"She doesn't know yet."

"Why didn't you tell her first? She's the most important thing to you, right?"

This is a fact that has to be admitted.

Wei Tu also nodded, but he was a little helpless.

"It's precisely because of this...so she would never leave before seeing me. So I need Senior Sister Bai to do a special favor here, and that's why I came here to find you. This time It's a real request, not a transaction."

78 Blessed are you!


Practice swords on the ground.

The boy was watching those seemingly carefree boys and girls sweating and practicing their sword style.

He was a little dazed, because he seemed to be able to see how the former self tempered himself foolishly with every move.

At that time, my realm was stagnant, and the friends who practiced sword with me changed from batch to batch.

It's just that I was still the same as usual at that time, and I was still in the fusion state, but I was just a silly boy struggling in the dominance state.

Everyone seems to see themselves in the same way. Maybe some people feel sorry for their own efforts, but the most distressing thing is that no matter how hard you work, you pay several times more sweat than others, but even get one-tenth of the results of others. less than.

At that time, I may have been like that young man. I had been frustrated, disappointed, thought of giving up, and even seemed to regret going up the mountain to take my own humiliation.

Each of them seems to be a leader with outstanding talents, and each of them is developing vigorously.

Only myself, like an old scalper who only knows how to cultivate land, is diligent and diligent, but has no harvest.

I also thought about whether I had gone the wrong way, whether my master Lu Qingyan brought me up the mountain just because he felt sorry for my life experience.

In fact, no one has any expectations of themselves, and they are not worthy of any expectations.

The heart of a young man is always easy to float, always sensitive, and seems to be going forward bravely, as if he never knows how to look back.

But not many people seem to know that this kind of bravery is actually tempered only after the heart is riddled with holes.

Only when you despise yourself, hate yourself, and question yourself, after thousands of times, you can see him in ruins.

Recently, Wei Tu has become more and more fond of coming here to watch others practice swords, not from a superior position to laugh at the efforts and humbleness of these young people.

It's just that watching them practice swords will not forget how the real Wei Tu walked step by step.

He has never reached the sky in one step, and has even suffered more bitterness and heartbreak than others.

And at this moment of despondency, a familiar girl sat down beside her. She was a senior sister who was usually unsmiling, only obedient to herself, and would use all her tenderness to tolerate her.

Jiang Ying turned to look at Wei Tu.

"Master asked me to tell you that the opinions of the elders have been unified, and the plan will be implemented tomorrow."

Wei Tu nodded in satisfaction.

"Fortunately, they are not too dim."

Jiang Ying hesitated for a moment, looked at the young man beside her, and asked cautiously.

"Is it because Junior Brother hasn't told Junior Sister Su Su about this?"

Wei Tu nodded, "Well, I think it's better not to tell her first."

"Because Junior Brother knows that if Junior Sister Su Su knows that you are going to be involved, she will definitely not allow it, right?"

Looking at Jiang Ying's worried eyes, Wei Tu smiled, but shook his head and said, "That's not what I'm worried about, she will allow me to do some things that I should do. But she will definitely not leave, she will say whatever she wants Stay with me, that's the only thing I can be sure of."

Jiang Ying lowered her head slightly, then grabbed Wei Tu's palm reluctantly.

"I want to stay too, I can help you."

When she said this, the small, even weak voice in front of her seemed to be full of a lot of power.

Wei Tu was always easily moved by this woman.

But he also knows that there are some things that cannot be allowed to take over thinking.

"This matter is not good. You have a lot to do, but don't be by my side, because I don't know what I will face."

Jiang Ying grasped Wei Tu's palm tightly, but still didn't look up, she lowered her head as if looking at the toes of the two of them.

"But I'm also worried, what if you are in danger?"

Wei Tu smiled and said, "Senior sister, think about it, if you are not by my side, if there is a danger that I cannot resist, at least I can find a way to escape, but if any of you are by my side, I have no way to get out and face it." wrong?"

Jiang Ying was a little distressed.

She felt that what Wei Tu said was very reasonable, but the worry in her heart told her that she couldn't just leave like that.

Looking at Jiang Ying's expression, there seemed to be a rare struggle.

Wei Tu stretched out his arms and hugged the girl's weak shoulders, and said softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I still have a lot of things to do with my senior sister. Senior sister not only has to take care of my children and Su Mi's, but also our own children, right? I look forward to this every day." One day came early."

Jiang Ying's eyes were red.

Wei Tu is like a child who has made a mistake.

"Sister, don't cry..."

Then he hugged Jiang Ying into his arms, under the cloudy sky, it seemed that there was still a heart-warming tenderness.

Jiang Ying reached out and hugged the boy's shoulders. She didn't cry, but the tears couldn't help but filled the air.

She didn't know why she was crying, as if she hadn't even seen the danger yet, but because of her actions these days, she couldn't help but become vulnerable.

"I'm just... I'm sorry... I know it's not good to ask like this, it will affect what you have to do... But I can't help but want to ask you, I want to ask you... Can we go together, don't stay..."

The girl's words were like a needle piercing her heart easily.

Wei Tu knew why she said such rare words.

Why does this girl who has always been obedient to herself and never asks more questions suddenly seem so obsessed.

Because even I can feel that this time things are not as simple as before, which can give me enough sense of security.

What happened this time probably happened in Yuan Jianzong, and it might be a catastrophe as predicted by Yinlong Tianjun.That's why she was really afraid, because of her attachment to herself, she was really worried about her safety.

Only this time... Wei Tu suddenly laughed.

"It seems that I am the one who makes you so difficult every time. I am too self-willed. Every time, I make you worry or fear. I really have not fulfilled the promise I made at the beginning."

Jiang Ying didn't speak, but hugged the boy firmly.

After a moment of silence, Wei Tu continued.

"But there is no way...it happens every time, so how can we do it? So we still have to be self-willed once, for...it's all about us, please believe me, Senior Sister."

Tears seemed to fall all over the boy's back.

But Wei Tu knew that this was the time when he should not soften his heart.

He knew very well why he couldn't leave.

All these changes did not occur in the previous life, but happened to happen this time, and the explanation was caused by myself.Since it was caused by me, wouldn't the current evasion lead to disasters that would harm me in the future?

It will definitely be, and maybe it will be more difficult to deal with or even overwhelmed in the future.

Wei Tu's character doesn't allow such a thing to happen, it's best to kill him in the cradle.

So there is no way to retreat, anyone can escape, even he asked these girls to leave, but he will not escape.

It took Jiang Ying a long time before she took the initiative to loosen Wei Tu's back.

She looked at the handsome young man in front of her, and tried hard to smile, but it seemed uglier than crying.

"Well... I know all about it. So the younger brother must come back safely. If the younger brother doesn't come back, no matter what happens, I will go to you."

Wei Tu nodded with a smile.

"it is good."

They will die for themselves, and they will live to die for them.

It turns out that the responsibility is so heavy... But it doesn't matter, I am willing to bear it...

After leaving Lianjianping, Wei Tu sat quietly in his room all night, but he didn't sleep.

Until the sky appears bright, it seems that a new day has arrived, and everything is as it was before.

Those who should practice swords, those who should be busy, those who should be on duty, those who should be on duty, and those who should go to class...

There is no difference.

And early in the morning, Yao Xiang, Helian Yehu and others, accompanied by several elders and Ran Xinxue, seemed to be wandering around the entire mountain gate.

It's just that some people can't hold back their temper at this time.

"Hey, Xia Lei, let me say...the Master and Guanzhu are not here...do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Seeing Qiu Heng's expression, Xia Lei immediately realized something, and said with a smile.

"It's only been one night and you're restless?"

Qiu Hen scratched his head and scratched his head, "Hey, haven't you come to Yuan Jianzong? In comparison, those senior sisters and senior sisters in our sect... Let's not talk about it, I feel that my virginity is for nothing, that's too weird What a loss!"

Xia Lei laughed loudly, and then said with some embarrassment, "But this is not Fulongguan, nor is it a brothel... It is not so easy to have some fun, right?"

Qiu Heng immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Don't worry about this...it's more like a carrot than a stick. Besides, Yuan Jianzong has a request for us now. In Yuan Jianzong, our master will definitely not embarrass us. As long as we don't If something big happens...even if it happens, so what? At most, I'll face the wall after I go back, and I'm afraid of being scared, but the girls here don't leave the imprint of our two brothers, so I don't know when they will have a chance~"

Xia Lei can usually be regarded as his duty, but... also knows the nature of this senior, which of the more beautiful senior sisters in Fulong Temple has not been harmed by him?Of course, he is also a little jealous, and the current situation is like a sea and sky, since it is not his own sect, and he still has to ask for Fulongguan... It seems that these conditions constitute a reason for indulgence.

Qiu Heng leaned over and hugged Xia Lei's shoulder intimately.

"Hey...you're not a good boy, right?"

Qin Shuangshuang was very unhappy today because she was bored.

It was a pretty good day, at least it didn't rain, she wanted to take Su Mi to step on the snow, build a snowman or something... because she thought it would be fun.

Although that boy must have done all these things, Qin Shuangshuang believed that the girl would still be willing to accompany him.

But it never occurred to him that since this morning, Su Mi fell asleep like a dead pig, refusing to wake up no matter what.

Qin Shuangshuang, who had no other choice, suddenly felt in a bad mood, and wanted to go to the Yaowang Pavilion to find the boy and see what happened to the girl.

By the way... scold him again, let him know the seriousness of his messing around!

Qin Shuangshuang descended from Xuejian Peak with strong anger.

Just came down the mountain, but two strange men came to meet him. They seemed to be dressed differently from Yuan Jianzong's disciples.

Perhaps a disciple of Fulong Temple?A lot of people have come here recently... but it has nothing to do with me.

Thinking so, Qin Shuangshuang prepared to walk past calmly.

But the two suddenly separated.

It seemed that Qin Shuangshuang could only pass through the middle. She felt that something was wrong, so she subconsciously stopped.

But he didn't think that these two people didn't seem to see her, one left and one right, this was not enough.


This time, Qin Shuangshuang felt that her shoulder was hit very painfully.

She staggered a bit, before she had time to speak, her right hand flew away.



This force directly caused the girl whose center of gravity was unstable to stagger and collapse on the ground.

She propped herself up angrily and raised her head, wanting to yell as usual.

But the two people who hit him immediately came to him, and one of them stretched out a finger.

Poke directly on his temple.

Qin Shuangshuang suddenly felt dizzy.

She couldn't even make a sound, and in the end she only had time to see two obscenely smiling faces.

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