"This is not good... After all, the letter sent by someone is for me..."

"Is there any ulterior secret?"

"Of course not."

"Then you won't let me see? Are you guilty?"

"how come!"

At this time, Ran Xinxue, who had seen her goal succeed, pretended to be a good person.

"You discuss it slowly, I will leave first."

Ran Xinxue left the yard and walked a few steps. The dignified and proud woman saw that the distance was right, she immediately took a small jump, and hid directly behind a tree. She tilted her head and secretly watched the situation there, her eyes full of got excited.

"Hack him! Hack him!!"

Wei Tu naturally knew of Ran Xinxue's sinister intentions, but as soon as this letter appeared, it was already a conspiracy.

He could only slowly let go in front of Ran Xinxue.

Pray inwardly.

I hope Ye Bingluan will not talk nonsense... You must not reveal a word of what happened that night... Probably not?After all, writing letters is very particular, and she is so proud, she should not write some sour and sad things like ordinary women...

This letter may still be a formal farewell, because everyone knows that this time apart can be long.

Su Mi got the letter and immediately opened it without any nonsense.

So Wei Tu could only see Su Mi and Jiang Ying leaning their heads together, looking at what was written in the letter together.

Only Wei Tu stood in front of the two of them, and he could only pretend as calm as possible, but in his heart he was already praying to a god he didn't believe in at all.

Su Mi read while reading.

"National teacher Wei Tu personally... When did you become a national teacher?"

Wei Tu coughed.

"Isn't this helpful, and I may be regarded as some kind of fairy, so be more polite."

Su Mi glared at him and continued reading.

"According to the days, you should have returned to Yuan Jianzong. The reason for writing this letter may be because I felt that the parting was too hasty, and the two of them faced each other too much and couldn't say it, or didn't know what to say. After parting, I actually felt that there were thousands of words to explain, so I wrote this letter... okay, there are still thousands of words."

"It's thanks, it's thanks..."

"About what you said, power will only make people more and more insatiable. I agree with this, but so far, to me, the so-called power is just something that harms others and drags me down. It's just for the people of my big business. Yan is innocent, so I have to deal with the affairs of the Shang Kingdom. When the situation is stable and I find a suitable successor, I can let go of everything and travel to Xianzhou with you... Aoyou, right! Let's go together, right? You guys Why don't you go to heaven?"

"This is a polite word...just an image metaphor...Maybe I want to live forever, don't worry..."

"Okay, let me see how hard your mouth is... I think about the time when I came to Nine Suns City, but I always miss it. At that time, I almost lost hope of survival, and I didn't even have a little bit of stubbornness in my heart. But You let me see a completely different attitude, and it was you who kept the people of Dashang from sinking into endless nothingness. But I... often think of the days and nights in the inn, you sat by the window While looking at the blood-red sky... Maybe you don't know, I occasionally...well, I often look at you. Then do you often look at me? Wei Tu...you...!"

"This is a friend in need, just an ordinary friendship, don't be impulsive!!"

"Good! Good! Good! Then... about the talent you mentioned, maybe I really have something special, but I don't care about these, nor the so-called longevity. I don't have any greed for how long I live. , I don’t want to control power endlessly... I just want to see what the world you are in and what kind of life you live. What you said in the inn that night was very interesting. I didn’t admit it at the time. But now it seems that I have to admit it. May I suggest it again... National Teacher, do you want to have a child with me, let her or him inherit the Shang Kingdom, and I will travel to Xianzhou with you... Jiang Senior Sister, help me hold the sword , thank you." PS: My head hurts so much, I'll catch up on sleep first, and then I'll update when I wake up...

54 Can't kill people?

In the dark room, where the lights were not even lit, there were three breathing sounds, either heavy or calm.

There was a faint sound of conversation inside.

"Easy... lighten, it hurts..."

"I'm already light, I can't be lighter."

"Senior Sister Jiang Jiang, don't listen to him, use your strength, use your strength."

"You can't do this... I will be your husband in a few years, how can you do this?"

"Hehe, let's not talk about the next few years. Do you think you have the consciousness to be a man now? I don't think so, so Senior Sister Jiang Jiang and I have to let you understand what a man's virtue is."

"I've heard of female virtues, where does male virtue come from?"

"Don't worry, it will be there soon."

"Senior Sister Jiang Jiang, please light the lamp."


With the igniting of the fire, the scene in the room finally appeared.

There is a figure on the bed, and there are two figures standing beside the bed.

It was Wei Tu who was tied up with ropes on the bed, and he never thought that he would be tied up like this one day, did he make a mistake?The one who was bound should be Dye Xinxue!

Thinking of Ran Xinxue, Wei Tu got a little angry, as long as he could get out alive, he must tie up Ran Xinxue like this and whip him severely!

That's right!This time it must be whipped!Otherwise, she doesn't know what a lesson is!

This woman... is really persevering in making trouble for herself, right...

But it seems that all the attention is now on the matter in front of them, these two women...

Standing by the bed were Jiang Ying and Su Mi.

Jiang Ying's expression was very calm. Although she didn't say anything, she should be upset.

As for Su Mi, let alone, the sword is still clean in her hand, which shows that she is very restrained now.

She put the sword across the boy's neck.

Then he looked at the boy with a smile.

"Now start to tell the truth, what happened between you and this great business empress, from now on you have to tell the truth in every sentence, otherwise..."

Jiang Ying watched this scene indifferently, and could even see the rare curiosity in her eyes.

Obviously, under the influence of Su Mi, the two became a united front. Although Wei Tu couldn't know the exact content, the general idea was: the two of them united, and they couldn't let themselves, a bastard, harm other women.

Of course, other vixens would have to weigh it if they wanted to seduce him.

So Jiang Ying's identity at this time is probably a weapon against herself, and Su Mi must be a think tank.

The two joined forces, and the backyard was stable.

It's just that Wei Tu is a little miserable.

"Some things really don't go as I want... It's just that when things develop to that point, no one can control them."

Su Mi sneered, and drew the tip of the sword slightly downward from Wei Tu's neck.

Although the strength was well controlled and there were no scars, and the clothes were not cut, the tactile sensation it brought was indeed a bit frightening.

The tip of the sword finally stopped, but the position was on the key part under Wei Tu's lower abdomen, which was slightly raised through the clothes.

The girl was of course a little shy, and a blush appeared on her fair cheeks, but the sneer that matched her had a coquettish temperament.

"Is it because you can't control things...or can't you control this thing? My opinion is...if you can't control it, why don't you just leave it?"

Wei Tu broke out in a cold sweat.

Are you kidding me?

"How can I not want this thing?! My Wei family has been passed down for three generations. Before my parents died, my parents pointed at me to leave some incense for the Wei family, and they expected me to come to the house full of gold and jade. What's more, this thing is gone... What are you doing?" manage?"

Su Mi sneered, her blush became more and more obvious, but she did not soften her heart so easily.

Because she has softened her heart to this boy too many times.

"What should we do... It's okay, we cultivators can also abandon our desires and treat each other as guests, isn't it good? Don't worry, after Senior Sister Jiang Jiang and I cut you off, we will be more loyal and will not betray you. So Do not worry."

"How can you rest assured..."


"No, I don't mean that I don't believe you, but that we can discuss the matter, so you don't need to go to this step, right?"

Su Mi sneered.

"Then you should tell the truth first, and then look at your attitude..."

Wei Tu helplessly talked about what happened between himself and Ye Bingluan, but he didn't mention anything about Luo Beihuang... Anyway, they didn't ask, did they?

Of course, it is impossible to add oil and vinegar. I just briefly talked about what the two of them did when they were alone.

I also talked about the inn, but the intimate contact that happened was concealed. I just said that Ye Bingluan expressed his thoughts on him, but he persuaded her.

Also talked about Ye Bingluan's unique talent...

After listening, Su Mi always felt that the other party was hiding something.

But Wei Tu swore that he never had any relationship with Ye Bingluan.

For this reason, of course the two of them believed it, but Su Mi and Jiang Ying combined...

"It would be too cheap to let him go like this. You still have to teach him a lesson, otherwise... sooner or later he will mess with a lot of people. We are not satisfied, and it is abominable to hook up with people everywhere, Senior Sister, what do you say?" Woolen cloth?"

Jiang Ying thought about it.

Wei Tu looked at her eagerly.

In the end, she still said softly, "I think... there can be another way..."

"In what way?"

Su Mi asked strangely.

Then Wei Tu saw the two girls sticking close together, as if they were whispering something.

I couldn't hear it at all, and even used sound transmission to prevent myself from eavesdropping.

Really, are you this kind of person?Why can't you hear anything?

Soon, the two finished their discussion.

Wei Tu noticed that Su Mi and Jiang Ying closed the door tighter.

He was stunned.

"What are you doing... If you have something to say, I will really shout, no matter how big the matter is, it's not worth killing people to silence it, right?"

Su Mi and Jiang Ying sat beside the boy.

Then the two looked at each other, nodded at each other, and then looked at Wei Tu at the same time.

"Brother, do you think we treat you well?"

It was Su Mi who spoke in this way, her voice became softer, her eyes were fixed on her, and her palms fell gently, stroking her chest.

Although blocked by the clothes, the movement of the opponent's palm still seemed to cause ripples, which made Wei Tu itchy.

Of course he replied, "It must be good, no one treats me so well except you."

Well, Master is also very kind to me... Luo Beihuang is also...

But he didn't expect that the girl with a soft face bent down, almost lying on his chest, and pressed his shoulders with both hands.

The cheek is only one finger away from his own cheek.

Just looking at himself like this, Wei Tu could hardly hold himself back with those charming eyes. He is not a person with poor concentration, and he is even quite self-disciplined, but facing Su Mi, he will not have any defense in his heart.

He watched Su Mi who was close up exhale softly like blue.

"Being so good to you...why go to someone else? Could it be that we can't satisfy you?"


Wei Tu gasped, because the other party not only spoke in a soft tone, but also gently slipped his palms through his lapel, sticking to the skin of his chest, and drifting away on his chest.

Those delicate fingertips seemed to have magical power, stimulating every inch of the boy's skin.

With her words, Wei Tu almost broke the rope directly.

And just when Wei Tu was a little bit infatuated, Wei Tu felt a weight on his legs.

He subconsciously opened his eyes and looked over.

At this time, I saw that my senior sister Jiang Ying was also lying on my legs, her plump and upturned breasts were pressing on my thighs.

Her eyes are so familiar.

It's like the emotional appearance every time I get along with her alone.

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