Mu Xitong's eyelashes trembled slightly, but there was no response.

Wei Tu leaned down slightly, then whispered into her ear.

"Is it cold in sleep, do you want my brother to warm up my sister?"

Only at this time did Mu Xitong slowly open his eyes, then looked at Wei Tu, stretched out his smooth arm, and poked the boy's forehead hard.

" always make people feel uneasy, why are you so clingy?"

Wei Tu smiled, lying almost halfway on the bed, smiling at Mu Xitong's face that had just woken up but had a lazy and tender temperament.

"Sister Xitong wronged someone."

"Oh? Why did my sister wrong you?"

Mu Xitong looked at Wei Tu with a smile.

Wei Tu also smiled and said, "I just want sister Xitong to get up and watch the snow together."

Mu Xitong raised her head slightly, glanced at the position of the window, and found that the outside was already snow white, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's snowing..."

"Well, it's finally snowing."

"Okay, you go out, I'll get up."

Mu Xitong said so.

Wei Tu looked at the soft and charming woman suspiciously.

"I'm afraid your eyes will close again when I go out."

Mu Xitong looked at Wei Tu with a smile, "Are you worried that you won't see me changing clothes?"

Wei Tu had an innocent smile on his face.

"How could it be, who does Sister Xitong think of me? Haven't you gained your trust after getting along for so long? Is this the barrier between people and people? It's so sad."

Mu Xitong looked at Wei Tu with a smile, turned over, and dragged his cheek with his palm.

"How help my sister get dressed? I just don't want to wear it. Women's dresses are so troublesome, there are countless buttons."

Wei Tu thought for a while, but still felt that this was a trap. After all, if this woman gave out a welfare, he would have to work in front of that broken medicine stove for a long time, or even a night. Who could stand it, he would soon become a laborer .

A man driven by lust will have a miserable end, Wei Tu understands this truth.

"I'd better go out and wait for you."

"A coward."

"I'm called...a gentleman."

"It's sanctimonious, with a lustful heart but no lustful guts."

Wei Tu happened to be cooking, and when the meal was almost done, Mu Xitong slowly walked out of the room, still dressed casually, and his hair was even looser.

The little fox ran over quickly, and she would never miss a good time to eat.

And Mu Xitong was about to touch this little fox, but felt that the other person was wet.


"Why are you so wet?"

The little fox thought about it.

"Oh, we played a game with Wei Xiaoer just now! It was fun!"

"Wei Tu, what game did you make her so wet?"

Wei Tu thought this sentence was weird, but he still explained it.

Mu Xitong looked at one person and one fox angrily.

"You two are still children? Play with snow when it snows, and play with thunder when it's thundering?"

The little fox looked at Mu Xitong curiously.

"Master, is Lei fun?"

Wei Tu thought about the scene of the little fox being struck by lightning.

"It should be very fragrant."

After eating, Mu Xitong sat quietly by the stove and watched Wei Tu and the little fox playing in the snow calmly, and then watched the boy and the little fox build a big snowman at the entrance of the Yaowang Pavilion.

She smiled a little.

There have been many snowy days in the past, but it seems that it has never been so lively.

If it wasn't because of loneliness, why would I adopt this little fox? As for why I didn't recruit a disciple.

Probably because she felt that people's hearts were unpredictable and she was too lazy to deal with it. It would be better to be such a clumsy little fox.

When the little fox ran in with the snow on his head, he looked at Mu Xitong to ask for credit.

"Master, master! Come and build a snowman together!"

But Mu Xitong stretched out his hand to wipe off the white snow on the little fox's head, and said with a smile.

"Don't grow up too fast, or I'll be sad." PS: There are a lot of things going on today, and I'm going to go out for a drink later, but let's write a chapter. Although the number of words is less, it's enough to get the meaning ~ Then ask for a monthly ticket, my dears~~~

74 I would like to overdraw every life after life


On the towering and steep mountain, there is a lonely Taoist temple.

On the high-hanging vermilion plaque, the vigorous and powerful three characters [Fulong Guan] are engraved.

At the entrance of Fulong Temple, a middle-aged man was not wearing a Taoist uniform, but a very conspicuous scarlet robe, with one hand behind his back.

His face has a serious feeling. Yao Xiang was indeed a famous handsome buddy when he was young, but no one knows why this man chose to enter the Taoist sect at a very young age, isolating the world, so that for a group of young people The woman turned a blind eye and concentrated on practicing.

Obviously, this choice also had obvious effects. Before he was 40 years old, he had become the second youngest Wangshenjing in Nanjianzhou.

He is also an absolute powerhouse, even in the entire Xianzhou, he has enough right to speak.

But now, looking at the tops of the mountains that seemed to be turning into snow mountains, he frowned, feeling a little worried, or he had more worries in his heart.

He seemed to be waiting for something.

Until a man who looked younger than himself slowly walked up the hill and stood under the steps.

He lowered his proud head to the well-deserved ruler of Fulong Temple.

"Monastery Master, what is the purpose of summoning disciples today?"

The young man standing under the stage, looking as calm as water, with a kind of immovable temperament, is the famous Helian Wild Fox on the Dragon Slaying List, and also the youngest elder in Fulong Temple.

His talent is obvious to all. In the three-year Dragon Slaying Conference, he won the third place, shocking the entire Xianzhou.

At that time, many people thought that it was difficult for the unknown Nanjianzhou to produce any outstanding talents. The sunrise in the east was in the Central Plains, and Guangshenzhou in the central part seemed to most people the place that could produce talents. in this way.

But this time, he did not expect that in the top five of the dragon slaying list, there were two more places belonging to the South Sword State, and the Yinping State in the east was opened to a position beyond the five. Yinpingzhou's face was dull for a long time.

Yao Xiang looked at this young man who was trained by himself, and indeed made his face brighter, and made Fulongguan famous.

"Clean up...something to do."

Helian Yehu thought for a moment, then frowned, "Is it... something about Yuan Jianzong?"

Yao Xiang nodded, looked at the sky and let out a long sigh of relief, as if he, who was used to seeing the wind and waves, felt unimaginable turmoil and tension at this moment.

"The right time has come, you and I will bring a few more disciples to Yuan Jianzong."

Helian Yehu was stunned, "Guardian, you want to go in person? A Yuan Jianzong is not enough, there is only Lu Qingyan, and the disciple can deal with it."

Yao Xiang shook his head, "Some things are more involved than you think, and there can be no mistakes. I am going this time, and I must succeed. If there are some unexpected changes, I am afraid that you will not be able to deal with them."

Helian Yehu smiled relaxedly, "Is there anything I can't handle, a sect where a woman is in charge... the suzerain is also a woman, what kind of disturbance can it cause? Those disciples have long been talking about going to Yuanjianzong to choose a wife , although the women there are not very capable, but they are good-looking... Hehe, I guess that's the role."

Yao Xiang smiled indifferently, "If this matter is settled, don't those women still choose as you please? When did this deity treat you badly?"

"Hahahaha... That's true. Since the temple master is going too, this matter must be settled. Now the disciples are going to recruit people. Please don't worry, the temple master!"

Helian Yehu left.

The smile on Yao Xiang's face suddenly disappeared, like a sudden overcast cloud, it was an unreasonable eclipse.

No one knows what Yao Xiang is thinking at this moment, nor why Yao Xiang has such an expression on the face of an enemy.

Only he turned around slowly, bowing his head and talking to himself.

"It seems that an accident has occurred..."


"Senior brother, why did you bring me here? After such a heavy snowfall, the Ziying grass will not bloom, right?"

Although there was no sunshine, there was only heavy snow in the afternoon, Wei Tu brought Su Mi to the familiar hillside.

Here they once watched the grass grow and the warbler fly together, how the purple grass bloomed on the entire hillside, turning the earth into a crystal purple.

They have seen the stars in the night sky covering the Milky Way, how they radiate brilliance in that stream-like Milky Way, like every colorful stone.

They lay down, talked about their worries, their love, their lovesickness, and imagined all kinds of future.

Only when Wei Tu feels that he is here can he face up to his identity as a teenager.

Forever young and forever innocent.

He held her soft and tender palm and looked at the snow on the hillside, dense and pure white.

"Of course there will be no flowers blooming at this time, but I want to see the snow."

Su Mi smiled and said, "But you can watch it anywhere, why do you have to come here?"

Wei Tu thought for a while, "Anyway, you don't marry whoever you marry, so why do you have to marry..."

"Are you talking again?"

Su Mi put her finger on Wei Tu's ear, and Wei Tu immediately stopped talking.

"I was just kidding."

"Brother's every joke is so appropriate that people don't want to laugh but just get angry."

Su Mi said angrily.

Wei Tu smiled gently, then took Su Mi's hand and walked into the heavy snow.

In just one night and one morning, the ground is covered with a layer of snow that will reflect the footprints of the two, and the two stop and go.

Then Wei Tu turned around, looked behind him and said with a smile.

"You see, this is the road we've traveled."

Su Mi turned her head and glanced at the deep footsteps.

Then laugh.

"Your feet are so big."

Wei Tu nodded as a matter of course.

"Men, naturally there must be big ones everywhere."

"Bastard, you're talking nonsense again..."

Su Mi obviously understood Wei Tu's implication. Originally, the girl was a pure and flawless girl, but it was precisely because of her purity and flawlessness that the boy couldn't wait to dye her into various colors he liked.

There are some things that I didn't understand at first, but after being constantly influenced by my ears and eyes, and even personally trained, the understanding gradually became understood, and some things were even mastered.

There is snow like goose feathers floating in the sky.

Su Mi would stretch out her hand, watching the crystal snowflakes fall in her palm, and then slowly melt into water droplets.

She exhaled white mist.

"Wei Tu, I'm very angry that you didn't watch the snow with me last year."

The girl suddenly said so.

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