Ran Xinxue just knelt down and stuffed her whole body into the boy's chest, as if forcing her into Wei Tu's arms, pressing her hot body against his lower abdomen. The key point is that some things have not had time Take it back, so that the touch is very obvious and strong.

"What are you doing, you're in a mess..."

Wei Tu looked extremely disgusted and leaned back, but Ran Xinxue had already hugged her waist, smugly pressed against her body, and said very proudly, "What? You still dislike your own things? I don't even dislike them. "

"You don't dislike it? Who is the person who was about to spit out just now?"

"But didn't I swallow it all? Are you still not satisfied? How about doing it again?"

Ran Xinxue is like a god of war at this time, which is probably the highest state of shamelessness, and for some reason, Wei Tu didn't think about it at first.

In the beginning, I just asked this woman to be more honest and stop thinking about making trouble for herself.

But the result of her step-by-step development to today is that not only is this woman not a little bit honest... On the contrary, she even seems to have forgotten what these four words look like.

Countless madness, trying her best to show her enchanting charm.

Of course Wei Tu also knew that if people outside knew about it, they would probably just do their best and laugh hysterically at this woman's shamelessness.

But the terrible thing is that he actually felt that this image was more and more consistent with Ran Xinxue. Simply put, he actually felt that it was so normal for this kind of thing to happen to her... It even matched even more, which made people want to stop.

Does it mean that without knowing it, I just let her develop her nature, but let myself become a strange person by being deeply involved in it?

Wei Tu took a deep breath.

"Be normal."

Ran Xinxue smiled idiotically, her eyes seemed a little erratic, and there seemed to be no affection in her eyes.

Only unbridled insanity mocks a world that makes her, too, ridiculous.

In all fairness, Wei Tu can understand a little, if there is no Ruoyuan, or if she has never appeared in Yuan Jianzong, maybe her life will be completely different.

Perhaps now she is a well-known fairy, a dignified and unattainable existence in the eyes of others.

But she happened to meet everything, and fate chose her.

Not everyone is qualified to resist fate, she just became the majority, and then became an absolutely unique case after the majority.

In this way, she ridiculed the absurdity of the world, including herself, all the existences that forced her fate.

It is indeed a pity, but Wei Tu also knows that his choice can only be this way.

Ran Xinxue smiled and said, "Don't you just want me to be like this... Isn't this the normal me you think of now, shameless, capable of anything, anyway, don't want face, reserve, chastity or something It's just a big dream for me..."

She is laughing.

Wei Tu shook his head.

Ran Xinxue sneered.

"Don't act like you feel sorry for me. Do you want to talk about your difficulties? I might listen to it before, but now I don't want to hear it at all. After all, I have become like this, and you have contributed indelibly. What do I do now? I don't even care about it, it belongs to your slave, what burden do you have?"

Wei Tu didn't speak.

Ran Xinxue stretched out her hands angrily and squeezed his cheeks forcefully.

"You can't do this! Don't look at me in a difficult way! If you want to be ruthless, be ruthless to me to the end, and fulfill your promise at the beginning. I don't want your gentleness halfway, it will only make me feel sick!"

Looking at her angry eyes, Wei Tu said helplessly.

"Whether you believe it or not, at the very beginning, I just wanted to give you another way. I didn't have such a firm will to kill you, but I did have enough hatred not to feel sorry for you. But until now, you let I feel like an executioner too."

Ran Xinxue looked at him.

"Are you confessing?"

Wei Tu smiled.

"Have you ever seen a master confess to a slave?"

"Then what are you talking about!"

"I just want to let you know that I am more possessive than you think, you can treat me like this, do whatever you want, I will punish you in my own way, and you have to bear all the consequences. But I won't kill you, let alone give you to someone in exchange for benefits... And you don't think about using someone's power to deal with me, or to break free, my greatest kindness to you is not to kill you, and then I will enslave you for the rest of my life."

Ran Xinxue took a deep breath, lowered her eyes, she couldn't tell if she was disappointed or lost, but she moved her cheek closer to Wei Tu little by little.

she whispered.

"Bastard...you are a complete bastard...I hate you, I hate you, I want to kill you..."

She said this, as if it was her own creed, as if it was a belief that had been carried out throughout her life.

But when it was close to his cheek, he opened his mouth and bit his lip.

After biting his upper lip and lower lip, biting his lip and nose, biting his nose and cheek, biting his cheek and biting his ear, after biting his ear and biting his eyes, Wei Tu finally stretched out his hand and pressed it as if he was tasting his own. woman.

"Are you a dog? Do you want to chop me up and eat me?"

Ran Xinxue smiled triumphantly, with a bewitching blush on her face, as if in a field of pure white flowers, the most abrupt and disobedient enchanting flowers.

When other flowers are shyly budding, she blooms proudly alone, regardless of anyone else.

It doesn't matter if you say she has no sense of shame, or you say she is dissolute, what does it matter to her?

Life is already like this, do you have fun while suffering?

No, it is to bewitch all living beings.

And what Wei Tu wants to do, it seems, is to turn all her monstrous beings into herself.

Ran Xinxue replied with a smile.

"Wei Tu, you have to remember, you must not die. Once you die, I am not dead. I will cut up your corpse bit by bit, and then eat them all."

This kind of talk will send shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it.

Wei Tu really felt that the other party had reached a new level. Some people would say she was weird, but there would definitely be no one else like her, who was crazy and irrelevant, and also unique.

"Okay... If I die, it's up to you. But that's not what I'm talking about now."

"That's right, since you also think it's a conspiracy, what are you going to do?"

Ran Xinxue asked naturally.

Wei Tu was stunned.

"Isn't this what your suzerain should think about?"

Ran Xinxue shook her head and looked at Wei Tu, as if she had nothing to do with her.

"What's the matter with me?"

"Aren't you the suzerain!"

"I don't have to. Do you want to be it? Here you are."

"...Dyeing new snow, you can't be so shameless as a human being."

"Hey, I'm just shameless. Why do you care so much about you to deal with it? Anyway, I'm too lazy to care about it."


Ran Xinxue got up little by little, then tidied up the messy clothes, and reached out to insert the hairpin into the coiled hair.

Then he looked at Wei Tu with a smile.

"That's right, if you want to run away then, remember to take me with you, or I'll let the whole world know what you did to me." PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, I'm going to have a meal, so try to join me in the afternoon or evening More~~~

73 Don't grow up too fast (monthly ticket plus 18)

Near the new year's winter, it began to snow in the early morning.

Looking out from the Yaowang Pavilion, the entire maple forest with sparse leaves is already covered with snow, and the pond full of water ripples seems to be covered with a layer of ice and snow.

On the window sills and eaves, there seemed to be a burst of cold frost, and the condensed frost and dew seemed to freeze, turning into crystal clear and sharp ice picks.

Open the window and the cold air will blow in, and the goose feathers will gradually cover the window sill with heavy snow.

The boy stood by the window, watching the heavy snow fall with calm eyes.

There was a little fox squatting next to him, his expression seemed to be very melancholy, but in this heavy snowfall, this fiery red little fox was a bright color alone.

"Another year of snow..."


Wei Tu didn't speak, the little fox turned to look at Wei Tu.

"Why do not you speak?"

Wei Tu looked down at the little fox.

"I'm still waiting for the next sentence."

"Where is the next sentence?"

"I thought there were... I thought you were going to recite a poem."

"How sad it would be if the weather were wet."

"...It's not this wet."


The little fox licked his little paw, then wagged his fluffy, fiery tail.

Then she said.

"The weather is so good today...you should be able to make a delicious meal, right?"

Wei Tu looked down at the little fox.

"Is it a holiday today?"

"I don't think so, but we think it's quite commemorative."

Wei Tu thought for a while, "It's okay to make delicious food, you have to grant me a wish."

The little fox was stunned, and then looked at Wei Tu, "First of all, let's say yes... we are a fox, you must do something strange, I..."

"What are you thinking? It's not a strange thing."

Hearing what Wei Tu said, the little fox immediately became excited, wagging his tail.

"Okay, okay, then how do you want us to fulfill your wish?"

Wei Tu squatted down halfway, then took the little fox by the back of the neck, and when the little fox didn't know what to do, threw the little fox into the white snow!

"Wei Xiaoer two two two two... um!"

Seeing the fireball-like little fox fall into Bai Xue, and then disappeared in an instant.

Wei Tu smiled happily.


The little fox stuck his head out in a jerk, still staring at Bai Xue. In the snow layer, the little fox looked like a chubby snowball.

She glared at Wei Tu.

"How dare you disrespect us!"

Wei Tu laughed out of joy, then looked at the little fox.

"Throw it three times and add a pig's trotter?"

The little fox was stunned for a moment, then jumped out of the snow with his whole body, and forced himself to roll a few times in the snow.

Then he ran in front of Wei Tu and looked at the boy with his hips akimbo.

"We don't want to be told that we are taking advantage! Throw it five times!"

Throwing the little fox is just that interesting. After throwing Wei Tu a few times, she loses interest. The little fox is still reluctant to let go. She always feels that a few pig's trotters are not enough for her to feed a fox... The key is to have more later. It's uncomfortable, but Wei Tu did lose interest.

The little fox mourned like a resentful woman who had been abandoned from beginning to end.

Wei Tu came to Mu Xitong's room, who was still resting. Today, Mu Xitong slept normally, lying on his side, covered tightly with the quilt, probably because the weather is not really warm, so he covered him with a thick blanket. The quilt can feel the comfortable warmth.

The warmth makes people nostalgic, and her sleeping breathing is very calm, just like the sound of falling snow.

Wei Tu closed the door and sat on the edge of the woman's bed.

"Sister Xitong."

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