"It doesn't matter, master... Anyway, we are all at the Dragon Slaying Realm, so we don't have so many worries... Nunu, I am willing to serve the master, please enjoy it..." This palace is in a mess!Not only do you want to kill yourself, but also you, a stinky man, a bitch. The dog will die with me!Rotten and stinks! ! PS: It’s okay to add updates so early~ I’ll take a nap first, and try to add updates after getting up in the afternoon!

16 West Wind withered green tree (monthly ticket plus 2 more!)

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

The mountain of Xuejian Peak... No, the wind of Xuejian Peak blows the girl's hair in front of her.

Wei Tu opened his dazed eyes just now, aware of his lack of focus, he immediately looked at the girl in front of him with puzzled eyes and shook his head, then smiled as usual.

"No, just thinking about something small."

"Really? Brother looks like he's thinking about other women when he's with me."

Su Mi's suspicion is not unreasonable, because she is slow to other things, but she is quite sensitive to this boy, and she can easily detect that the boy's staring eyes are abnormal.

Not thinking, but remembering.

Wei Tu was also helpless.

During those 20 years, he discovered some small problems that he hadn't noticed before.

That is, Su Mi is really not stupid, nor is she slow, she just shows an emotion of not wanting to think about things that she is not interested in, and she just puts it down, that is to say, she will subconsciously rely on herself when encountering other things.Wei Tu found out later.

It's just that Su Mi is too lazy to think about it. Once she encounters something about herself...for example, there is a strange smell on her body, she will spend a lot of time investigating, asking, and thinking about who she met with.

If I said something abnormal in my dreams.

Before dawn, Wei Tu would feel a pair of eyes staring like copper bells, as if spying on him in the dark, and when he opened his eyes at night, he would find that the girl was tossing and turning unpredictably, just for thinking.

"Who are you thinking about?"

As we all know, there are no ghosts in this world, only ghosts are in people's hearts!

And the reason for Wei Tu's daze... is indeed very simple and helpless.

He was thinking about what happened last night.

Last night...was really weird, much weirder than Wei Tu thought.

Originally, it was a sure thing, and it belonged to: a script that seems to be kneaded but is actually well done.

The woman who tried to cause trouble for herself, and then threatened herself in vain, would learn a solid lesson and feel scared from the bottom of her heart, and then settle down for a while, trembling and trembling.

But I didn't expect that she... she was so bad!

I don't want to touch her body, I just want to control her. For having sex with this woman, even abuse... This is not my character, but he never thought that his bottom line would become the opponent's handle .

I don't know what this woman thinks, how her brain grows, what books she usually reads, and what she is thinking about!

She actually thought that having a relationship with him would soften her heart?

Thinking that her charm is big enough to capture him?

Wei Tu thought it was funny, but unexpectedly discovered that Ran Xinxue, who had acquired a strange motivation, was like an attacking female hooligan.

Where are the slaves!It's just like... just like a cow in spring, that rampage...

I have used the slave pattern myself!

This woman actually seemed to have unlocked some kind of seal!He twisted his waist crazily in his arms, no matter whether he increased or decreased his strength.

She wrapped herself around like a beautiful snake, then twisted alluringly, and then let out a seductive low moan from her throat. If there were other people passing by outside the door at that time, they would never suspect what was going on inside.

It's not that Wei Tu didn't think about breaking free from the other party, but it's just getting fresh snow... that's so brave!It can also be said to be too bad!

Those slender and plump beautiful legs tightly coiled around her waist and abdomen, no matter whether the spring light in the depths of the skirt was looming, the only cover became like a decoration, anyway, it perfectly interpreted what is called coquettish and charming.

He even put his arms around his shoulders and gasped in his ears. Wei Tu later discovered that one of his cheeks was covered with this woman's saliva.

Wei Tu can be said to resist desperately.

Even threw this woman to the ground, but Yan Xinxue seemed to be poisoned, like a maggot attached to the bone, and refused to come down no matter what!

He almost stripped himself of all his clothes, but fortunately, Wei Tu had a firm belief.

How could the first woman in my life be a woman like Ran Xinxue?Absolutely impossible, so Wei Tu insisted on restraining until the end, until he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and finally brought Ran Xinxue down by using the slave pattern, tied her to the bed, sealed her internal strength for an hour, and then left.

But thinking of those things now, besides feeling a sense of excitement for no reason, Wei Tu also felt terrible.

The woman became crazy and desperate, and it turned out to be like this.

In the extra 20 years of my life, I have never encountered such an outlier as Ran Xinxue...Damn it!It would be better to kill it in the first place!

It's just that now that he realized that he couldn't kill him anymore, a suzerain died suddenly. Let alone the turmoil that Yuan Jianzong would encounter, it is estimated that those elders would not give up searching for the clues. This is asking for trouble for themselves.

The spanking should have been heavier yesterday, Wei Tu thought so, and then thought of the other party's red, round buttocks like red snake fruit... hiss——

"Senior Brother!!"

Seeing that Wei Tu was in a daze again, the girl couldn't help stamping her feet angrily.

Wei Tu came back to his senses completely, and smiled awkwardly.

"No, I'm thinking about something important."

Su Mi looked at Wei Tu with a look of disbelief.

"What important matter made you stay and ignore me twice... You are obviously thinking about others."

"Actually, I'm thinking about Senior Sister."

"You still admit it, right?"

Su Mi was outraged, and rushed over, turned the boy's arm behind her back, then pressed Wei Tu against a tree, and immediately drew out her sword, and put it around the boy's neck.

Su Mi has always been a woman who dares to love and hate, Wei Tu is not surprised at all to do this, but she is not in a hurry.

He was still smiling with his back to the girl, and he didn't show any resistance.

Su Mi couldn't help being coquettish, "Still laughing... do you really think I won't kill you, brother?"

Wei Tu smiled and shook his head.

"Of course you won't, but I said there is a reason why I think of Senior Sister."

"What's the reason? Let me tell you, it's useless even if you said that the hype is coming out. The one with me is thinking about others. You are just hateful... Brother bastard has to bleed all the blood to stop thinking about it?"

"Why do you want to bleed senior brother dry at every turn? Senior brother wants you to meet senior sister."

After Wei Tu said this, Su Mi immediately put away her saber.

Then he let go of Wei Tu's hand.

Wei Tu turned over and hugged the girl's delicate body.

Su Mi's pretty face flushed.

"Let go of me...you'll be seen later!"

"What are you afraid of? The two of us hug each other and take care of other people's affairs. If they don't like it, they will ask their junior sister to hug them."

"Pfft... Brother, you are like a rascal!"

Su Mi couldn't help laughing.

Girls can't resist this boy's hippie smile, nor his tenderness and embrace.

Wei Tu nodded.

"Well... you can't marry a wife if you are a gentle and kind person, so be a rascal."

"Could it be possible for a rascal to marry?"

"I can still marry two."


Su Mi stretched out to hit the boy's palm, but was caught again.

Wei Tu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I want you to meet my senior sister..."

Su Mi's temperament became low, and she muttered a little aggrieved.

"I didn't see it... There's nothing to say."

Wei Tu naturally also knew the girl's petty temper.

He reached out and gently smoothed the girl's hair.

"Susu, there are some things that I need to face, and you also need to face. Senior brother knows that I am selfish..."

"You know you're still going to do it, right?"

Su Mi's beautiful eyes gave the young man a white look.

Wei Tu nodded, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's my selfishness, but Susu, do you know that Senior Sister is a person with very little ambition and almost no ambition. There is almost nothing left in her world except... except for me and the sword. So in my During the time you go to Shangguo, I hope you can talk to her more..."

"You're really shameless. It's not enough to hurt me, but also to hurt your senior sister. You want me to help you take care of your senior sister. Am I your servant!"

Speaking of slaves, Wei Tu's heart skipped a beat, and then he immediately stopped the momentum.

Then he recovered his senses, stretched out his hand to grab the palm of the awkward girl, and continued walking towards Xuejian Peak.

"I just hope that the people I care about are all right and there will be no accidents."

"You care a lot..."

Su Mi moaned, her flawless face turned slightly red, the temperature of the boy's palm was warm and comfortable, there were no calluses, and the slenderness seemed to be able to wrap herself completely.

As he always warms his heart like a spring breeze.

Wei Tu smiled and shook his head.

"Actually, I don't care very much, and I don't have much in my heart. Even so, it will make you worry and make you angry, right? But Susu, I can only let you understand me now. Some things are not as simple as choosing."

Su Mi thought for a while, but this time she didn't let go of Wei Tu's hand.

She took a deep breath, her eyes still a little aggrieved.

But he won't say the self-willed words like before.

Instead, he said softly.

"Brother, after that day..."

"That day?"

"After the day of Zongmen Xiaobi, I discovered something."

Wei Tu froze for a moment, then tried his best to be calm, did not show anything, and looked at the girl.


Su Mi hesitated for a while and decided to say, "After that day, you seem to have a lot of things in your heart. You are no longer as stupid as before."

"Is not it good?"

Stepped on the soft soil.


Suddenly, a fat orange cat appeared in front of the two of them, and when it saw the two of them, it immediately lay down with its limbs on its back.

Su Mi smiled and squatted down, then reached out and scratched the orange cat's stomach, the plump orange cat closed its eyes so comfortably.

She looked at the fat cat, and said softly.

"It's really nice not to be stupid... But senior brother, I hope that you can live a more relaxed life like this little orange and don't think about so many things... I'm stupid and I can't help you. You share. Every time I see you hide your worries in your heart, and then solve the problem alone, I feel very uncomfortable... I always feel, I always feel that my senior brother is far away so that I can't keep up...Senior brother, will you despise me? Too stupid, then leave me."

Wei Tu also squatted down, looking at the chubby orange cat on the ground.

I stretched out my hand to touch its belly, and the little orange cat got up straight away, then glanced at Wei Tu, and immediately walked away with its round limbs in disdain.

Wei Tu laughed dumbfoundedly, then shook his head.

"It's my senior brother's responsibility to keep you safe, and the most meaningful thing I can do in my life is to let my junior sister live a happy and carefree life. So why did you leave...Su Mi, you can't even die one step earlier than me .”

"Trojan Horse~"

The girl suddenly turned her face to the side, and gently kissed the boy on the cheek.

Then she blushed and looked at the boy, and said proudly.

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