"Beihuang! Is there any problem with entrusting this to you?"

Luo Beihuang shook her head.


So Wei Tu immediately chased after him, how could he let these two escape?Seeing that the situation is not going well, you can run away, and when the time is right, can you make a comeback?

Think beautiful!

Luo Beihuang was a little surprised when he saw the young man's figure shoot away like a thunderbolt.

"This Yujian looks pretty good...huh? What did he call me just now?"

"Northern Phoenix~~The owner is Beihuang~~"

The crane at the foot of Luobeihuang said with a smile.

Luo Beihuang blushed slightly, and said something strange.

"That's a strange name... Forget it, I'll ask him later."

He looked at Shangquejun who was struggling violently again, but unfortunately he couldn't even break free from the chains on his feet.

Shangquejun stared at Luo Beihuang viciously.

"That old witch chose you to be the next Palace Master? What a blind eye! The little baby should go home to drink milk, this place is not suitable for you! Still wanting to let this monster continue to be your pet of the Extreme Sun Heavenly Palace? Good idea! Get lost Go back, take your sun-hunting bow and go back! If one day, this monster will personally level down your extreme sun palace! Whatever Muyue Que, any star picking tower will become my monster's everything! Get out! Get out! Get out! !!"

He tried to breathe flames at the girl on the crane.

It's just a pity that the crane just fluttered its wings, and the flames turned into blue smoke, lingering between the gradually breaking sky and clouds.

Luo Beihuang raised the sun-hunting bow in his hand to face Shangque-jun.

"After so many years of stubborn nature, the fierce nature is still there. This time you have no chance, mother-in-law asked me to kill you."

"you you!!"

Shangquejun couldn't tell whether it was panic or anger.

When the other party said that he was determined to kill himself, he had no doubt that it was true.

Just how is it possible?

He considers himself to be an existence comparable to Qishan Phoenix, a unique monster in this world, how could anyone want him to die!how come? !

In his conception, no matter how powerful those so-called immortals meet him, they want to turn themselves into an eye-catching pet, raise them well, and then lock them up in their own palaces to show how they can die... how can they die? die? !

"call out!!"

But the moment the shapeless arrow of the sun hunting bow was shot, there was no turning back.

This arrow hit Lord Shangque on the upper jaw.

Almost shot through his mouth.


Lord Shangque's eyes were red, and he fluttered his wings violently feeling the pain and mortal threat, although he couldn't break free from the chain.

But Luo Beihuang could clearly see that his dark green feathers were beginning to be covered with a layer of blood, and dripping blood flowed from his eyes.

"Do you dare to disintegrate in blood?!"

The so-called disintegration in blood is a method of suicide that can only be used by monsters and big monsters.

Forcing blood to bathe the whole body, the effect is not only suicide, but also can make a radius of thousands of miles covered with blood, and then the earth will burn blazingly, turning into a sea of ​​flames, the smoke from the burning is highly poisonous, and it will be death at that time Thousands of miles away, it is difficult for humans and animals to survive, not even a single flower or tree can survive!

Mr. Shangque, who was soaked in blood, seemed to have reached the last moment.

Finally, he looked at Luo Beihuang fiercely and smiled cruelly.

"Hahahaha... I was bound for thousands of years before I was alive, and I will die if I want to die? What kind of immortal? Shit immortal! I just want to drag thousands of people to be buried with me!!"


This time, Luo Beihuang directly stretched the bow to the full, like a full moon.

Then it shot out with a bang, as if a strong sunlight was shining on the world, and she pierced through the head of Mr. Shangque with one arrow.

But this cannot prevent the bloody disintegration from proceeding.

So she took out a golden orb from the pocket of her robe.

"Sunset Maru, go."

He saw the golden ball floating in the air, and it started to suck all the blood gushing out from the body of the giant Shangque.

With more and more blood, the setting sun pill also began to expand violently.

Above Chaoge City, it seemed to be turning into a golden sun.

However, the most violent expansion seemed to be about to burst to the extreme, but the expansion suddenly stopped.


Shangquejun's huge corpse fell to the ground and became a huge corpse. All the flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only the skeleton and the feathers spread all over the ground.

Luo Beihuang breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and looked out of the city.


The sword light soared into the sky.

Wei Tu's hair was blown tousled by the wind. He stared at him with a long sword in his hand and released a giant python to intercept the two of them.

The two turned to look at themselves.

"The matter is over, why are you entangled?"

Wei Tu looked at the two amusedly.

"How do you act as if you have never been here? Those people who died because of you died in vain?"

Duo frowned and looked at Wei Tu.

"Everyone in the world has their own destiny. The destiny of the dead is to die at the right time. Even if we don't show up, someone else will kill them."

Wei Tu laughed out loud.

"The mouth is so damn hard... In this case, I will find an excuse for you. I am a grudge and aggressive. How uncomfortable you made me at the beginning, and now we want you to die. Don't you like to talk about destiny? Yours Life is to die here."

The young man holds a sword with the tip pointing down.

When you raise your sword, you are provoking a stegosaurus winding for hundreds of miles!


The ground was constantly split by the sword energy, and the eyes of the two were extremely fast.

Duo intercepted two shots at the same time, and swung out the jade prison to curb the sword energy.

But at the end, the sword energy suddenly exploded, directly blowing away the strength of the two of them.

Two figures hovered and fell in the air.

They barely stood still, their hair was disheveled, and they looked at the boy holding the sword in disbelief.

Wei Tu smiled and looked at the two of them.

"Leaving the magic circle in Chaoge City, what do you use to fight me?"

When it comes to positional warfare, it may be particularly difficult for me to deal with, especially in Chaoge City where the magic circle has been set up in advance, but after leaving Chaoge City, it is such a special dragon-slaying state.

Wei Tu is very confident, the two of them together, tied together, are not enough to fight by themselves.

After all, it is only the Dragon Slaying Realm.


Before Duo intercepted the words between the two, Wei Tu, who was still standing there before, suddenly came galloping like a sharp knife.


Duo intercepted and waved out of the jade prison.

But at this time, the strength has been fully released, and the young man who is not bound by any magic circle is simply flying like a bird.

The gas machine is constantly skyrocketing.

The sword in his hand seemed to be integrated with him.

With a sword stabbing, it seems that there is no way forward.

When the sword edge touched the seemingly unbreakable jade prison, a brilliant brilliance burst out suddenly.

The surrounding area is filled with gorgeous lights like neon lights. Under the completely exposed skylight at this time, the colors here can be said to be colorful.

Duojuan and Duojuan worked together to resist this seemingly extremely young boy, but at this time they discovered an astonishing fact.

"Why... your energy is so strong?!"

That's right, the two originally wanted to consume Wei Tu to death by relying on the Qi mechanism in their bodies.

However, he found that the other party's breath seemed to be flowing continuously, and he was not afraid to consume it with himself at all!

Wei Tu smiled.

"Why don't you ask why my Gouba is bigger than all of you combined?"


"Your mother!"


Suddenly, a crack appeared on the surface of the jade prison, and panic appeared in the eyes of the two.

And in the next instant.

The sword's edge pierced through the jade prison.



The jade prison turned into fragments all over the sky, glittering and translucent under the sunlight, exuding colorful splendor, and like glass that shattered all over the ground.

At this moment, the young man's sword pierced directly through Duo's chest, turning around and preparing to run away.

But Wei Tu threw the long sword full of blood into the sky.

Seemingly random, but...


The sword edge was directly inserted into the ground in front of the section, leaving the man with nowhere to escape.

Turning around and looking at the young man who had come to him, he was no longer frightened, and glanced at Duo who was slowly falling over there, and even showed a smile.

He finally pinched his fingers and smiled even more.

"Yes, since it failed, it is destiny to die here."

Wei Tu looked at Jie coldly.

"What else is there to say? Why don't you tell me the real purpose of releasing Lord Shangque? Also, what does this have to do with your witch god?"

Wei Tu didn't report anything and hoped that they would tell the truth. After all, such people were going to die, and knowing that he would never let them go, he would keep the secret to the end, so that their clansmen could get the front line possibility.

But Jue just looked at Wei Tu and said with a bleak smile.

"Naturally, we can't say it. It's just that we are dead, but the process has begun, and the catastrophe of your Xianzhou... will also begin."

... PS: In fact, many details of this big plot seem vague. There is no way to pave the way for what will happen later. The rebirth and catastrophe are all foreshadowing. I also want to write very clearly, but brothers, it is too clear It makes no sense at all.Well, the next thing you are looking forward to is... the closing part, um, I will try my best to write it comfortably.

37 Your Majesty who has been seen lightly?

The light gradually dissipated.

Wei Tu stood at the gate of the city, looking at the majestic imperial city.

It was as if it was the same as when I first came here, without any change.

The surrounding blood cloud has disappeared, and the flag is still flying at this time. This important city that will stand for a long time in the world will continue to exist in this form for many years.

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