
"This sentence should be true. If Chaoge City has become a huge magic circle, then do you think that if you are the eye of the circle, where should you exist and appear?"

Ye Bingluan immediately reacted.

"The Royal Palace!"

Wei Tu shook his head.

"To be precise, it is on the dragon chair. You have to enter the palace and sit on the dragon chair to activate the formation."

"The results of it?"

"The result may be to operate the formation, and then Lord Shangque's seal will be lifted."

"Isn't this what they want to do? I want to take the initiative to do it? Isn't that beneficial to the result?"

Ye Bingluan was a little confused.

Wei Tu carefully stripped the cocoon.

"It seems so... But the Three-Eyed Crow said that when the formation is activated, it is the biggest weakness. Why didn't they let you appear there at the beginning? That is to say, you have luck, and they can't do anything to you. More things to do is to make you gradually lose your luck, and then completely reduced to a tool, when the time comes, you will be equivalent to a puppet on the dragon chair.

But now it is different, I will help you sit on the dragon chair actively and activate the formation.And weaknesses will appear, and only then will there be a chance to reverse everything, and even seal Lord Shangque again.The only difference is that they probably don't want me to sit on the dragon chair with you smoothly. "

Wei Tu just finished speaking.

Thunder rumbled across the sky.

There is a sound, like a Hong Zhong.

"You're so smart...Young man, why didn't you appear in my hexagram?"

... PS: Unexpectedly, the master can write like this, what is no peeing point in the whole process~~ I am so excited! !

32 I am destiny! (Monthly ticket plus 8)

The voice was calm and powerful, and those who didn't know it might have thought it was the great power of the gods above the heavens who spoke.

But Wei Tu and Ye Bingluan, who were standing inside the city gate, could clearly feel that the voice existed in the city, perhaps... a closer place.

"Calm down, everything he does now is to influence your mind and mine."

Although he knew that the other party was just trying to comfort him, Ye Bingluan's heart still trembled a little when he grasped his palm with a generous hand.

Then nod.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, just show it if there is any battle."

Wei Tu calmly responded to the other party.

Is this a seizure or an interception?

"I am Duo."

And as if replying to Wei Tu's inner guess, the other party responded calmly.

"Who asked you!"

Ye Bingluan didn't have any good feelings for these two people. Up to now, it can be said that she just wanted to kill them quickly and seize the opportunity to fight.

It's just that Wei Tu glanced at Ye Bingluan.

"I asked in my heart."

"...you look like I'm dumb."

Ye Bingluan gave Wei Tu a hard look.

Wei Tu smiled, the young empress seemed to be the only one who could dictate to her now.

The young man looked calmly at the blood-red sky not far away.

Compared with Jiuyang City, it is even more dazzling and depressing.

"What is the first line of heaven that you want to intercept?"

Wei Tu asked straightforwardly.

And laughter came from the clouds.

"I asked such a direct question from the beginning, boy, it's hard for me to answer you. But secrets are secrets, and if you can tell them, it's not secrets that let you and I communicate. In the end, we are only looking for a first-line possibility."

"Is there any need?"

Wei Tu seemed to be asking questions, but he was actually using his breath to investigate the situation in Chaoge City.

More and more array arrangements appeared in his field of vision, and with the divergence and recovery of the Qi machine, the general context of the entire Chaoge City was almost gradually clear in his heart.

And the other party seems to be completely unaware.

Just continue to answer his questions, like a good teacher who knows everything.

"Of course it's necessary... What's the meaning of life if you say it? If you say it's too big, it's meaningless. If you say it's too young, everyone just wants to live until tomorrow. But, since you've seen a glimpse of the secret, there's this necessity. .Young man, have you finished reading the situation?"

Wei Tu calmly withdrew all his breath, almost drawing the map of the entire Chaoge City in his mind.

The boy didn't deny it either.

"Well, it's almost there. In fact, it's not completely delaying time, but some things are really curious. You poured the power of an entire empire in the world to do this kind of thing, just to release Lord Shangque. Imagine, compared to the risk, you seem to get too little."

Wei Tu's eyes were calm.

And in his eyes, two figures have appeared.

Just at the end of the street there are endless steps extending all the way to the magnificent palace.

And on both sides of the entrance of the palace, there are two figures standing. They are about the same height and even look the same, except that one has lazy eyes and the other has sharp eyes.

The voice replied to Wei Tu.

"To overthrow the established rules, we must use small things to make big gains. No one can expect equal returns, but we are willing to give everything we have for everything in front of us."

Wei Tu understood, he shook the palm of the girl beside him.

Then tilted his head slightly.

"The next thing you have to do is to ignore everything, go to the palace, go to the dragon chair. And I will escort you along the way."

"What happens after I go in?"

Ye Bingluan looked at the boy and asked.

Wei Tu smiled and shook his head.

"That's your business. No matter what happens, you can only solve it yourself."

Ye Bingluan took a deep breath.

"What if I can't solve it?"

Wei Tu also shook his head.

"It's okay, the big deal is death, and I'll be with you."


Ye Bingluan nodded.

There is no skylight in the distance, under the bloody color.

The hands of the two slowly separated.

"Let's go."

Wei Tu held the long sword obliquely, walked in front of Ye Bingluan, and then took steps.

Ye Bingluan felt that there seemed to be no more memorable moment in his memory than this moment.

Even the moment of ascension to the throne would seem a little blurry. At that time, I was not very sober, but I just felt that I became the emperor in a daze.

But now, there are only two of them.

It seems that there are only two people standing on the same front in the world.

He will go over the thorns and thorns, and he will go where he should go, as Xuan Ya said.

It may be leading to destruction, it may be leading to real spring.

It's okay, it's okay to die.

Only when people die on the road to the truth will they feel no pity.

When Wei Tu's first step was taken.

"call out……!"

Ye Bingluan heard the sound.

What she saw was from the direction of the palace, and it was raining.

It's rain...but it's also rain of arrows.

Because it was thousands of arrows that suddenly shot at the two of them at the same time, overwhelming, as if they were going to shoot the two of them into hedgehogs.

Ye Bingluan was a little nervous, even though this young man was right in front of her, she always took a calm step, cutting off all the thorns in front of her.

But when I meet again, I still feel scared.

This is instinct, and it comes from the fear planted in their hearts long ago, because they all know that the current Chaoge City will only be more dangerous than Jiuyang City.

"Don't be afraid."

And the boy's words are like clear spring water, which will irrigate the heat of the whole summer.

With his understatement.

He raised his sword.


A seemingly invisible sword energy directed at the sky-filled arrows.

Wei Tu continued to walk, and Ye Bingluan continued to follow.




Broken arrows kept falling from the sky.

Some of them were separated into two halves, and some were broken directly and fell into the air.

The rain of arrows seemed to have turned into a real downpour.


Wei Tu turned his head to the side, and looked at Ye Bingluan, who was covering his head, looking at him.

"It hit me on the head..."

"Hahahaha... sorry."

The rain of arrows fell slowly.

And the two people above the steps spoke.

"The fairy family in the sky, how dare you come to this world?"

'Duo' threw out a small doll from his hand.

The doll rolled down the steps little by little, like an abandoned toy.

'Boom. '

'Boom. '


Every sound seemed to hit the hearts of the two of them.

When it rolled down from the last step, it wobbled on the ground for a while.

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