Wei Tu felt that his nose would bleed after appreciating it so much.

And Lu Qingyan, who turned her back to Wei Tu, couldn't feel much better, as if she could feel the scorching young man's gaze behind her.

I understand how attractive my body is to men, but...

But he is Tu'er... the apprentice whom he brought up with his own hands...

How can you stare at your back with such fiery eyes...

"Have...haven't started yet?"

Don't look... let's start... I would rather be in pain than be so ambiguous that makes myself fascinated.

"Okay, Master, relax. This time it may hurt more than the previous few times, so I set up an enchantment around it in advance. Master can safely shout, and no one will hear it."

What is this little villain doing with the enchantment!

Is it really because he is afraid that his master can't help but scream out in pain?

How could I be so ashamed, don't have any plans, right?What is the attempt?

Lu Qingyan didn't dare to think about it.

Nodding silently, her shoulders were a little tense, her black hair curled from the back of her neck to her chest, Wei Tu could only see her collarbone, but her high chest still half covered her face with her pipa in her arms.

Soon, Wei Tu put his hands on Lu Qingyan's shoulders.

The preceding process is the same as before.

The conduction of the breath, then triggers Lu Qingyan's reaction in the sea of ​​anger, drawing out those dangerous sword intents and gently shattering them one by one.

Even so, it made Lu Qingyan sweat profusely for a while.

It's just that at this time she just groaned in pain, and she got used to the pain after experiencing it too much.

But Wei Tu soon reached a new stage.

That was Lu Qingyan's seemingly unbreakable sword bone.

Wei Tu's fingers slipped all the way from the back of Lu Qingyan's neck.

The delicate skin along the way made Lu Qingyan bite her thin lips tightly, not pain.

It was a strange sense of electricity, which brought trembling to the body.

Lu Qingyan still feels that this is an unbearable link for herself, but she can't help but gain unprecedented pleasure from it.

But the next moment.

Wei Tu bent his knuckles, and lightly tapped Lu Qingyan's slightly convex spine.


Lu Qingyan clearly felt the sword bones in her body tremble violently like an angry dragon, like an erupting volcano.

And the feeling it brought her was unprecedented pain!

The pain is almost like smashing the bones of my whole body!

Unprepared for such pain, Lu Qingyan's eyes widened and her red lips parted immediately.


She leaned forward, wanting to break free subconsciously. This pain made her react in accordance with her body's instincts.

And Wei Tu expected such a situation.

That hand pressed down on her spine, and the other hand stretched out, directly grabbed the woman's throat, and pulled Lu Qingyan's entire body into his arms.

Then he quickly pressed it up, his hot chest pressed against the opponent's back, his fingers locked on Lu Qingyan's neck, and then his cheek was almost pressed against Lu Qingyan's sweat-drenched cheek and said.

"It hurts, but hold it back, Master." PS: Because I delivered breakfast to my dad this morning, I only update it now, and there will be more updates later.It's the last day of August, don't keep the monthly pass~

11 Tu'er and Qingyan

Lu Qingyan's current feeling is extremely painful.

This kind of pain that almost shattered all the bones in his body was unprecedented, as if he would soon be paralyzed.

She didn't know where to use all the strength in her body to relieve some of her pain.

But in addition to this pain, there are other feelings filling in.

For example, the young man strangled her own throat. She never thought that this kind of action would happen to her.

Who would dare to do this to Lu Qingyan?No one in her life could offend her to this extent!

But now I can't resist, I can't refuse the young man behind me strangling my throat, and fixing my soft and powerless body in his hot embrace.

And the pain continued.

Lu Qingyan's eyes turned rosy unconsciously, she didn't want to look so shameful, but pain is the most real touchstone.

Lu Qingyan couldn't control the spread of pain, nor could she restrain her body's instinctive reaction, her struggle, her scream.

I really yelled out.

But at this moment, Wei Tu seemed to be hugging this charming woman, but he clasped her throat with his palms to prevent her from doing anything that would hurt herself.

Not only that, the boy pressed against her sweaty cheek and whispered softly in her ear.

"Master...be patient, be patient. It will be fine soon."

"Ugh... ah...! It hurts! It hurts..."

It's okay not to be comforted, but as soon as Lu Qingyan was gently comforted by this young man, she felt that her heart became soft, and she couldn't help but express her feelings, as if in this way she could get a little relief.

Wei Tu's fingers did not relax, poking the woman's pink back.

Pass the breath in continuously, while smashing the opponent's sword bone, while constantly repairing it.

This process looks very subversive, but it is actually only the second stage. If this stage can pass smoothly, the third stage will be the highlight of Lu Qingyan's real transformation.

That is the process of sublimating Lu Qingyan's body and mind, and it is the way that allows her to truly walk unimpeded on this avenue.

Now Wei Tu has to focus on the present.

"It's okay, bear with it..."

"I can't bear it... It hurts to death... Stop! Stop...! I'm going to die!"

Lu Qingyan actually didn't know what she was yelling about, she only knew what she had to say, she just felt that the pain should stop immediately, otherwise she wouldn't be able to live.

At this time, Wei Tu had no choice but to move closer, and then opened his mouth to bite Lu Qingyan's earlobe.


Lu Qingyan was unusually sensitive to the pain.

At this time, how can you not feel the earlobe being bitten by the other party?Especially the earlobe is a very sensitive place for her. The sudden tingling current mixed with the pain in her body, filling her remaining sensations.

But the boy's ambiguous words could be heard clearly in his ears.

"Qingyan, I know it hurts, but it has to be like this. Just endure it. It will be very comfortable. You will improve faster and practice more smoothly in the future. Could it be that these pains are not as good as the pain you have suffered for so many years?" Practice hard?"

In fact, Lu Qingyan did not listen to what was said later.

The only thing she heard was the very clear 'Qing Yan'.

It seems that I promised this young man that at this time, I will make myself look down...

But he is his apprentice...

But Lu Qingyan felt hopeless, and the other party's gentle words could relieve her pain a little.

Although Wei Tu's work is still going on, he is still destroying his sword bones and forging his body.

But following his gentle words, he gently bit his earlobe.

Lu Qingyan felt a strange pleasure.

Her face was ruddy, and her eyes were covered with mist, as if she was about to cry, but she was so blurred that she couldn't see the sadness.

"Tu'er...it hurts..."

The woman's hoarse words seemed so attractive.

Wei Tu could only continue to comfort the other party.

"Well... Tu'er knows. But don't be afraid, Tu'er is here, she won't put Qingyan in danger, just let the pain go, and Tu'er will make pig's trotters for Qingyan, okay?"

"Okay...but...but I'm out of strength..."

Lu Qingyan could hardly support her body.

Fighting the pain made her almost exhausted, and Wei Tu certainly knew the other party's physical condition.

So take the initiative to say.

"Qingyan, you turn around and hug me, so you don't have to work hard."

"How does this work..."

Although Lu Qingyan could feel this strange pleasure, her mind was not broken, and she knew very well that if she turned around, her naked body would be exposed to the other party's sight, not only that, she would have to touch his chest ...

If it's the back, you can still deceive yourself and others, but how can you face it like this?

Lu Qingyan would rather die of exhaustion in the process of exercising her body than let the situation become like this now.

But Wei Tu said.

"It's okay, I will close my eyes and never touch Qingyan's body too much. It's just for exercise, it doesn't matter, right?"

Lu Qingyan hesitated for a moment, and Wei Tu saw the woman's wavering, so she let go of her lips and gently pulled her shoulder.

Wei Tu closed his eyes, but felt that the shoulder he was trying to pull over was suddenly deflected.

Then before he could react, a gust of fragrant wind stirred his nostrils, mixed with the scent of the other party's sweat.

The long hair flashed across the tip of his nose, like a caressing itching.

Then the legs feel the elastic weight.

His chest was squeezed tightly, Wei Tu knew what it was without thinking, but he still didn't open his eyes.

Until the slightly hot breath was on his neck.

Wei Tu's fingers landed on her back.

He knew that at this moment, Lu Qingyan was resting her head on her neck, and her body was tightly pressed against her.

She didn't want to let herself see it, but she subconsciously regarded herself as all she could rely on.

The pain continues.

Lu Qingyan still couldn't help shouting, and even couldn't help biting Wei Tu's shoulder in Wei Tu's soft words of comfort.

Wei Tu didn't have the luck to protect himself on his shoulders, because he was afraid of hurting the opponent's teeth, and his body transformed by the blood of the evil dragon could be raised to an exaggerated strength.

Lu Qingyan's white teeth couldn't stand it either.

As a result, blood flowed out, but how could Lu Qingyan, who was unable to extricate herself from the pain, feel so much, she just bit down on it indiscriminately to relieve her pain.

Until Wei Tu let out a long sigh of relief.

The internal energy is almost exhausted, and the first body training of the second stage is completed.

"All right……"

Wei Tu said a little tiredly.

Lu Qingyan was covered in sweat, soaking the boy's clothes.

And Lu Qingyan, who was also panting heavily, leaned against his shoulder weakly, her eyes a little absent-minded.

She felt that the pain was gradually subsiding, and a warm breath surged in her body.

These auras belong to Wei Tu... His apprentice's... His aura shuttles through his body, flowing in every meridian...

Lu Qingyan blushed and moved away slightly.

"Thanks a lot……"

"It's okay, just be filial to the master."

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