"Since you are conceited and underestimated me, you will have to pay the price."

The girl took a step forward and almost squeezed directly into Wei Tu's arms.

Wei Tu thought she was going to do something.

In the end, the girl just ran into her arms, and when she realized that she couldn't push herself back, she stretched out her hands and grabbed the corners of her clothes, and remained motionless.

After a long time, Wei Tu could only feel the softness of her chest and her gradually calming breathing.

The young man couldn't help but laugh, and asked amusedly after a while.

"I thought what were you going to do, that's all you have?"

Ye Bingluan raised her head unconvinced.

"What is this?"

Wei Tu laughed at this girl who just hugged her.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know anything?"

"...Don't look down on people, I'm just planning, what do you mean you can't?"

"What do you do? Do you think that if you hold her like this, you will get pregnant in a few months?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I didn't think about getting pregnant...I..."

Ye Bingluan's eyes widened and he glared at Wei Tu, as if he had hit a weakness that he avoided.

It seemed like a hit.

Wei Tu let out a long sigh of relief.

"That's good. I thought you were thinking that I was going to leave. Let me leave a seed for you Dashang. After all, it is very difficult to see another outstanding man like me."

Wei Tu let go of her arm and got rid of the girl's embrace.

He came to the bed and looked at the stars in the sky, undoubtedly very beautiful.

Looking at the stars in Xianzhou seems to be closer, and the starry sky will appear clearer.

But in the human world, it is more distant, and it will appear extraordinarily hazy.

The woman behind her remained silent.

Wei Tu looked over strangely, and saw Ye Bingluan sitting on the edge of the bed, as if thinking about something.

Wei Tu closed the window amusedly, and then walked over.

"What are you thinking? If you don't go back so late, your subordinates will probably misunderstand."

Ye Bingluan looked up at Wei Tu.

"If they misunderstood, they misunderstood. It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, they dare not chew their tongues in front of me."

"But it's okay for you to sit like this."

Ye Bingluan nodded.

"It's really not a problem, so let's continue with what we started."

After finishing speaking, Ye Bingluan leaned over and pulled Wei Tu onto the bed. Wei Tu didn't fall down, but just sat on the edge, looking at this girl who kept going over and over again amusedly.

Wei Tu seemed to understand what she wanted to do, but she looked so unskilled, so young and interesting.

"Lie down!"

Seeing him sitting upright, Ye Bingluan said angrily as she was not as strong as him.

Wei Tu looked at her with a smile.

"No, I'll just sit."

"it is good!"

Ye Bingluan simply got up, turned over, and sat on Wei Tu's lap with her legs aside.

In this way, Wei Tu could directly see the ups and downs of Ye Bingluan's chest under the dragon robe.

Although the cover is still very tight, it seems that the scale can already be glimpsed.

The fragrance permeated in front of her, and her hair hung down long, like willow branches in spring.

Ye Bingluan cupped Wei Tu's face.

Wei Tu was still smiling, a hateful smile, which in Ye Bingluan's view was a complete ridicule.

It made her wish to swallow this boy in one gulp.

"You laugh again?"

"Laugh again and you bite me?"

"I've never heard of such a request."

So Ye Bingluan lowered her head and really bit Wei Tu's lips.

Wei Tu felt the pain, this girl really exerted herself.

It took a long time to let go of my lips.

Wei Tu sighed helplessly.

"Are you a dog? You can bite if you say you want to bite?"

Ye Bingluan looked at the boy triumphantly.

"I still know, anyway, women will feel pain for the first time, how can I not hurt you when I hurt you? You have to hurt too."

"Is this considered revenge?"

The girl's hand left Wei Tu's cheek, and then her fingers parted the boy's skirt with a firm attitude, exposing his collarbone and chest.

Her palm was free on the opponent's body.

Wei Tu still looked at her with a smile.

"That's it?"

Her palm was indeed very comfortable to touch, and the feeling of sticking to his skin was definitely not just better than nothing, but he could still restrain himself, which was definitely not an irresistible temptation.

Ye Bingluan also laughed.

"You think I really don't know that at all?"

So she lowered her head, and her long hair fell like a waterfall on her chest, itching.

But she kissed her neck, dragging out long wet traces, such a touch is a bit obvious.

It even made Wei Tu's skin react a little, is he sensitive?It's not that sensitive, how good is the opponent's technique?

Nor is it.

It's just that she still doesn't forget what she keeps saying, which always reminds Wei Tu of her status as emperor.

In doing so, she brings a thrill of identity to everything she does.

Under the influence of the heart, the physical feeling is even more irresistible.

She bit her ear from her neck, and the hot air she exhaled seemed to be able to speak.

A magnetic and graceful voice hovered in his cochlea.

"Master Immortal, you seem to be unable to bear it."

Her triumphant laughter made Wei Tu stretch out his hand involuntarily, grasping the center of gravity through the dragon robe.

It's like a mountain climber always needs to grab a raised stone first to stabilize his body.

Wei Tu did the same.

And he could clearly feel Ye Bingluan's body trembling.

Then his technique can be said to be perfect, so that Ye Bingluan put both hands on Wei Tu's shoulders and rested his head on them.

The body couldn't help twisting in the boy's arms.

"Who, who told you to do it...put it down...!"

Ye Bingluan seems to be very concerned about who is active and who is passive.

Not only did Wei Tu not put it down, but he also used the other hand to pull open the neckline of the dragon robe, which still had lining and a tube top.

He laughed, feeling the heat of the woman's body.

"Your Majesty, can't you? I thought...you are really strong."

In this way, Ye Bingluan is not convinced anymore, even the only reserve she has left is gone.

She stood up and pulled open the belt of her dragon robe.

The clothes are draped in a non-existent manner, and the lining inside is like nothing.

Then, in Wei Tu's unstoppable line of sight, he took off the tube top one by one.

But she stubbornly wears the dragon robe, as if only in this way can she always show her identity, her sanctity and inviolability.

And two snow-white mountain peaks are looming in the dragon robe, and the young body is tall and straight.

It is indeed a considerable scale.

She looked provocatively at the young man whose eyes seemed to be unable to move.

"I am strong in this world."

43 Waiting for her blooming

The long night and the hanging galaxy are both hot.

Everyone is very stubborn, always have a bottom line that would rather die than surrender, and also have the belief that they will do what they say.

And is the boy in front of him worth chasing?

Ye Bingluan didn't want to give any answer to this proposition. She only knew that if he was allowed to leave like this, maybe he wouldn't remember himself in a long time, and the story would never have a follow-up, and this story would be like a story that no one knows. of gravel.

Float with the wind, and then fall to the ends of the earth.

As never before, people pick up beautiful gems and shells, but never pay attention to a single grain of sand.

Ye Bingluan felt that it was necessary for this boy to remember him.

Remember everything about yourself.

Remember that you are an emperor who is absolutely different from others.

Her beauty, her uniqueness, all seem so important.

So he stubbornly refused to take off the dragon robe, and put it on firmly.

Her figure swayed slightly, parting the boy's clothes little by little.

Wei Tu's hands were where they should be, causing the woman to keep biting her lips and exhaling hot air.

Wei Tuhui looked at her stubborn but soft expression and laughed.

"Your Majesty, you really don't seem to be very good at it. I haven't exerted my strength yet."

Ye Bingluan also got used to this kind of contact, although it was the first time she had such an experience, but this woman is so tenacious and indomitable, after adapting quickly, she also learned how to fight back.

She bent her knees forward, pressed Wei Tu's body back against the young man's chest, and outlined it greenly and immaturely.

Wei Tu frowned slightly.

Too bad, are all women so self-taught?

When he turned his head slightly, he could see the other party's slender and slender legs, and the socks wrapped the toes that should be plump.

Ye Bingluan smiled complacently. With her blushing face, she couldn't pay attention to the heat of her body, but looked at Wei Tu and smiled.

"How about it... Is it really that bad? Immortal Master~ You are a cultivator, if you can't stand it like this, how can you teach me how to practice?"

Wei Tu took a deep breath.

"Want me to teach you how to practice?"

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