Immediately, she felt as if she had lost all her strength and fell limp on the bed.

"Let go, let go!"

Wei Tu chuckled.

"I'm still afraid of itching... I put it away, and there is another one that hasn't been wiped clean."

After speaking, Wei Tu went to wipe the other one.

This process does not seem to take long, but every minute and every second is challenging the limit of dyeing new snow.

Because the boy seemed to have discovered something, not only wiped his feet, but also tried his best to tease the soles of his feet, making Ran Xinxue use all his strength to resist the strange feeling.

But it was still of no avail, finally Wei Tu let go of her feet, and went out again this time, Ran Xinxue immediately pulled the quilt to cover her lower body.

Say nothing and won't let this boy touch him again.

But when Wei Tu came back for the third time, he saw the quilt on Ran Xinxue's leg, and directly reached out to tear off the quilt.


"You, you, you, you've seen it, you've touched it, why are you so shy?"

"It has nothing to do with you, don't touch me!"

"Hey, I'll touch it. Don't you like to do things I don't like, then I'll do what you don't like too."

After speaking, Wei Tu directly pulled Xinxue's hands over.

When the woman turned pale with shock, the boy took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms.

Then he applied the light yellow medicinal powder on the wound on her wrist that was strangled by the rope.

Suddenly, there was a tingling pain that made Ran Xinxue sweat coldly, and soon the cool touch spread to the wound, and Ran Xinxue narrowed his eyes slightly.

It takes a short time to go from hands to feet.

After doing all this, Wei Tu put away the medicine bottle that was very effective for trauma that he always carried with him.

Then he looked at the woman sitting on the bed.

"Next time, don't expect me to be so nice to you. Be quiet. I'm not worried about being seen out, so I don't bother to care about you."

Ran Xinxue gave Wei Tu a hard look, almost out of breath.

"Don't think that I will thank you for doing these things!"

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a funny face.

"Why do I want you to thank me? It doesn't matter if you hate me or hate me, it doesn't matter if you think about disgusting me day and night. Anyway, you will bear the consequences yourself. Every time is more ruthless. I can't guarantee that you will die every time." .Lord Sovereign, you have endured humiliation for so long, and it is not worth dying in my hands." There was no room for the boy, but his breath still seemed to be there.The woman curled her legs and hugged her knees.But he saw the faded scar on his ankle.Her eyes were inexplicable, and then... her thumbs were raised. PS: In fact, although the book to be published in October basically had a prototype half a month ago, I thought it was unnecessary to write it again, but some things happened and I still had no idea. It’s just that I really don’t know what everyone likes to watch. I’m always used to it, but I decided to try it. The campus is reversed, full of routines and anti-routines. You think you are a hunter, but you are actually a love game for the prey.The male protagonist is called Lin Sui.This can only be revealed temporarily.

65 Meeting a Sweet Dream (Monthly Pass Plus 16)

Things have largely settled down.

It took Wei Tu a few days to raise his realm to the sixth rank of Dragon Slaying Realm.

In fact, it didn't take too much effort. According to this speed, I am afraid that it will not take a year for me to hope to be in the God-watching state.

When he breaks through the Dragon Slaying Realm, someone has not yet left the level, that is, he has not successfully reached the Dragon Slaying Realm.

Wei Tu thought that he didn't care much about the girl's current state, because it didn't seem to have much to do with him.

But at a certain point in time, the boy still found the cave where the other party was retreating.

The retreat seems to have the best rule of not being disturbed. In fact, Wei Tu knows that this kind of rule is not very meaningful. It is even more useless for some people.

The retreat breakthrough only pays attention to the tranquility of the environment and the peace of mind.

Not suitable for great joy and great sorrow.

As for Bai Youwei...

Wei Tu teleported to the entrance of this cave through a hidden formation.

Why is formation needed? Because Yuan Jianzong has more than 300 caves inside and outside, and each cave is independent and does not need to be connected by roads, so it basically cuts off the way of connecting inside and outside. A formation that only specific instructions can pass through.

This can also be regarded as a means to protect the closed-door practitioners.

This is what Qiao Zhiheng experienced before. In the past few days, Qiao Zhiheng has become a true disciple, that is to say, he has been seated in the position of elder candidate.

And if the women inside successfully pass the customs, they will also enjoy this kind of treatment.

It was just that when Wei Tu appeared in this dark cave, he heard the clear and crisp sound of water droplets falling from above to the ground.


A familiar scolding came from the dark depths of the cave.

Hearing this familiar voice, Wei Tu didn't reveal his identity immediately.

Instead, he deliberately changed his voice, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Hehe... Yuan Jianzong is finished! I didn't expect that there was a chick hiding here, get out quickly, if she looks good, I can still bring you You eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

Wei Tu felt that his acting skills should be quite good.

At least...better than fresh snow.

That woman's acting skills are so bad that even the appearance of breaking the defense makes people feel that she is acting, because she has basically lost all trust.

Playing the role of a bad guy should be easy, after all, I have seen a lot of bad guys, both good and evil.

But didn't think so.

After a moment of silence, a voice came from inside.

"Wei Tu, are you childish?"

This is the first person to say that he is naive?

Wei Tu thinks that staying naive is a sign of childlike innocence, it means that life is not too bad, at least there is room for people to stay innocent.

It's just that the naivety that the other party said was all ridicule.

Wei Tu coughed, but didn't immediately remove the disguise of his voice, although he didn't know how the other party made such a sharp judgment.

But... it shouldn't be so, right?A blind cat meets a dead mouse?

"What Wei Tu... I don't know what you little girl is talking about! Your lover? He may have died outside, hahahaha..."

"It's good to die outside, you won't come here to mess with me."


Wei Tu seemed speechless and unable to respond, because in the hazy darkness in front of him, a hazy figure appeared in front of his eyes.

The faint light is the pearl in her hand.

The bright pearl is a sea pearl fished out from the depths of the South China Sea. This pearl has a characteristic, that is, it will shine in places rich in aura of heaven and earth. The South China Sea is originally a place rich in sea spirit, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

And this cave is naturally blessed, so Yuan Jianzong will prepare such beads for the retreating disciples to illuminate, which are more durable than candles, because in a sense, this South Sea pearl is considered a living thing.

Following the crystal light, Bai Youwei's delicate, cold, and slightly exotic face appeared.

The fact that Bai Youwei's face is different from that of the Central Plains people was recently discovered by Wei Tu, because she didn't often look at Bai Youwei's face before, but later discovered that this woman has a high nose bridge, eyebrows and facial features are more three-dimensional than ordinary women, and her eyes It also looks bigger and prettier.

At this moment, seeing Bai Youwei looking at him with such a cold face, Wei Tu coughed.

"Uh... I just think you might be too bored inside, so I'm just kidding you."

Bai Youwei looked at Wei Tu coldly, wondering whether it was because the cave was too cold or the environment was too oppressive, Wei Tu felt that the girl's aura seemed even colder.

"You still don't know how good your own jokes are?"

"I think my jokes are generally pretty funny."

"Your words are funnier than your jokes."

"...Bai Youwei, you didn't retreat because you just practiced your words, right?"

Wei Tu was very skeptical, after all, the other party's verbal skills had obviously improved.

Bai Youwei didn't bother to talk to him, so she found a clean place nearby and sat down.

After not going out for so long, Bai Youwei didn't show any dirt or uncleanness on her body. After all, she is a cultivator, and she doesn't have so many vulgar things as ordinary people.

On the contrary, the temperament on his body is more extraordinary and refined because he has been isolated from the outside world during this period of time.

Wei Tu sat down beside her.

Bai Youwei frowned.

"It's okay, what are you doing here, making fun of me for not leaving the customs?"

Obviously thinks that Wei Tu has bad intentions, this man can't possibly come in out of concern, right?

Even if it came in out of concern... Impossible!How could this bastard be so kind?

Wei Tu probably didn't know that besides Wei Tu, in most women's hearts, he had another name called bastard.

Wei Tu said with a smile.

"Look at your current situation, it's not a joke."

"Hmph, I'm afraid you're not proud of yourself."

"Am I this kind of person?"

"You are worse than this kind of person."

"Hehehe, Bai Youwei, it's because you don't know good people. I came here specially, but you are fine. Two or three sentences make me want to leave."

Bai Youwei hesitated for a moment.

Still trying to be brave, he said, "You can leave if you want, and no one begged you to come here..."

But the momentum of speaking is obviously much weaker.

Wei Tu didn't bother with this girl either.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "What's the situation with you now, is it stopped or not?"

Bai Youwei sighed, and decided not to quarrel with this young man.

Anyway, in the end, he will be at a disadvantage. Don't look at the bragging right now, he will start talking nonsense soon.

"It feels like I'm always on the verge of a breakthrough, but it's like a rope full of knots. When I reach the last knot, I don't know how to untie it."

Wei Tu understands this feeling. Although he has not experienced it in this life, it took him a little effort to break through the Dragon Slaying Realm in the last life.

The metaphor of a knot in a rope is perfect.

Breaking through the realm is not a rush forward in one brain, as if your inner breath has accumulated to a certain point and you can break through all the shackles.

In fact, this is not the case at all. The small realm is like a rope with only one knot.

The leap between grades can be easily spent as long as you find a way to untie this button.

But large realms, such as the Fusion Realm to Dragon Slaying Realm at this time, are like a rope full of knots, and one has to patiently untie the buttons one after another.

And you may also encounter the kind of buttons that can't be undone.

There are many people who stay in the Fusion Realm forever because of various knots, unable to reach the Dragon Slaying Realm.

But some people untied this dead button because of their efforts, and finally they couldn't stop it even if they soared into the sky.

Of course, there are also people who are faltering and still struggling.

Wei Tu nodded.

"Can you know why?"

Bai Youwei glared at Wei Tu.

"If I knew that I would have left the customs a long time ago, and it would be your turn to come to me, you would ask me this?"

Wei Tu looked at Bai Youwei with a smile.

"Otherwise, what do you want me to come to you for?"

"This... how do I know! You are inexplicable."

Bai Youwei was a little flustered, she didn't know if it was because she had held back for so long and hadn't seen anyone, so she seemed a little irritable, her temper seemed a little uncontrollable when she met this young man.

Wei Tu said with a smile, "I thought you thought I was here to deliver food to you."

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