
Only this word shows the current ownership of this city.

It's just that there are no people left. Is belonging really important?

Ye Bingluan looked up at the city wall.

Then he said to the young man beside him, "Do you feel that the city gate is like a bloody mouth at this time? As long as you walk in, you will be swallowed, and there is no reason to spit it out."

Wei Tu thought about it.

"Should I find something to support the city gate before going in, so that it won't be closed?"

"Stop joking at this time."

Ye Bingluan sighed helplessly.

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan suspiciously.

"Isn't that a funny joke?"

"What do you think?"

"I thought it was okay..."

At least Su Mi seems to like telling jokes by herself.

Ye Bingluan didn't know that this young man was still thinking about these romances, she just took a deep breath, and she could already clearly feel the strong death energy in this city gate.

She asked.

"Aren't you going now?"

Wei Tu shook his head.

He has already felt the strong premonition.

It will definitely have something to do with the future, although it is not the present, but it will eventually be like a continuous, unremarkable silk thread, setting off shocking waves in the future.

So since he came, he had no reason to leave.

Because it's about your own destiny.

"it is good."

After saying this, the two were about to enter the city, but at this moment, there was a sudden noise.

Something unusual appeared in the field of vision of the two of them.

"What is this... a crow?"

Ye Bingluan looked up in surprise, and saw a black crow standing on the city wall at this moment.

This crow appears to be larger than normal crows.

When Ye Bingluan looked more carefully, he found that this crow actually had three eyes.

And Wei Tu recognized the three-eyed crow almost immediately.

More accurately, the name known to more people is: Xuan Ya.

This name has no special meaning, but its appearance often indicates something.

It heralds a big change, usually extremely dangerous, and places where black crows have appeared in previous lives will experience great changes, usually with blood flowing into rivers.

Even the destruction of an entire sect.

And even in the previous life, Wei Tu didn't figure out why the black crow appeared and who it belonged to.

It's just that it has appeared in the human world now... So there is no limit to its existence?

Wei Tu frowned and looked over.

I saw that Xuanya just lowered his head to look at himself.

Then it actually spoke.

"Young sovereign, newborn boy."

Its words were hoarse and unpleasant, but it surprised Ye Bingluan.

Wei Tu narrowed his eyes.

The young monarch can understand, referring to Ye Bingluan, the empress who has not been on the throne for a long time.

But... what happened to the newborn boy?

I am indeed young, but I am definitely not a freshman.

So if you insist on thinking about it, you can only think of...the fact that you haven't been reborn for long.

But how does it know?Does the appellation necessarily refer to this or is it just a coincidence, just a different concept?

Wei Tu felt that he still underestimated the existence of something, perhaps even in his previous life, the real secret that he, who was only one step away from the Immortal Emperor, could not touch.

"You can talk..."

Ye Bingluan opened the mouth and said.

Xuan Ya looked at the two of them and said slowly.

"It is an important choice for you to appear here."

"What choice? Life or death?"

Wei Tu took the initiative to ask.

Xuan Ya didn't answer his question, but just said it as if he was conveying a letter.

"The formation of the witches and Gu people has been established in Chaoge City. When the young monarch entered the city, the formation was activated, and Lord Shangque's seal was lifted."

"...Is there anything else you want to tell us?"

Ye Bingluan's heart trembled, but he didn't panic, showing a calmness that didn't match his age.

She seemed to have thought clearly, perhaps she had already made a choice when she should make a choice.

Xuan Ya looked at Ye Bingluan.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Are you here to prophesy or to help us?"

Xuan Ya continued to make a hoarse and ugly voice.

"It's nothing, I just represent the existence that wants you to solve this big business crisis. I can't help you too much, and I can't predict anything. The so-called secret is just that the key person chooses the key choice, and then makes the world go to completeness." A different situation."

Ye Bingluan frowned, then continued to ask.

"Can we get through this?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Is there any way to solve the problem?"

"The method must exist, but I don't know it. It may be simple, or it may be complicated."

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu helplessly.

"It's all nonsense!"

Wei Tu looked at Xuan Ya, thought for a while and asked.

"How to break the Wugu people's formation?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu, "It's useless to ask, it's probably nonsense."

Unexpectedly, what Xuanya replied at this moment was: "Where should the person be, where does it exist. When the formation is activated, the biggest weakness will be revealed, and then seal Shangque Lord. Be sure to seal Shangque Jun, otherwise everything will be useless, and everything will come back."

The amount of information in this sentence is obviously much more than Ye Bingluan's previous question.

Ye Bingluan slightly widened his eyes, his eyes were cold.

"I think these three-eyed crows are aiming at me."

Wei Tu smiled.

"Maybe it's just because it's female?"

"you're disgusting."

Ye Bingluan couldn't help rolling her cold eyes.

Wei Tu smiled and looked at the crow.

"Is there anything else to say?"

Xuan Crow turned his head.

The three pupils turned out to be moving at different frequencies, even in different directions.

As if it didn't belong to a head.

Then it spoke slowly.

"No one can tell the truth, everything needs to be explored. And when you discover the real problem, it is when you need to solve it."

"What does it mean……?"

Ye Bingluan asked suspiciously.

Wei Tu stared blankly at the black crow, until the black crow suddenly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

It seems that the appearance of this black crow was an accident, an episode that didn't affect anything.

But Wei Tu felt that it must have revealed some information.

He thought about it.

"Maybe some are about the present and some are about the future."

"You know all this? Are you pretending to understand?"

Ye Bingluan was very suspicious, because it was difficult for her to analyze what the other party said.

Wei Tu sighed.

"As the saying goes, secrets cannot be revealed. It knows some things but it may not be able to say it, and it will be restricted. So it can only remind us within the rules. These are issues to be considered."

"Okay, I don't understand."

Wei Tu nodded, and then said.

"You don't need to understand, just go in."

Ye Bingluan took a deep breath.

There is no way out but to move forward.

When the two walked into the majestic Chaoge City together.

Then, as expected at the beginning, the city gate closed automatically.

And the sky has gradually turned into the blood red that they are more familiar with these days.

Wei Tu could see the majestic palace at the end of the road almost at a glance.

Wei Tu sighed.

"I kind of understand a certain sentence it said."

"Which one?"

Ye Bingluan was calming down her nervousness.

"People who should be somewhere, where are they."

"This sentence?"

"Well... Actually, this sentence should be understood as letting people who should exist somewhere go somewhere."

"Is there a difference?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu suspiciously.

Wei Tu nodded, looked at the court and said.

"If you have to combine the last sentence, the biggest weakness will be revealed when the formation is activated. Duojian and Duoju told you that you are the eye of the formation, right?"

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