It's just that those legs are intertwined like two water snakes, and the slender and white long legs look so alluring, which makes people want to explore the mysterious area under the blanket.

Wei Tu knew one thing, and he gradually learned it while getting along with Mu Xitong.

For example, this woman is not actually unable to perceive everything when she is sleeping. On the contrary, she can feel it immediately when someone appears in the Medicine King Pavilion. As for why Wei Tu sees her sleeping every time... It's not because she can't wake up. Come, but know that the person who came is him, so I am too lazy to get up.

So for this reason, Wei Tu has no choice but to quit and pretend to be a gentleman.

She could only endure the temptation, and came to the bedside with the hot impulse in her nasal cavity, reached out and gently helped her cover her upper body with the blanket.

Even with this slight movement, the Sleeping Beauty, who had her eyes closed, slightly opened her lazily eyes and stared at Wei Tu.

"You still know to come back..."

Mu Xitong's voice was too deep, but it was a bit seductive and delicate.

Wei Tu nodded with a smile, sat on the edge of the bed and looked into her charming eyes.

"Well... But sister Xitong prepared such a big gift as soon as I came back... Isn't it too polite?" PS: I went to the hospital yesterday, but fortunately it was just a simple cold and headache, no fever at all, and some medicine was prescribed I'm fine today, but I'm still a little dizzy.But the status is fine~

56 This is the deposit~~

Much of Mu Xitong's room is like grass and trees, but has a feminine fragrance.

Mixed in her body also formed a unique taste.

Legend has it that the body of the medicine spirit is naturally able to recognize grass and see trees without any obstacles, so it is natural to communicate with plants and herbs, and it will also be contaminated with the breath of plants and trees.

A lot of contact with vegetation will not only increase the possession of the medicinal spirit body and deepen the practice, but also will make the holder exude a unique medicinal fragrance.

If it's in Xianzhou, it's okay, there are some people who know how to do it, and they will definitely train them to be unique alchemy masters. In the history of Xianzhou, those very famous alchemy masters are basically the body of the medicine spirit, and this physique is not the best. rare.

But if it is in the human world, if most of these people are women, they will probably become bargaining chips, falling into the hands of those emperors or princes and generals, and becoming toys to play with.

So even though he suffers from lethargy, Mu Xitong is undoubtedly lucky.

It's just... just a bad temper.

When Wei Tu finished saying this half-jokingly, Mu Xitong stretched out his hand to the boy's waist as if trying to pinch off a piece of flesh.

The hurt boy bared his teeth.

Feeling wronged, she looked at Mu Xitong.

"Sister Xitong, you haven't seen me for so long, it's not good to pinch someone when you meet, right?"

Mu Xitong didn't like this at all, and looked at the boy with a smile, as if he was in a better mood at this moment.

"It's not too much to strangle you, how will you settle for taking advantage of your sister once you come back?"

Wei Tu could only cry helplessly.

"What do you mean I took advantage of you as soon as I came back? I've said it all. It's not like this to wear some clothes when you sleep... You see, you've become stubborn not long after I left. You can't blame me, can you? "

Mu Xitong sneered.

"As long as you are polite and knock on the door, you won't be like this. What do you mean is that you blame me? I live alone in the Yaowang Pavilion, and you are at most here to help. How can you have the face to control my habits?"

Wei Tu shook his head again and again.

"I didn't expect that I just left for such a short time. Sister Xitong, you have learned all the crooked ways and nonsense. It's really chilling."

Mu Xitong held up one arm in a funny way, and then dragged her cheek with the palm of her hand.

But this action made the blanket on her shoulders slip slightly, which is probably the legendary old shoulder cunning.

She held on like this and then looked at the boy with a charming and enchanting smile.

"Still chilling, do you want my sister to hug you and warm your cold heart?"

Wei Tu thought about it.

"It's not impossible, do I want to wear clothes?"

"Go and cook, your sister is starving to death..."

Mu Xitong angrily pushed Wei Tu's face, causing his gaze to shift to one side.

Wei Tu smiled and said, "I thought you wouldn't be shy, sister Xitong."

"Hehe, am I shy? I just don't want you to take too much advantage."

"It means you can take advantage of a small advantage?"

"Look at your performance."


"For example, I am satisfied with the cooking of this meal..."

"What's so cheap?"

Wei Tu looked very much looking forward to it, so Mu Xitong deliberately said, "Make a good pill for you?"

"That's it?!"

Wei Tu stood up angrily, and pretended to be disappointed while walking towards the door, "I didn't expect... all the hard work would end up like this... Sigh, it's so disappointing."

Mu Xitong watched the boy amusedly walking towards the door, when the door was closed, Mu Xitong stretched gracefully.

The blanket slid off the silk-like skin.

Every inch seemed to shine with luster.

Every inch of that plump and just right slim figure exudes her fragrance in the air.

After just yawning and stretching, the woman's legs moved to the edge, and she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

babbled indistinctly.

"It's better if this kid is here..."

Wei Tu didn't expect that he had just finished cooking a meal on Xuejian Peak, and he would have to cook when he came here.

Could it be that he is not a cultivator at all, but actually a handsome cook in Xianzhou?

It's really possible.

When Wei Tu finished the meal, Mu Xitong was already fully dressed, and even washed up a little bit. The fiery red fox outside also rushed in after smelling the smell, and sat beside him like a person, waiting Let's open the table.

Wei Tu brought the big bowl that belonged to the little fox, and poured her some food.

As for Mu Xitong, who has already sat down slowly on the side, today Mu Xitong is wearing a light yellow long dress, and his hair is slightly fluffy.

It is true that there is still a smell of slovenliness after waking up, but this woman looks seductive even with such an appearance.

Wei Tu sat down, and the little fox opened his mouth and said.

"Wei Xiaoer has a heart, he will reward us and our master as soon as he comes back..."

Wei Tu angrily took out his chopsticks and hit the little fox on the head.

"Eat if you can, and go to the children's table if you can't."

"How can there be a child... woo woo woo, you hit someone again..."

"You're not human, what's wrong with beating you? It's fine if you're not turned into fox meat."

"Master~~~Wei Xiaoer is bullying us again!"

"Okay, okay, you too, what are you fussing about with a little fox..." Then he glanced at the little fox, frowned and said, "Isn't teaching you to speak so that you can learn to be good and learn to be bad, you know?"

"I know it caused..."

The little fox said aggrievedly, although he often knew his mistakes and never corrected Wei Tu and provoked him repeatedly, but the little fox always obeyed Mu Xitong's words.

The two of them and one fox were finally able to eat happily.

It made Wei Tu feel like a family of three, but think about could he give birth to a fox?This is obviously not appropriate.

He talked while eating, so Wei Tu repeated the adventures of the Shang Kingdom that he had modified countless versions.

When Mu Xitong heard Wei Tu mentioning that the Wu people also mentioned the interception of the two, he thought of something and said.

"The people of the Wu tribe have always acted until they achieve their goals. The plans for what they want to do are very ambitious. It is hard to guarantee that there will be no other backup. Lord Shangque may be just one of the choices."

Wei Tu frowned.

"You mean... Maybe their purpose hasn't stopped?"

"Of course, why do the Wu people never gather together and live in a fixed place but disperse? It's very simple. My master said that these people don't look cruel, but they are extremely smart. The earliest Wu people based on let The witch god returned to the world and came up with a basic plan, which was to disperse the tribe, but the tribe must keep their goals in mind.

Maybe they won't communicate with each other, but they will come up with hundreds of ways to achieve the same goal. "

"That is... the east side is not bright and the west side is bright?"

Wei Tu was amused, but he was also a little vigilant in his heart. If Mr. Shangque, who had a huge plan, was only one of the choices, and if the interception of the two was just one of the executors, then he might think about it. .

Some things are not linked together, but it just happens that this method fails, and people who work hard for the same thing happen to do other things...

Thinking about it this way, things got complicated and weird again.

Mu Xitong nodded.

"But don't think too much about it. When the sky falls, there will always be a tall person to support it."

The little fox nodded repeatedly.

"So it looks like we don't have to worry about it!"

Wei Tu smiled and rubbed the little fox's head.

"But you are so fat, you may not be able to run by then."

The little fox looked at Wei Tu dissatisfied.

"I said it all! I said I'm not fat! Are you deaf!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After eating, the little fox slept on the window sill with his chubby belly in his arms. After lying like this for a while, he fell asleep in a daze, his nose was filled with snot.

Wei Tu looked at the medicine list in Yaowang Pavilion, and couldn't help stroking his forehead.

"Hey guy, why are there so many? Did you mean you didn't move at all after I left?"

Mu Xitong looked at the thick stack of papers in Wei Tu's hands and seemed to be a bit unreasonable, and thought for a while and said, "Hmm...not really, I've fixed some of them...these were all delivered today. Didn't get to see it."

"Who are you kidding? The dates are all written on them. Let me see when the earliest one is."

Mu Xitong couldn't hold back his face, he was an elder and the owner of the Yaowang Pavilion, how could he be taught by such a young man?

"Take it here! Don't move!"

Wei Tu blocked Mu Xitong with one hand, and then looked at each one.

"...The earliest is the second day after I left? Good guy, sister Xitong, you really love me. You don't want to leave all this stuff for me when I come back, do you?"

Mu Xitong's cheeks were slightly red.

Anyway, Wei Tu also found out about the matter, so he broke the pot and brushed his temples with his hand.

"This is to exercise you. Young people need a little opportunity to exercise. I can do these things, but I don't do them. Why? I can't do them? No, I provide you with opportunities to grow. After doing these things, go out Don't be afraid of anything."

Wei Tu looked at Mu Xitong with a sneer.

"Even using the skills of speaking, you don't think I really listen, do you? What you say is like a bureaucrat who only bullies newcomers and asks them to do this and that without paying."

"How could it be? There's no such thing. Don't think too much about it. This represents my sister's love for you."

"Can't you come by yourself? You're almost a slacker."

Wei Tu angrily threw the full list of medicines on the table.

But he didn't expect that Mu Xitong looked at him and said.

"Isn't it your fault? Who asked you to help me with everything, I think you plan to let my sister rely on you, now it's all right, my sister has become a useless person who can't do anything, and I want you for the rest of my life Keep it up."

Wei Tu looked at the young woman amusedly.

"Speak well, why are you relying on me again? The rest of your life has come... You haven't finished half your life yet."

"Anyway, that's the thing. You are responsible for what you do."

"Cooperating with me to help others has become a bad thing?"

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