Thinking of this, Wei Tu sighed with emotion.

Everyone likes to say that human life is not as good as a rock, but even the rock will turn into the appearance of these city walls, and then it will be destroyed in some war.

There is nothing eternal and immortal at all.

The vicissitudes of life are also changing.

Mountains and rivers will change even more.

Even if it is the stars, the sun and the moon hanging in the sky... it is just a little longer than people's, right?

But at this moment, the crane flew over the city wall, Wei Tuyang could only see the crane, but not the woman behind the crane, but it was estimated that the other party was looking at him from above.

I can only see my appearance with only one head, like a puppet with only one head.

So he raised his head and said calmly.

"It's tiring to look at people like this, or would you come down and talk?"

If she doesn't come down, she will go to the city by herself, so she won't wait for her. This girl probably likes to make troubles when she was so young.

But Luo Beihuang landed from the sky, like a fairy floating in the dust.

It is a god who is on the snow-capped mountains and never wants to meet mortals.

It just landed in front of him, but Wei Tu felt a little regretful.

After all, this is not the Luo Beihuang she is most familiar with. She hasn't put on the golden feather coat yet, her expression and facial features are still biased towards girls, not as decisive, dusty, and cold as in her previous life.

She looked at Wei Tu, her curious eyes moved casually, with a free and delicate air.

On the contrary, she is much cuter than Luo Beihuang in her previous life.


"It's more appropriate for you to call me uncle, don't get the gender wrong."

Wei Tu said with a smile.

Luo Beihuang was stunned, and then realized that the young man was taking advantage of her, so she frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

"The first time I saw you, you were quite serious, why are you so unprincipled the second time?"

Wei Tu shrugged.

"That's how I am. The first time I meet a fairy, I must be serious to gain a good impression. The second time, I will show my true colors."

"It's too quick for you to reveal your true colors... Also, I'm not a fairy."

Luo Beihuang said with a smile.

It seems that he is not angry at his behavior of taking advantage of him before.

Wei Tu smiled, "How can you let other women live without being a fairy? Oh, I'm probably like a frog."

"Toad is right."

"Is it bad to say toad? It has to be a toad, and it has to be blamed."

"You're very badass."

After Luo Beihuang said this, she seemed to find it very interesting, covering her mouth and chuckling.

The bells hanging from her ankles jingled.

Wei Tu had noticed this bell a long time ago, in fact, Luo Beihuang had been wearing it all the time in her previous life.

It's just that Wei Tu asked her what she was using it for, and she would just stroke the red line on the bell, pursed her lips and looked at herself and said, "I'll tell you when you figure out our relationship."

So Wei Tu never got an answer.

This time he wanted to try his luck.

"Oh, Fairy. What do you do with that bell on your ankle?"

Luo Beihuang glanced at Wei Tu, seeming to be thinking about something, then shook her head, slightly pulling the hem of the skirt with her palm, so that the hem of the long skirt completely covered the bell.

"It's nothing, it has nothing to do with you. By the way, it's been less than two months since I saw you last time, and your realm has improved again."

Wei Tu sighed.

As expected, it was Little Beihuang. Da Beihuang never cared about her state, only cared about her body... Cough cough.It seems that there is too much to say.

"It's okay, but it's not as good as your exaggeration. You're already in the God-watching state. That's what scares people's jaws when you say it."

"Is it possible? My mother-in-law said it's normal, but she also said that only my talent can reach it."


Wei Tu had heard Luo Beihuang mention the word mother-in-law. She had mentioned it often in her previous life, and she seemed to miss her very much. At that time, Wei Tu guessed that she might be the previous palace master of Jiri Tiangong.

Speaking of her mother-in-law, Xiao Beihuang had a smile on her face, like a flower blooming in spring.

Wei Tu swears that she has never seen Luo Beihuang have such a pure and flawless smile in her previous life.

Thinking about it now, everything in the previous life had too much suffering and helplessness, and most of those regrets were related to myself.

"Well, mother-in-law. She is my relative."

Speaking of this sentence, the soft light on her face is happiness, so beautiful that people want to be intoxicated.

Wei Tu saw two deep dimples on Luo Beihuang's face.

It's so beautiful.

All the beauty is on her face.

"very nice."

Wei Tu couldn't help but said.

Luo Beihuang thought that he also agreed with her statement, but it was a little strange.

"Have you seen your mother-in-law?"

Wei Tu shook his head.

"Then why do you say that?"

"Because a beautiful fairy like you can't lie."

Luo Beihuang slightly opened her eyes wide and looked at the handsome young man in front of her, as if she didn't know what expression to make, probably she had never seen anyone talking to her like this before.

His cheeks flushed honestly.

Until the crane hovering in the sky suddenly landed, it became the size of a parrot when it landed, and it landed on Luo Beihuang's shoulder.

Looking at Wei Tu, he said carelessly.

"You bastard is full of sweet words, Xiao Beihuang, don't be fooled!"

Luo Beihuang was stunned.

"Is he lying?"

Wei Tu looked at the crane with a smile.

"You say I'm lying, which means you don't think she's beautiful?"

"Uh... this...of course it's beautiful."

"Then how did I lie to you?"


The crane pondered, then jumped angrily.

"Okay! I got caught by you brat, let's see if I don't peck you to death!"

After speaking, he rushed over to peck Wei Tu.

But Luo Beihuang stopped him.

"Okay, don't make noise, I remember... there seems to be a girl in the palace?"

Wei Tu was stunned.

"Yes, I almost forgot. Wait a moment."

in the palace.


The exhausted Ye Bingluan finally fell to the ground.

She was leaning on the dragon chair, panting violently, but her face was pale and she was sweating profusely.

There seemed to be no more energy left.

But when she saw the sun finally brightening outside the gate, she showed a sincere smile.

The girl leaning on the dragon chair burst into tears again.

For some reason, she cried more than ever before.

But this time the crying was genuine joy and relaxation.

It was as if any long-accumulated pressure and grievances were released at this moment.

No one can accurately know the torment this girl has suffered during this period of time.

She was whipped, tortured by mental pressure, and almost had all her strength and life taken away from her body.

But she didn't give up.

Instead, he persisted until he returned to Chaoge. The last game here was to fight against the magic circle that wanted to refine himself together.

She survived.

Chaoge City survived.

Da Shang survived even more.

At this moment, she didn't know what to say, she just burst into tears, and she looked at the gate amidst the tears.

Feeling the weakness of the body, as if the turmoil of dying at any time.

She still wanted to laugh.

Weakly muttering to himself.

"I did it..."

That's right, she did all of this, everything that she didn't dare to think about before.

The ease and happiness at this moment made Ye Bingluan truly feel that it would not be a pity to lose her life at this moment.

As if dying now is the real death.

Just like those people who say: Hearing the Tao in the morning can kill you in the evening.

And just when she was thinking like this, there was a burst of emptiness in her body, and she was about to close her eyes immediately.

Everything in front of me blurred.

She felt as if she was really going to leave this world.

Is it too cruel?

Or, is his mission so cruel?

Dedicate everything here, and then leave all the fruits to future generations?

Maybe it's fate...but it doesn't matter.

Finally, I did my best to obey the destiny.

Just when the girl was about to close her eyes tiredly, she saw a figure walking in from the door in her blurred vision.

And his voice.

"Ye Bingluan."

Gentle, but not as caring as my father's.

But it is true.

Ye Bingluan tried her best to raise her head, but she noticed that the other party squatted down and hugged her body.

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