"……how do you know?"

Bai Youwei couldn't help asking, and put aside those thoughts of fighting for the time being.

"I read it in the book."

Wei Tu said so while looking at the medicine list repeatedly.

"Can this also be read in a book?"

"Of course, those dossiers that record various characters can see their lives, how they broke through in detail, what pills they took, and then see what achievements they achieved and how they died based on these. Some conclusions can be drawn.”

"The conclusion is that I don't want to take Tianyuan Pill?"

Bai Youwei was a little reconciled, although she sounded a little apprehensive, she really wanted to break through the dragon-slaying realm as soon as possible, otherwise her so-called restoration plan would not know how long it would take.

It's not just that I'm angry with this young man, but when I think that it will fundamentally affect my future, I still have some scruples of course.

Wei Tu nodded, and then saw a herb.

"Yo, menstruation is coming, do you still need Tianyuan Pill?"

"What's wrong with you!"

Bai Youwei blushed pretty and stretched out her hand to grab the prescription in the opponent's hand, Wei Tu naturally avoided it.

Then he pressed Bai Youwei's arm by the way.


The girl was propped up on the floor in a rather embarrassed posture, Wei Tu didn't have anything to do, after all, this was Bai Youwei and not Su Mi, Wei Tu's principle was that he would not take advantage of anyone.

"give me!"

Bai Youwei didn't seem to realize that her posture was actually very attractive, she almost knelt on the ground and stretched out her hand to grab the prescription that the other party held high above her head.

Wei Tu only needs to glance sideways to see the other person's soft waistline and upturned buttocks.

This is also the most amazing and alluring thing about women. You will find it disgusting and strange for men to make such actions, but women are like silent invitations, and you can't help but have some strange fantasies.

Wei Tu said helplessly, "The posture is very good, Senior Sister Bai."

Bai Youwei froze for a moment, then stood up blushing and glared at Wei Tu.

"Why are you always playing hooligans!"

"What do you mean I'm playing a hooligan? You're going to pounce on yourself. Didn't you take the initiative when you were in the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain..."

"shut up!!"

Bai Youwei couldn't help but kicked over.

Wei Tu stretched out his hand very quickly, mainly because it seemed that it was too late to get up, and he grabbed the opponent's ankle as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Bai Youwei was stunned for a moment, and then Wei Tu pushed harder.


Last time it was the knees, this time it's the butt.

Bai Youwei turned around in the air in embarrassment, and then sat down on the floor. At the same time, because of Wei Tu's force, her whole delicate body fell into the opponent's arms.

Bai Youwei was in a daze, even a little at a loss.

Inexplicably, his head landed on the opponent's legs, and when he opened his eyes, he saw him smiling at himself with his head down.

Bai Youwei hates that Wei Tu smiles like this, and when she smiles like this, she can't help but feel a little hot on her face.

Especially when he saw his thin lips pressed together, he always wondered if the raised corner of his mouth would fall on his own lips.

Probably not, after all, even in the cave of the Hundred Thousand Monster Mountain, even if the two of them were in that situation, the other party had never kissed him.

Hmm... As he said, he was just forced to save an unimportant person at that time, so why kiss without any feelings?

Bai Youwei's bewilderment turned into Wei Tu's sigh.

It was very slight, but Bai Youwei still heard it.

Then I heard this young man who is very young next year, but seems to have countless worries, and pretends to be so old that it is annoying.

"I know that there are many things pressing on your heart, so that you can't wait to break through, but the more urgent you are about cultivation, the more you will suffer from it. Maybe after taking Tianyuan Pill, you will be able to recover in less than a month. At the dragon-slaying realm, you will be immersed in the ecstasy of breaking the realm, but after you arrive, you will realize that your progress in the realm is becoming more and more difficult, and even when you see the way of heaven in front of you but can't break through at the ninth grade of the God-watching realm, your disappointment will be overwhelming. How much should there be?"

Bai Youwei didn't speak, she also forgot to get up, just closed her eyes as if she was thinking about something.

Wei Tu said softly and calmly.

"I'll help you change the prescription to be softer. It may take longer, and the retreat may take about three months."

"...three months is too long."

Bai Youwei couldn't help but said.

The age of a practitioner cannot be recorded in terms of a hundred years. In fact, a few months is not a long time at all. It is common for some people to retreat for one, two, or even ten years at every turn.

But Bai Youwei only feels that after three months, she doesn't know what will happen outside, what will happen to Yuan Jianzong, what will this young man become...

Thinking of this, Bai Youwei felt that three months was really a long time.

Wei Tu laughed.

"Three months is too long? How can a person who has broken the border ask for so much. That's it."

"You... at least you listen to my opinion!"

"Do you still need to listen when your opinion will hurt yourself?"

"That's my own idea anyway!"

"Is this what you ask yourself?"

Wei Tu's simple answer made Bai Youwei very angry.

The bastard always does this!It's always like this, you don't ask other people's opinions on what you want to do, and now you can't even make decisions about your own affairs?

"Then your menstruation also came, so it's best to wait for this period of time to pass before breaking through. If you really can't bear it, then you need another medicine list to help you recuperate."

"Can you... can you stop talking about menstruation?"

Bai Youwei's ears were almost turning red, and she wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but this bastard was serious about it.

He also regards it as a situation that cannot be ignored, doesn't he know that this is normal for women!

Wei Tu looked at Bai Youwei amusedly.

"Haven't you heard of taboo against disease?"

"I'm not sick again!"

"Yes, you are being hypocritical."

"Who is as hypocritical as you?"

Bai Youwei couldn't help retorting.

Then Wei Tu reached out and poked Bai Youwei's eyebrows.

This sudden move made Bai Youwei stunned, she didn't expect the other party to make such a strange move, she was a little puzzled for a while, she held back her shyness and looked at Wei Tu.

Seeing the young man looking at him, he said helplessly.

"It's you who keeps saying you're going to pretend to be unfamiliar, but you're also the one who hates me every time you see me. Isn't that hypocritical?"

Wei Tu thought Bai Youwei would be speechless.

But she didn't expect Bai Youwei, who was silent for a moment, to sit up from his arms with a cold face.

Then she stretched out her hand and pushed away the boy's chest, she stood up and tidied up her dress which wasn't really messy.

Then the eyes and words were cold.

"I'll leave the prescription to you. I'll pick it up in three days."

After finishing speaking, Bai Youwei walked straight out of the Yaowang Pavilion.

As if she had never been here before, if it wasn't for the smell of her still lingering in the Yaowang Pavilion, even Wei Tu would think so.

He frowned, stretched out his hands to support the table, then dragged his cheeks, and looked in the direction of the door.

It seems to be in a daze, and it seems to be thinking about some puzzles that he can't solve.

until a voice came from behind.

"Hey, our flower picker will miss one day too?"

Wei Tu knew who it was without looking back, after all, she was the only one left in the Yaowang Pavilion.

Mu Xitong sat next to Wei Tu with a lingering and lazy style, and looked towards the direction of the door together.

"Everyone is gone, let's see. I've heard of the husband-watching stone, but I haven't heard of the wife-watching stone."

Wei Tu looked angrily at Mu Xitong beside him.

"Sister Xitong, is it really okay for you to be so yin and yang when you come together?"

"Why not, I'm happy to see you frustrated."

"What does it mean to be frustrated... This person's personality is like this, and it is normal."

Wei Tu said so.

Mu Xitong laughed.

"Still talking hard, you ask yourself, is this really normal?"

It was indeed abnormal, but Wei Tu didn't want to say it.

"I'm afraid you didn't even think that she would do this suddenly, did you? I thought it was a good idea..."

"I don't think much of her."

Wei Tu said so.

Mu Xitong nodded.

"It's true that you may have no idea, just like you are treating me?"

"That's still different, at least the confidant feelings for Sister Xitong who hate seeing each other again."

"I can go to yours."

Mu Xitong poked the boy's forehead with his slender fingers.

Then he took it down and said in a calm tone.

"So you don't understand girls at all...No matter what the relationship is, at least she is willing to immerse herself in the beautiful bubble she made. At this time, you have to expose all this...It's a heinous crime." PS: etc. I'm going to the hospital to deliver breakfast to my dad later, so there is still a chapter to come back and update, it may be around ninety o'clock.Thank you Emperor C for the [-] monthly tickets~ I also thank you for your monthly ticket support, which is a great comfort, after all, I haven’t seen this number of monthly tickets for a long time.Hope to have it again next month!

8 I didn't move, she moved by herself!

Bai Youwei hates herself very much.

I even feel that I am distorted in my own heart.

When did this distortion start?

It probably existed from the time the memory started to wake up.

She would hate such a life experience, hated it from the bottom of her heart, she hated the so-called fate why couldn't she grow up carefree like the carefree children around her, and only focus on cultivating the Tao.

But on the other hand, I hate these things but rely on the preserved memory to assist my own practice, and even practice the skills left in my memory by my parents to enhance my combat power.

I always seem to be like this, the whole person seems to be split into two people because of thinking.

On the one hand, I hate the fate that has been arranged long ago.

On the other hand, it accepts the gifts brought by these nasty things.

She wants to live without sorrow, but she always convinces herself that she will return to the Northern Desert Demon Realm to restore the glory of the Jialan tribe.

Just like how I feel now.

Always contradictory, always mixed emotions.

While she was talking, she wanted to let the other party set a boundary with herself, and to become a complete stranger with this annoying boy.

But when I see him, I can't help but use various methods, harsh words, and hateful eyes to treat him, as if deliberately reminding the other party: We have festivals, and this matter is not over.

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