At this time, Wei Tu had already arrived in front of this group of soldiers in armor.

"court death!"

The soldier roared and charged at Wei Tu wielding a huge machete.

The boy just took one step at a time.

The armor and head fell to the ground at the same time, but their actions continued.

So Jian Guang began to move across the stage, and Wei Tu had no choice but to turn them into corpses that could not be assembled one by one.

As if there was no blood, they seemed to be mummy whose blood was really drained.

This scene was a little strange, as if these people were not human at all, but Wei Tu could feel that they had the aura of living people in their bodies, not completely dead.

This situation made him think of something, but he didn't catch the light.

Because he has come to this chair.

He saw the woman on the chair.

The girl was looking at herself with her beautiful eyes, but she didn't see the hope and dawn of a savior.

She seemed to be examining herself only.

"Can you solve all this?"

Wei Tu looked at the girl amusedly.

"Don't you think it's a bit awkward to ask this from the beginning? Normally, you should introduce yourself first."

A trace of blood appeared on the girl's face, but she shook her head helplessly.

"There is no such time now... I just want to tell you that if you can't solve it, the way you should think is not to take me away, but to leave first... This place is already in purgatory, I don't think you have such ability... "

The girl's words were very direct, and Wei Tu also found that the other party's voice was very flavorful, not like a girl's ethereal and clear voice, on the contrary, it was a little deep, like the hoarseness of a river rubbing against a river bed.

It is a very different charm.

Wei Tu thought about it.

"It's really straightforward... But I don't think I can do it alone. This is a bad premonition. What I have to do at this time is to unite forces on one front."

"How can you be sure that I am? No, no, no... There is no time, you should go quickly. My name is Ye Bingluan, Emperor of the Great Shang. Let's go."

"it is good."

So Wei Tu lifted the girl from the chair, then turned around and walked towards the crowd again.

This time, however, the crowd reacted very differently.

When they saw the boy picking up the girl.

They immediately bowed down.

Then they said in unison.

"Your Majesty! Live..."

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty... Please let the immortal master lead His Majesty to live!!"

"His Majesty……!!"

Wei Tu walked through the crowd little by little, he really wanted to stop and listen to what these people had to say.

Things that I didn't understand just now now I understand.

These seemingly inhuman and ghost-like civilians have a connection with this great business empress, and this connection is even a life-and-death connection. Their life and death must have a reverse connection with the safety of this girl.

So...they're going to kill them themselves.

So even if this girl was whipped repeatedly, she refused to give an order to let them die.

The blood on the girl's body soaked through his clothes, and Wei Tu found that Ye Bingluan's legs were slender but weak, so she could only sit on a chair, unable to move or struggle.

Wei Tu lowered his head and found that Ye Bingluan was not crying, she just looked indifferent.

There is a trace of confusion.

She raised her head and saw Wei Tu's eyes.

Wei Tu looked at her, "Do you want me to save them?"

Ye Bingluan shook her head, "I just don't want them to die because of me, they are the people of Da Shang."

Wei Tu nodded, but couldn't do anything more at this moment, because Baimenlou opened the jade door again.

There was a strong suction force, and it seemed that no one could escape the huge suction force, including those subjects, who were all absorbed into it one by one.

And Wei Tu quickened his pace, resisting the suction, he walked faster and faster.

"Where can I go?"

As Wei Tu walked, he calmly asked himself in his arms for some reason, it should be a woman who had been restrained for a long time, but still exuded a faint fragrance.

Ye Bingluan lifted her head into Wei Tu's arms.

"The entire Nine Suns City is a huge trap, once you get can't get out."

"I worked so hard to bring you out and you gave me such good news?"

Wei Tu frowned and asked.

Ye Bingluan also frowned her cold brows.

"Have you worked so hard?"

"Shouldn't you brag about yourself like this when a hero saves the beauty? Your EQ is really low, so you have to ask."

"...There is really no place to go. There is no place in the entire Nine Suns City that is not under their surveillance. We can only tell you after we have settled down for the time being."

"Oh, I thought of a place to stay for a while."

Wei Tu said so suddenly.

Ye Bingluan was stunned for a moment, then heard this handsome, hard-to-find young man whisper to him.

"Hold me tight."

Ye Bingluan hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out her hands to wrap around the boy's arms...

"You hugged me to tie me up?"

"You let me hug...!"

Ye Bingluan gritted his teeth and said.

Wei Tu raised his arms slightly.

"Pass it from the armpit, don't worry, it has no smell."


Ye Bingluan didn't think about that at all, and she didn't think about it at all when the situation was tense, what happened to this young man?

Really a cultivator?

Are all cultivators so poor!

So the girl who was in a slightly turbulent mood still put her slender and soft arms through the boy's armpits, wrapping around his chest and back.

Almost clinging.

Ye Bingluan felt the turmoil, but she had a sense of security that she hadn't felt for a long time. It had been a long time since the palace came here...

It's strange... Would the heartbeat of a cultivator be so obvious... I thought it was really like the one in the storybook, with a pure heart and no desires...

Uh... what does it smell like...

As warm as the sun, I haven't seen the sun for a long time, and I haven't seen the sun anymore.

There will never be a sun here, Ye Bingluan thought sadly.

Then there was a "bang!" and the sound of the door being opened.

Ye Bingluan raised her head, but saw Wei Tu taking herself to an inn.

A chubby shopkeeper and a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked waiter were looking at the two suspiciously.

" dare to come back?!"

Xiao Er with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at Wei Tu in shock.

Wei Tu picked up a chopstick from the table and flicked it with his fingers.


The chopsticks directly pierced Xiaoer's forehead, nailing him firmly to the pillar.

"you you you you!"

Xiao Er looked at the boy in surprise, not expecting that he would come again.

Wei Tu knew that he would not die, he had already seen some strange ways in this city.

So he said to Xiao Er in a cold voice.

"We're in the room, don't bother us if you have nothing to do. Of course, it's your own business that you find ways to reveal to those people. I don't care about it. It's just that you'd better never appear in front of me. Understand?"

"Ming, understand..."

Although Xiao Er didn't die after being pierced through the forehead, he felt a bit of awe in the eyes of the other party, which made him subconsciously answer such words.

Wei Tu glanced at the shopkeeper, who silently lowered his head.

Wei Tu didn't say anything, and quickly brought Ye Bingluan to the starting room.

He put Ye Bingluan on the bed, and then lifted up her skirt.


Ye Bingluan immediately reached out and held down her skirt.

Then he looked at Wei Tu with a reddish face.

"I know Xianjia is also easy to be interested in my body, but I hope you don't waste your energy on things that are inappropriate now."

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan with a smile.

"When is the right time?"


Ye Bingluan was in a hurry, did this young man cultivate immortality?Why is it so strange!What is he going to do?

However, Wei Tu took Ye Bingluan's hand away little by little, and then put his big hand on the other's white and soft thigh.

It is a bit cold to the touch, and soon becomes delicate and elastic.

It's just that what he's going to do isn't obscene.

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu with some embarrassment, but immediately felt a long-lost heat on the skin of her thigh.

The long-lost touch was as comfortable as the warm sun, and she couldn't help but groan softly.

It was still a hoarse voice, but the groaning seemed extraordinarily flavorful.


Wei Tu turned his head to look at the blushing girl.

"Do you feel it?"

"Don't think about it, I don't feel it!"

Ye Bingluan said very embarrassingly.

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, and then angrily said, "Pa! ', hitting the opponent's thigh directly.

Ye Bingluan groaned in pain.

Wei Tu sneered, "Isn't this a feeling?"

Just when Ye Bingluan was about to say something righteously, Wei Tu shook his head and said.

"Don't think about it, I just want to see if your legs can regain the ability to walk. After all, it would be a waste of time to hold you everywhere. You don't think I'm interested in your body, do you?"

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