How can I let her know this!

But Wei Tu laughed like a devil, and then groped for his fingertips in her desperate eyes.

"Hold back the suzerain, the only thing that can save you now is your own endurance."

Then his fingers moved.

"Uh huh...!"

Ran Xinxue covered her lips in an instant, and almost knelt down on the window sill! PS: The update rules for this month are still [-] tickets or [-] fire rolls plus a chapter of [-] words~ Thank you for your subscription, and thank you for every monthly ticket!

15 My house is in a mess! (Monthly ticket plus 1 more!)


Like a nightmare!

For Ran Xinxue, this day... this night is definitely a nightmare!

Ran Xinxue never thought that she would have such complicated emotions, mixed with pain, suffering, and even mixed with a little unprecedented excitement.

She never thought that she would just look at Mu Xitong's back from outside the window of Yaowang Pavilion.

With the danger of being discovered by her, then trembling, then twisting the body.

Biting his lips tightly, he let out an extremely low but extremely alluring hoarse moan.

Ran Xinxue knew that the young man next to her must have no dignity, even a dissolute look, but there was no way...he was such a bastard!How could he torture himself like this? !

In a way that I have never thought of, I have reached a peak that I have never thought of amidst fear, pain, suffering, uncertainty and unprecedented stimulation.

Perhaps that night, the ground under the window was already wet enough to raise a piece of fertile land, and even the window sill may have left deep palm prints.

In fact, the stimulation of the slave pattern is not bad, the key is that Mu Xitong looked at Mu Xitong several times as if he was about to look at him immediately, and even turned around!

But that bastard didn't stop stimulating him at all!The torture continues!

This feeling almost made Ran Xinxue go crazy, it was not just a complete humiliation, it was driving herself to a dead end.

Compared with letting herself die, what Ran Xinxue is more afraid of is that her reputation will be ruined, and all her life will be shattered, especially if Mu Xitong, who she hates and hates herself, finds her embarrassment. Especially unbearable, worse than death!

How could this bastard do this! !

When Wei Tu picked up the soft body that had almost collapsed into a puddle of mud and returned to his bedroom, Ran Xinxue was almost completely destroyed.

She regained consciousness a little bit, but firmly grabbed the boy's skirt.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and she was already crying when she was outside the Yaowang Pavilion, crying with a broken heart.

She never thought that she would be tossed like this by a teenager younger than herself, without dignity, bottom line, or even human rights.

She found that none of her previous tricks seemed to be useful, and her own scheming seemed to not exist in front of him.

She is now only left with instinctive weakness.

It seems that there are only these.

She grabbed the boy's skirt and looked at him with red and swollen eyes.

"Why are you doing this...why are you doing this to me...!"

Wei Tu put Ran Xinxue on the bed.

It has to be said that the extremely soft dyed new snow feels unimaginably good, even better than Lu Qingyan.

Her figure belongs to the plump type, and she doesn't look like a sword like Lu Qingyan. Although she has skinny skin, she is somewhat blunt.

But Dianxinxue is different, her whole body is soft and tender, her skin is as good as Jiang Ying Su Mi's girls, and her plumpness is not inferior to Mu Xitong's. More importantly, this girl is more sensitive than I thought, although many times She will try her best to restrain herself, but her body's reaction is even more exaggerated than what she feels.

Putting down Rye Xinxue, listening to her hoarse voice.

Wei Tu sat calmly on the edge of the bed, still looking at Ran Xinxue indifferently, as if he didn't want to show her any good looks.

"When you chose this kind of life, you should have thought of such a moment when you couldn't help yourself. You have to know that if your plan with that old monster succeeds, I will be the one who is worse than death like this. I just let you change It’s just an experience.”

Ran Xinxue clenched her fists, wanting to hit the boy's chest hard.

It seems that this is the usual action of girls acting like a baby, but it's a pity that Wei Tu didn't need to spoil her, so he reached out and grabbed her wrist. At this time, he was so weak that he had no resistance at all.

Ran Xinxue could only shout almost incoherently.

"Do you think I have a choice!! Who doesn't want to be an upright and good person! If I can live if I want to, why don't I want to be the master of the Yuanjian Sect who can really walk in the sun?! If I had This kind of choice! If I don’t promise to survive, do you think I want to do something!! Do I have as many choices in life as you?! Bastard! Bastard! You bastard...!"

Ran Xinxue struggled, but it was of no avail. Wei Tu didn't feel sorry for her any more, and even made her white wrists show red marks.

Seeing her almost crazy appearance, Wei Tu calmed down.

"Don't you have the right to choose? Then who let you survive, who gave you this power?"

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu angrily, the tears in the corners of her eyes were still wet.

"Do you think I will be grateful to you for letting me survive! Living like this is better than dying! You just want revenge! You just want to torture me, and I would rather die after being tortured by you!"

"Then you go to die."

Ran Xinxue was stunned.

He stared blankly at Wei Tu.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a sneer.

"The power to die or not has always been in your hands. I don't think you will die. Even if you really decide to die, I will not regret it. Because you didn't die when you should die most. Die will make people feel hypocritical, yes, the feeling of dying alone is hypocritical, do you think your life is a failure? The most damning time for you is when that old monster asked you to do these things, but You didn't die then, how could you die later? Ran Xinxue, why have you been lying to yourself for so many years?"

The continuous questioning is almost deafening.

Ran Xinxue was stunned for a while.


Why is life better than death?

Have you been deceiving yourself?Can even life and death be hypocritical?

But...but what is the self who can't even die?What is the meaning of life when there is an existence that is more waste than waste?

Ran Xinxue stared at Wei Tu in a daze.

Wei Tu's eyes gradually turned gray as he watched her, even the anger and unwillingness seemed to have disappeared.

It was as if nothing but despair remained in her world.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a funny face.

"Remember, I left your life behind. Don't even think about the matter of Nuwen. I have no reason to believe you. As for what you want to do, you should think about it yourself. Find the meaning of your life by yourself. I don't care whether you go to the light or the dark. But if you offend me, you will die. Don't say why I can't be gentle with you, I'm just such a person. "

Ran Xinxue still stared blankly at Wei Tu. After a long time, when Wei Tu wanted to get up and leave, Ran Xinxue finally spoke.

"Do you want me to be your slave all the time?"

This sentence is somewhat difficult to answer.

Wei Tu thought about it.

"At least for the time being, you have no reason to reassure me."

Ran Xinxue continued to look at him.

"I'm asking you... that's the only reason you made me a slave?"

"if not?!"

Wei Tu asked the other party strangely, what is this woman thinking!

Ran Xinxue bit her thin lips slightly, and suddenly a bewitching, drunken blush appeared on her face.

"You didn't... have any plans for me?"

"What attempt..."

"Don't you...don't want to ravage my body...? You don't want to possess me? Even...torture me?"

It is very simple to say this sentence, because when a woman says it by herself, it seems to be deliberately reminding the other party what to do in this situation.

After all, the current situation has all the elements.

Lonely and widowed.

One is handsome and even handsome, while the other is enchanting and charming.

The difference is less than ten years old.

What's more important is that he can't resist whatever he wants to do.

But Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue in shock.

"Are you sick? I don't have this special habit."

Is this woman sick?Did you start to have a strange reaction when you were tossed by yourself?

No way... There is no way someone really has such a strange attribute in their hearts, right?

Wei Tu was suspicious.

Ran Xinxue said angrily, "Since it's not, why do you torture me like this...why do you let the slave tattoo in this kind of place, why don't you just let me hurt to death?"

"Why would you be afraid otherwise? This is called relaxation... Don't think about it, I'm not interested in you."

"Why are you not interested in me?!"


Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue suspiciously.

But he didn't expect that the woman who was holding a broken can at this time, determined to go on a road of no return, was even crazier than he thought, and she was almost morbid.

She stood up directly, then took Wei Tu's hand, and put his hand into her soft chest.

Then the whole person squeezed into the boy's arms.

She's still feeling nauseous.

The boy, as always, made himself sick and sick.

But she just broke the pot, she would rather demean herself like this, and let her use all means to make this young man sick, but she would soften her heart for other reasons.

She thought clearly.

A crazy, even morbid thought.

Wei Tu had not been promoted to the Dragon Slayer Realm not long ago, and that night she purposely saw Lu Qingyan, who was still a virgin.

Mu Xitong is even more so.

As for Su Mi and Jiang Ying, these two haven't even reached the Dragon Slaying Realm. With Wei Tu's character, the possibility of the two of them breaking the body is not high. What does it mean?

It means that Wei Tu is still a virgin.

And a man always misses his first woman.

No matter who, what status, like or dislike.

Since even the slave pattern is on, since even the dignity is gone.

Then even if I feel disgusted, disgusted, and disgusted with this young man, I wish I could kill him soon.

You must also commit yourself to him, use up all your charms, and make him soft-hearted towards you, and even may be unable to leave yourself in the end.

Coquettish and cheap... Do you really think I can't get rid of it?

Do you really think that Bengong will sit still and wait to die?

Do you really think that I am reluctant to give even my body? !

Anyway, this world is crazy, anyway, I have nothing, anyway, I was controlled by you, then go straight to the end, sink insanely, go straight to the end along this rope, go to the extreme!

Take a look and see who gets captured in the end?Who is really convinced?

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, and wanted to withdraw his hand.

Ran Xinxue pressed his hands tightly against her white and soft chest.

Then he stretched out his hand towards the boy's waist.

The face is extremely enchanting and charming.

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