Sure enough, he didn't want to die at all, he just said it and put on a show.

It's just that Wei Tu was slightly surprised by the other party's attitude.

"What is ruthless? I made it very clear from the beginning. Be normal. I won't do anything to you. You're doing it yourself."

Ran Xinxue struggled recklessly, bloodstains were left on her wrists and ankles by the rope, which was shocking.

"How could you be like still want to kill me after I'm like this, Wei Tu, do you have any heart? Why are you still willing to kill me!"

Wei Tu was stunned.

"I It has nothing to do with whether I have a heart or not. You don't think I'm tormenting you because I like you?"

"Who wants you to like me! Get out! Bastard! Who wants you to like me!"

Ran Xinxue was still twisting, and the rope rubbing against the beam made a screeching sound.

Wei Tu was annoyed by this woman's capricious attitude.

"What's wrong with you!"

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu and yelled.

"I'm just sick! What do you care about me? If you kill me and become a ghost, you won't let you go! You will die too! Bastard! Smelly and dirty dog ​​man! Get out! Get out!!"

Wei Tu took a deep breath and sneered.

"Okay, smelly and dirty, right? Well, let me see how you serve me, a smelly and dirty dog ​​man."

Wei Tu walked towards Ran Xinxue until he stopped in front of her.

Then he unbuttoned his pants.

Before Ran Xinxue had time to react, she untied the rope on her hair, grabbed the black hair on her head, and pressed it down fiercely!

64 My suzerain~

"Cough cough cough cough...!"

A viscous cough echoed in Baoguang Hall.

It's not that Ran Xinxue suddenly turned into a smoky voice, it's just... It's really uncomfortable to have something clogging your throat.

The point is that this bastard still let himself swallow it all...

Seeing this woman with her head down as if she had lost her soul, Wei Tu felt that she was going too far.

It's not that he was too much to this woman. After all, if she had really done this in the first place, then he would be the one who died without a place to bury him.

There's nothing to regret about it, it's all she deserves.

It's just that I have some regrets because my desire has become out of control because of this situation.

He actually did such a thing in a fit of anger... Although he didn't break his body, he was dominated by desire for a moment.

Still because of this woman.

It made him blame himself, he shouldn't be so easily seduced by this woman...

But at this moment, Ran Xinxue lost her soul, as if she had lost her soul, her hair was messy, and even on her enchanting face, tears and saliva mixed together.

The scene is difficult to clean up.

But still have to clean up.

Wei Tu untied the rope in silence.

Ran Xinxue sat slumped on the ground, didn't raise her head, just adjusted her breathing, and looked at the floor silently. Wei Tu couldn't see her eyes, so naturally she didn't know what she was thinking at this time.

Wei Tu felt that his best choice would be to play the role of a ruthless master, turn around and leave, leaving behind a sneering woman who was as miserable as mud.

But her silence and previous words made Wei Tu feel a little uneasy again.

In the end, Wei Tu squatted down, squatting in front of her, looking at her face covered by messy hair.

"Your wrists and ankles are bleeding, but it's not very serious. Apply some wound medicine and it will heal in a day or two."


Ran Xinxue looked up at Wei Tu.

There seemed to be nothing in those empty and absent-minded eyes, as if the soul had been hollowed out and cleaned up.

Wei Tu frowned.

"Can't talk anymore?"

"What's there to say."

Ran Xinxue stared at Wei Tu coldly.

It seems to be a puppet without emotion, as if this scene can see that the woman's future life is like a walking dead.

Wei Tu didn't want to have any sympathy for this woman, because this woman always pushes an inch.

Wei Tu calmed down, probably because he entered the time of the sages.

"Your current situation is much better than the worst consequences you can suffer. Don't think that you have really suffered a lot of grievances."

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu coldly, then laughed.

The tears of laughter are splashing, and the hair is messy and flying.

"Hehehe... I haven't encountered a good thing since I came to Yuan Jianzong, not a single thing! Whether it's you or Ruoyuan, you just want me to do something, and you all only care about what I do. What, but no one asked me if I wanted to do it, and why I did it. You only think that I am what kind of person I am after doing such a thing, but is this what I want? Is this what I want! This It's not even my choice!!"

Wei Tu frowned.

"But if you succeed, I'm afraid it will be another rhetoric now."

"Yeah, I'll put on the face you fear the most, and torture you the way you tortured me. That's what you think, right? But do you think that Ruoyuan has done this thing, after a complete success? Will she let me go? Will she?! I was already ready to die! I kept looking for opportunities to change the situation, but I had no choice but to be like a puppet, watching her decide Things happen one by one, and then my ending cannot be changed!!"

"In that case, why do you still have to do it?"

"Why don't you ask the countless bad people in this world why they do bad things? Is it because they are born thinking? Or is it because they have no way out? Wei Tu, I will hate you forever, I hate you to death!!"

Facing the roar and madness of the new snow.

Wei Tu didn't soften his heart, he just said calmly.

"Everyone always gets their reward."

"Suffering is rewarding? Some people suffer for a lifetime and die at the end. Do all people in this world experience suffering? Would you believe it yourself!"

"Don't say that."

Wei Tu shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to discuss these issues with her.

Because it's not that Wei Tu couldn't think of it from the beginning, but he just didn't want to think about it, and there was no need to think about it.

If you can easily forgive because of hardships, there will be no hatred in this world, and there will be no good and evil.

Maybe everyone is both good and evil, there is no absolute justice and evil, but there is always a need for a definition, what is the definition?

What was done, and what was the result.

This is the only basis for determining how others will treat them.

Maybe Ran Xinxue still can't understand it, but Wei Tu knows it very well, because Wei Tu has already experienced it.

Ran Xinxue suddenly lost her sneer, lowered her head and wept.

Tears wet a large area of ​​the floor.

Wei Tu held the woman in his arms from the ground, and then stood up.

"let me go……!"

Ran Xinxue almost gritted his teeth.

Wei Tu didn't care about her actions, but took the girl to the attic where she lived in the night.

Put Ran Xinxue on the bed.

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu vigilantly, thinking that the young man felt that humiliating herself like that was not enough, and finally couldn't help but want to violate herself.

But she couldn't say any more words, like a puppet accepting fate, but waiting for the final fate to come.

But Wei Tu didn't do what she thought, put her on the bed, turned and left the room.

Ran Xinxue thought that the other party had left, and was a little confused about what he was doing.

Is it just to hug myself back, lest someone suddenly break into the Baoguang Palace?

Ran Xinxue didn't know, she just sat on the bed blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

It was as if the body had lost all strength, not even room to grieve.

Until the door opened again, Ran Xinxue stared at the door blankly, and saw the wet and steaming towels in the hands of the boy who had gone back and forth came over.

Ran Xinxue stared blankly at him, and Wei Tu casually sat beside her. At this time, Ran Xinxue seemed to have forgotten even her fear, and just sat like this.

Wei Tu took her hand and wiped her bloody wrist with a warm towel.


Although Ran Xinxue made up her mind not to react, she couldn't help moaning because of the tingling pain.

But the other party didn't seem to want to laugh at him, he just wiped it like this, and then wiped his other hand.

At this time, Ran Xinxue could restrain her voice.

Although it still hurts, she didn't make any embarrassing sounds even though she gritted her teeth until her eyebrows twitched.

The boy did not speak, and the two were silent with each other.

Until Wei Tu went out again, and when he came back, he changed another towel, and said to Ran Xinxue when he sat down.

"Stand out your legs."

It's fine if the other party doesn't say anything, but once he said Ran Xinxue, he didn't want to follow his words, not only gathered his legs, but also said coldly, "You don't need to be hypocritical."

Wei Tu didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ran Xinxue, so he stretched out his hand and pulled Ran Xinxue's leg over.

The young glamorous suzerain didn't expect the young man's attitude to be so firm that he didn't react when he dragged him over.

Suddenly lost focus.


With a low cry, he lay on his back on the bed.

When he raised his head angrily, he saw that his feet were already in the boy's arms.

Wei Tu wiped those fair and soft feet with a slightly hot towel.


Ran Xinxue couldn't help moaning.

My feet are extremely sensitive, they are simply the most sensitive part of my body.

At this time, not only being wiped by the other party, but also feeling the hot temperature on his body.

"Don't make any noise, or the wound will become bigger and the scar will be your own."

Wei Tu easily stopped Ran Xinxue's resistance.

He lowered his head and carefully wiped the scar on her ankle.

The feet dyed with fresh snow are very beautiful, which is in line with the status of this pampered suzerain.

The soles of her feet are not blindly small, but slender, but not too big.

The instep has a kind of crystal clear skinny feeling.

Blue veins are looming under the clear skin, each toe is so plump and round, and it will curl up with the tingling pain caused by his own movements.

It seemed that her whole body was exerting restraint, so that Wei Tu had no doubt that if she put her feet on the ground, a house might be knocked out.

"Feet are much cuter than people."

Dyeing the new snow, her cheeks flushed immediately, and she struggled to get out again.

Wei Tu grabbed the sole of her retracted foot.

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