"Okay, Senior Brother Gong is looking for me. If I'm not in Xiaoyuan Peak, I'll be in the Yaowang Pavilion. If you're in the Yaowang Pavilion, you'll meet a little fox. Just tell her that she's here to look for me, but remember to bring something delicious." of."

"Oh, okay, then it's settled. Then I have to leave first!"

"Well, goodbye, Senior Brother Gong."

Seeing Gong Ziqi leaving with a heavy heart, Wei Tu frowned, this is indeed a bad premonition.

Although everyone will have some troubles and things that they don't understand, but the uterine period is not so easy to find some trivial things to ask yourself.

As for what it is... and it happens to be a very sensitive time point for him, Wei Tu doesn't know, and he can only find out when he sees Gong Ziqi next time.

And now Wei Tu has someone else to look for.

In the school on the mountainside, there will be many disciples who will come to listen to the lectures, mainly to teach some necessary knowledge or some additional knowledge for cultivators. Something that can be boring and time-consuming.

And Wei Tu was standing outside the school, he didn't go in, but stood quietly beside a tree, waiting patiently.

Waiting until the sun slanted, it passed between the dense leaves and fell on the boy's hair.

The golden light mixed with the black hair, forming a strange and magnificent picture.

The young man stood there quietly, but his windless clothes swayed slightly.

And his slightly closed eyes looked like a sleeping sculpture. Mu Xitong once thought that this young man's appearance was already the best man in the world. It's no wonder that the voice of the school gradually became noisy, When the disciple came out from the inside and saw this young man, his expression would be slightly dull.

But they left very quickly. After all, this young man has been in Yuan Jianzong for so long, who doesn't know who this young man will be waiting for here?

So as the light shifted, it finally shone on several figures walking out of the school talking and laughing.

"Xiaoju has gained a lot of weight recently, and she keeps meowing. She probably wants to find a wife!"

Qin Shuangshuang said with a smile to the girl beside her, she felt that this short time was definitely the happiest time for her.

After all, without the existence of that young man, Qin Shuangshuang simply felt that the flowers on Xuejian Peak were all blooming for him.The first is that the girl has more time to spend with herself.

You can practice together with yourself, come to school together, talk about the trivial things in life together, and you will feed the cat, eat with her, and chat with her.

In fact, Qin Shuangshuang didn't think much, and she was also a little tangled.

After all, there seems to be only one shortcoming of that nasty boy, that is, he is too carefree, too easy to attract bees and butterflies.

And as for strength... Now no one in the entire sect doubts his talent, his strength, and is even more convinced that this young man is just a model of accumulation.

Subconsciously, she didn't want Su Mi to belong to this boy, but every time she was with Su Mi, the first few sentences were often very happy, but soon she would hear the girl sigh.

"If only he was here, he would laugh to death..."

Qin Shuangshuang knew that this girl's heart was not so easily emptied.

She would miss that boy no matter what, just like sunflowers always bloom towards the sunny direction.

It's just a pity, she doesn't want much, she just wants to go on with this girl and live on.

Eat together, sleep together, live together, overcome all difficulties together, and then practice together to achieve the Tao... Maybe for me, this is a special good friend, a person who has selfish intentions and does not want to be possessed by anyone good friend.

Maybe the result is unavoidable, but she always wants to spend more time with this girl, even if it's just for a while, if even she feels that her existence is in the way, then she will quietly disappear, no matter what she I don't want to be hated by this girl.

But I didn't expect to say a few words as soon as I came out.

Only then did I hear Su Mi laughing and whispering in my ear.

"Don't worry about these things for Xiaoju, but Xiaohua has been restless recently, running all over the street, and she doesn't know when she will go to other hills... Well, what's wrong with Shuangshuang?"

Su Mi looked strangely at Qin Shuangshuang who suddenly stopped talking, but stared in one direction with angry eyes.

Qin Shuangshuang saw Wei Tu.

Even saw him smiling at himself.

That hateful smile, I glared at him, and he smiled even brighter.

It's just annoying!

But Qin Shuangshuang is not an unreasonable person... Well, at least not in front of Su Mi.

So she could only turn her head helplessly to look at Su Mi in front of her.

"Look, who is the person that the girl longs for?"

"what are you saying……"

Su Mi froze for a moment and turned her head subconsciously, and saw Wei Tu standing under the green tree.

His eyebrows and eyes are gentle, like the flowing water of years, quietly flowing through his heart.

Qin Shuangshuang watched Su Mi's reaction quietly, and then saw Su Mi talking to herself quickly.

"Shuangshuang, you go back first..."

Then she turned her head without hesitation, and trotted all the way towards the boy.

It seemed that he couldn't wait, and he couldn't wait to stand in front of him.

But she won't fall, because the boy stretched out his hands when she was not on her feet, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Qin Shuangshuang felt a little sour.

But there is no way... liking is bigger than anything else.

That girl...not to mention the nine-headed cow, even the gods can't be pulled back. PS: Grand Slam!Grand Slam!In order to celebrate NAVI winning the championship, I order each of you to give me a monthly ticket, so that a rich man can beat Yandi, thank you!

51 Senior Brother Can't Hold It Anymore!

The crowd slowly dispersed, and naturally no one would be willing to stay here quietly watching them eat dog food on such a sunny morning.

This is not dog friendly at all!

So all of a sudden there were only this pair of embracing teenagers and girls under the tree. Their appearance and temperament seemed to be a match made in heaven, as if they could only make people shake their heads and sigh bitterly, and then send blessings.

It's just that these two people are not so shameless.

At least Su Mi wasn't.

At this moment, she was struggling in the warm and familiar embrace of the boy.

"Let go of me... A lot of people are watching... How can I be a person if my senior sisters and brothers see me...?"

Su Mi complained slightly, but the smile on her face was as bright as it looked.

Wei Tu smiled and looked down at the girl in his arms.

"Then don't be a human being."

"What would you do if you weren't a human being?"

"Don't you like keeping cats, then be my cat."

"I don't want to..."

Su Mi blushed and became coquettish.

However, Wei Tu seemed to have already started to fantasize about that scene, looking at the girl's perfect face, imagining what it would be like if the girl had two cat ears.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Being a cat is great. I'll feed you, bask in the sun with you, sleep with you in my arms every day, and help you bathe..."

"Oh, brother!!"

Su Mi blushed and stamped her feet on the spot.

Wei Tu laughed heartily before letting go of the girl.

Let her stand in front of him, tidying up her dress a little timidly.

When watching her alive and making every movement in front of him, Wei Tu's joy and satisfaction cannot be added.

It's as satisfying as the consolation that the world no longer needs anything.

She's still alive, she's still smiling in front of her, she's still her own... that's the best thing.

So he laughed like a spring breeze.

"Did you miss me?"

Su Mi stood in front of him, in a position where she had to stand on her tiptoes to look at him.

And her eyes are like shining stars, but it is daytime now, so they are like hot and gentle sunshine, when the real sunshine falls on her long hair.

So all the stories have their results, and all the waiting and expectations have become reality.

It seems that only in this way can the boy reconcile with the whole world.

The girl's face was red, and her beautiful eyes looked forward.

"How can there be a stinky brother who has not seen for so long and said such things as soon as we meet?"

Wei Tu also curled the corner of his mouth with a smile.

"But Senior Brother Smelly misses Xiangxiang's Junior Sister very much, very much."

Such words seemed to carry magic power, accompanied by his deep voice.

The girl couldn't help but took a step forward, and then couldn't help reaching out and grabbing his skirt.

The slender hand grasped the fist, and lightly hammered it on his chest, but it didn't fall again.

She looked at the boy complainingly.

"Who made you, stinky brother, go away for so long... Thinking about it, I should, as long as you don't want to die."

Wei Tu chuckled.

"Have I been away for half a month?"

"It seems to be there...or maybe not. All in all, it is very long. Who told you to leave me for so long? You are not allowed to leave me for so long in the future, have you heard?"

It seems that only at this time will the girl speak her truth sincerely, appearing a little domineering in one way or another.

But ah, all the boy can hear is full of love.

as their names say.

When the flowers are in full bloom, after the full bloom, spring will pass.But they are still in full bloom, so spring has been living brilliantly.

This is their small fate, but it is also the biggest fate in this world.

Wei Tu nodded, then bent slightly, and lowered his head.

The forehead was pressed against the girl's forehead.

Wei Tu likes this action very much, because it will feel that the thoughts and thoughts of the two will become exactly the same, as if the souls are the same.

"Well, I see. I will take you with me wherever I go in the future, okay?"

Hearing what Wei Tu said, Su Mi's first reaction was not joy and emotion, but a smile, what did she think of.

The eyes suddenly looked a little playful, matching her delicate expression.

"Brother... If this is the case, it won't disturb your peach blossoms, right?"

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, and immediately wanted to straighten up.

"What peach blossom..."

But the next moment, Su Mi reached out and pressed the back of his head, and Wei Tu's forehead now had to stick to the other's forehead, just like that.

But Wei Tu wanted to leave, because looking at Su Mi so directly, at such a close distance, as if nothing could be concealed, if he wanted to tell some lies... In front of this girl who knows herself so well, It probably won't help, right?

Su Mi just looked straight into the boy's eyes.

It seemed that even his aura was suppressing the boy.

"Senior brother really knows how to pretend, what kind of peach blossom...Of course it's a marriage with a woman."

Wei Tu immediately promised.

"I can assure you, I only have you in my heart, Junior Sister, other than that..."

"What about Senior Sister Jiang?"

"Add a senior sister."

"Think about it carefully, and think about it again. Do you want to add other people? If you don't say it at this time, you won't have a chance in the future."

Wei Tu looked at the girl who was looking straight at him and still smiling slightly.

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