He felt a chill down his back.

God knows what kind of sweet talk just now, even the sun is warm, but now... why is it that the sky seems to be covered with dark clouds?

What about light? !

Where is my light!

Wei Tu slid his Adam's apple. In fact, he really has someone to choose... But it seems that it is not suitable for him to say it, because he feels that this girl is bluffing himself, as if he can be forgiven if he says it, but maybe... she is just waiting for him Speak up and do the math.

So the atmosphere fell silent for a while and became deadlocked.

Wei Tu turned his eyes as far as possible, but the other party's eyes were fixed on him.

The back of the head was pressed by Su Mi like this, and even the neckline of the skirt was pulled by the other party.

"Talk, senior brother, why don't you talk... Your expression... You seem to be doing well this time in the world, right?"

Wei Tu spoke immediately, almost subconsciously.

"Of course I'm not living well. I don't see my junior sister every day. I'm almost dying. I'm like a fish out of water. I can't even breathe."

"Really? Why do you smell like other women?"

"I went to Xiaoyuan Peak first in the morning, and then met with Master, and reported my itinerary to her. It should belong to her. There should be nothing wrong with that, right?"

With just a few words, it is as if the shadow of a sword is brushed away!

Only Wei Tu knew the extent of his short, almost instant reaction just now, as if he just hesitated, hesitated for a while, and said a wrong sentence, the consequences for him would be irreversible.

Su Mi was still smiling, but her eyes were no longer sparkling.

It was as if her body was inhabited by another person, who would always surface at critical moments and occupy her body.

If it wasn't for that old man Ruoyuan who was very sure that she was dead, he would have thought that he had traveled through the wrong time.

"Really? But with so much smell, you sit so close?"

"Junior Sister, what are you talking about? She raised me up and taught me everything, Master. Come closer... I can't serve Master tea? This is understandable, right? How can you doubt the relationship between me and Master?" The master-student relationship between them is definitely not what you think, no matter how bastard I am, it is impossible for me to be so bastard."

Wei Tu was about to break out in a cold sweat.

With this posture, if Su Mi knew what it would be like for her to train Lu Qingyan's body... wouldn't she poke hundreds of holes in herself with a sword?

"Hehe, you can even lie to your own senior sister... Why can't Master? Well, I thought about it for a while, senior brother, if you put your senior sister and master together in the room... wouldn't it be too exciting? Master and apprentice together ……Do you not like it?"

Wei Tu almost blurted out that he liked it.

As a thorough man, no man would not fantasize about such a scene.

This must be admitted, even if it seems a little bad and despicable, but think about it, it must have existed.

After all, Lu Qingyan's beauty is so beautiful that no one can resist, and she is also the first fairy to appear in front of his eyes, she is indeed a fairy-like woman.

Of course he likes it, but now he can only think about it, it is impossible for him to say it, and it is impossible for him to make great efforts to promote such a relationship. Not only can he not do it, but Lu Qingyan will never agree.

So he restrained himself instantly.

"Junior sister, you have misunderstood senior brother. Although senior brother likes beautiful fairies like junior sister, there is only one Su Mi, and others can't catch my eyes. And don't you understand senior brother's self-discipline? Practice sword a thousand times a day , just to get rid of distracting thoughts in my heart.

Women will only affect the speed of my sword, except for Su Mi!

And I am a person who strictly abides by etiquette, how could I do such an unethical thing?Junior sister, you have misunderstood senior brother. "

Hearing that Wei Tu's words were so well-founded, and even eloquently expressed, Su Mi seemed a little confused for a moment.

Are you being too suspicious of yourself?Or is it too possessive of this man?

She frowned and glanced at Wei Tu.

"is it?"

Wei Tu nodded, and then struck while the iron was hot... What kind of fire is it? People are confused, strike while the iron is hot!He held the girl's shoulders.

He stared fixedly at her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, do not doubt my friendship with you. I will never leave you."

In this way, Su Mi's momentum became weaker, and she even felt that she was a little too much.

She glanced at Wei Tu, looking a little at a loss.

"I know... I am the same... I will never leave my senior brother, but before... Senior brother, you won't be angry, right?"

Wei Tu smiled and took the girl into his arms.

"How could it be? I'm not so naive. If my junior sister doubts me a thousand times, I'll explain it ten thousand times until my junior sister believes in me."


The girl moved and hugged the boy's waist.

Wei Tu smelled the fragrance of her beautiful hair, and felt lingering fear in his heart.

It's not just blindly deceiving the other party, because he will never leave Su Mi, this is for sure, and he will never change until death.

It's just that I only have her... I can't guarantee this.

Wei Tu said suddenly.

"By the way, junior sister, senior brother asks you a serious matter."


"How long will you be in the Dragon Slaying Realm?"

"Hmm... I just broke through to the seventh grade of Fusion Realm a few days ago... It should take a while, what's the matter?"

"Hurry up."

"Is something going to happen?"

Su Mi suddenly asked worriedly.

"That's not true, it's just that senior brother can't hold back anymore."

"...Brother!!" PS: I was just joking, how could it be possible to float away, but every time I ask for a monthly pass, I need something new, right?In fact, what I want to say is to come to a rich man to fight Pangu, don't force me to beg you.

52 is exactly how I like it. (Monthly ticket plus 13)

Lianjianping is a very special... yet ordinary open space.

How should I put it, the special thing is that the bricks and bricks all over the floor in this place are full of sword marks, and almost all the targets are scarred.

Why is it just scars, not destroyed.Because there are regulations in Jianjianping, everything is for you to use for training, not for venting.

The biggest difference between using a sword and using a knife is that the use of a knife pays attention to a point where there is no return, and a point of no return.

And the sword is to be retracted and let go, combining hardness and softness.Every sword you make must have a capital that can be recovered. Your sword moves can be gorgeous or simple, but they must have a beginning and an end, and don't be overwhelmed.

This is the experience summed up from many years of kendo, so you can draw sword marks on these targets, but you can't destroy them.

If there are such disciples, they will often need to do some hard work in the sect to make up for their mistakes.

It is true to say that it is common, because any disciple can come and go here, as long as they don't occupy other people's positions and wait patiently, those who finish the practice will leave, and they can still make up. There is no difference between direct disciples or outside disciples.

Wei Tu, who was standing next to Lianjianping, would think to himself, did he also find an outer disciple?

That is Ye Bingluan, the empress of the great merchant.

Before I left, I taught Ye Bingluan some details and tricks of practice. What surprised Wei Tu was that she could absorb it quickly, as if it was engraved in her bones and existed. I just let her recalled.

It was at that time that Wei Tu believed even more that this girl was most likely the reincarnation of a certain great immortal from the previous life, otherwise such a talent would have no way to explain it.

It just seems that it is not right to think of Ye Bingluan at this time.

After all, not only was Su Mi by his side at this time, but the two of them also looked at the unique figure on the Jianjianping.

Unique beauty, every time the sword is drawn is unique and elegant.

It seems that she is just a cold, emotionless and even dull beautiful girl without a sword.

But as soon as she used the sword, it seemed that the aura of heaven and earth had gone to her, making her figure vivid and invincible.

Every move is so eye-catching, so many disciples around seem to have no way to concentrate on practicing swords, um... especially the male disciples, what a disgrace to a man!

Wei Tu with burning eyes thought so.

The girl standing in Jianjianping has a beautiful figure, but probably no one will be amazed by her figure at this time.

Because anyone can see that every time this girl draws her sword, it seems to be so natural, and at a glance, it seems that she is about to blend in with the atmosphere created by the other party.

She is so beautiful, it is like a carefully forged sword, with the most exquisite lines, but also has a sharp blade.

The sun slanted and fell on her long raised hair, and the flicks of each hair were so freehand and moving.

Wei Tu also looked at it seriously.

Until she finally stopped slowly and casually wiped the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve.

When she turned around, she saw the young man who was staring at her beside the training ground, and then saw the young girl smiling and waving at her beside the young man.

But none of these stopped her relentless pace.

Seeing her walking over, Wei Tu also had feelings in his heart.

She is like a ray of light, always shining in her direction unswervingly.

"Senior Sister Jiang~ You practice swords so beautifully!"

Jiang Ying walked up to the two of them, her eyes fixed on Wei Tu.

It seems that the two pairs of eyes can convey the endless thoughts that seem to have extended to the boundless in the past few days just by looking at each other.

Wei Tu is most guilty of this. He has to admit that during the time he went to the human world, he would often think of everything about Yuan Jianzong, but he remembered Su Mi more.

It may be a kind of debt not to be able to share his thoughts evenly. Although Jiang Ying doesn't care, Wei Tu also understands that it seems that he was reborn to make up for everything, but in fact... on the contrary, he owes more and more.

Hearing Su Mi's words, Jiang Ying would definitely ignore them normally, but just stared at herself, and waited for herself to say the first sentence.

But I don't know how far the relationship between these two girls has developed recently, Jiang Ying turned her head to look at Su Mi, shook her head and said.

"There are still many deficiencies, and it may not be better until the Dragon Slaying Realm."

"What is the state of the senior sister?"

Wei Tu interrupted at this moment.

So Jiang Ying, who was still facing Su Mi with a calm face just now, saw the boy's eyes move again, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be filled with an uncontrollable smile and tenderness.

"The ninth grade of fusion realm... is only one step away. It's just that I haven't felt the feeling of breaking through the realm, otherwise I can go to retreat."

Seeing the contrast of attitudes before and after, even the number of words is different.

Angrily, Su Mi stretched out her hand to hold Jiang Ying's arm, and said angrily.

"Senior Sister Jiang~ Didn't you say everything, don't give him so much good looks, this man is just climbing the pole, the better you treat him, he will think about how to bully you!"

Wei Tu touched his nose.

It has to be said that from the past to the present, and to the future, Su Mi will always be the one who understands herself the most.

It has even reached the point of pervasiveness.

Jiang Ying glanced at Su Mi, and said with some doubts.

"Then... let him bully you."

"How could this be so! Isn't he lawless and going to find a lot of girls outside, no... maybe a lot of senior sisters! At that time, as long as the fairies are older than him, he will call them senior sisters. Is that okay?"

So Jiang Ying couldn't calm down.

His brows were also slightly frowned.

Sure enough, this woman still cared a lot about the unique identity of Senior Sister.

Because no matter who Wei Tu mentioned the word "Senior Sister" to anyone, he must refer to Jiang Ying. If it was another woman of the same generation, but a slightly older woman, then she would have to add her surname.

Adding or not adding a surname is a world of difference in relationship and title.

"That won't do."

Jiang Ying looked at Su Mi seriously and said.

Su Mi burst into laughter, as if the trick had succeeded.

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