Ye Bingluan was a little ashamed, even a little ashamed.

She opened her mouth.


"I do have a little interest."

Then what a fart! ! PS: Let’s add an update today to learn from a brother’s opinion. The main plot will be simplified, and only the main points will be written. The interaction between characters will be added, and the modeling will be better and more three-dimensional. Of course, everyone wants to see beautiful girls. I If I don't know how to write a book again, I still know a little bit.

23 Clever and stupid girl

"What did you say?"

Ye Bingluan looked at this handsome young man in disbelief.

Is this what a fairy teacher should say?

Even if not all cultivators can be said to be high-spirited and bright, there are quite a few who are sanctimonious, but they are not so direct and calm, right?

It's almost obvious that it's rotten.

But Wei Tu took a look at Ye Bingluan.

"Huh? Did I speak my mind?"

"what do you want to say in the end!"

Ye Bingluan was a little annoyed, but she couldn't retract her legs at all. The other party's palm was still pinching on her thigh. The most important thing was that with the influx of breath, it also brought a sense of touch.

The handsome boy smiled.

"Why can't help being so funny, let you relax, it seems that you are very vigilant when you are tense all the time, but it will break if you touch it."

"...I can't help being nervous in this situation."

Ye Bingluan was skeptical about the other party's attitude, and it was hard to believe that this was the boy's unique solution to the problem.

After pressing for a while, Wei Tu let go of his hand, even though the palm of his hand was covered with the faint fragrance of the other party's body, he wouldn't go crazy enough to smell it.

He took out a pill from the Qiankun bag.

Pass it to Ye Bingluan.

"what is this?"

Ye Bingluan asked suspiciously.

Wei Tu just put this pill in the opponent's hand.

"You know, if I want to harm you now, I don't need any complicated procedures."

Ye Bingluan frowned slightly, and said with a cold face, "But you can ask about what you eat."

"Well, to help you activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, otherwise even if I help you untie the restraint on your legs, you will not be able to walk."

"Restriction? Am I... abolished?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu excitedly.

The boy nodded, "This is a prohibition, probably to make you think that it is abolished, so as to break your mind. Eat it first, and then tell me what happened."

"……it is good."

Ye Bingluan still took this pill.

After eating, he found that Wei Tu was really sitting on the chair and looking at him calmly, not too close to him, let alone making any gestures.

So Ye Bingluan spoke slowly.

"You should have seen the appearance of the White Gate Tower during the day, right?"

"I saw it."

"Did you see the area that looks like a stone tablet on three sides?"

Wei Tu nodded, then narrowed his eyes and said, "I noticed that those three areas are blank, so they are very conspicuous, and there should be something engraved on them."

Ye Bingluan sighed, his eyes lowered slightly.

"Yes, when I order to kill a subject, his name will appear on it. Probably the effect of the name of the resentful soul."

"What is this effect for?"

"Weaken or even eliminate an emperor's luck."

Wei Tu thought for a while, and immediately understood something.

"Emperors in the world have their fates, which is the theory of luck. It is said that the accumulation of public grievances to a certain extent will affect the persuasiveness of the emperor's existence, and even affect the luck of the entire country."

This is one of the laws of this world. Everything that is not recognized by the Dao of Heaven will gradually perish. Some are not recognized for their own existence, and some are self-defeating.

Seeing Ye Bingluan nodding, Wei Tu frowned and asked, "Why do you do these things? If you want to weaken or eliminate an emperor's luck... When the first emperor of Shang died, you could actually choose to support him." A puppet emperor, he will kill himself and lose the fate of the country, and there is no need for a capable woman like you to go to the throne and go to great lengths to do these things, right?"

That's right, if it was just for the purpose of destroying, then this woman shouldn't have been allowed to be in power in the first place.

But Ye Bingluan said, "In fact, they supported me to ascend to the throne. My elder brothers who were more hopeful to ascend to the throne, and some were even halfway there, but they insisted on abolishing them and pushing me up. ...Wait a minute. Why do you think I am capable? Since I took the throne, I have achieved almost nothing."

Wei Tu smiled.

"You don't want to kill an innocent citizen in exchange for the ease of not being whipped. This is something that many people can't do. Now nothing is done because the situation is controlled by them, right?"


"Then the question is, who are they and what is the purpose of doing this."

Ye Bingluan took a deep breath.

"One of them is called 'Duo' and the other is called 'Jie'. They are the national teachers who existed in the time of the first emperor, and they are also the chief culprit who sent me from the imperial city to Jiuyang City."

Hearing these two weird names, Wei Tu instantly thought of something.

Although in the previous life, these two names were not very impressive, but the combination of the two characters Duojue reminded Wei Tu of a sentence.

'Seize a ray of secret'.

This is the teaching of a quite famous sect hidden in Xianzhou.

Few people know what these people are trying to intercept, but the places where these people appear often bring disasters. They always have ulterior secrets, and even the church members below don't know it. What they are doing, only a very small number of core members know the real purpose.It's just a pity that I, who was one step away from the Immortal Emperor, had the opportunity to come into contact with these secrets, but because of various accidents, I also lost interest in and desire to explore them.

How could it be related to these things...?

Could it be that a kingdom on earth is also inextricably linked to seizing a ray of heavenly secret?

Wei Tu felt that this matter might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"What did they do?"

Wei Tu asked.

Ye Bingluan said, "They told me...the tombs of the nine ancestors of the Shang Kingdom built a blockade to block an ancient beast. It is difficult for outsiders to change it by normal means, even if the Shang Kingdom destroys it by normal means. China, there will be a latecomer to take it into the national destiny, and this blockade will exist forever. So they want to use me to lift the blockade under abnormal circumstances."

Ancient ferocious beast...blocked...

"Mr. Merchants?"

"how do you know?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu in surprise, frowning tightly.

Of course Wei Tu knew about this ominous name, he knew it very early on.Because in my previous life, one of the major events that disturbed Xianzhou that I dealt with included the Shangque Lord's rebellion...

His explanation at this time is, "You Shang Kingdom was established because of this name... It may be a great secret to your world, and even the later kings may not know it, but there are still traces in the fairy family. ...They want to release Mr. Shangque...but why did they have to go through all the troubles to get you in the position to do this?"

Ye Bingluan said in a low and hoarse voice, "Their explanation is that my birthday is extremely cloudy, so it can be the eye of a formation. So I must be allowed to do this. I refused to submit, and they locked me up. Go to Nine Suns City, and Nine Suns City, as you can see, the whole city is like a ghost town, because this city has been arranged into a formation by them, and anyone I kill or order to kill will become a ghost town. A part of the array is used to influence the luck of the Shang country, so that they can achieve the effect of the Shang country losing its deer, and affect the blockade effect of the Shang bird..."

Wei Tu pondered for a while.

Is this how the Shangquejun Rebellion in my previous life was released?

In other words... this girl has persisted for at least 20 years?

If she had persisted, how did the two of them do it?

What is the connection between this incident and the interception of the first-line secret?

Wei Tu didn't expect that after only three days of going down the mountain, the amount of information would suddenly explode.

What's more deadly is that Wei Tu remembered Yinlong Tianjun's divination about Yuan Jianzong at this time, and his instinct made Wei Tu feel that this was not a good omen.

"You have disappeared from the imperial city for a long time. Aren't they afraid of public grievances and suspicions within the royal family, so they are eager to elect a new king?"

Ye Bingluan shook her head and said slowly, "They made a puppet of my substitute, pretending that I issued various orders from them. Now I am worried about another situation. Although it is my substitute, they I will issue all kinds of orders that lose the hearts of the people, so that all the people think that they are from me, and the accumulated public grievances may affect the luck of the Shang country. They only need to put me in the eye of the line... the same The effect can be achieved. Now they just want me to compromise as soon as possible to achieve the goal as soon as possible."

Wei Tu thought for a while.

"Then the strange deaths of those generals and ministers are just a part of the plan to facilitate them to remove obstacles, arrange their own manpower, and then carry out their orders... But if this is the case... why did they send a letter to Yuan Jianzong to let them know?" Someone came to help? Don’t you worry about accidents? The Zongmen trial some time ago can be explained as the timing is not yet ripe, and the normal trial can reassure the Five Great Immortal Continents, why is this strange and abrupt behavior?”

And Ye Bingluan explained this problem.

"The letter is my own handwritten letter. I have exhausted all means and can use the last resort to send it. In fact, it is not just one from you Yuan Jianzong, but now it seems... only that one just happened to be sent. You Yuan Jianzong."

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, thinking of a question.

"Then you were there for the previous Zongmen trial, right? Why didn't you say it then?"

Ye Bingluan shook his head.

"If it was said at the time, none of your disciples of Yuan Jianzong might be able to go back, and they might even be replaced by puppets and doubles, or in various ways that I couldn't think of. So there was no way to say it at the time. Because I want to ensure that they I can go back, and I hope that one of them will be the seed to save the Shang country."

"Hehe, but it's me who is here now, are you disappointed?"

Wei Tu asked with a smile.

Ye Bingluan glanced at Wei Tu.

Then he let out a long sigh.

"I can only hope that God arranged it. Everything is fate. You have a reason for your coming... I hope you are this variable, and I can gamble everything for this variable."

Wei Tu squinted at Ye Bingluan.

"What and everything?"

Ye Bingluan looked directly at Wei Tu this time.

Not very old, but with unusually determined eyes.

“If you can turn things around, ask for anything.”

Wei Tu laughed.

"Aren't you afraid that if you say such a thing, I will become the next generation to seize?"

Ye Bingluan shook his head wearily.

"I can't think about it that much anymore. If that's the case, it's something to think about at that time... Now I just hope that all this will not happen, and that someone can stop them. Unlike now, I even commit suicide not."

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan, then smiled.

"Although there is no foresight, it is indeed much better than those who only have foresight but are reluctant to part with anything."

Wei Tu stood up.

"You take a break first, let me think about it."

Ye Bingluan glanced at the boy worriedly.

"time is limited."

"I know, but it's useless to be anxious in the current situation."


Ye Bingluan obviously still looks worried, thinking about it, the nerves that have been tense for so long will not be completely relieved because of his hasty arrival, and he is not an immortal emperor now.

I can't even get out of this ruined city for the time being.

Wei Tu glanced at Ye Bingluan, and finally thought.

"By the way, if your death could solve all this, would you really be willing to die?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu's eyes staring at her, but shook her head frankly.


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