"You ruined my good mood this day." What kind of mood did I come here with?He said this to himself!

Sulking, he walked to the end of the peach forest, as if he was about to go out.

Wei Tu looked at this extremely childish girl with amused expression.

"You can be angry with me, but you really want to go out now? After you miss it, you won't have it anymore."

Ye Bingluan turned her head and gave Wei Tu a cold look.

"As long as you are alive, you will have another chance."

Wei Tu smiled.

"I'll probably be back tomorrow."


Ye Bingluan turned around and came angrily to the carriage.

The servant girl who thought that her Majesty would have a romantic love story in this peach forest was terrified to death when she saw the girl's expression.

"Your Majesty...you..."

"Sign up, go back to the palace!"

The cold-faced Ye Bingluan got into the carriage directly without leaving his back.

Shocked and frightened, the maid turned around and looked at the young man at the exit of Taolin.

The boy shrugged, only a helpless wry smile.

Ye Bingluan did go back to the palace, directly back to the bedroom, no one asked to see this woman today.

Shut yourself in the bedroom.

Sulking to himself.

Often people, when they are angry with themselves, they will always reconcile themselves when they are alone for a long time, because you often can't think of a better result.

Maybe you will regret your decision at the time.

But... this woman is decidedly different.

It is impossible for her to feel that she is wrong, she is right, how can she be wrong?

It was the bastard who was wrong!

It's so obvious that he said something so hurtful?

Why is there nothing special about myself?Are you blind?

I... no, my mother... no, I!Why does the Ninth Five-Year Master say such things to you? Isn't it because... because...

The more others think about it, the more wronged they become, or the more they think about it, the more indifferent they become.

The more Ye Bingluan thought about it, the angrier she became.

Until it was dark, she suddenly remembered something, that is, the boy finally told herself that he was leaving tomorrow.

How could he just leave like that? !

Think beautiful!

Dare to offend me, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the destiny belongs to... just want to leave like this?impossible!

So Ye Bingluan suddenly got up.

Put on the dragon robe directly.

"Want to leave like this? Don't even think about it, I will make you unforgettable forever!"

The girl pushed the door out.

The servant girl standing outside was stunned.

"Your Majesty... do you want to... at this late hour?"

Ye Bingluan was full of momentum, as if she wanted to conquer her personally.

"Pull over!"

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

"Wei Tu can go wherever he is!"

"Ah? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

And right now.

The boy who had already lived in the post house opened the window and looked at the scene outside the window.

A friendly crowd was boisterous.

It seems to have a special flavor, just thinking about the unhappiness between myself and that girl today... Well, it can only be said to be a pity.

Because there is probably no chance of reconciliation in the future.

He didn't think this girl could really do what she said.

Wei Tu has a deeper understanding of human nature.

It is difficult for people to give up the power they have acquired. How many people can retreat bravely?Most are just greedy.

When the emperor wanted to live longer, it was not for the Dao, but for ruling longer and enjoying more.

"Hey... people's hearts are hard..."


The door was kicked open suddenly.

Wei Tu looked at the door in astonishment.

Then I saw a woman in a dragon robe standing at the door.

He was stunned for a moment, wondering what the other party was going to do, to appear at his place at this time?

It's still so late!

And the girl glanced at him, and sneered extremely majesticly and domineeringly.

Then turn your head.

"You keep watch below, don't let anyone go upstairs!"

After speaking, the woman in the dragon robe walked directly into the room and slammed the door shut.

Wei Tu frowned, but actually looked at the girl in surprise.

"Ye Bingluan, what the hell are you doing?"

Ye Bingluan was so domineering that she stepped forward and grabbed Wei Tu by the collar.

"Fuck you!"

Then the moment Wei Tu was astonished, the girl stepped forward on tiptoe and kissed him fiercely on the lips.

Wei Tu was a little confused.


It's full of ignorance!

It's not that he hasn't seen a woman who covets his own body... But at least you have some foreplay and foreshadowing! ! PS: Four characters: Give me a monthly pass!

42 I am strong!


Especially men of extremely high quality always have to face many dangers in this world.

It may be that some of you are jealous of you, so you want to kill you quickly, which is normal and everyone can understand.

It may also be that those women who can't love you have given birth to hatred, adhering to the principle of destroying you if you can't get it, and want to turn you into a motionless object that can belong to her alone.

This is also understandable.

But Wei Tu never expected that such a human empress would say to herself: Fuck you!Such words.

What is this called? !

It's just... vulgar!impolite!

She even kissed herself!

what happened?

I am a fairy teacher!I am the strongest disciple of the Yuan Jianzong in the past, and I am a genius who has reached the Dragon Slaying Realm at this age!Kiss if you want?Do what you want? !

Then I couldn't help but issue torture.

How did you, an immortal master at the Dragon Slaying Realm, be kissed by a female emperor at the Foundation Establishment Realm?Can't you resist?

The person involved, Wei Tu, said that he did not want to answer this question.

Are you in charge?

What was more intense than Wei Tu's thought was the girl's kiss. Although there was no skill, all of them were possessive and domineering.

But her perseverance was very hot, and she frantically tried to occupy all of the boy's mouth.

Whether it's the lips on the outside or the tongue on the inside, it seems that they don't want to miss it at all.

Feeling her heat, Wei Tu reached out his hands helplessly to hold her arms, and pulled the empress a little away.

The faces of the two had to be separated a lot.

Wei Tu's breath is fairly stable, but Ye Bingluan's breath in front of him is already disordered enough.

Her pretty face turned red, but her eyes were still full of dissatisfaction and refusal to admit defeat, just like her mentality along the way.

He looked at the boy in front of him stubbornly and domineeringly.

"I advise you to calm down. Don't think that you are the emperor and I won't do anything to you. I don't distinguish between men and women when I get angry."

Wei Tu solemnly warned the girl to keep her head on the ground, not to confuse her mind just because of the beauty in front of her.

And Ye Bingluan didn't care so much, he directly struggled to resist Wei Tu's control over him.

Then he watched the young man speak word by word.

"You always think that what I can't do, I will show you. Do you still think there is no difference between me and those emperors?"

Wei Tu was stunned, he didn't expect that the other party rushed to him for such a small reason, and did these things in an attempt to destroy his innocence.

He laughed dumbly.

"Of course you are different from other people. There is a big difference. I never feel that you are the same as anyone else."

"Liar! That's not what you said to me at the time. You kept saying that you were the same as the emperor, and you refused to let go of power. But I will tell you that I will become the special case you said, and power is also important to me. It's just power, not everything. I don't have to."

Wei Tu looked at each other with a wry smile.

"Don't make such impulsive decisions because of me. What matters is what you really like in your heart. You don't necessarily have to pursue longevity to be the highest ideal. Although your talent is amazing, you still have to choose your favorite path."

Ye Bingluan looked directly at Wei Tu.

"Wei Tu, do you really understand me?"

"I probably don't understand."

After all, we have only known each other for so long, and Wei Tu is not arrogant enough to see through a real person casually.

Ye Bingluan sneered.

"Since you don't know me at all, how do you know what I like and whether what I do is for you?"

"Well... this... is indeed a problem, it's my ego."

The boy frankly admitted the shortcomings of his character.

That is, it is easy to regard yourself as an experienced elder by taking advantage of the identity again. It may be very effective against the enemy, but it may be arrogant for such a girl.

Then Ye Bingluan smiled, it seemed to be ridiculing, but also seemed to be joking.

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