"That's right~ So we have to unite the front and keep this Peach Blossom Essence under strict supervision, lest he go out and harm others. Even if you are a senior sister, you are not allowed to be alone with him at the Dragon Slaying Realm, lest..."

Su Mi's cheeks were slightly red, obviously remembering the words that Wei Tu hinted to herself before, she was a little shy, a little nervous and a little expectant.

Her hunch was that the Dragon Slaying Realm would come sooner or later, but she couldn't imagine what would happen to her and him...such as the wedding night...

This is enough to make an untrained girl nervous and shy.

But Jiang Ying was a little hesitant.

"Isn't that okay..."

Seeing the two talking more and more crookedly, Wei Tu interrupted angrily.

"You two conspired in front of me, right? Then I'm going to revive Fu Gang..."

"Bah, bah, where did you come from, Fu Gang? Don't take the opportunity to talk nonsense!"

Wei Tu said with a smile.

"Well, if I'm not, I shouldn't have the obligation to cook for you, right? It's a pity, I'm planning to cook a gluttonous feast today..."

"This can't be done!! You can't do anything less! I think you are trying to annoy people, Sister Jiang, let's tie him to the kitchen!"

Of course it can't be tied, so what face does Wei Tu have?

It was indeed because the two women couldn't do such a thing because of their face, after all, there were still many disciples on the training ground.

But even seeing this young man talking and laughing between Jiang Ying and Su Mi, two famous talented and beautiful girls, and when the two girls were still blushing from time to time, their hearts became as cold as a sword.

The place I went to was Xuejian Peak, not Xiaoyuan Peak, because there were really no good ingredients on Xiaoyuan Peak, Lu Qingyan always ate very lightly, and even tried not to eat, to maintain the state of bigu.

Occasionally, she only ate a little when Wei Tu made a meal every three to five times.

Xue Jianfeng had a lot of ingredients, which was also related to Lin Ruoyin's status in Yuan Jianzong.

Lin Ruoyin didn't even know much about Wei Tu. He only knew that he was the descendant of several generations of elders of Yuan Jianzong. He was born with extremely high talents, and then he gradually became an elder from a true disciple. , the realm may not be much different from Lu Qingyan's, even slightly higher, but in terms of actual combat, Lu Qingyan's methods are more straightforward.

Just as Wei Tu was cooking in the kitchen.

Lin Ruoyin passed by the small courtyard where Su Mi was.

Su Mi immediately got up and said respectfully.


Jiang Ying also stood up and said, "Uncle Lin."

Lin Ruoyin just nodded, she could smell the kitchen.

Her temperament is like an orchid in an empty valley, like a cloud, which is unpredictable.

"The food is good, it doesn't seem like a cook on the mountain."

She just said something so simple.

Su Mi said with a smile.

"It's Wei Tu..."

Lin Ruoyin frowned slightly.

"He is back?"

"Well... I just came back from the world not long ago, so I wanted to have a meal together, so I brought Senior Sister Jiang together... Master, do you want to try it? This disciple swears that the food he cooks is definitely the best meal I have ever eaten. delicious!"

Lin Ruoyin glanced into the kitchen from a distance, and she could feel that the boy in the kitchen was also looking at her.

So she shook her head, and said lightly and nonchalantly, "No need, just eat. Hurry up and practice."

"Yes...then master, go slowly..."


After Lin Ruoyin's gaze left the kitchen, she never looked back. She walked straight through Su Mi's courtyard.

Wait until Wei Tu brings the prepared meal to the two of them.

Su Mi still looked at the boy with some complaints.

"It's all your fault, now Master will teach me to practice more quickly!"

Wei Tu looked at the girl who dumped the blame amusedly.

"Isn't that because other seniors and sisters are practicing hard, only you, sleep until you wake up naturally, and eat until your mouth cramps?"

"How can it be!! Master never said anything about me before! As soon as I told her about you, she had to teach me a lesson! Isn't it because you are too annoying?"

Wei Tu touched his face, and looked at Jiang Ying, who had been silent and didn't move her chopsticks.

"Senior sister, do I look disgusting?"

Jiang Ying seemed to regain her senses at this moment, looking at Wei Tu's smiling eyes and subconsciously said.

"Just the way I like it."

The Sumi people on the side were all dumbfounded.

Isn't she unable to speak?How... so? PS: Another update has been added!Added more! !I'm afraid you don't know, I have updated 13 words before the middle of the month!

53 Letter from the Empress

"So...the empress we saw was actually a puppet?"

Chat while eating.

From Wei Tu's mouth, Su Mi learned that the empress Su Mi met in the country of Shang when the sect was undergoing trials turned out to be just a puppet.

"No wonder I said that the empress... is like a fool, she can only talk to herself... she is not angry at all, and she never thought that she would hide everything from us." Su Mi muttered, seeming to be a little afraid , if it was discovered at that time, whether they can come back safely is a question.

Wei Tu smiled.

"Those two national masters are the best of the witch clan. They must have cooperated with the magic circle to blind your eyes. I knew it in advance because I smashed everything from another direction. But I guess they didn't Leaving you, and even telling you to go there is just a way to cover up, let you go back to report to the sect that nothing happened, and relax Xianzhou's attention."

"But you became an accident..."

When Jiang Ying said so, she obviously paid more attention.

Wei Tu nodded.

"It was indeed an accident...but it's not certain, it may have been doomed long ago."

Jiang Ying looked at her junior with some concern.

"Then will you be in danger? The Wu people are fierce, cruel, insidious and cunning..."

Wei Tu shook his head.

"It's wishful thinking that their people want to enter Xianzhou. Besides, I'm not so stupid. It's a waste of time to come. As for what will happen... I don't know. I can only have soldiers to block it, and the water will be covered."

Wei Tu said this because he didn't want the two girls to worry too much about him. After all, he didn't know the truth about these things. It seemed that a huge conspiracy was vaguely involved, or the background and secrets common to Xianzhou and the world.

What makes Wei Tu even more afraid to say is that these things seem to be vaguely related to his own rebirth.

If the rebirth is a coincidence, then everything is my own imagination.

What I'm afraid of is that my rebirth is not a coincidence, but driven by some kind of force... If this is the case, then I have already become a pawn on the chessboard from the very beginning, and I don't need to rack my brains, because I have already been deeply involved in it.

But Su Mi rolled her eyes.

"So you still met the Empress?"

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, then nodded as a matter of course.

"Of course... Otherwise, how can the magic circle be broken..."

"Isn't it pretty?"

Speaking of this, Wei Tu realized the other party's intentions, and was taken aback for a moment.

Turning her head, she saw that Jiang Ying was looking at herself with burning eyes.

Good guy, what a senior sister, why did she become like this after being influenced by this little jar of vinegar?

Wei Tu said angrily.

"I've told you so much, you don't worry about my safety, you're just here to figure out who I met, right? Junior sister, what did you promise me before?"

Su Mi didn't like this, she knew this boy too well.

He looked at the boy with a smile.

"One size fits all, I promise to trust you, but it doesn't mean I can't ask anything, right? And I'm just asking such a simple thing... Are you sure about it?"

"It's not that I can't. How should I put it, she... looks pretty good."

"Oh? It's okay? Compared with me and Senior Sister Jiang Jiang?"

So I asked the key point.

Wei Tu took it for granted, "Then how could it be better than the junior sisters and senior sisters? The empress in the world, no matter how noble...can't be compared to a fairy, right?"

This flattery is very old-fashioned.

In this way, Su Mi's expression is better, she seems to think that no matter how beautiful the empress is, she is still a mortal, and she will grow old in a few decades.

Wei Tu was thankful that he didn't tell Su Mi about the other party's cultivation talent, otherwise, he would suddenly think twice.

It's just that he didn't expect that after lunch, Wei Tu cleaned up the mess and came out, but saw an extra person in the yard.

This person is not someone else, wearing a white dress, his temperament is noble and cold, but the eyes looking at him are so enchanting and charming.

Who else could there be besides Ran Xinxue, the goblin suzerain?

"Sect Master, are you here...?"

Wei Tu had a bad premonition in his heart. This woman took the initiative to appear here...it was still on Xuejian Peak, which was not a good omen. She had never done anything like condolences to her disciples before. She took the initiative to show her hospitality... , either rape or steal.

And this woman will only become more cunning.

Ran Xinxue said calmly.

"There is a letter from you. I couldn't find anyone in this palace, so I came here and gave it to you personally."

When the other party said that, Wei Tu's heart skipped a beat.

I can tell by feeling that the letter she mentioned is definitely not good for her. This woman may have read it beforehand, so she doesn't have any concept of moral privacy, especially about herself. I'm sorry to see this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Wei Tu frowned suddenly, but now he could only speak politely and respectfully in front of Su Mi and Jiang Ying.

"It's just a letter, why bother the suzerain to deliver it personally...The suzerain should give the letter to the disciple."

Go forward after speaking.

And Ran Xinxue took out a letter and held it between her fingers, her eyes full of amusement.

"Then I'll give it to you, oops..."

This oops was so fake that even a pig could tell it was fake.

More importantly, Su Mi and Jiang Ying watched the sealed letter slip from between Ran Xinxue's fingers, and they didn't react at first.

After all, they were not the parties involved in the letter sent to Wei Tu, and they still respected the young man's useless desire to reveal his privacy.

But Ran Xinxue showed a low-level performance.

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether the performance is good or not, the key is to hit people's hearts.

For example, Ran Xinxue's exaggerated but informative sentence.

"Ah, pick it up quickly. Don't let the letter specially sent by the empress of the Great Merchant to Wei Tu get dirty..."

Good guy, Empress of the Great Merchant, specially, these few keywords of kissing seemed to have pierced Su Mi's heart.

All of a sudden, the girl didn't care about anything and immediately picked up the letter.

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, then walked up immediately, then pinched the edge of the letter, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Junior Sister, give it to me, I'll take it back and read it later."

Su Mi smiled and looked directly into Wei Tu's eyes.

"Why do you keep it? Can't I help my brother take a look?"

Wei Tu said softly.

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