Wei Tu froze for a moment, thinking about it.

"Last year...why did I come here?"

He really couldn't remember, it should be said that he didn't think so accurately, there were many things, but he couldn't remember the exact year before his rebirth.

Su Mi was angry and funny.

"You are such an idiot... That year I mentioned to you that I wanted to watch fireworks, but there was no such thing in the sect, you just ran to the human world to buy fireworks on your own initiative, and then, on the way, I ran into The evil cultivator killed people, and you blocked it and forgot your own strength, if Uncle Lu hadn't arrived in time, your grave would be several feet high now."

Wei Tu thought about it, and it seemed that such a thing really happened.

It's not clear what that young man was thinking at the time, Wei Tu couldn't even remember what kind of impulse he was harboring at that time.

It's just that the shadow of that boy seems to be gradually fading away in my heart.

Should it be a pity, it seems that there is no need to be so pity, if it is only a teenager, it is beautiful, sincere, and a child's heart.

But in the end, there is no one to protect.

Being a kind person, an innocent person turns out to be the most difficult thing in this world.

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi innocently.

"I've done this for you, are you still willing to be angry with me?"

Su Mi gently reached out and hammered Wei Tu's chest.

"Of course! If you really couldn't come back at that time, I would be angry with you for the rest of my life. Who asked you not to risk your own life? You saved others and put yourself in it, thinking that I would forgive you? Think Don't even think about it."

Wei Tu smiled and grabbed Su Mi's palm, pulling it into her arms.

Snowflakes would be on the girl's head, between her black hair.

He put his chin on Su Mi's head and said softly, "Don't worry, this will never happen again."

Su Mi obediently put her hands around the boy's waist.

Listening to the heartbeat from his chest, it was so clear and vigorous.

"I know that senior brother is a fool...you comfort me at this time because you think you are strong now, and there is nothing you can't solve, but the master often tells me that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. When you think you are invincible It's the most dangerous time, so don't take it lightly, you know?"

Wei Tu nodded.

"I don't want to be invincible. All I have to do is to stay by your side, and I won't leave no matter what."

Su Mi's cheeks were a little rosy, she raised her head, and couldn't help laughing again.

"You'd better do what you say. Although you like to lie so much...but this time I still want to believe you."

Wei Tu lowered his head and poked the girl's nose with the tip of his nose.

"I'm so sorry for always worrying you so much."

Su Mi was not as complacent as usual at this time, and then made progress.

But it seemed a little aggrieved to say.

"It's useless to worry, brother...I just seem...the more I like you, the more afraid I am of losing you."

The girl's panic didn't have a long history, but when the boy solved the difficulties time and time again and performed miracles time and time again, she knew that he would definitely soar into the sky.

It's just that while such things bring glory, they are also accompanied by countless dangers. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility is the biggest moral kidnapping in the world.

Su Mi didn't want Wei Tu to fall into such a predicament, worried that he would encounter more intense dangers every time, and even more afraid that those stories would end with the heroic sacrifice at the end. It looked beautiful, but she felt that it was not at all. Well, it's pretty bad.

Wei Tu knew this woman's worry, and also knew that changing some things would bring new troubles.

This seems to be a steady balance, but he also understands that if this is the case, he can only go on, if he stops, it will only be another way of repeating the same mistakes.

Wei Tu lowered his head, gently kissed the corner of the girl's beautiful lips, and whispered softly.

"I spent all my luck just to meet you. But to be with you and guard you, I am willing to overdraw for the next lifetime."

75 Bai Youwei, you are the real dish!

While loosening the red lips, hot air spewed out from between the lips and tongues of the two of them, as if they had turned into clouds and mist.

The faces that obscured both sides disappeared quickly.

Wei Tu smiled and looked at the mist in the girl's eyes, and also saw that the top of her head was covered with patches of snow because of the heavy snow.

He reached out to wipe the snowflakes off her head, and then said with a smile, "Junior Sister has gray hair."

Unconvinced, Su Mi stood on tiptoe and tried her best to sweep the white snow on top of Wei Tu's head. If she couldn't touch Wei Tu, she leaned down and let her clean it carefully.

Only then did the girl say with satisfaction, "Senior brother is the same."

Wei Tu had a sudden thought, "Then, do we count as growing old together?"

"That's too simple, senior brother, you have a good idea, and I will take care of you for a long, long time. Do you suddenly feel that the road ahead is hopeless?"

Su Mi said with a smile.

Wei Tu grabbed the girl's hand, and the two walked back from the hillside.

He just shook his head with a look on his face called contented.

"Stupid, you don't even know how happy and content I am now."

Wei Tu led Su Mi back to Xuejian Peak, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness.

The boy smiled and watched Su Mi take out the prepared things to feed the cats. Under the careful care of the girl, the cats were fat and docile. Lying lazily in a warm place, I am too lazy to chase, let alone do sports.

Su Mi clapped her hands after finishing these things, and looked at Wei Tu proudly.

"They are so fat by me~"

Wei Tu sighed.

"I will also have a big belly when I get married in the future."

Su Mi blushed but couldn't help laughing, "It's better if you become a big belly, and then you become an ugly monster. It's better to see how those women start to be infatuated with you and then despise you later."

"How can junior sister be so despicable?"

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi pretending to be surprised.

The girl took the initiative to hold Wei Tu's generous palm, "This way I don't have to be angry all the time."

"Then it won't be long before you despise me."

"At most, I will treat you as the fattest fat cat~"

"Hahaha, then I'll fatten up my junior sister first."

Wei Tu cooked a meal for Su Mi.

Then she packed everything up and watched Su Mi lay on the bed ready to take a nap.

It seems that there should be such warmth and peace in the quiet and lingering afternoon.

Life is rare to be peaceful, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people yearning for Qing Huan so much.

Wei Tu covered Su Mi with a quilt and sat beside her bed like this.

The girl is very comfortable, with a heater like Wei Tu beside her. Although the weather is cold, the room is warm.

"Brother, are you still going back?"

Su Mi looked a little lazy and asked.

Wei Tu looked down at her with a smile, and reached out to gently caress that flimsy face.

"I'll leave when you fall asleep."

The words were very simple, but very warm, and Su Mi felt that she couldn't be more satisfied in her heart.

Looking at his face, Su Mi remembered something, then blushed and said softly.

"Brother...I'm a little cold."

Wei Tu looked at the quilt on her body.

"Is it cold if it's so thick?"

Su Mi nodded, looking a little stubborn, Wei Tu had already thought of something at this time, and then laughed.

"Since my good junior sister is cold, how can senior brother sit idly by..."

So Wei Tu gently reached out and groped into the quilt.

"Where is it cold, junior sister?"

The palm of his hand lightly touched her chin, and then slid down to her slender and delicate neck. The touch was dense and silky, making it hard to put it down.

It's just that Wei Tu's palm continued to slide down greedily.

Su Mi's eyes were covered with mist, and her cheeks were red, as if she didn't know where she was.

Feeling the boy's palm touching his chest, the thin clothes couldn't stop him at all, and the graininess from the roughness of his palm made his body tremble even more, as if even goosebumps were welling up.

"Brother idiot...it's just cold there."

Wei Tu smiled and lowered his head to kiss her lips lightly, the movement of his palm was very gentle, not rough at all.

But I have already heard the girl's tactful crooning, which is wonderful.

The snow outside seems to be falling one after another, but the heat in the room is constantly rising.

The quilt still looks tight, but the inside of the quilt seems to be in a mess long ago. The girl's body is like a treasure to be explored. Only by rubbing it inch by inch can I fully feel the clear value.

Wei Tu's breath became heavy.

Seeing Wei Tu's reddish face, the confused Su Mi couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother...is it hard?"

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi angrily, "As long as you practice hard, I won't have to suffer for so long..."

Su Mi pouted, "You're not satisfied with looking for other girls deliberately... I heard that Senior Sister Bai has broken the barrier."

Wei Tu's heart skipped a beat, and then he looked at Su Mi immediately and clenched his hands tightly.

The girl turned her beautiful eyes, and instantly bit her thin lips.

"Nonsense, no matter what other women are... I will definitely wait for you."

At this time, Su Mi had a kind of youthful charm, the girl's face was so pure and flawless, but because of the contact between the two, it was a little enchanting.

A pure and seductive contrast appeared on her rosy cheeks at the same time, and her beautiful eyes were slightly raised.

"I'll just mention Senior Sister Bai...Look at you, why are you so excited?"

Wei Tu immediately retorted.

"Didn't you get hooked by you little girl?"

So Su Mi got up a little bit, lay on Wei Tu's lap, and stretched out her hand towards the hem of the boy's clothes.

"Then... Brother, do you want my sister to make up for it?"

Wei Tu looked at Su Mi with a smirk.

"How do you want to compensate? As I said before, if the compensation is not good, the brother will return the goods."

Su Mi spat lightly.

"I want to return the goods after I compensated you? There is no way, brother scoundrel... I will take you down..."

Naturally, it cannot be grasped.

Su Mi would not do such a thing that ruined her future happiness, but it still made Wei Tu happy.

Afterwards, Su Mi took Wei Tu's hand and said softly with a tired look that she was about to fall asleep, "Brother... Anyway, Senior Sister Jiang Jiang is about to slay the dragon... If you really can't help it..."

Wei Tu took her palm and shook her head gently.

"Go to sleep, do you think senior brother just thinks about things all day long?"

Su Mi nodded, and then leaned out a little.

"Although...but it's tough when it's over..."


Leaving Su Mi's warm room, the wind outside was blowing again, but it didn't feel so cold anymore.

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