With tears in her eyes, Bai Youwei seemed to think of some key information, but she couldn't capture it accurately.

She stared blankly at the top of the city until.

"Hehe, the Garan people still have their sins."

Bai Youwei instantly looked to a higher place, where there was a huge and burly figure at the place where the broken banner was flying.

He was wearing a half-mask of a skull, and that half of the mask was shining with golden light, while the other half of his exposed cheek was hideous and frightening, densely covered with scars.

Bai Youwei's eyes widened immediately, and she instantly thought of who the other party was.

It was a face that remained deep in my memory, a face that my parents must let me see.

That is the leader of the Nalan tribe who led his troops to the city, then broke into it and slaughtered all the Jialan tribe...

That is, the new generation of Demon Lord of Beimo Demon Territory.

Nalan Jie.

The moment Bai Youwei saw Nalan Jie, her body trembled almost uncontrollably, her eyes fixed on this man, but she didn't have a sword in her hand, only this pair of fists.

He kept muttering, but his voice was trembling.

"Nalan Jie... Nalan Jie..."

The man stood on a high place and stared at Bai Youwei coldly.

"Hehe, it turned out to be an orphan... What, do you want revenge? If so, why didn't you come forward and take my life?"

The other party's words echoed in Molin City.

Suddenly, there was a shout like a mountain roar and a tsunami.




Bai Youwei didn't see other people around at all, but the voice was louder and louder.

It seems that there are thousands of troops ambushing outside the city, waiting for their own self-throwing.

Bai Youwei clenched her fists, wanting to take a step forward.

However, her body seemed to be controlled by an inexplicable force, making it extremely difficult for her to lift her legs.

Is it because the snow has been buried so deep that he has no way to get out and run towards this man who has hatred for his genocide?

Is it because the wind and snow are too big, covering his vision, making him seem to turn a blind eye to the hatred in front of him, and unable to move forward?

Bai Youwei slowly raised her arm, looking at her palm.

It was covered with sweat, and it was trembling violently under his eyes, almost uncontrollable.

Only then did Bai Youwei understand that it wasn't someone blocking her way, not Fengxue, not this Molin City, nor the Nalan Tribe's Demon Lord above the city.

but their own fears.

I am afraid.

She is afraid of all this.

It seemed that she finally understood at this time that she kept saying that she wanted to avenge her own people and restore the glory of the Jialan people in Beimo.

But when the other party appeared in front of him, and it was very likely to be false, the fear in his heart still seemed to overshadow everything.

She has no confidence in herself.

Even more afraid of his strength.

This overwhelming cry made her understand her frailty and insignificance.

But it was just the man standing at the top of the wall that made him understand how weak he was.

So... how does it feel to face one's enemy?

"Don't even dare to take revenge, why should you appear in front of this deity?"

That's right...it turns out that I didn't dare to do anything, so why did I have to remind myself to bear it all?

What I thought was going back when I was strong... Was it just my excuse and excuse?

Is it all self-deception?

She stared blankly at the man on the top of the wall.

There is a huge unwillingness in my heart, but it seems that my body is against me, or is this my true self?

It turns out... this is my real demon?

He keeps talking about revenge, but he clearly knows the gap in strength and the slim hope.

So I simply didn't even have the courage to try, and I didn't want to fall at such a young age because of the ambition of this clansman.

This is the false self...

Cowardly, cowardly, the self who doesn't even have the courage to face hatred...

The darkness seemed to swallow everything, and the blowing snow became more violent.

The surrounding fire light is getting darker and darker, as if it is going to be completely extinguished with Bai Youwei's mood.

She stared blankly at the man.

Then he saw the dead bodies of his parents.

No one can force you to do anything, not even hate.It all depends on whether you want it, whether you want it or not, definitely not whether you can.

What the boy said suddenly came to mind.

It seems that it was all born for this moment.

In other words, if you don't want to or if you are afraid, just give up, right?

Be honest with yourself.

Acknowledge your own cowardly, futile nature.

Let those bloody feuds...disappear...

Bai Youwei closed her eyes as if accepting her fate.

The air was suddenly silent, and the roar of flying snow covered the sky, just when the world was about to fall into darkness.A face appeared in her mind.That handsome face that always pretends to be old but extremely young.Looking at the sky, he sighed. "People, you need some obsession, to make up for the regrets of the past, the regrets you missed. If you even give up facing them, they will not disappear, they will only pierce your heart like a thousand or ten thousand needles."

The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

Flames hotter than the sun erupted in her eyes.

The fire that seemed to be going out on the top of the city suddenly blazed and even soared into the sky!

She began to take firm steps, step by step towards the top of the city.

In the thick snow layer are her heavy footprints.

At this time, her face was indescribably determined.

"If a person can't even face up to hatred, and doesn't have the courage to face it...how can we talk about the future...how can we talk about life...I want you to die, I want revenge, even if it costs me my life!!"

67 I hope you live well

"Uh huh...!"

A dull sound came from the cave.

When Bai Youwei opened her eyes, her throat couldn't help but feel sweet, and she was about to spit out a mouthful of blood, but she forced herself to hold back subconsciously.

Although the blood did not spit out from her mouth, it still slowly overflowed from the corner of her lips.

A tinge of red appeared on her fair cheeks.

Although there was a lot of blood in this mouthful, the young girl's cheeks were not pale at all, instead her eyes were full of energy as she opened them.

And just when she had no time to joyfully explore the changes in her body.

Voices come from overhead.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister Bai, you finally broke through."

Bai Youwei was stunned for a moment, and seemed to realize at this moment that her posture was so embarrassing that she had unknowingly slept on this boy's lap, and she could see his smiling face as soon as she opened her eyes.

Bai Youwei's face turned slightly rosy, and then she struggled to get up.

He spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground, and then sat cross-legged as if trying to adjust his breath.

Although he didn't answer Wei Tu's words, Wei Tu still took out a prepared white pill and handed it over.

"This is Qi Condensation Pill, which is most suitable for those who have just broken through. It can help you gather your breath and stabilize your realm."

Bai Youwei glanced at Wei Tu hesitantly.

Wei Tu looked at her with a smile.

"Are you worried that I've been poisoned?"

Bai Youwei shook her head, and said hesitantly, "It's just... why are you doing this to me."

Wei Tu was thoughtful.

"Oh, I am too kind to you, right... Really interesting question, do you want me to treat you badly?"

Bai Youwei argued with a red face.

"Of course not...No, I don't care if you treat me well..."

Then he took the Qi Condensation Pill from Wei Tu's hand and swallowed it directly.

Then he turned his head slightly.

"Anyway, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. After all, I'm also a good brother who went through life and death together."

Wei Tu smiled flatly.

Bai Youwei frowned.


"Don't talk yet, let's talk after the realm is stabilized."

Bai Youwei was angry for a while, but she also knew that the most important thing at the moment was to stabilize her realm.

It seems that he has just broken through the Dragon Slaying Realm and has not had time to feel the changes in his body in detail, and there are more measures to be taken.

So Bai Youwei stabilized her mind, and began to carefully adjust her breath regardless of everything outside.

This process seems to be very long, Bai Youwei even felt that when she finished all this, the man beside her should have left long ago.

He appeared as if to let himself face his demons.

As soon as he appeared, the problems that troubled me during this period appeared, and I even faced them more directly.

Let her understand the reason why she has been unable to break through the Dragon Slaying Realm.

Face your own fears and weaknesses and overcome them.

But in this way, you can't retreat when you face it. Although you have been promoted to the Dragon Slaying Realm...but what you have to face becomes more real.

There is no reason, not even more difficulty.

She didn't know whether to be ecstatic or depressed.

Because it seems that some roads have been completely blocked.

The danger in the future needs to be faced alone, right?

Forget it... this is probably destined.

It's just that fate is determined in this way, no one can do anything, right?

Bai Youwei didn't know how long it took, when the breath in her body finally stabilized and began to flow in the meridians in an orderly manner.

This young body seems to be full of infinite vitality and strength.

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