Wei Tu pretended to be relaxed and smiled, and then heard Lu Qingyan's exclamation on his shoulder.

"Your shoulder..."

Only then did Wei Tu realize that his shoulder was probably mottled with blood at this time, and he was bitten unconsciously by the opponent, and he had no defense measures, so the blood flowing at this time was very exaggerated.

Almost half of Wei Tu's body was soaked.

Wei Tu shook his head.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury. If Master can get through it, it doesn't matter if half of your arm is gone."

"What nonsense!"

Lu Qingyan was extremely angry, told Wei Tu to shut up, and then thought about it.

"You close your eyes."


Then there was a rustling sound, probably Lu Qingyan was putting on a dress.

Then Lu Qingyan walked around the room, spilling something on her shoulder.

There was a scent of medicine and a tingling sensation.

After a while, Lu Qingyan said softly.

"All right."


Wei Tu opened his eyes, and saw a cold woman holding a porcelain vase staring at him.

Her eyes are no longer piercing, and there is an indescribable softness.

She seemed to be looking at her eyebrows, her nose, her lips.

Then said helplessly.

"Tu'er... don't do this in the future."

Wei Tu shook his head firmly.

"You can't give up halfway. The disciples can't imagine how the master will be depressed because of the stagnant realm in the future."

Lu Qingyan couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you getting more and more stupid, kid? What the teacher said is... Don't let me hurt you, even if it's unconscious. If you are worried about me, don't the teacher love you?"

In front of this woman, Wei Tu can always show the most unadorned, innocent smile without any other meaning.

It seemed that only in front of her would he look like a child of this age.

"But the master bit me so hard just now that he wanted to eat me up."

Lu Qingyan blushed slightly, thinking of her embarrassing behavior just now, she couldn't help being ashamed.

"Isn't that treating you like a pig's trotter?"

"Master, have you ever seen such a handsome trotter?"

"Fuck you! Go take a bath for the teacher..."

His body was still a little sticky, it was his own sweat and the boy's smell.

When Lu Qingyan got out of bed, her legs felt a little weak.

Wei Tu looked over with a smile.

"Master, do you want my disciple to rub your back?"

"Fuck off!"

Lu Qingyan almost staggered and fell to the ground in embarrassment, but her figure still swayed involuntarily, and then quickly left the room, as if fleeing.

In the tub of the medicated bath.

The woman with snow-white skin like a perfect jade has a towering chest slightly exposed on the surface of the water.

Her hair is moist, and her heart seems to be moist too.

Looking at the water surface rippling with medicinal herbs, she felt a little indescribable.

Thinking about everything that happened in the room, thinking about the time when he bit his ear and made himself look down.

She couldn't help but put her legs together, but her fingers touched her earlobe.

It seems that the smell of that boy still remains on it.

"Lu Qingyan...he is your apprentice..."

Lu Qingyan couldn't help mumbling to herself, but her eyes looked downcast and confused.

"But apprentices and masters... can they really do this?"

Lu Qingyan leaned against the edge of the bathtub with her eyes closed, stroking her tender neck with her palm.

Thinking back to the moment just now, the other party clasped his throat tightly, as if he wanted to suffocate him.

She bit her thin lip, her cheeks getting redder and redder.

A strongly suppressed but extremely hoarse voice came out of his throat.

"Tu'er... Qingyan..." PS: I still have something to do this afternoon, so I may not be able to add more~

12 Half sober and half intoxicated (monthly ticket plus more~)

Lu Qingyan didn't know how long she had been washing in the bathtub, she felt that it was already very late, and even the moon in the sky seemed to be going home.

As for Wei Tu, he probably already went back.

Lu Qingyan should have thought this way...it's already very late.

People will say goodbye very late, and very few can embrace each other. The bed partner is just the drizzle of the evening rain and the icy evening wind.

What's more, it's already winter.

Lu Qingyan put on a white sleeve skirt, and her long hair was slightly wet. She walked from the first floor to the second floor, and her inner breath had already made the wet long hair slightly dry.

So much so that it can fly up in the air with her footsteps.

The moonlight could not reach the promenade, and the door was completely dark.

Lu Qingyan gently pushed the door open, and then heard the sound of cold wind rushing into the room, and the sound of even breathing.

Lu Qingyan was absent-minded for a moment, she turned her head and saw the boy who was sleeping on her bed, lying sideways with his head on his pillow.

The moonlight shone through the window sill, but his face was faintly visible.

Lu Qingyan walked over, wanting to wake her up, this was not the bed he should be sleeping on, but when she walked to the side, and saw his shoulders with scabs still exposed, she couldn't help but silently Sighed.

The woman still sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his face with closed eyes.

Seeing this face, which gradually matured and shed its youthful face, Lu Qingyan would think of many things.

For the first time, the young man was holding a sword, and it was a wooden sword he had given him.

He was very young that year and took up the sword because of hatred.

There are many flaws, and there are weaknesses all over the body.

His figure was thin, but the flame in his heart made him too dazzling to be ignored.

The first time he practiced sword, he was out of breath, from daytime to dusk, and then fell to the ground exhausted, Lu Qingyan would tell him.

"The first time is mainly for familiarity, so you don't need to work so hard. Even a day's hard work can't make you stronger."

He would ask himself: "What if I do this every day?"

So he really does this every day.

He was taciturn and withdrawn by nature.

It seems that all the time is spent on practicing swords, and it seems that children of ordinary age have no time to play. Lu Qingyan doesn't know how to deal with children. It is also the first time for her to be a master, so what is so special about her Woolen cloth?

She just watched the young man practicing sword day after day, getting his clothes wet, and getting wounds all over his body.

It's just that the stagnation of the realm, and his longer and more beautiful face make others think that he is just an ignorant waste.

Lu Qingyan is actually very concerned about these things.

But he would say to himself: "It's better than they think I've worked so hard and still be like this?"

It was the first time I heard of Lu Qingyan laughing at herself in this way.

Then things changed, he seemed to have a sudden enlightenment, or God finally looked at him.

From the Zongmen Xiaobi, to the battle with Lu Chenzong Yuan Jiacao, to the survival of the Hundred Thousand Monster Mountain.

It all seemed like a miracle.

Just one small miracle after another, turning into bigger and bigger miracles.

Lu Qingyan noticed his growth, but also noticed his strangeness.So strange that it seems that Wei Tu at this time will be like an eagle spreading its wings, flying away from his side at any time and soaring into the wider sky.

It seems normal... Every young child will become a hero in overcoming obstacles.

And the guides who once led them on this road will become the green pines on both sides of the road, or the obstacles they will eventually overcome.

Lu Qingyan wanted to reach out and touch his delicate face, her heartbeat was calm and steady.

But still took it back.

He will use this method to 'help' himself now, is he still his apprentice?

Lu Qingyan had complicated emotions.

Some regret that he is his apprentice, but he is reluctant that he is not his apprentice.

She was reluctant to wake up the boy, thinking that he should be very tired this day.

After thinking about it, Lu Qingyan took a thin quilt and covered the boy's body.

Then he squatted beside the bed and took off his shoes and socks. Doing these things was like going back to when he was very young.

Some things are actually somewhat familiar.

But now, this young man would actually make himself blush, thinking of the earlobe that he had bitten and the slender waist that he hugged.

Lu Qingyan thought for a while, closed the window, and then took off her shoes and went to bed. She lay on her side inside, looking at the boy's black hair, watching his body rise and fall with shallow breathing.

The years are long.

But when I think about getting along, I feel so short.

He is going to the Shang Kingdom, and it seems that he will come back soon, but it seems to be an omen, he will go out more and more frequently in the future, until the huge Yuan Jianzong can't restrain his wings.

Is it really to the point where one glance is missing?

Lu Qingyan opened her eyes, resting her arms on her head, looking at his back and smelling his scent.

But separated by a small distance.

She can take it for granted to greet him with care.

Come and drink.

But even a hug has to be careful.

This may be the arrangement. If you are a master and apprentice, you should not think about other things if you are a family member.

Little Yuanfeng has been used to it for so long, it might be really uncomfortable to get used to other things... I would be afraid too.

Lu Qingyan laughed.

Muttered softly.

"Leave me later...leave me later."

As if on a stormy night.

Or some morning when the grass grows and the warbler flies, he will disappear.

When I realize that the weeds in the yard have not been trimmed for a long time, and the stove in the kitchen has not been touched for a long time, it may be the best farewell left for myself.

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