful appearance of Cheng Huan.

Good guy... I was almost driven out of my wits by this girl.

Wei Tu paused for a while.

And Su Mi's cheek gently leaned against the boy's chest. Lust is a part of emotion, and it takes a proper combination to feel that two people not only exist in each other's heart, but also dominate their bodies.

"Hmph, next time brother does something wrong, I'll cut off your hand."

Wei Tu let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's not as good as cutting the bottom."

"Let's cut it together!"

"The one who will regret it at that time will be you, Junior Sister."

"Hmph, you're embarrassing others with such words again... Who doesn't know that you are a bad guy, and it's more reassuring to have less things!"

"Junior Sister, it is not advisable to fish in a dry lake."

"I hate you!"

Su Mi couldn't help but push Wei Tu away, and then couldn't help but blushed and laughed when she saw the teasing look on the other side.

Then she straightened her clothes and stood up.

"I won't tell you anymore. If you go to Shang Country, be careful yourself. If you encounter difficulties, don't think that you can solve them alone. Come back when you have to, otherwise I will go to you."

Even though it sounded like a joke.

But Wei Tu knew that she would really do it.

Some things will not change no matter how many times they are repeated.

For example, he and she will be determined to do everything for each other.

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi's clear eyes, the wind outside the window blew the leaves, shaking off the last remnants, as if nothing would be left in this cold winter wind, everything would be destroyed, only withered.

He stood up and nodded, and sent the girl to the door.

The fallen leaves all over the place looked withered.

There will be a crackling sound when the footsteps step on it, and it is soft and very pleasant.

He held the girl's cheek and gently placed it on her forehead, but unfortunately the man couldn't leave a hickey.

He just smiled.

"If you know how hard it took senior brother to find you, you will know that no matter what, I will never leave you again."

Well, this is the greatest determination and obsession.

The girl's figure slowly left the back mountain, and the sun had already set in the west.

The lingering warmth that burned the sky seemed to be the last embers before a cold and bleak winter night.

It's just that the sky, where even the clouds are burning, still stubbornly shines light.

Just like everything in this world, the most difficult thing to keep in the world is the beauty of beauty and tree.

Those who can't be kept will stay until they are all burned out, and then embrace each other again at the dawn of tomorrow.

Wei Tu thought so, and then casually strolled around the back hill.

Fallen leaves would fall on his shoulders from time to time, and then fall to the ground with his steps.

I crushed dead leaves one after another, as if to let the earth and the soil absorb it better.

Unknowingly, Wei Tu walked to the entrance of the back mountain.

He looked over, there were no flowers falling in the garden, but there happened to be a cold wind blowing.

Pulling the soft ends of her hair, she covered her cold face with a layer of messy beauty.

Wei Tu looked over, a little surprised.

"Senior Sister Bai?"

He did not expect that the other party would appear here unexpectedly at this moment that seemed to be precarious.

Bai Youwei also seemed surprised, or more precisely, panicked.

"You...why aren't you in here..."

This question seemed a bit strange, Wei Tu looked at the flustered girl and immediately put away her expression, as if trying her best to restore her usual cold appearance.

The pure white dress on her body fluttered slightly. She didn't mean she was pure white and flawless, but just like an iceberg floating in the lonely but spacious sea.

Wei Tu laughed.

"Well... I'm bored inside, so I come out for a walk. Why is Senior Sister Bai here, do you want any medicine?"

Looking at the other party's calm and slightly alienated appearance, it seems that his attitude is no different from that of other people.

Bai Youwei was a little annoyed.

Why can he look at himself exactly the same way he looks at others?

How can this be.

He obviously played with his body all over, but now he acted like nothing had happened...

Although it seemed that she was the one who said not to pretend to be familiar when she returned to the mountain gate, but she knew that she did not do it so easily, and it was difficult to calm down every time she saw him.

But when she thought of him being able to do it so easily, Bai Youwei became even more dissatisfied, and even a little aggrieved.

So this bastard doesn't have any nostalgia for those charming people.

Don't even think about it often.

I am the same as other female disciples, there is nothing special in his eyes, right?

What a cold-blooded bastard...

So Bai Youwei took a deep breath, and said in an extremely cold tone: "I came to Elder Mu to get the medicine, and it has nothing to do with you."

Wei Tu nodded with a smile.

"Elder Mu is resting now, so I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to you for a while. Come in with me, and I'll help you find it."

After speaking, Wei Tu turned around and walked towards the Yaowang Pavilion, then stopped and turned to look at Bai Youwei who was still on the spot and seemed a little hesitant for no reason.

"What's wrong with Senior Sister Bai? Are you worried that I can't find the medicine, or are you worried that I will do something strange to you? If Senior Sister Bai is also afraid of me...it shouldn't be."

Bai Youwei raised her head slightly, the embarrassment in her eyes was even more serious, but her face was even colder.

"Am I afraid of you?"

After speaking, he took a step. PS: If there is nothing to do in the afternoon and evening at the hospital, I will try my best to update it. If there is something to do, I will not notify you separately.Thank you for understanding.

7 You are a heinous sinner

"You want to attack the Dragon Slayer Realm?"

Wei Tu found out Xue Jianfeng's medicine list and found a prescription named "Tian Yuan Pill".

He quickly thought of the other party's current situation.

It is indeed the ninth rank of the Fusion Realm.

The effect of Tianyuan Pill is not as simple as consolidating the realm and stably breaking through. Tianyuan Pill is actually a relatively strong medicine. In short, this is a more radical pill used to fight the enemy or break through the realm.

In the road that countless predecessors walked out with blood and tears, Tianyuan Dan was only used to fight against the enemy at first, but soon some people used this medicine to break through the realm, and it was a great realm.

Bai Youwei nodded.


At the same time, there is a bit of pride in the tone, as if to say that you don't think you are great at the dragon slaying level now, I can also reach the dragon slaying level, just a few days later!

Wei Tu pretended not to notice it, but frowned.

"To be honest, is it unnecessary for you to use this kind of elixir?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

Bai Youwei said unconvinced.

It seems that every word is thorny, especially when I saw Su Mi leaving the back mountain with joy in his eyes.

Seeing this young man now, she was full of displeasure.

Anyway, you can't beat him, so you might as well kill him.

Wei Tu shook his head, not caring about the other party's targeting.

Instead, he said: "It's not that I don't care about the problem, but I must tell you before I give this pill to you. Although the success rate of Tianyuan Pill to help you break through is not low, it is beneficial to your realm in the long run. It has a big impact. The most intuitive impact is that nearly half of the people who took the Tianyuan Pill to break through the realm were unable to break through the god-looking realm."

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