"It's you who proposed to help me, not I begged you, you should think about the consequences. It's okay, my sister taught you a lesson."

Wei Tu sighed.

"The lesson was a little heavy."

Mu Xitong leaned on Wei Tu's arm with a smile, her plump breasts squeezed the young man's arm, she tiptoed slightly, and almost breathed out against Wei Tu's ear.

"It's okay, after finishing these sisters, I will reward you well."

Wei Tu turned his head away a little bit, and looked at Mu Xitong suspiciously.

"Don't tempt me, I don't want any pills..."

"Of course not..." After speaking, Mu Xitong leaned forward suddenly, almost hugging Wei Tu's shoulder and gently kissed the boy's cheek.

Then he smiled like a flower, "This is the deposit~"

57 Master, please go to bed (monthly ticket plus 14)

Although Mu Xitong's reward...maybe indeed very tempting, but there are still many things to do today, and Wei Tu's efforts were not in vain.

Put aside the medicine list first.

After a short rest in the afternoon, when the moon was high above the branches, Wei Tu walked out of the Yaowang Pavilion with ease.

All the way to Xiaoyuan Peak, which is lingering in the clouds and mist in the mountains at this time and is quiet.

Under the dark night, everything hibernates.

In this season, the sound of insects and the like can no longer be heard, only the sound of footsteps trampling on Asakusa.

Wei Tu walked to the familiar courtyard... Suddenly remembered, how many days has it been since he slept in his room?

Compared with my own small courtyard, it seems that I am more familiar with this courtyard...

Wei Tu didn't knock on the door, for fear of alarming Jiang Ying in the courtyard not far away. This matter was kept from everyone, even Jiang Ying. Extremely worried, she evaded this kind of thing deeply, although under her own compulsion, she still half-pushed and obeyed the exercise, but if one more person knew about it, Lu Qingyan would definitely never exercise again.

This is not Wei Tu's wish. Anyway, this matter has to take care of Lu Qingyan's emotions on the basis of following her own process.

So he opened the door.

"Huh? You actually pushed it away?"

Wei Tu also thought that he might have to climb the window again today, or simply climb the balcony on the second floor.

Didn't expect it to be so smooth today?Could it be that Master is finally obedient?Recognize the reality and start enjoying without struggling?

Then...not exciting anymore.

"What are you thinking..."

Wei Tu warned him about his bad thoughts, maybe because he had been in contact with Ran Xinxue for a long time, some thoughts seemed strange.

It's all to blame for dyeing the new snow, it's none of my business.

Wei Tu walked in, but there were no candles on the first floor, so Wei Tu walked towards the second floor.

The only room with candles burning was Lu Qingyan's bedroom.

The door of the room was slightly open, so Wei Tu could see the faint light. He thought for a while without revealing the sound of his footsteps, but approached the door until it opened.

I saw a beautiful figure sitting in the direction of my line of sight, facing a wooden table.

At this time, Wei Tu discovered that his master, the omnipotent woman in his initial impression, who looked like a fairy and more like a fairy descended from the earth, was actually so thin from the back.

She was really thin, not plump and enchanting like Ran Xinxue, nor lazy and rich like Mu Xitong, she just sat there helplessly, lighting a candle.

Under the interlacing of light and shadow, her hair hangs obediently on her shoulders, but her back looks so clear.

Even if Wei Tu usually wanted to add some meat to her meals, she seemed to have such a natural physique, and her figure had not changed.

It's just that I seem to be used to the image of being tall and omnipotent in my memory, so I don't think she should be so thin.

But the young man who has lived a life will now think of Lu Qingyan who is more deeply in his memory.

She had always been a lonely and helpless woman... Maybe I used to be her reliance, but later.

One is in Beihai and the other is in Panlong.

The mountains and rivers are separated.

Although the mountains and rivers will eventually level off and the sea will change, the people who should have been together back then have never been seen again.


Wei Tu couldn't help calling out to Lu Qingyan.

Lu Qingyan was stunned and turned around, looking at Wei Tu in astonishment.

At this time, Wei Tu was even more astonished, because he realized that Lu Qingyan was dressed as if she had just taken a shower, her hair was still a little wet, and the thin clothes she was wearing seemed faintly visible under the wet rain. , and the position of the close-to-breast is an attractive flesh-colored color, and the delicate collarbone of this young woman can be clearly seen at the neckline.

Wei Tu was slightly distracted, but Lu Qingyan didn't seem to think so much at all, and she didn't think that the other party's daze was because of her attractive body.

"How did you get in?"

Wei Tu came back to his senses, and pointed to the downstairs door with his eyes turned to one side.

"Just... just push the door open."

"I didn't hit the deadbolt?"

"Probably yes..."

"Damn...how did I forget this."

Lu Qingyan muttered a little annoyed.

Wei Tu thought his master looked cute, and said with a smile, "Why, do you still want to lock your good apprentice out? Then I have to climb the window again?"

Lu Qingyan glared at Wei Tu.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Did the teacher tell you to climb the window?"

Wei Tu said with a playful smile, "Of course not, that's what I want to climb, but what can I do if you don't open the door for me?"

"You won't go back?"

"No, how can I go back after the appointment... By the way, Master, what were you looking at just now, so serious..."

Wei Tu leaned over to see what Lu Qingyan was observing so intently just now, but she didn't expect that Lu Qingyan was standing directly in front of Wei Tu.

"Don't look! You go out first!"

When the other party said that, Wei Tu became interested.

I have never seen my master so eager.

"Let me take a look~ Master, step aside, I'll just take a look!"

"No! What are you looking at, what are the children looking at, get out! Hurry up, or I will get angry!"

Lu Qingyan was still blocking Wei Tu's view.

Seeing that the other party was determined not to let him see it, Wei Tu sighed.

Instead, as if he had discovered something, he stared at Lu Qingyan's chest and said.

"Master, you really don't wear much."

Lu Qingyan was stunned for a moment when she heard this sentence, then followed Wei Tu's line of sight, and saw her hair-drenched chest, covered with a tube top, looming like a round snowball... It was as if his own plumpness and uprightness had been fully seen by the other party.

"What are you looking at!!"

Lu Qingyan turned around immediately, not to let the other party see her leaked love.

But at this time, Wei Tu could lean on her back and look over her shoulder.

The smiling boy said, "Master, I have already seen it."


The hot air from the young man's mouth just spewed on his cheeks so presumptuously, which made Lu Qingyan feel strangely uneasy.

But when he said he saw it, he could only remain silent.

Then the one who fell silent next was Wei Tu who had been laughing before.

Because he saw something on the table, which was a wooden sword.

If there is no mistake in memory, then this wooden sword is the one that Lu Qingyan asked her to practice at the beginning, and it should be in her room.

Wei Tu was a little surprised.

"Why is this thing here with you..."

Lu Qingyan looked at this wooden sword with a sense of age and countless small scratches, but smiled, and a trace of nostalgia appeared in her eyes.

"I saw it when I helped you clean up the house. You haven't lived in it for so long, and there is a lot of dust. I need to clean it up for you... I brought this wooden sword back when I saw it."

Wei Tu was also a little moved.

For a moment, he seemed to forget how close he was to Lu Qingyan.

But they didn't notice the ambiguous atmosphere, on the contrary, it made both of them feel warm, as if they could recall many things from the past.

"I remember that this sword was carved by you, Master, for me."

Lu Qingyan nodded with a smile, the light in her eyes seemed to flicker like waves.

"Yeah. I wasted a lot of effort at that time. I started to do a few times, but the first one was too big and too heavy for you who were still young at that time. Then I made another one and felt it was too light. Well, it won’t work very well after practice. It took me a long time to make this one, and I’m stupid enough. Thinking about it carefully, I really didn’t know many things at the time.”

Hearing what Lu Qingyan said, Wei Tu didn't smile, but his eyes were so gentle.

"Master, there is something I have always wanted to ask you."


Lu Qingyan was in a daze, and asked subconsciously.

Then he heard the low voice of the young man next to his ear.

"I want to ask Master why you were so kind to me when you brought me up the mountain."

This is something Wei Tu has always wanted to ask. He knows that there will be no love and hate for no reason in this world. There is always a reason, even if it is a feeling, even a mysterious reason, or even Ethereal.

He just wanted to know so that this relationship would not be so unreal.

When Lu Qingyan was asked this question, she also thought about it.

As if caught in memory, as if talking to himself.

"At that time, I thought you were very brave, because when ordinary children witnessed the death of their parents, they would only be afraid, only afraid... But your first thought was revenge, even if it was your thin appearance at that time, Obviously still very young.

Later, seeing your diligent practice, I think that even though your talent was not very good at that time, this obsession can support you to go on.

In fact, I was also an orphan. The situation was similar when Master took me up the mountain, but my parents died in a natural disaster. I still remember the heavy snow that year.Even when I saw yours at that time, I felt that I lacked your obsession.

As for the later... probably just getting used to it, getting used to living together, getting used to teaching you how to practice the sword, getting used to watching you and Yinger go up and down the mountain together.At first, I thought it would be good for me to practice sword alone, and I didn’t need any apprentices. It was because of Master’s last wish to pass on Xiaoyuan Peak, so I found you.

At that time, I didn't care about talent or anything... but I didn't expect it to be so many years in a flash. "

Listen to Lu Qingyan's soft words.

Wei Tu smiled a little, looking at her crystal earlobes, the boy asked.

"Then master, do you still think it's good to be alone?"

Lu Qingyan thought about it.

"Now I'm used to it... I think it's not bad. Watching you grow up, and watching you become famous one day, I feel very satisfied... It seems that obsession is not important anymore, just want to You live in this world well. Could this be the mood of being a parent?"

"I regard you as my master, but you want to be my mother?"

Lu Qingyan laughed lightly, and then realized that the other party was too close to her, she moved a little away smoothly, and then looked at the boy complaining.

"Do you look like you are treating me like a master now? You can enter the room of the teacher if you want...how decent is it?"

Wei Tu looked at Lu Qingyan innocently.

"But everything the apprentice does is for the good of the master, isn't it?"

"I don't believe it."

Lu Qingyan turned her face away.

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