"I don't even eat the food you give me, I'm afraid you'll poison me to death."

This is obvious hypocrisy.

Wei Tu wanted to kill Bai Youwei and still think about this time?

"I think you might need a good rest for a while."

"I rest every day."

"What I mean is that your nerves are too tense and you need to relax. Always thinking about why you haven't made a breakthrough yet, the more urgent you are, the harder it is to break through. It's like writing an article. Articles are born naturally, and you can get them by chance. Maybe you can completely Just relax and it will do wonders."

Bai Youwei looked at Wei Tu suspiciously.

"Where did you come from so many crooked ways? Could it be because of this when you broke through?"

Wei Tu thought about it.

"I didn't even feel anything when I broke through."

"Net bragging!"

Bai Youwei cursed.

Wei Tu had a playful smile, "Susu likes me so much because I can blow."

"What do you mean?"

Bai Youwei looked at Wei Tu suspiciously, and then saw the other's expression as if she understood something immediately.

A snow-white face instantly became rosy, and even the position was instinctively moved away a little.

"You are a bad embryo! When is it time to talk nonsense...!"

"I didn't say anything, it was all your own imagination."

"What haven't you said yet? You're almost done!"

"How do I do it here, and who do I do it with? Senior Sister Bai?"

"You you you you you you think beautiful!!"

Bai Youwei blushed because she thought of the beautiful situation that happened in Shiwan Yaoshan before.

I also thought of my embarrassing and embarrassing self that night.

Wei Tu smiled.

Then stood up to relieve the pressure on this woman.

He took a long breath, and then said in a more serious tone.

"You must have not slept for several days."

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Youwei muttered.

Wei Tu looked at her and said, "Go to sleep first, the situation will be much better when you wake up."

"how is this possible……"

Bai Youwei was skeptical, and the other party was still there, how could she be able to sleep.

Wei Tu suddenly reached out and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry, everything will be solved when you wake up."

When he finished this action, Bai Youwei didn't even have time to say a word to stop her, she felt a burst of sleepiness in her heart.

Suddenly she thought of something.

He stared at Wei Tu with wide eyes.


"Go to sleep, it's fine."


The girl with her eyes closed fell softly in Wei Tu's arms.

Wei Tu put the woman's head on his lap, making her lie flat more comfortably.

At the same time, he took out a porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag and poured some warm liquid into the palm of his hand.

Then he put his palm on Bai Youwei's forehead and stroked it gently.

At this time, Bai Youwei, who was sleeping deeply, encountered a sweet dream.

She straddled the back of a man who looked exactly like Wei Tu, and then rode him all over the hillside.

She smiled happily, surrounded by his begging for mercy. PS: I was arrested for many chapters at once... I don't want to change it anymore, woo woo woo.

66 Even if it is my life

At first the girl really thought it was a sweet dream.

After all, everything I wanted seems to have been fulfilled and satisfied.

It was soon, the maiden experienced a storm.

This storm seemed to sweep everything, the world seemed to become wet, and Wei Tu under him also disappeared.

There is only a young girl left in the whole world. She stands alone in the wind and rain, looking up at the dark sky, and the surroundings seem to be barren. She doesn't know where to go, and she doesn't know who to ask for help. His cries seemed unanswered, the world was so empty.

Empty as if he didn't even give alms to himself in response.

So the girl seemed to have no choice but to go forward, to the front where the wind and rain were more intense and the darkness more intense.

Move forward……

Go forward.

Gradually, faint fires appeared, and lights appeared along the way.

A city appeared in front of him.

She felt a little familiar, but she didn't know what this city was, and why it suddenly appeared in this desert.

Until a series of blizzards fell from the sky, densely covering the sky and the earth, as if to put silver clothes or silver coffins on all of them.

She couldn't see other people, so she could only walk towards the city full of wind and snow alone.

When she walked into this city.


Almost instantly.

The fires on the surrounding city walls were all lit up, and the whole city was presented in his eyes.

Looking at this strange and different house, Bai Youwei suddenly remembered something.

She seemed to finally understand where this city was.

The name belonging to this city suddenly appeared in my deep and vague memory.

"The Devil's Landing City..."

Where is Mo Lincheng?

It is the capital of the Northern Desert Demon Territory, and it is also the place where the most casualties among the Demon Race have been recorded in history.

even more……

She took a step and felt that her steps were as difficult as being stuck in a quagmire.

Lowering his head, he saw that his feet seemed to have sunk into blood-colored mud.

No... It's not mud, it's not a swamp, it's blood, it's a large piece, bright red, as if fresh blood just flowed from the body.

Bai Youwei turned her head again, and saw the corpse lying on the ground.

There was no color on his face, his face was pale, as if he was dead.

Her steps faltered.

The snow from the sky kept falling, but even such a heavy snowstorm could not blow out the torches on the city wall.

She can only walk like a puppet.

Looking at the collapsed, burning houses.

Looking at the tragic corpses on the ground one after another, she seemed speechless.

He could only walk forward dully.

The strange thing is that she always has a familiar feeling with these people who have never met before.

This familiar feeling pulls me forward.

The ground was covered with a thin layer of ice and snow, and Bai Youwei stepped on long footprints.

And the whole city that seemed to be covered by wind and snow was not only filled with silence, but also with great sadness.

why sad...

In Molin City, she finally came to the end in a daze.

It seemed to be a dead city, with corpses all over the ground, a tragic scene like bloodshed.

Bai Xue gradually buried it and covered it, as if it could be forgotten.

Only when she looked up...

Two corpses were hung on the top of the city, a man and a woman.

The man is wearing armor, but the helmet has been removed.

The woman was wearing gorgeous clothes, her hair was messy, and she had her eyes closed.

Seeing these two people, Bai Youwei seemed to have lost her soul, her eyes widened, her lips parted slightly but trembling slightly.

A delicate face is now pale.

It seems that I can't feel the icy wind and snow, because the heart is colder than the body.

She couldn't help but muttered.

"Father, mother..."

That's right, my memory can't make mistakes.

When she saw the bodies of these two people, she knew that the ones hanging on the top of the wall were her parents.

It was his parents who died in the conspiracy of the Nalan tribe to usurp the throne.

Bai Youwei, who was sent away almost at birth, had never seen the two of them, but she could recognize them at a glance. It was the long-sealed memory in her body.

Fill your mind naturally.

Those wealth and memories that my parents deliberately left for me tell me that this is my parents, this is Mo Lincheng...

This is when the Nalan tribe rushed into Molin City and finally overthrew the long-term rule of the Jialan people.

Killing his parents and hanging them on the top of the city for public display... a day when the Jialan people were almost extinct.

This day was one of the biggest changes in the Northern Desert Demon Territory, and it was also the most humiliating day for his people.

In fact, she had never even met her parents, but Bai Youwei couldn't help but shed fiery tears from her eyes.

Big ones fell on the snow in front of the toes, and the tears fell into the snow layer, and then turned into a hole, sinking down until the tears also turned into crystal snowdrops.

"Father! Mother...!"

She cried out a little sadly.

But only her own voice echoed, and no one responded to her great sadness and complete helplessness at this time.

The wind and snow blew recklessly, as if it wanted to sweep away the flesh, but Bai Youwei didn't feel the slightest biting coldness.

Did no one respond...

Why bring yourself here to see it all for yourself...

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