"What should I do... I don't know, I just want to know what you want, Junior Brother?"

Wei Tu smiled and said, "Let it be, Senior Sister, what do you think?"

"I don't know...but if you think it should be, then so be it."

Jiang Ying gave an answer very quickly, as if she was asking questions just to know what was going on from the beginning.

As for attitude... there seems to be no such thing at all.

Wei Tu looked at the indifferent girl who walked in front of him.

He thought about it and sighed.

"If something happens to Master and I... Senior Sister, will you be sad?"

Jiang Ying seemed to think about this question for a while, then looked at Wei Tu.

"Why are you sad?"

"Do you think I'm extraordinarily rebellious, and I'm not at all the kind of person you imagined, Senior Sister."

But she didn't expect Jiang Ying to look at herself suspiciously, "What does Junior Brother think I miss you?"

"This... To be honest, I don't know either."

Jiang Ying made a truthful statement.

"In my heart, I don't know what my junior brother should look like. It's just that no matter what you do, my senior sister can accept it, so even if I do the same with my master... I will only be happy."


"Well... so we can live together forever, I don't want to be separated from you, and I don't want to leave Master alone... Master is very lonely, I have always known it."

Jiang Ying said with such certainty.

It made Wei Tu almost speechless, but he didn't feel guilty.

But a sense of responsibility.

Responsibility puts pressure on a man and tells him how hard he has to work to protect what he has.

But Wei Tu will soon realize that these responsibilities have already been on his shoulders.

He doesn't care whether his rebirth is God's will or the deliberate arrangement of the behind-the-scenes forces, he will not serve them.

He will only stick to his own opinion, will choose to carry all this on his shoulders, and will not let go of any point.

Even a little bit.

So Wei Tu looked at Jiang Ying in front of him.



"I need a little strength now. Without comfort, I may not be able to go on."

Jiang Ying thought for a while, then took a step forward, with flushed cheeks, she stretched out her hands and hugged the boy.

Lifting her head in his arms, she looked at Wei Tu with bright eyes.

"Is that okay?"

"Well, that's fine."

63 Dye the new snow

There must be joy and pain in life, and if you want to gain, you must pay.

People hear stories about pie falling from the sky every day, but those stories are no different from myths, because they have only been heard, but never experienced.

For Wei Tu, a young man, what he wants to gain is what he has to pay.

These may be far away and need to be persisted, but now Wei Tu clearly knows that some small problems, if left unattended, will become big problems.

And some people, ah, have made a lot of progress, and really think that they have nothing to fear.

"Let, put me down, bastard! I... I... woooooo!! No more, so... so sad, master... Master Nunu is wrong!"

Probably Yuan Jianzong's disciple... No, even all the elders can hardly imagine a thing.

That is, there will be such a scene in the Baoguang Temple, which is regarded as an inviolable holy place in their hearts.

However, in many people's minds, the master of a sect, who is high and inviolable and has the ability to command tens of thousands of people, will present such a posture in such a way at this time.

The sun cannot shine on this dark night, and the cold moonlight can only be watched from the sidelines.

And outside the closed windows and doors, the clear sounds of everything in the night can be heard.

But none of these seemed to be comparable to the staggering sound that was happening in Baoguang Hall at this moment.

Wei Tu sat on a chair specially placed in the middle, he sat calmly, without a smile on his face.

All of this is normal. If there is something special about it, it is probably that the young man's face is so unforgettable at first sight.

What really looked special and abnormal was in front of him.

The head of Yuan Jianzong's sect, Ran Xinxue, was right in front of this young man.

But the posture is weird, and the expression... is extremely seductive like uncontrollable.

The somewhat thick rope hung her hands high, from her back, and stretched to the beam of the house.

Such a posture is quite twisted for ordinary people, but it seems that this woman's body is designed to show her unique flexibility.

The body sank below her head, her high protruding chest almost broke through the exaggeration of her clothes, but her slender legs were tied with two ropes around her ankles, and they were also hung on the beam.

The angle of separation was exaggerated, as if some delicious food fell from a high place and was specially used to feed some ferocious beast.

And her head was raised high, as if it couldn't hang down at all.

Because her hair was tied up and tied tightly to the rope behind her.

Although the posture is weird, it looks very uncomfortable and awkward.

But every inch of the proud curves and unique beauty of the body are highlighted. Perhaps the only one who feels awkward at this time is Ran Xinxue herself.

But her expression was densely covered with red tide, and thin beads of sweat were densely covered on her beautiful and delicate face.

Her eyes seemed to be very tired, and her eyelids could barely be opened.

And the corners of her mouth seemed to have secreted a crystal clear liquid irresistibly, no one who saw it might be able to resist the impact of this scene.

Because the supreme master of a sect is now facing this young man alone in such a humiliating, lowly, and even without any dignity way.

Wei Tu looked at her indifferently.

The fingers were kept glued together, as if the mechanism that made the woman tremble could be activated at any time.

"That's not enough? I thought the suzerain had already considered the consequences before doing that kind of thing. It would be too disappointing for the disciple if it's just this level."

Wei Tu's words were full of sarcasm.

Ran Xinxue was panting heavily, her consciousness had gradually become chaotic, and she wanted to just pass out.

But this devil-like boy... his methods are so cruel.

He actually touched the slave pattern again when his consciousness was blurred, so the current passing through his body forced Ran Xinxue to tremble all over and wake up immediately.

She felt that her wrists and ankles were already in pain, and the scars must take a long time to heal.

The pain seemed to be everywhere in the body, the pain that almost cut through the wrists and ankles was almost unbearable, it seemed that there was no way out except to persevere in the current situation.

And the reaction caused by the slave pattern...

That kind of voice made Xinxue blush when she heard it.

How could I be so shameless... How could I make such a voice...

The worse and undeniable thing is that when Wei Tu gradually became familiar with the control of the slave pattern, he could precisely control the corresponding reaction of the slave pattern on which part of the woman.

The woman's hair was pulled by the rope, and when she opened her eyes, she could only see the boy's beautiful but extremely hateful face.

"I was wrong... Master Nunu was wrong, Nunu really dare not again... Nunu... ah!!"

But this time, he didn't even finish the words to ask her to beg for mercy.

The electric current seemed to hit some critical part.

Ran Xinxue struggled violently but couldn't break free from the shackles of the rope, and her whole body was exaggeratedly twisted backwards.

The high chest and the round hemisphere seem to break through the restrictions of the dress.

The most painful thing for Ran Xinxue was that her body's reaction was more honest and worse than she thought, and she was even more irresistible. She couldn't bear the next time...

It should be a very painful thing, very shameful behavior.

Ran Xinxue, however, after experiencing it one after another, slowly noticed the disconcerting joy in it.

She didn't dare to admit it, and she couldn't admit it. Once she admitted her existence, it seemed that her existence would be beyond redemption.

But... this feeling is real and almost irrefutable.

Ran Xinxue's tears filled the air, dripping down.

Before what made her worry wet the floor below her head, the tears first filled the air.

Wei Tu didn't feel sorry for her at all, even though it was such a picture that I felt pity for anyone, he knew that this woman was a typical representative of the scar that healed and forgot to hurt.

Perhaps it was the long-term threats and oppression under Ruoyuan's hands that gave her a strange and even morbid state of mind.

The greater the threat I give her, the stronger her rebellious psychology will be.

Maybe it's because in her heart, she is not as cold-blooded and ruthless as Ruoyuan after all, maybe it's because she has a keen insight into the idea that she doesn't want to kill her so easily.

It's always uncomfortable if you don't act like a monster. Of course, Wei Tu doesn't know that this woman's psychology is more twisted than he thought.

Ran Xinxue only made the young man furious like this again and again, and kept tossing himself as if he could feel his own existence.

Wanting to be a good person may be disqualified from the beginning, but being a bad person is restrained.

Then be a monstrous evildoer, and he will be restless if he is tossing around.

Just the current situation...

Wei Tu stared coldly at Ran Xinxue in front of him.

"You know you are wrong every time, but next time you seize the opportunity, you will try your best to disgust me. How should I praise you, my suzerain?"

Ran Xinxue gasped heavily, she really felt that she was on the edge of a cliff, as if she was going to die, but she couldn't die, it was really like suffering in hell.

"Wei Tu...can you kill me..."

She seemed to be making a final request.

It was as if she didn't want to go through this kind of life anymore, with a death-will on her face, I'm afraid anyone who saw this woman would feel that this woman was really at the end of her rope and wanted to show her ambition by death.

But Wei Tu already knew this woman very well.

He didn't believe this statement at all, but looked at Ran Xinxue with a sneer.

"Death? Well, I'll give you a treat, just to support my master to sit in the position of suzerain, which is just right, anyway, your current existence is dispensable, just to save a trouble."

"Lu Qingyan... how could she!"

Ran Xinxue seemed unable to accept this fact.

Wei Tu smiled and looked at her face covered with countless tears.

"Why not? My master is so good, with great strength, high realm, and much better-behaved than you. I don't even need the slave pattern to be used by her. Even if I'm not good at handling things, but It's okay, I'm behind her, just let me help. But these have nothing to do with you, are you going to die, aren't you?"

Wei Tu stretched out his hand, and the air seemed to be silent for a moment.

The boy used enough strength to make people feel painful.

In an instant, Ran Xinxue yelled at Wei Tu as if she had gone crazy.

"How can you do this!! Ugh... how can you bastard!!"

Wei Tu stared at Ran Xinxue indifferently.

"Why not? You don't think I really dare not kill you, do you?"

"I have been tossed like this by you! How could you kill me for so long after you did whatever you wanted to me! How could you be so ruthless!!"

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