The heavy snow is also very good. When the heavy snow between the sky and the ground melts, it seems to be a brand new world, which is cleaner than the rain.

Everything recovers, and the New Year is approaching.

Wei Tu took a few steps and was about to leave Xuejian Peak. There seemed to be no one passing by on the mountain now, and Wei Tu saved a lot of greetings that made Wei Tu feel awkward, after all, he came out of Su Mi's room.

Inevitably, they have to speculate about their romantic affairs behind their backs. These people can probably make up dozens of versions about themselves and Su Mi in the room.

But within a few steps, a figure facing him entered his field of vision.

Wei Tu raised his head, and saw the girl with a cold face looking at him.

Looking around, he said calmly.

"Sister Bai."

Bai Youwei looked at him and nodded.


It seems that this kind of meeting and greeting, and then passing by is the only thing the two can do now.

Although there were not many people, but in broad daylight, if someone still saw the cordial conversation between the two, it would more or less cause some criticism.

Wei Tu didn't care about criticism, and his reputation...was gone anyway.

The intimacy between myself and Su Mi and Jiang Ying has been seen by many people more than once, and I spend all day in the Yaowang Pavilion, everyone knows that there is Mu Xitong in the Yaowang Pavilion... So basically Wei Tu Don't worry about your reputation.

As long as this thing is gone, you don't care what other people think, it's purely bad.

But Bai Youwei obviously cares about these things, she has more worries, and doesn't want to ruin her relationship with Su Mi because of Wei Tu.

She doesn't like others speculating about her privacy behind her back, Wei Tu thinks so.

So he nodded with a smile, opened his legs and prepared to leave.

Just treat it as a normal meeting.

But just when his figure was about to miss this cold girl, he heard a clear voice from beside him.

"Wei Tu."


The boy turned his head in confusion, and looked at Bai Youwei suspiciously.

Bai Youwei also seemed to feel that her involuntary opening was a bit hasty, and she couldn't help but shift her gaze a little, as if avoiding the young man's questioning gaze, she just spoke in a dull manner.

"Did you go to see Su Mi just now?"

I don't know what this sentence means, so what if I get the answer?Isn't this normal, isn't this just nonsense... Or is it that he just doesn't want this boy to leave his eyes so quickly.

After all, I am not Su Mi, nor Jiang Ying, so it is not easy to meet Wei Tu once.

But what's so strange about this thing...!

She became annoyed again, her mood went back and forth, and the snow fell one after another.

Wei Tu nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, she's taking a nap now, and I'm going to go back."

"Whoa whoa……"

Bai Youwei nodded, looking a little at a loss.

Wei Tu thought for a while and asked politely.

"Senior Sister Bai just came back?"

"Well... the sect just passed on my identity as a true disciple, so I went through the process."

Bai Youwei didn't know why, so she said these words without hindrance.

She didn't notice it herself, but Wei Tu noticed it.

Wei Tu turned around with a smile, and cupped her hands at Bai Youwei.

"That's really congratulations, Senior Sister Bai is indeed the best disciple of this generation."

At this time, Bai Youwei seemed to have discovered a little bit, and it turned out that what she wanted was to be able to share the joy of this achievement.

I want to share it with him... maybe I just want to get such a seemingly insignificant compliment.

Bai Youwei raised her head deliberately, and said in a dissatisfied manner.

"This is complete irony. Who doesn't know that you are the best disciple, but you have not passed on your true disciple...your strength..."

Wei Tu shook his head and interrupted.

"Strength does not mean everything. Strong strength does not necessarily mean more contributions. The sect must think that Senior Sister Bai is more in line with the status of a true disciple of Yuan Jianzong, so they can promote Senior Sister Bai in such a short period of time. Not this time. My sarcasm is to sincerely congratulate Senior Sister Bai."

The unexpected sincerity caught Bai Youwei by surprise.

She murmured for a moment, appearing extremely passive.

"Then...then thank you."

Wei Tu chuckled.

"Senior Sister Bai will still thank you?"

Bai Youwei raised her head, "What do you mean? Am I being so unreasonable?"

Wei Tu hurriedly shook his head.

"No, no, Senior Sister Bai is right. Alright, I wish Senior Sister Bai more and more success in the future. Junior brother will leave first, and I will congratulate another day."

"Okay, hurry up, it's disgusting to see you."

"Okay okay."

Wei Tu didn't retort, and left Xuejian Peak facing the heavy snow.

Bai Youwei was left standing there, and after standing for a while, she still couldn't help but turn her head to secretly look at the direction the boy left.

She was relieved after confirming that the other party had indeed disappeared without a trace, but sighed.

"It's really disappointing... What do you want his praise for, you are still happy... Oh... Bai Youwei, you are a real dish!" PS: Let's eat something light in the first two chapters. I was a little confused after drinking too much yesterday, but it's appropriate It's still comfortable to drink once, and I confide a lot of words to my friends, and I sum up a truth: this is probably life.Then ask for a monthly pass! !monthly pass! !monthly pass! !

76 Winter is approaching (monthly ticket plus 19!)

"I heard that there is a big announcement today."

"I don't know what's the big deal, I just want to go back's so cold."

"Do you feel cold at such a low temperature? Junior brother, I'm not talking about you, your body should be mended."

Another bright day.

A large number of disciples gathered around the front of Baoguang Hall.

It seemed like there was something to be announced.

Soon after, several elders gathered together, as if they were about to announce something important.

Ran Xinxue also appeared in the eyes of everyone, and the woman in the white dress was still so high and inviolable.

She asked Yuan Wei to read a message that didn't seem to be very important, but could be big or small.

"Yao Xiang, the master of Fulong Temple, and several disciples will come to Yuanjianzong as guests in the near future, so please pay attention to your words and deeds, try not to cause conflicts, and don't need to be too humble and flattering. Since you want to show the master's Let's be more generous, and we must maintain the harmony of the sects of the Southern Sword State."

In addition to this matter, I also talked about some remaining trivial matters, and then disbanded the whole group, and each left the Daping of Baoguang Hall.

For many disciples, this is an insignificant matter. No matter how powerful the people in Fulong Temple are, they are not here for them. What does it have to do with them?Is it possible that one person can attain the Tao and ascend to heaven?

It's just that this person and chickens and dogs are not in the same circle, what's so good about ascending to heaven?

So most people just know about it, and don't expect too much about it, it's none of their business anyway.

The crowd left scatteredly.

But there was a faint whisper of conversation in it.

"Hey... Even the master of Fulong Temple has to come over. What's the situation? I heard that the master of Fulong Temple doesn't leave easily... It's just because of such a big battle for an ordinary visit. What's the matter?"

"Hey, I have first-hand information... It is said that Yao Xiang, the master of Fulong Temple this time, is specially here to marry our suzerain!"

"Ah? Is... you want to become a Taoist companion?"

"more or less……"

"Then what about our Yuan Jianzong?"

"What does it have to do with Yuan Jianzong? Isn't this equivalent to a marriage in the world? The two sects will repair their relationship and help each other... When the time comes, the suzerain will abdicate and give way to the new suzerain..."

"Although it seems normal to say this, after all, our suzerain is indeed very beautiful and charming, and Yao Xiang can be regarded as strong... But it always feels weird."

"Who made our sect have more beautiful women?"

"Hey, you can't say that... Do you dare to say such a thing to Elder Lu?"

"Uh, let's forget about this..."

People's lives are like wind and sand, and everything is clean in a blink of an eye.

"Hmm... that's strange, why is Fulong Temple suddenly coming, Senior Sister Jiang Jiang, do you know why?"

The three of them walked the same path, and when they were walking together, Su Mi asked strangely.

Jiang Ying, who had always looked calm and cold, only looked at the road ahead and Wei Tu in the middle.

Just right along the way.

"I don't know, maybe Master knows."

Jiang Ying said so, but looked at the young man next to her.

Wei Tu was stunned for a moment, and then Su Mi also looked over.

"do you know?"

"What? How do I know, I'm not even a true disciple now, and I haven't reached the point where my hands and eyes can reach the sky."

"You say that every time, but every time I feel like you know something in advance."

"This is because you are suspicious by nature. It has nothing to do with me. I don't know anything."

Wei Tu had a playful smile on his face, and Su Mi didn't bother to argue with the young man.

In her mind, this matter is probably not worth paying attention to, and it won't stir up too much splash, and it doesn't seem to make much difference if she knows it or not.

The three parted at the gate of Xiaoyuan Peak, and Wei Tu and Jiang Ying walked up the suspension bridge together.

Jiang Ying thought for a while and said, "Junior Brother, you still know something about this, right?"

Wei Tu nodded, not surprised by the girl's intuition, anyway, every time there was no reason, Wei Tu simply didn't ask the reason.

"You will know later, it may be more difficult than you think."


Jiang Ying nodded obediently, she was like an honest and well-behaved baby, she would never ask about things.

Until Wei Tu brought Jiang Ying to Lu Qingyan's room.

The two sat quietly for a while, and Lu Qingyan came back from outside quickly.

When she saw the two of them, she was stunned for a moment, and then immediately closed the door. She didn't care too much, but sat directly opposite the two of them, and spoke directly to Wei Tu.

"You also know the matter?"

Wei Tu nodded, and then calmly asked, "Has the land subsidence matter reached the point where it is not optimistic?"

Lu Qingyan's expression was calm, with indescribable tension.

"That's right, with the heavy snowfall, it's becoming more and more unsettled, with more and more holes in the ground, and the breath of the dead zone has begun to become stronger. I don't know what Ranxinxue wants to do now, but look at her I probably wanted Fulong Temple to help, I don't know what price I paid, hunch is that the crisis is approaching, you must be prepared."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became chilly.

All of this went well with Wei Tu's thoughts, and some things were finally put on the agenda, which meant that it had reached the point where it was unavoidable.

According to the trend of this land subsidence, whether it is the means of the Wu Clan or others, or just a simple accident, something in the dead zone is already on the verge of recovery, and it will break at a certain point in time that people cannot guard against. come out.

Jiang Ying raised her rare question at this time.

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