"Master, are you worried about me?"

Wei Tu leaned over with a smile.

Lu Qingyan stretched out her hands angrily and rubbed the boy's long hair, but it only loosened a little.

"What kind of tricks are you still playing at this time? Is it a matter of worry or not? It is really possible for those frenzied Wu people to go to Xianzhou to seek revenge. After all, what they are going to sacrifice this time is a country, and the people behind it must be Bigger secrets will definitely not be let go, and they may not only regard you as an enemy, but also a key person who affects the plan."

Wei Tu looked at Lu Qingyan eagerly.

"Then what should I do, Master, this disciple is so scared..."

Lu Qingyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Still acting like a good boy here, will you be afraid? What will you be afraid of? I'm afraid that after a while, even being a teacher will no longer be your opponent."

Wei Tu thought about it.

"If one day I can beat Master, I will take the cane..."


Lu Qingyan looked over with unkind eyes, and Wei Tu immediately stopped talking and said softly, "Use the cane to slap my ass hard, to thank Master for his teaching."

Lu Qingyan's eyes turned cold.

"I have taught a good apprentice, and I am only thinking about how to teach the master in the future, right?"

"Of course not! Master, I'm really scared, you must protect me well, otherwise who will bring you tea and water, wash your feet and massage~"

"Speak as if you've done these things before!"

"Is there still some body training? Is there still some cooking?"

"You traitor still has the nerve to say that!!"

As soon as Lu Qingyan heard the word forging body, it was like turning on a switch, as if she could immediately think of the not-too-distant past... No, this level cannot be said to be the past at all, it was half a month ago!

This traitor, this villain!How to toss his body in this room.

Toss yourself to death.

Even the most embarrassing scene was exposed.

And her naked body... Although his eyes were closed, they were tightly pressed against his chest. When thinking of those things, Lu Qingyan couldn't control her face and heartbeat.

Compared with women's usual shyness, Lu Qingyan has more worries because... this person is her apprentice.

They exist like family members, although there is no blood relationship, but because of this, some things are especially avoided.

Seeing Lu Qingyan's bad expression, Wei Tu softened immediately.

Immediately moved his position over, next to Lu Qingyan's position.

"Let's not talk about this first, master, please don't be angry, do you know what these Wu people want to do? There are so many small tricks."

Lu Qingyan glared at the young man leaning beside her with a fawning expression on his face.

"They have survived for so long and no one knows exactly. Where can I find out? But what is certain is that the biggest thought of these Wu tribe people is nothing more than resurrecting their witch gods... But what is this secret? , Why and how to intercept, no one knows exactly, but...where they appear, there will be no good things, so they have always been the common enemy of the five immortal continents."

Wei Tu frowned.

"Resurrecting the witch god? How to resurrect after death?"

"Whoever told you that you are dead, you are just sealed. I also heard a distant legend from my master. It is said that in the distant prehistoric era, there was no accurate division of fairy land, human world, and demon realm in the world. It was created by five The ancient Great Immortal separated the world from the Immortal Continent. They respectively created the Extreme Sun Temple, Muyue Tower, Zhaixing Building, Fenghua Court and the most mysterious Chasing Shadow Gate. In fact, there is a sixth Great Immortal who is unwilling to accept The distribution plan of the other five insists that the world does not need the existence of ordinary people, and that the world should also be turned into a place for cultivating immortals, and the world does not need the division of the world and the immortal continent.

If the other five disagreed, he probably did something that the other five immortals could not bear, and the other five jointly sealed him.However, the witchcraft left by him has been passed on to future generations, and his descendants also have the only wish to revive this witch god.None of the records said that the witch god was dead, only that it was sealed somewhere..."

That's what Wei Tu thought at the beginning, these Wu tribe people can only do these things.

But having said so much, I still don't know their specific plan, and there seems to be no clues at all... You must know that this is not a recent incident. The actions of the Wu people have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have not revealed more, which shows that this How good the ethnic group is at hiding.

Lu Qingyan frowned and looked at Wei Tu.

"What are you thinking? You're not thinking about how to stop their plot, are you?"

Wei Tu looked at Lu Qingyan strangely.

"Master, aren't you jealous of evil?"

Lu Qingyan looked at this uneasy apprentice angrily.

"What does my jealousy have to do with you? Just live well, don't think about these things that have nothing to do with you, and don't try to do stupid things. How can your strength compare with these sinister and cunning Wu people? What about others? It's all good, you're fine."

This is the woman's preference for herself.

She doesn't impose her personality and wishes on herself, nor force herself to do anything, as long as she is stable, happiness is enough.

It's a preference that doesn't even consider her own survival.

Wei Tu sighed.

Lu Qingyan frowned even tighter.

"I've said it many times, a child, don't keep moaning and sighing like a little old man, I don't know how Su Mi likes you..."

Lu Qingyan also wanted to sigh, as if she was an old mother whose children detested her everywhere.

Wei Tu laughed again and looked at the glamorous woman.

"No, I was thinking... If this is the case, the disciple is more responsible."

"What are your responsibilities?"

"I have the responsibility to make Master stronger, so I have to intensify my physical training, so that Master can be stronger, right?"

Lu Qingyan was taken aback for a moment, and got up directly, not moving her position, but standing up directly.

Watching the boy warily.

"What are you thinking?! My teacher warns you... don't think about anything weird, what happened that night... there can't be a second time!"

Wei Tu grinned.

"Master, you are not good again. What did you say last time? You just enjoy it, and the other dirty work is tiring, just let the disciple do it."

Lu Qingyan was so angry that her seven orifices were filled with smoke.

"You traitor! How did you talk to Wei Shi? You...you..."

Wei Tu also stood up and swept his hem.

"Then tonight... old time, old place, see you there or be square."

Lu Qingyan was so angry that she wanted to chase after Wei Tu and said viciously.

"I won't be in the room tonight!"

"Then I'll wait until you come back~"


"Good master~~"

"evil creature!!"

"Good master~~"


Only now did Lu Qingyan realize what it means to be furious.

It's just another emotion that seems to be called helplessness. PS: Please be considerate of me~ It’s not easy to be able to write like that before, but I really think that SF is opened by my family when I write this process for you?It's definitely impossible~~ I can only think of some novel ways in the future, using more... well, you know, just sauce! !I don't know if there is any update today. I feel that my fingers have been hurting recently, from fingers to wrists.The main reason is that I can’t stop writing a new book. I really want to show it to you now, but I still have to think about it and focus on this first.Mainly cowardly.

50 The Girl Who Couldn't Pull Back Even the Gods

"Hey! Brother Wei! Long time no see!"

Greeting Wei Tu on the hillside of Yuan Jianzong was Gong Ziqi, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

What happened last time in Shiwan Yaoshan was later confirmed that the uterine period was controlled in advance by means, so that he was unconscious in his room for several days.

When I woke up, I was still asking when I would go to the sect for the trial.

In order to make up for the accident suffered by this simple-minded but talented man, Zongmen gave Gong Ziqi some symbolic compensation.

It was only later that Gong Ziqi learned how tragic things happened in Shiwan Yaoshan.

Later, he kept rejoicing: Mom was right, stupid people really have stupid blessings.

"So it's Brother Gong, long time no see."

Li Hanyang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared along with the uterus.

Li Hanyang has a good relationship with Gongziqi recently, probably because Qiao Zhiheng had been in seclusion before, so he "choosed a good tree to live in" to get close to Gongziqi.

As for Wei Tu... Even if Wei Tu is now the most dazzling disciple of the sect, it is impossible for him to have anything to do with it.

That is to say, even if Wei Tu becomes the Immortal Emperor of Nanjianzhou one day, it is impossible for him to be recognized by Li Hanyang!

"Oh, and you, Senior Brother Li."

That's right, Li Hanyang is one year older than Wei Tu.


Li Hanyang snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Gong Ziqi next to him didn't seem to notice the disagreement between the two, but looked at Wei Tu with a smile.

"Junior Brother Wei heard that you just came back from the world, how is everything going well?"

"If you died in the human world, wouldn't you see ghosts?"

Li Hanyang said strangely beside him, making Gong Ziqi slightly embarrassed.

Wei Tu didn't seem to care, and said with a smile.

"Everything is fine, there have been a few hiccups, but nothing major."

"Hmph, we have dealt with the troubles of Zhao Kingdom in the world before, so there will be no episode..."

"Junior Brother Li, even I know that Junior Brother Wei went to Shang Country..."

Li Hanyang's face froze.

"Then... it's not far away anyway. We had already planted the prestige of Yuan Jianzong's disciples at that time, so the other little evil spirits naturally didn't dare to approach!"

"Hehe, Senior Brother Li said that probably the reason I was able to come back safely is because Senior Brother Li and you guys have made outstanding contributions."

"Hmph! It's good to know! Brother Gong, if I still have something to do, I'll take a step ahead."

Li Hanyang felt that the other party was insinuating himself, and felt embarrassed, after all, he really had nothing to show off in front of the other party.

After all, what is in front of him is: Yuan Jianzong's youngest dragon-slaying realm, the last meeting of the ancestor before his death, a young man who is better than a true disciple even though he does not have the name of a true disciple, and even turned the tide with Bai Youwei in the Hundred Thousand Monster Mountain. Surviving the two survivors' men.

Gong Ziqi looked at Wei Tu helplessly.

"You don't mind, Junior Brother Wei. Junior Brother Li is actually not bad at heart. He is just used to being arrogant, and it is difficult for him to correct his mentality for a while. Besides, you are younger than him. He is not convinced even by many senior brothers, so it is inevitable that he will not treat you well." I look good."

Wei Tu was surprised that the seemingly dull and honest Gong Ziqi would say such considerate words and take the initiative to adjust the relationship between the two.

Of course, Wei Tu understood all these things, and he didn't have any deep hatred for Li Hanyang, but the other party liked to act like a buffoon in front of him, so there was nothing he could do about it.

"Senior Brother Gong said, don't worry, I didn't take these things to heart... But you should talk to Senior Brother Li more about these things, after all, sometimes it's the brats who are difficult, right?"

Gong Ziqi was stunned for a moment, then couldn't laugh or cry.

"Junior Brother Wei, it's really rare to see a young man like you, at least I can't do it. You are young and talented, and you seem calm and gentle to other people, but in fact you hide your edge..."

"Wait, Senior Gong, when will you say these words? Isn't this flattering?"

"Hahahaha...I'm just telling the truth...By the way, Junior Brother Wei, I heard that you often go to the Cangjing Pavilion to read books..."

"Well, yeah, what's wrong?"

"I just want to ask you something... How should I put it, I think it might be too absurd for you to say it like this..."

"Hey, Senior Brother Gong, how will you know if you don't say it. Is it just something bad?"

Wei Tu had a faint premonition in his heart that the other party would not suddenly bring up this matter out of nothing, and with Gong Ziqi's personality, it was unlikely to deceive people.

Gong Ziqi looked around, then sighed and said.

"How about it, Junior Brother Wei, when you have time, we can talk for a longer time alone. I can't make it clear here for a while. I have to go to Junior Brother Li at this time, so I won't talk about it."

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