Wei Tu got up with a smile, kissed the woman's forehead lightly, and said energetically.

"Master, take a rest first... I'll go and make breakfast for you and Senior Sister."

Lu Qingyan suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Wei Tu.

"With, with Ying'er...?"

Wei Tu nodded with a smile and began to put on his clothes.

"That's right, since I'm making breakfast at Xiaoyuan Peak, I'm sure I'll make it for you guys together, otherwise it's too unfair, isn't it?"

"I, I didn't mean this... I mean, in this case, Ying'er..."

Apparently Lu Qingyan felt as if she was about to be caught stealing.

Wei Tu smiled and cupped the woman's cheeks.

Looking at the cute face made by the squeeze of my palm, especially her big wronged eyes.

Wei Tu really liked it.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister won't do things that embarrass Master. It's fine as before, as long as you don't reveal your secrets, Master. Let's take a rest and call you when the meal is ready."

Then he kissed her rosy lips lightly, and then let go.

Lu Qingyan immediately picked up the cup to cover her slim body curve.

Almost only one head was exposed, looking at the boy with big watery eyes.

At this time, there is no breath of iceberg.

But how could Bingshan smile for no reason, only because of the hot sun, and Wei Tu is that sun.

Seeing the boy leave the room with a smile, Lu Qingyan felt dizzy as she curled up under the quilt to feel the remaining warmth of the last man.

Taking a deep breath, he seemed to be in a daze as if he was about to ascend to immortality.

But he couldn't help but smile.

It was as if it was only now that she really understood what the other party meant...feeling happy because of him.

It turns out... that's it.

62 The Man Who Takes All the Responsibilities on His Back

"Master, get up and eat."

When Wei Tu woke up Lu Qingyan this time, more than half an hour had passed.

Lu Qingyan did fall asleep for a while in her drowsy consciousness.

So she looked lazy and a little sleepy, so the young woman had to refresh herself after a night of tossing, get dressed neatly, and then wash up a little.

Then he walked out of the room, and when he went downstairs, he saw Wei Tu bringing food that was full of color and fragrance from the kitchen.

And the other girl sat obediently on the side seat, quietly saw Lu Qingyan's arrival, immediately got up and respectfully said, "Master, good morning..."

Seeing Jiang Ying here, Lu Qingyan still had a strange reaction.

After all, this is in his own pavilion, and if Wei Tu reveals that he spent the night at his place...it seems that there are still some things that he can't face.

I was worried that Jiang Ying would see this, and I was worried that she would ask these questions. In Lu Qingyan's eyes, Jiang Ying and Wei Tu were both extremely smart children, so Lu Qingyan seemed extremely unnatural.

She looked at Jiang Ying and nodded.

"Well... when did you come?"

Jiang Ying seemed to be the same as usual, and said coldly and calmly, "I've only been here not long... How is Master sleeping?"

"Fortunately..." Did she find something?Why do you suddenly ask yourself if you slept well?

Did you know that Wei Tu slept with him?

Are you testing yourself?

Lu Qingyan suddenly had many thoughts flashing through her mind.

But he didn't dare to make any expression on his face, and sat beside Jiang Ying calmly and casually.

Jiang Ying watched Lu Qingyan take her seat, and then looked at the imperceptible red mark on the woman's fair neck.

As if realizing something, she then looked at the boy who came to the table with the last dish of eggplant stewed potatoes, and reached out to help take it.

Wei Tu sat across from the two of them as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile.

"Try it quickly. It took a lot of work. The taste should be adjusted to the same level. You will like it."

Lu Qingyan didn't say anything, and was about to move her chopsticks. It was the best choice not to speak at this time.

But Jiang Ying glanced at the two of them before speaking.

"Why did Junior Brother appear here in the morning?"

These words made Wei Tu and Lu Qingyan's movements of holding the chopsticks almost at the same time, and Lu Qingyan almost dropped the chopsticks directly on the table.

Sure enough, I saw something!

Sure enough... I knew I couldn't hide it!

How to do?

What can I do……

Lu Qingyan's eyes for help fell on the young man's face involuntarily.

Wei Tu calmly picked up a piece of eggplant with his chopsticks, put it into Jiang Ying's bowl, and said with a smile.

"I don't have anything to do today. I always get up early. If there is nothing to do in the Yaowang Pavilion, I will come here to see you. I thought we haven't eaten together for a long time, so I made a special meal. What's the relationship with the senior sister?"

Jiang Ying shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, it's just... well, let's eat."

As if Jiang Ying was the owner here, as soon as she said it was time to eat, the remaining two began to eat.

However, the atmosphere at the dinner table seemed extremely strange.

Lu Qingyan seldom talks, but has a lot of eyes, and even more petty gestures. She always winks at Wei Tu furtively, trying to hint at something.

Wei Tu just laughed.

Lu Qingyan was even more angry.

Why are you laughing, you understand!

Sure enough, there is no tacit understanding at all!

It's going to come out and laugh! !

But there was nothing he could do about this young man's performance. After all, there were no embarrassing speeches and things at the dinner table.

After dinner, Wei Tu naturally didn't dare to ask these two people to clean up, so he could only clean up by himself and then wash the dishes.

When washing the dishes, Lu Qingyan found an opportunity to sneak in first, and closed the door directly.

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Lu Qingyan coming in, he immediately let go of the towel, stretched out his hand and came over with a shy face, as if to hug this glamorous woman.

"Can't bear to be separated from me for a while? Come on, Master let me hug..."

"Hold your head!"

Lu Qingyan patted the boy on the head angrily.

Then he blushed and looked at this teenager who still didn't know how 'serious' the matter was.

"What's the matter, master, you look like you are in a hurry."

Lu Qingyan looked at Wei Tu worriedly again.

"I think... Ying'er already knows that you've spent the night here."

"How could it be? She's not omniscient and omnipotent. I also know that. I called her personally in the morning, and there was no flaw at all."

Wei Tu said it as a matter of course.

Lu Qingyan looked at Wei Tu suspiciously.

"Did you... take a shower before going?"

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, "How can I still take a bath, Master has no place for me to wash here."

"That's it! I must have smelled you!"

"Smell... At that time, I was still busy in the kitchen, how could there be a smell of Master, besides... what is the smell of Master?"

Wei Tu looked at Lu Qingyan in confusion.

He could indeed smell the scent that belonged to Lu Qingyan, but he didn't feel that this scent would stay on him for a long time, and he couldn't recall it, or even describe it accurately. Only when he smelled it again would he feel those familiar scents. Feel.

"You slept all night last night and you don't know what I smell like?!"

Lu Qingyan seemed to be even more angry about this matter, and directly grabbed Wei Tu's ear.

Wei Tu begged for mercy, "My fault, my fault...I know, I know...but I shouldn't be able to smell it so keenly, right? Did you, Master, show your weakness?"

"What loopholes can I have?!"

As soon as Lu Qingyan finished speaking this sentence with full confidence, her heart skipped a beat, and then she quickly remembered something, blushing shyly.

"You... look, my neck..."

"Neck what?"

"Still asking! In the morning...how...how did you torment me?"

Lu Qingyan suddenly remembered how this lustful young man greedily kissed her neck in the morning.

After much deliberation, it seems that only here is the most likely to reveal a flaw.

So Wei Tu looked at her fair and delicate neck, and saw a faint blush on it.

Obviously, there is no other way to stay besides myself.

Wei Tu thought for a while and said, "There is indeed a shallow trace...but it shouldn't be so shallow, right?"

"Nothing! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

Lu Qingyan tugged at Wei Tu's ear angrily, and then let go of it.

"Don't touch me from now on! You've said you'll be found out and you're still acting like this. You're really a rebel... As a teacher, your reputation as a teacher has been ruined in your hands!"

"Hey, master, why did you cross the river and tear down the bridge just after eating, and the cannibal is so short-tempered, hey!"

Naturally, Wei Tu couldn't stop Lu Qingyan who was blushing at this time, presumably... she should be in retreat for a while.

As if only being autistic for a while can act like none of this happened.

Just one wave after another.

Before Wei Tu had time to continue washing the dishes, the door opened again, and he didn't know what kind of shit luck the kitchen had today, it was so lively today.

This time it was Jiang Ying who came in.

Obviously found himself deliberately to have something to say.

"What's the matter, sister?"

Before Wei Tu spoke, he expected that the other party would definitely say something about Lu Qingyan, so there was almost no doubt about it.

Jiang Ying looked at Wei Tu, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then spoke.

"Junior Brother, are you and Master..."

Sure enough, this girl was much sharper than she showed.

Looking at Jiang Ying's expression, many people thought that this girl was an extremely innocent, maybe not very smart girl.

In fact, Wei Tu knows that Jiang Ying is quite sensitive, but this sensitivity is used on things related to herself. If it has nothing to do with her, she has no mood to worry about it. She will show such a thing about herself. keen.

Wei Tu thought for a while and asked again.

"Senior Sister, what do you think Master and I should do?"

Facing the question, Jiang Ying showed a slightly puzzled expression.

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